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School Nutrition Programs

The National School Lunch Program (NSLP) federal assistance program operating in public and nonprofit private schools and residential child care institutions. Participating schools provide nutritionally balanced, low-cost or free lunches to children during the school day. Schools receive cash reimbursement and domestic commodity foods.

School Breakfast Program (SBP) provides cash reimbursement to schools for meals served, much the same as the School Lunch Program. Children eligible to receive a lunch at free or reduced price are also eligible to receive breakfast at the same rate.

The Special Milk Program was established to encourage consumption of fluid milk by children in the United States in:

  • Nonprofit schools of high school grade and under, which do not participate in National School Lunch, School Breakfast, or Summer Food Service Program; schools with split-session kindergarten programs, in which children do not have access to meal service can participate in the Special Milk Program
  • Nonprofit nursery schools, child care centers, settlement houses, summer camps, and similar nonprofit institutions devoted to the care and training of children, which do not participate in a meal service program

Application and Claim Information

Applications and claims for the School Nutrition Programs National School Lunch Program (NSLP), School Breakfast Program (SBP), and Special Milk program (SMP) are submitted and approved through a web-based application called iCAN. You can find the link to access iCAN, a user ID request form, and a user manual for iCAN below. If you have a current application with the Child and Adult Nutrition Services office, you should have access to this site already. If you need access to the iCAN system or need to change your access in iCAN, please complete an iCAN User ID Request Form. To apply for a School Nutrition Program (NSLP, SBP, or SMP) for the first time, you must contact Child and Adult Nutrition Services at (605) 773-3413 to request access to the web-site and submit additional information to ensure eligibility for the program. If you have any issues, please contact the CANS office at the same number.

Application and Claim Information

Annual application materials are located in your iCAN SNP Application under "Download Forms"

School Meal Programs Resources
Afterschool Snacks National School Lunch / Breakfast Programs (NSLP/SBP) Seamless Summer Option (SSO) Special Milk Program
  1. Nonpricing Program: a program which does not sell milk to children. This shall include any such program in which children are normally provided milk, along with food and other services, in a school or child-care institution financed by a tuition, boarding, camping or other fee, or by private donations or endowments. All children receive milk at no cost to the child. The agency claims the general rate of reimbursement for each 1/2 pint of milk served to children.
  2. Pricing program: a program which sells milk to children. This shall include any such program in which maximum use is made of Program reimbursement payments in lowering, or reducing to zero, wherever possible, the price per half pint which children would normally pay for milk. The local agency establishes the price for the milk.
    • Option 1: the agency serves milk to all children at the same price. All children are charged for milk; no benefits for those that qualify for free milk. The agency claims the general rate of reimbursement for each 1/2 pint of milk served to children.
    • Option 2: the agency serves milk free to children eligible to receive free milk and charges the agency's established rate to other children. The agency claims the general rate of reimbursement for each 1/2 pint of milk served to children who do not qualify, and the average cost of a 1/2 pint of milk for children who are eligible for free milk.

  3. This program is available for students enrolled in accredited schools which do not offer a federal school meal program or half day preschool/kindergarten program that do not participate in a federal school meal program. It is also open to preschool programs and summer camps.
School Meal Programs Requirements

Community Eligibility Provision is an opportunity for schools with high percentages of low-income children to provide free breakfast and lunch to all students. This provision increases participation by children in the school meal programs, reduces labor costs for schools, and increases federal revenues. In short, it allows for a healthier student body and a healthier school meal budget.

Only school sites that offer both School Breakfast and School Lunch can participate in Community Eligibility. Reimbursement rates are based on only directly certified students and not a household application.

Additional information is also on the USDA website.

COMMUNITY ELIGIBILITY PROVISION: Food Safety Meal Modification Nonprogram Foods Paid Lunch Equity Professional Standards Smart Snacks Unpaid Meal Charge Policy Wellness Policy

For more information, contact the SD Department of Education, Child and Adult Nutrition Services at 605-773-3413, or [email protected].