The Symitri Data Activation Platform (DAP) is a privacy-first system that protects end-user privacy by only allowing them to be targeted as part of a larger cohort. Symitri DAP Real time data Provider automatically invokes the DAP APIs and submit audience segments and the Secure Ad ID(SAID) to the bid-stream. SAID is a JWT/JWE which carries with it the cohorts and only a side-car or trusted server in the demand-side platform is allowed to see its contents.
Build the symitriDapRTD module into the Prebid.js package with:
gulp build --modules=symitriDapRtdProvider,...
Use setConfig
to instruct Prebid.js to initilaize the symitriDapRtdProvider module, as specified below.
realTimeData: {
auctionDelay: 2000,
dataProviders: [
name: "symitriDap",
waitForIt: true,
params: {
apiHostname: '<see your Symitri account rep>',
apiVersion: "x1",
apiAuthToken: '<see your Symitri account rep>',
domain: '',
identityType: 'simpleid'|'compositeid'|'hashedid'|'dap-signature:1.0.0',
identityValue: '<user identifier>',
segtax: 708,
dapEntropyUrl: '',
dapEntropyTimeout: 1500,
pixelUrl: '<see your Symitri account rep>',
Please reach out to your Symitri account representative([email protected]) to get provisioned on the DAP platform.
Config Syntax details:
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
name | String | Symitri Dap Rtd module name | ‘symitriDap’ always |
waitForIt | Boolean | Required to ensure that the auction is delayed until prefetch is complete | Optional. Defaults to false |
apiHostname | String | Hostname provided by Symitri | Please reach out to your Symitri account representative([email protected]) for this value |
apiVersion | String | This holds the API version | It should be “x1” always |
apiAuthToken | String | Symitri API AuthToken | Please reach out to your Symitri account representative([email protected]) for this value |
domain | String | The domain name of your webpage | |
identityType | String | ‘simpleid’ or ‘compositeid’ or ‘hashedid’ or ‘dap-signature:1.0.0’ | See the section below labelled “identityType” for more details. |
identityValue | String | This is optional field to pass user hid. Will be used only if identityType is hid | |
segtax | Integer | The taxonomy for Symitri | The value should be 708 |
dapEntropyUrl | String | URL to dap entropy script | Optional if the script is directly included on the webpage. Contact your Symitri account rep for more details |
dapEntropyTimeout | Integer | Maximum time allotted for the entropy calculation to happen | |
pixelUrl | String | Pixel URL provided by Symitri which will be triggered when bid matching with Symitri dealid wins and creative gets rendered |
Use ‘simpleid’ to pass email or other plain text ids and SymitriRTD Module will hash it.
Use ‘hashedid’ to pass in single already hashed id.
Use ‘compositeid’ to pass in multiple identifiers as key-value pairs as shown below:
"identityType1": "identityValue1",
"identityType2": "identityValue2",
To view an example of available segments returned by dap:
gulp serve --modules=rtdModule,symitriDapRtdProvider,appnexusBidAdapter,sovrnBidAdapter
and then point your browser at: “http://localhost:9999/integrationExamples/gpt/symitridap_segments_example.html”