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  • Introduction
  • API Libraries
  • Third Party Libraries
  • Clients and API Keys
  • OAuth
  • Errors
  • APIv2: OAuth
  • APIv2: Resource Endpoints
  • APIv2: Webhook Endpoints
  • APIv2: Resources
  • Resources
  • API Endpoints
  • More Data, Paging, and Sorting
  • Webhooks
  • External Services
  • FAQs
  • Introduction

    Welcome to the Patreon API!

    Get familiar with the Patreon API and tools using the tutorials and references below.

    Want more than a reference? For a broader overview and use cases, check our our developer portal.

    Make these docs better

    If you find any errors in our docs, we'd love to have you tell us! Submit an issue or a pull request github repo and we'll get them fixed up.

    API Libraries

    We've written some open source libraries to help you use our platform services. Our API follows the JSON:API spec which is pretty complex and these libraries make it a bit easier to work with.


    Get the package from PyPI, typically via pip:


    pip install patreon


    echo "patreon" >> requirements.txt
    pip install -r requirements.txt

    Make sure that, however you install patreon, you install its dependencies as well

    View the source on github


    Available on npm


    npm install --save patreon

    View the source on github


    Get the gem from RubyGems


    gem install patreon

    View the source on github


    Available on packagist


    composer require patreon/patreon

    View the source on github



    Get the artifact from


    View the source on github

    Third Party Libraries

    There are a number of third party libraries that the developer community has created.


    View the source on github


    Patreon is available as an OAuth backend in django-allauth.


    Patreon is available as an OAuth backend in python-social-auth.

    Clients and API Keys

    In order to authenticate with OAuth and interact with the Patreon API, you'll have to register your Client(s). This involves signing up on and making a creator account.

    Once you've registered a Client you'll have access to a:


    Patreon has an OAuth provider service — the technology that lets you log in to Medium with Twitter, log in to Disqus with Google , and even login to Patreon with Facebook.

    Below, you’ll find steps explaining how to begin integrating with us. It assumes understanding in HTTP protocol and OAuth, and that you have administrative access & developer control of the server that you wish to integrate with Patreon.

    All API calls must be made via HTTPS.

    Step 1 - Registering Your Client

    To set up OAuth, you will need to register your client application on the Clients & API Keys page.

    Step 2 - Making the Log In Button

    Request [2]

        &client_id=<your client id>
        &redirect_uri=<one of your redirect_uris that you provided in step 1>
        &scope=<optional list of requested scopes>
        &state=<optional string>

    Once your client is registered, you should create a “Log in with Patreon” and/or “Link your Patreon account” button on your site which directs users to the following URL:

    HTTPS Request


    Query Parameters

    Parameter Description
    response_type Required OAuth grant type. Set this to code.
    client_id Required Your client id
    redirect_uri Required One of your redirect_uris that you provided in step 1
    scope This optional parameter will default to users pledges-to-me my-campaign, which fetches user profile information, pledges to your creator, and your creator info. It will be displayed to the user in human-friendly terms when signing in with Patreon. If your client requires the ability to ask for pledges or campaign data of other users (not just your own campaign), please contact us in the developers forum.
    state This optional parameter will be transparently appended as a query parameter when redirecting to your redirect_uri. This should be used as CSRF, and can be used as session/user identification as well. E.g. On this page, users will be asked if they wish to grant your client access to their account info. When they grant or deny access, they will be redirected to the provided redirect_uri (so long as it is pre-registered with us).

    Step 3 - Handling OAuth Redirect

    Request [3]

        ?code=<single use code>

    When the link in Step 2 redirects to the provided redirect_uri, e.g., it will bring extra HTTPS query parameters as follows (assuming the user granted your client access):

    Query Parameters

    Parameter Description
    code Used to fetch access tokens for the session that just signed in with Patreon.
    state Transparently appended from the state param you provided in your initial link in Step 2.

    Step 4 - Validating Receipt of the OAuth Token

    Request [4]

    code=<single use code, as passed in to GET route [2]>
    &client_id=<your client id>
    &client_secret=<your client secret>

    Make sure to also include this header: Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded

    Your server should handle GET requests in Step 3 by performing the following request on the server (not as a redirect):

    which will return a JSON response of:

        "access_token": <single use token>,
        "refresh_token": <single use token>,
        "expires_in": <token lifetime duration>,
        "scope": <token scopes>,
        "token_type": "Bearer"

    to be stored on your server, one pair per user.

    Step 5 - Using the OAuth Token

    You may use the received access_token to make API calls. For example, a typical first usage of the new access_token would be to fetch the user's profile info, and either merge that into their existing account on your site, or make a new account for them. You could then use their pledge level to show or hide certain parts of your site.

