tl;dr Development on Gravity Garden is done. Players are not interested and I can't seem to craft anything fun from my prototypes. A great learning experience...
Howdy folks. I see a lot of people have downloaded Gravity Garden over the last few days. I hope everyone can have a little fun in there and maybe take your min...
Hello Gardeners. Alpha 12 is ready for planting. I'm working towards a player progression system. The first steps for this are in place with a new look and layo...
Hello gardeners. A new version of Gravity Garden is ready for planting. New Terrain System I liked the larger home island from the last alpha. Having that big...
Just like a real-life garden, Gravity Garden has been quiet all winter. But also like a real garden there is plenty of life and activity beneath the soil. Alph...
Hello Gardeners. I've posted a new build of Gravity Garden, Alpha 9. Just a few changes since Alpha 8: New Cloud system. Clouds now drift about and occasionall...
Gravity Garden sprouts to life. The garden's been dormant while I focused on other obligations, but we're back on track and diggin in the virtual dirt. No ne...
If you've been following Gravity Garden, I'm sure you've noticed the lack of updates this year. I had to push the project onto a back burner while I helped deal...