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Alpha Lab

This is a place for tinkering. We build prototypes to test out novel ideas and connect our existing tools with cutting edge tech.

More about Alpha Lab

All Categories Coordinate SystemsGaze MappingReference Image MapperReal-Time ApplicationsOther

IMU Transformations

Transform IMU data into different representations and coordinate systems with these code snippets.

Coordinate Systems

Map Gaze Into a User-Supplied 3D Model

Map gaze, head pose, and observer position into a 3D coordinate system of your choice using our Tag Aligner tool.

Gaze Mapping

Map Gaze Onto Website AOIs

Define areas of interest on a website and map gaze onto them using our Web-AOI tool.

Gaze Mapping

Map Gaze Onto Facial Landmarks

Map gaze onto facial landmarks using Pupil Cloud’s Face Mapper exported data.

Gaze Mapping

Automate AOI Masking in Pupil Cloud

Extend the capabilities of Pupil Cloud’s AOI tool by automatically segmenting and drawing masks using natural language.

Reference Image Mapper

Build an AI Vision Assistant

Experiment with assistive scene understanding applications using GPT-4V (an extension of GPT4 that can interpret images) and Pupil Labs eye tracking.

Real-Time Applications

Detect Eye Blinks With Neon

Apply Pupil Labs blink detection algorithm to Neon recordings programmatically, offline or in real-time using Pupil Labs real-time Python API.

Real-Time Applications

Build Gaze-Contingent Assistive Applications

Build your very own gaze-contingent assistive applications (such as a gaze-controlled input device) using Neon eye tracking and our real-time screen gaze package.

Real-Time Applications

Map Gaze Onto a 3D Model of an Environment

Map gaze onto a 3D model of an environment and visualise gaze patterns as 3D heatmaps using Pupil Cloud's Reference Image Mapper and Nerfstudio.

Gaze Mapping

Uncover Gaze Behaviour on Phones

Capture and analyze users' viewing behaviour when focusing on small icons and features of mobile applications using Neon eye tracking alongside existing Cloud and Alpha Lab tools.

Reference Image Mapper

Generate Scanpath Visualisations

Generate both static and dynamic scanpath visualisations using exported data from Pupil Cloud's Reference Image Mapper or Manual Mapper.

Gaze Mapping

Map Gaze Throughout an Entire Room

Use Pupil Cloud's Reference Image Mapper to Map gaze onto multiple areas of an entire room as participants freely navigate around it.

Reference Image Mapper

Map Gaze Onto Body Parts

Map gaze behaviour on body parts that appear in the scene video of Neon or Pupil Invisible eye tracking footage.

Gaze Mapping

Map Gaze Onto Dynamic Screen Content

Map and visualise gaze onto a screen with dynamic content, e.g. a video, web browsing, or other, using Pupil Cloud's Reference Image Mapper and screen recording software.

Gaze Mapping

Use Neon with Pupil Capture

Use your Neon module as if you were using Pupil Core. Connect it to a laptop, and record using Pupil Capture.


Undistort Video and Gaze Data

Learn how to undistort the scene camera distortions and apply it to gaze positions.

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