    Step 6 - Resolving the OAuth Redirect

    To reiterate, requests [4] and [5] should be performed by your server (synchronously or asynchronously) in response to receiving the GET request in request [3].

    Once your calls are complete, you will have the user’s profile info and pledge level for your creator.

    If requests [4] and [5] were performed synchronously, then you can return a HTTPS 302 for their GET in request [3], redirecting to a page with appropriate success dialogs & profile information. If the requests in requests [4] and [5] are being performed asynchronously, your response to request [3] should probably contain AJAX code that will notify the user once requests [4] and [5] are completed.

    Step 7 - Keeping up to date

    use Patreon\API;
    use Patreon\OAuth;
    // Get your current "Creator's Access Token" from
    $access_token = null;
    // Get your "Creator's Refesh Token" from
    $refresh_token = null;
    $api_client = new Patreon\API($access_token);
    // If the token doesn't work, get a newer one
    if ($campaign_response['errors']) {
        // Make an OAuth client
        // Get your Client ID and Secret from
        $client_id = null;
        $client_secret = null;
        $oauth_client = new Patreon\OAuth($client_id, $client_secret);
        // Get a fresher access token
        $tokens = $oauth_client->refresh_token($refresh_token, null);
        if ($tokens['access_token']) {
            $access_token = $tokens['access_token'];
            echo "Got a new access_token! Please overwrite the old one in this script with: " . $access_token . " and try again.";
        } else {
            echo "Can't recover from access failure\n";

    Request [7]

        &refresh_token=<the user‘s refresh_token>
        &client_id=<your client id>
        &client_secret=<your client secret>

    which will return a JSON response of:

        "access_token": <single use token>,
        "refresh_token": <single use token>,
        "expires_in": <token lifetime duration>,
        "scope": <token scopes>,
        "token_type": "Bearer"

    and you should store this information just as before.

    Tokens are valid for up to one month after they are issued. During this period, you may refresh a user’s information using the API calls from step 4. If you wish to get up-to-date information after the token has expired, a new token may be issued to be used for the following month. To refresh a token, make a POST request to the token endpoint with a grant type of refresh_token, as in the example. You may also manually refresh the token on the appropriate client in your clients page.


    The Patreon API uses the following error codes:

    Error Code Meaning
    400 Bad Request -- Something was wrong with your request (syntax, size too large, etc.)
    401 Unauthorized -- Authentication failed (bad API key, invalid OAuth token, incorrect scopes, etc.)
    403 Forbidden -- The requested is hidden for administrators only.
    404 Not Found -- The specified resource could not be found.
    405 Method Not Allowed -- You tried to access a resource with an invalid method.
    406 Not Acceptable -- You requested a format that isn't json.
    410 Gone -- The resource requested has been removed from our servers.
    429 Too Many Requests -- Slow down!
    500 Internal Server Error -- Our server ran into a problem while processing this request. Please try again later.
    503 Service Unavailable -- We're temporarily offline for maintenance. Please try again later.

    APIv2: OAuth

    What's new?

    At a high level, the main differences between APIv1 and APIv2 are:

    1. The Pledges resource has been replaced by the Members resource. Members return more data about the relationship between a patron and a creator, including charge status and membership lifetime.
    2. All data attributes and relationships must be explicitly requested with the fields and include query params. In v1, the server would return certain attributes and relationships by default. Now, in v2, no data other than type and id will be returned for a resource unless it is requested.
    3. The scopes have been improved. We have reworked what scopes are available in the API to provide better access for developers and better security for our users.
    4. Developers can now create webhooks on campaigns on behalf of the creator, so your application can get real-time updates about a creator's campaign.

    What stays the same?

    1. Getting access to a Patreon user’s account via OAuth works much the same. Just make sure to request all required scopes.
    2. The client creator’s access token will automatically have all V2 scopes associated with it.
    3. We will not be deprecating APIv1 in the next year at least.

    Note to those with V1 tokens:

    You will be able to request tokens with any set of APIv2 scopes from your existing APIv1 client. If you choose to create an APIv2-specific client in the developer portal, that client will only be able to request V2 scopes.


    Scope Description
    identity Provides read access to data about the user. See the /identity endpoint documentation for details about what data is available.
    identity[email] Provides read access to the user’s email.
    identity.memberships Provides read access to the user’s memberships.
    campaigns Provides read access to basic campaign data. See the /campaign endpoint documentation for details about what data is available.
    w:campaigns.webhook Provides read, write, update, and delete access to the campaign’s webhooks created by the client.
    campaigns.members Provides read access to data about a campaign’s members. See the /members endpoint documentation for details about what data is available. Also allows the same information to be sent via webhooks created by your client.
    campaigns.members[email] Provides read access to the member’s email. Also allows the same information to be sent via webhooks created by your client.
    campaigns.members.address Provides read access to the member’s address, if an address was collected in the pledge flow. Also allows the same information to be sent via webhooks created by your client.
    campaigns.posts Provides read access to the posts on a campaign.

