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Dokku Release 0.33.0

Dokku 0.33.0 comes with a ton of great features and improvements for the future. Here is a summary of what is new in 0.33.x.

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Dokku Release 0.31.0

The latest feature-packed release of Dokku has arrived. Here is a summary of what is new in 0.31.x.

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Dokku Release 0.30.0

The first minor release of the year is here! Here is a summary of what is new in 0.30.x.

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Dokku Release 0.29.0

The last minor release of the year is here! Here is a summary of what is new in 0.29.x.

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Dokku 0.28.x Wrapup

It's wrapup time! This post covers the important changes that occurred throughout the lifetime of the 0.28.x series.

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Release 1.2.0

The 1.2.0 release introduces team-based access control and many internal refactors aimed at easing future development of the product.

Dokku has traditionally been a single-tenant PaaS solution, where all users had access to all functionality on the server. While there were community plugins that tackled authentication, each implementation had it's rough edges due to interfaces in Dokku itself. Dokku Pro 1.2.0 polishes those edges while introducing a flexible permission system for organizations that need it.

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Dokku 0.27.x Wrapup

Dokku version 0.27.0 was released a few months ago. This post covers the important changes that occurred throughout the lifetime of the 0.27.x series. A future post will cover the 0.28.0 release.

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Release 1.1.0

The 1.1.0 release is the first substantive update to Dokku Pro, and it brings with it great changes around usability and functionality.

Dokku Pro was released in late 2021 to early bird users willing to deal with a bit of pain in exchange for supporting the project and vision. While it technically worked, there were quite a few places for easy improvement, as well as obvious holes in the existing functionality. Dokku Pro 1.1.0 aims to fill some of those needs, laying the groundwork for future enhancements

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Dokku Release 0.28.0

It's been a little over two weeks since our 0.28.x release landed. Here is a summary of what new stuff is in 0.28.x.

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Dokku Release 0.26.0

It's been a little over two weeks since our 0.26.x release landed. Here is a summary of what features were added during the 0.25.x release and new stuff in 0.26.x.

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Dokku Release 0.25.0

With the 0.25.x release of Dokku a few weeks ago, a folks may have questions as to why they would want to upgrade and how it would impact their workflows. We've cherry-picked a few more important changes, but feel free to go through the release notes for more information.

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Dokku Release 0.24.0

Dokku version 0.24.0 was released earlier this week with a few new features that some power users may find useful. We'll go over major changes below.

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Dokku 0.23.x Wrapup

Dokku version 0.24.0 was released earlier this week. This post covers the major changes that occurred throughout the lifetime of the 0.23.x series. A future post will cover the 0.24.0 release.

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Dokku Release 0.23.0

Dokku version 0.23.0 was released this weekend with quite a few major improvements for many common workflows. We'll go over major changes below.

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Dokku's Roaring 0.20s

It's been a few months since the last release post, so we'll summarize whats been going on in Dokku Land in 2020.

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Comparing Cloud Native Buildpacks to Herokuish

An upcoming piece of technology in the container space is Cloud Native Buildpacks (CNB). This is an initiative led by Pivotal and Heroku and contributed to by a wide range of community members, and one that the Dokku project has been following fairly closely. CNB builds upon the buildpack "standard" initially developed at Heroku, modified at Pivotal for Cloud Foundry, and used/abused by the gliderlabs/herokuish project. This post goes over a small amount of history, compares buildpack implementations across vendors, and talks about the future of buildpacks as they relate to Dokku.

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Dokku Release 0.20.0

Dokku version 0.20.0 - and a few follow-on bugfixes - was released this week with quite a few major improvements, mostly to proxying and networking. We'll go over major changes below.

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The Dokku Experience

Dokku has historically had no way to introspect on the state of an installation. At one point in its history, we included a "backup" feature, which allowed users to export - and maybe import - configuration and data. The challenge is in exposing this information in an easily parseable manner.

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Resource Management in Dokku

Every so often, user's ask if it's possible to use Dokku as the basis of a system where each user in Dokku would have access to only their applications. Because of various reasons, this isn't possible out of the box, though it's certainly within the realm of possibility.

There are two requirements for such a system, one of which we'll cover here.

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Welcome to Dokku!

Hi all! The dokku maintainers finally decided it was a good idea to have a blog to post thoughts on the development, evolution, and roadmap of Dokku. Our goal with these posts is to help inform you - dokku users and developers - as to where dokku is headed both internally and externally.

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