    Using APIv2 with APIv1

    During the transitionary period, when APIv1 and APIv2 are both available, it is possible to make requests against APIv1 endpoints with APIv2 clients and tokens. APIv2 has more controls around private information, so a fuller set of APIv2 scopes is needed to access V1 resources.

    V1 Scope V2 Scopes Required
    campaigns campaigns
    my-campaign campaigns
    pledges campaigns.members, campaigns.members[email], campaigns.members.address
    pledges-to-me identity.memberships
    users identity, identity[email]

    APIv2: Resource Endpoints

    With APIv2, all properties must be individually requested; there are no more default properties on resources. This is done by including the desired proprties in the fields parameter i.e.: fields[address]=addressee,city

    GET /api/oauth2/v2/identity

    Fetches the User resource.

    Top-level includes: memberships, campaign.

    This is the endpoint for accessing information about the current User with reference to the oauth token. With the basic scope of identity, you will receive the user’s public profile information. If you have the identity[email] scope, you will also get the user’s email address. You will not receive email address without that scope.

    Fields for each include must be explicitly requested i.e. fields[campaign]=summary,is_monthly&fields[user]=full_name,email but url encode the brackets i.e.fields[campaign]=summary,is_monthly&fields[user]=full_name,email

    // Sample response with email scope for (url decoded)[user]=about,created,email,first_name,full_name,image_url,last_name,social_connections,thumb_url,url,vanity
        "data": {
            "attributes": {
                "email": "[email protected]",
                "full_name": "Platform Team"
            "id": "id",
            "relationships": {
                "campaign": {
                    "data": {
                        "id": "id",
                        "type": "campaign"
                    "links": {
                        "related": ""
            "type": "user"
        "included": [
                "attributes": {
                    "is_monthly": true,
                    "summary": "Hi There"
                "id": "id",
                "type": "campaign"
        "links": {
            "self": ""

    You can request related data through includes, ie, /api/oauth2/v2/identity?include=memberships and /api/oauth2/v2/identity?include=campaign.

    GET /api/oauth2/v2/campaigns

    Requires the campaigns scope. Returns a list of Campaigns owned by the authorized user.

    Top-level includes: tiers, creator, benefits, goals.

    Fields for each include must be explicitly requested i.e. fields[tier]=currently_entitled_tiers but url encode the brackets i.e.fields[tier]=currently_entitled_tiers

    //Sample response for (url decoded)[campaign]=created_at,creation_name,discord_server_id,image_small_url,image_url,is_charged_immediately,is_monthly,is_nsfw,main_video_embed,main_video_url,one_liner,one_liner,patron_count,pay_per_name,pledge_url,published_at,summary,thanks_embed,thanks_msg,thanks_video_url,has_rss,has_sent_rss_notify,rss_feed_title,rss_artwork_url,patron_count,discord_server_id,google_analytics_id
        "data": [
                "attributes": {
                    "created_at": "2018-05-04T23:34:08 00:00",
                    "creation_name": "online communities",
                    "discord_server_id": "1234567890",
                    "google_analytics_id": "1234567890",
                    "has_rss": true,
                    "has_sent_rss_notify": true,
                    "image_small_url": "https://example.url",
                    "image_url": "https://example.url",
                    "is_charged_immediately": false,
                    "is_monthly": false,
                    "is_nsfw": false,
                    "main_video_embed": null,
                    "main_video_url": "https://example.url",
                    "one_liner": null,
                    "patron_count": 2,
                    "pay_per_name": "creation",
                    "pledge_url": "/bePatron?c=1234560",
                    "published_at": "2018-05-09T17:12:01 00:00",
                    "rss_artwork_url": "https://example.url",
                    "rss_feed_title": "My custom feed",
                    "summary": "Putting the internet to work for creators.",
                    "thanks_embed": null,
                    "thanks_msg": null,
                    "thanks_video_url": null
                "id": "1234560",
                "type": "campaign"
        "meta": {
            "pagination": {
                "total": 1

    GET /api/oauth2/v2/campaigns/{campaign_id}

    Requires the campaigns scope. The single resource endpoint returns information about a single Campaign, fetched by campaign ID.

    Top-level includes: tiers, creator, benefits, goals.

    Fields for each include must be explicitly requested i.e. fields[campaign]=created_at,creation_name but url encode the brackets i.e.fields[campaign]=created_at,creation_name

    //Sample response for (url decoded){campaign_id}?fields[campaign]=created_at,creation_name,discord_server_id,image_small_url,image_url,is_charged_immediately,is_monthly,main_video_embed,main_video_url,one_liner,one_liner,patron_count,pay_per_name,pledge_url,published_at,summary,thanks_embed,thanks_msg,thanks_video_url
                "attributes": {
                    "created_at": "2018-04-01T15:27:11 00:00",
                    "creation_name": "online communities",
                    "discord_server_id": "1234567890",
                    "image_small_url": "https://example.url",
                    "image_url": "https://example.url",
                    "is_charged_immediately": false,
                    "is_monthly": true,
                    "main_video_embed": null,
                    "main_video_url": null,
                    "one_liner": null,
                    "patron_count": 1000,
                    "pay_per_name": "month",
                    "pledge_url": "/bePatron?c=12345",
                    "published_at": "2018-04-01T18:15:34 00:00",
                    "summary": "The most creator-first API",
                    "thanks_embed": "",
                    "thanks_msg": null,
                    "thanks_video_url": null,
               "id": "12345",
               "type": "campaign"

    GET /api/oauth2/v2/campaigns/{campaign_id}/members

    Gets the Members for a given Campaign. Requires the campaigns.members scope.

    Top-level includes: address (requires campaigns.members.address scope), campaign, currently_entitled_tiers, user.

    Fields for each include must be explicitly requested i.e. fields[tier]=currently_entitled_tiers but url encode the brackets i.e.fields[tier]=currently_entitled_tiers

    We recommend using currently_entitled_tiers to see exactly what a Member is entitled to, either as an include on the members list or on the member get.

    Returns from this endpoint have 1000 results in one page. If pledge events are requested in includes, it has 500 results in one page. Do make sure to paginate your results by using next pagination cursor and cycle until there is no next page cursor in the API return.

    // Sample response for (url decoded){campaign_id}/members?include=currently_entitled_tiers,address&fields[member]=full_name,is_follower,last_charge_date,last_charge_status,lifetime_support_cents,currently_entitled_amount_cents,patron_status&fields[tier]=amount_cents,created_at,description,discord_role_ids,edited_at,patron_count,published,published_at,requires_shipping,title,url&fields[address]=addressee,city,line_1,line_2,phone_number,postal_code,state
        "data": [
                "attributes": {
                    "full_name": "Platform Team",
                    "is_follower": false,
                    "last_charge_date": "2018-04-01T21:28:06 00:00",
                    "last_charge_status": "Paid",
                    "lifetime_support_cents": 400,
                    "currently_entitled_amount_cents": 400,
                    "patron_status": "active_patron",
               "id": "03ca69c3-ebea-4b9a-8fac-e4a837873254",
               "relationships": {
                    "address": {
                        "data": {
                            "id": "12345",
                            "type": "address"
                    "currently_entitled_tiers": {
                        "data": [{
                            "id": "54321",
                            "type": "tier",
               "type": "member",
            ...other members...,
        "included": [
                "attributes": {
                    "addressee": "Platform Team",
                    "city": "San Francisco",
                    "country": "US",
                    "created_at": "2018-06-03T16:23:38 00:00",
                    "line_1": "555 Main St",
                    "line_2": "",
                    "phone_number": null,
                    "postal_code": "94103",
                    "state": "CA"
                "id": "12345",
                "type": "address"
            "attributes": {
                "amount_cents": 100,
                "created_at": "2018-04-01T04:15:41.403645 00:00",
                "description": "A tier",
                "discord_role_ids": ["1234567890"],
                "edited_at": "2018-04-01T02:55:36.963334 00:00",
                "patron_count": 32,
                "published": true,
                "published_at": "2018-04-01T02:55:36.938342 00:00",
                "requires_shipping": false,
                "title": "Patron",
                "url": "/bePatron?c=1231345&rid=54512321",
            "id": "54321",
            "type": "tier",
        "meta": {
            "pagination": {
                "cursors": {
                    "next": "12345678ab1231cdefg"
                "total": 100

    GET /api/oauth2/v2/members/{id}

    Get a particular member by id. Requires the campaigns.members scope.

    Top-level includes: address (requires campaign.members.address scope), campaign, currently_entitled_tiers, user.

    Fields for each include must be explicitly requested i.e. fields[address]=line_1,city but url encode the brackets i.e.fields[address]=line_1,city

    We recommend using currently_entitled_tiers to see exactly what a member is entitled to, either as an include on the members list or on the member get.

    // Sample response for (url decoded){member_id}?fields[address]=line_1,line_2,addressee,postal_code,city&fields[member]=full_name,is_follower,last_charge_date&include=address,user
        "data": {
            "attributes": {
                "full_name": "first last",
                "is_follower": false,
                "last_charge_date": "2020-10-01T11:18:36.000 00:00"
            "id": "123-456-789",
            "relationships": {
                "address": {
                    "data": {
                        "id": "123",
                        "type": "address"
                    "links": {
                        "related": ""
                "user": {
                    "data": {
                        "id": "123",
                        "type": "user"
                    "links": {
                        "related": ""
            "type": "member"
        "included": [
                "attributes": {
                    "addressee": "123",
                    "city": "city",
                    "line_1": "line 1",
                    "line_2": "Apt. 101",
                    "postal_code": "123"
                "id": "123",
                "type": "address"
                "attributes": {},
                "id": "123",
                "type": "user"
        "links": {
            "self": ""

    GET /api/oauth2/v2/campaigns/{campaign_id}/posts

    Get a list of all the Posts on a given Campaign by campaign ID. Requires the campaigns.posts scope.

    GET /api/oauth2/v2/posts/{id}

    Get a particular Post by ID. Requires the campaigns.posts scope.

    APIv2: Webhook Endpoints

    GET /api/oauth2/v2/webhooks

    Get the Webhooks for the current user's Campaign created by the API client. You will only be able to see webhooks created by your client. Requires the w:campaigns.webhook scope.

    Top-level includes: client, campaign.

    // Sample response[webhook]=last_attempted_at,num_consecutive_times_failed,paused,secret,triggers,uri
        "data": [
                "attributes": {
                    "last_attempted_at": "2018-04-01T20:09:18 00:00",
                    "num_consecutive_times_failed": 0,
                    "paused": false,
                    "secret": "hereisaverycomplexsecret",
                    "triggers": [
                    "uri": ""},
                "id": "2793",
                "type": "webhook",

    POST /api/oauth2/v2/webhooks

    Create a Webhook on the current user’s campaign. Requires the w:campaigns.webhook scope.

    Triggers v2

    Trigger Cause
    members:create Triggered when a new member is created. Note that you may get more than one of these per patron if they delete and renew their membership. Member creation only occurs if there was no prior payment between patron and creator.
    members:update Triggered when the membership information is changed. Includes updates on payment charging events
    members:delete Triggered when a membership is deleted. Note that you may get more than one of these per patron if they delete and renew their membership. Deletion only occurs if no prior payment happened, otherwise pledge deletion is an update to member status.
    members:pledge:create Triggered when a new pledge is created for a member. This includes when a member is created through pledging, and when a follower becomes a patron.
    members:pledge:update Triggered when a member updates their pledge.
    members:pledge:delete Triggered when a member deletes their pledge.
    posts:publish Triggered when a post is published on a campaign.
    posts:update Triggered when a post is updated on a campaign.
    posts:delete Triggered when a post is deleted on a campaign.
    // Example POST Payload
      "data": {
        "type": "webhook",
        "attributes": {
          "triggers": ["members:create", "members:update", "members:delete"],
          "uri": "",
        "relationships": {
          "campaign": {
            "data": {"type": "campaign", "id": "12345"},
    // Example API response
             "last_attempted_at": null,

    Webhook Responses

    When a webhook fires, the data will look something like this. Note that there will be a X-Patreon-Signature header, which is the HEX digest of the message body HMAC signed (with MD5) using your webhook's secret. We suggest you use this to verify authenticity of the webhook event. Webhook secrets should not be shared.

      "data": {
        "attributes": {
          "currently_entitled_amount_cents": null,
          "full_name": "Platform",
          "is_follower": true,
          "last_charge_date": null,
          "last_charge_status": null,
          "lifetime_support_cents": 0,
          "note": "",
          "patron_status": null,
          "pledge_relationship_start": null
        "id": "d485d5ac-6c82-42c6-9c08-c50cf01b73d7",
        "relationships": {
          "address": {
            "data": null
          "campaign": {
            "data": {
              "id": "123456",
              "type": "campaign"
          "currently_entitled_tiers": {
            "data": []
          "user": {
            "data": {
              "id": "987654321",
              "type": "user"
        "type": "member"
      "included": [
        ...campaign data...
        ...user data...

    PATCH /api/oauth2/v2/webhooks/{id}

    Update a webhook with the given id, if the webhook was created by your client. Requires the w:campaigns.webhook scope.

    // Sample PATCH payload
      "data": {
        "id": "1234567",
        "type": "webhook",
        "attributes": {
          "triggers": ["members:create", "members:delete"],
          "uri": "",
          "paused": "false" // <- do this if you’re attempting to send missed events, see NOTE in Example Webhook Payload

    APIv2: Resources


    A patron's shipping address.

    Address Attributes

    Attribute Type Description
    addressee string Full recipient name. Can be null.
    city string City.
    country string Country.
    created_at string (UTC ISO format) Datetime address was first created.
    line_1 string First line of street address. Can be null.
    line_2 string Second line of street address. Can be null.
    phone_number string Telephone number. Specified for non-US addresses. Can be null.
    postal_code string Postal or zip code. Can be null.
    state string State or province name. Can be null.

    Address Relationships

    Relationship Type Description
    campaigns array[Campaign] The campaigns that have access to the address.
    user User The user this address belongs to.


    A benefit added to the campaign, which can be added to a tier to be delivered to the patron.

    Benefit Attributes

    Attribute Type Description
    app_external_id string The third-party external ID this reward is associated with, if any. Can be null.
    app_meta object Any metadata the third-party app included with this benefit on creation. Can be null.
    benefit_type string Type of benefit, such as custom for creator-defined benefits. Can be null.
    created_at string (UTC ISO format) Datetime this benefit was created.
    deliverables_due_today_count integer Number of deliverables for this benefit that are due today specifically.
    delivered_deliverables_count integer Number of deliverables for this benefit that have been marked complete.
    description string Benefit display description. Can be null.
    is_deleted boolean true if this benefit has been deleted.
    is_ended boolean true if this benefit is no longer available to new patrons
    is_published boolean true if this benefit is ready to be fulfilled to patrons.
    next_deliverable_due_date string (UTC ISO format) The next due date (after EOD today) for this benefit. Can be null.
    not_delivered_deliverables_count integer Number of deliverables for this benefit that are due, for all dates.
    rule_type string A rule type designation, such as eom_monthly or one_time_immediate. Can be null.
    tiers_count integer Number of tiers containing this benefit.
    title string Benefit display title.

    Benefit Relationships

    Relationship Type Description
    campaign Campaign The Campaign the benefit belongs to
    campaign_installation Campaign-Installation (Alpha) The campaign-app connection
    deliverables array[Deliverable] The Deliverables that have been generated by the Benefit
    tiers array[Tier] The Tiers the benefit has been added to.

    Campaign v2

    The creator's page, and the top-level object for accessing lists of members, tiers, etc.

    Campaign v2 Attributes

    Attribute Type Description
    created_at string (UTC ISO format) Datetime that the creator first began the campaign creation process. See published_at.
    creation_name string The type of content the creator is creating, as in "vanity is creating creation_name". Can be null.
    discord_server_id string The ID of the external discord server that is linked to this campaign. Can be null.
    google_analytics_id string The ID of the Google Analytics tracker that the creator wants metrics to be sent to. Can be null.
    has_rss boolean Whether this user has opted-in to rss feeds.
    has_sent_rss_notify boolean Whether or not the creator has sent a one-time rss notification email.
    image_small_url string URL for the campaign's profile image.
    image_url string Banner image URL for the campaign.
    is_charged_immediately boolean true if the campaign charges upfront, false otherwise. Can be null.
    is_monthly boolean true if the campaign charges per month, false if the campaign charges per-post.
    is_nsfw boolean true if the creator has marked the campaign as containing nsfw content.
    main_video_embed string Can be null.
    main_video_url string Can be null.
    one_liner string Pithy one-liner for this campaign, displayed on the creator page. Can be null.
    patron_count integer Number of patrons pledging to this creator.
    pay_per_name string The thing which patrons are paying per, as in "vanity is making $1000 per pay_per_name". Can be null.
    pledge_url string Relative (to URL for the pledge checkout flow for this campaign.
    published_at string (UTC ISO format) Datetime that the creator most recently published (made publicly visible) the campaign. Can be null.
    rss_artwork_url string The url for the rss album artwork. Can be null.
    rss_feed_title string The title of the campaigns rss feed.
    show_earnings boolean Whether the campaign's total earnings are shown publicly
    summary string The creator's summary of their campaign. Can be null.
    thanks_embed string Can be null.
    thanks_msg string Thank you message shown to patrons after they pledge to this campaign. Can be null.
    thanks_video_url string URL for the video shown to patrons after they pledge to this campaign. Can be null.
    url string A URL to access this campaign on
    vanity string The campaign's vanity. Can be null.

    Campaign v2 Relationships

    Relationship Type Description
    benefits array[Benefit] The campaign's benefits.
    campaign_installations array[Campaign-Installation]
    categories array[Category] The campaign's categories.
    creator User The campaign owner.
    goals array[Goal] The campaign's goals.
    tiers array[Tier] The campaign's tiers.


    The record of whether or not a patron has been delivered the benefitthey are owed because of their member tier.

    Deliverable Attributes

    Attribute Type Description
    completed_at string (UTC ISO format) When the creator marked the deliverable as completed or fulfilled to the patron. Can be null.
    delivery_status string One of delivered, not_delivered, wont_deliver.
    due_at string (UTC ISO format) When the deliverable is due to the patron.

    Deliverable Relationships

    Relationship Type Description
    benefit Benefit The Benefit the Deliverables were generated for.
    campaign Campaign The Campaign the Deliverables were generated for.
    member Member The member who has been granted the deliverable.
    user User The user who has been granted the deliverable. This user is the same as the member user.


    A funding goal in USD set by a creator on a campaign.

    Goal Attributes

    Attribute Type Description
    amount_cents integer Goal amount in USD cents.
    completed_percentage integer Equal to (pledge_sum/goal amount)*100, helpful when a creator
    created_at string (UTC ISO format) When the goal was created for the campaign.
    description string Goal description. Can be null.
    reached_at string (UTC ISO format) When the campaign reached the goal. Can be null.
    title string Goal title.

    wants to hide their pledge sum but still wants their goals to be cash based

    Goal Relationships

    Relationship Type Description
    campaign Campaign The campaign trying to reach the goal


    A file uploaded to, usually an image.

    Media Attributes

    Attribute Type Description
    created_at string (UTC ISO format) When the file was created.
    download_url string The URL to download this media. Valid for 24 hours.
    file_name string File name.
    image_urls object The resized image URLs for this media. Valid for 2 weeks.
    metadata object Metadata related to the file. Can be null.
    mimetype string Mimetype of uploaded file, eg: "application/jpeg".
    owner_id string Ownership id (See also owner_type).
    owner_relationship string Ownership relationship type for multi-relationship medias.
    owner_type string Type of the resource that owns the file.
    size_bytes integer Size of file in bytes.
    state string The state of the file.
    upload_expires_at string (UTC ISO format) When the upload URL expires.
    upload_parameters object All the parameters that have to be added to the upload form request.
    upload_url string The URL to perform a POST request to in order to upload the media file.


    The record of a user's membership to a campaign. Remains consistent across months of pledging.

    Member Attributes

    Attribute Type Description
    campaign_lifetime_support_cents integer The total amount that the member has ever paid to the campaign in campaign's currency. 0 if never paid.
    currently_entitled_amount_cents integer The amount in cents that the member is entitled to.This includes a current pledge, or payment that covers the current payment period.
    email string The member's email address. Requires the campaigns.members[email] scope.
    full_name string Full name of the member user.
    is_follower boolean The user is not a pledging patron but has subscribed to updates about public posts.
    last_charge_date string (UTC ISO format) Datetime of last attempted charge. null if never charged. Can be null.
    last_charge_status string The result of the last attempted charge.The only successful status is Paid.null if never charged. One of Paid, Declined, Deleted, Pending, Refunded, Fraud, Other. Can be null.
    lifetime_support_cents integer The total amount that the member has ever paid to the campaign. 0 if never paid.
    next_charge_date string (UTC ISO format) Datetime of next charge. null if annual pledge downgrade. Can be null
    note string The creator's notes on the member.
    patron_status string One of active_patron, declined_patron, former_patron. A null value indicates the member has never pledged. Can be null.
    pledge_cadence integer Number of months between charges.
    pledge_relationship_start string (UTC ISO format) Datetime of beginning of most recent pledge chainfrom this member to the campaign. Pledge updates do not change this value. Can be null.
    will_pay_amount_cents integer The amount in cents the user will pay at the next pay cycle.

    Member Relationships

    Relationship Type Description
    address Address The member's shipping address that they entered for the campaign.Requires the campaign.members.address scope.
    campaign Campaign The campaign that the membership is for.
    currently_entitled_tiers array[Tier] The tiers that the member is entitled to. This includes a current pledge, or payment that covers the current payment period.
    pledge_history array[Pledge Event] The pledge history of the member
    user User The user who is pledging to the campaign.


    A client created by a developer, used for getting OAuth2 access tokens.

    OAuthClient Attributes

    Attribute Type Description
    author_name string The author name provided during client setup. Can be null.
    client_secret string The client's secret.
    default_scopes string (Deprecated in APIv2) The client's default OAuth scopes for the authorization flow.
    description string The description provided during client setup.
    domain string The domain provided during client setup. Can be null.
    icon_url string The URL of the icon used in the OAuth authorization flow. Can be null.
    name string The name provided during client setup.
    privacy_policy_url string The URL of the privacy policy provided during client setup. Can be null.
    redirect_uris string The allowable redirect URIs for the OAuth authorization flow.
    tos_url string The URL of the terms of service provided during client setup. Can be null.
    version integer The Patreon API version the client is targeting.

    OAuthClient Relationships

    Relationship Type Description
    apps array[Platform App] (Alpha) The apps that this client controls.
    campaign Campaign The campaign of the user who created the OAuth Client.
    creator_token OAuth Token The token of the user who created the client.
    user User The user who created the OAuth Client.

    Pledge Event

    The record of a pledging action taken by the user, or that action's failure.

    Pledge Event Attributes

    Attribute Type Description
    amount_cents integer Amount (in the currency in which the patron paid) of the underlying event.
    currency_code string ISO code of the currency of the event.
    date string (UTC ISO format) The date which this event occurred.
    payment_status string Status of underlying payment. One of Paid, Declined, Deleted, Pending, Refunded, Fraud, Other
    tier_id string Id of the tier associated with the pledge. Can be null.
    tier_title string Title of the reward tier associated with the pledge. Can be null.
    type string Event type. One of pledge_start, pledge_upgrade, pledge_downgrade, pledge_delete, subscription

    Pledge Event Relationships

    Relationship Type Description
    campaign Campaign The campaign being pledged to.
    patron User The pledging user
    tier Tier The tier associated with this pledge event.

    Post v2

    Content posted by a creator on a campaign page.

    Post v2 Attributes

    Attribute Type Description
    app_id integer Platform app id. Can be null.
    app_status string Processing status of the post. Can be null.
    content string Can be null.
    embed_data object An object containing embed data if media is embedded in the post,None if there is no embed
    embed_url string Embed media url Can be null.
    is_paid boolean True if the post incurs a bill as part of a pay-per-post campaign Can be null.
    is_public boolean True if the post is viewable by anyone,False if only patrons (or a subset of patrons) can view Can be null.
    tiers array[Tiers] The tier ids that allow the patrons from those tiers to view the post. Empty array if no tiers assigned even if is_paid is true. Can be null.
    published_at string (UTC ISO format) Datetime that the creator most recently published (made publicly visible) the post. Can be null.
    title string Can be null.
    url string A URL to access this post on

    Post v2 Relationships

    Relationship Type Description
    user User The author of the post.
    campaign Campaign The campaign that the membership is for.


    A membership level on a campaign, which can have benefits attached to it.

    Tier Attributes

    Attribute Type Description
    amount_cents integer Monetary amount associated with this tier (in U.S. cents).
    created_at string (UTC ISO format) Datetime this tier was created.
    description string Tier display description.
    discord_role_ids object The discord role IDs granted by this tier. Can be null.
    edited_at string (UTC ISO format) Datetime tier was last modified.
    image_url string Full qualified image URL associated with this tier. Can be null.
    patron_count integer Number of patrons currently registered for this tier.
    post_count integer Number of posts published to this tier. Can be null.
    published boolean true if the tier is currently published.
    published_at string (UTC ISO format) Datetime this tier was last published. Can be null.
    remaining integer Remaining number of patrons who may subscribe, if there is a user_limit. Can be null.
    requires_shipping boolean true if this tier requires a shipping address from patrons.
    title string Tier display title.
    unpublished_at string (UTC ISO format) Datetime tier was unpublished, while applicable. Can be null.
    url string Fully qualified URL associated with this tier.
    user_limit integer Maximum number of patrons this tier is limited to, if applicable. Can be null.

    Tier Relationships

    Relationship Type Description
    benefits array[Benefit] The benefits attached to the tier, which are used for generating deliverables.
    campaign Campaign The campaign the tier belongs to.
    tier_image Media The image file associated with the tier.

    User v2

    The Patreon user, which can be both patron and creator.

    User v2 Attributes

    Attribute Type Description
    about string The user's about text, which appears on their profile. Can be null.
    can_see_nsfw boolean true if this user can view nsfw content. Can be null.
    created string (UTC ISO format) Datetime of this user's account creation.
    email string The user's email address. Requires certain scopes to access. See the scopes section of this documentation.
    first_name string First name. Can be null.
    full_name string Combined first and last name.
    hide_pledges boolean true if the user has chosen to keep private which creators they pledge to. Can be null.
    image_url string The user's profile picture URL, scaled to width 400px.
    is_email_verified boolean true if the user has confirmed their email.
    last_name string Last name. Can be null.
    like_count integer How many posts this user has liked.
    social_connections object Mapping from user's connected app names to external user id on the respective app.
    thumb_url string The user's profile picture URL, scaled to a square of size 100x100px.
    url string URL of this user's creator or patron profile.
    vanity string The public "username" of the user. goes to this user's creator page. Non-creator users might not have a vanity. [Deprecated! use campaign.vanity] Can be null.

    User v2 Relationships

    Relationship Type Description
    campaign Campaign
    memberships array[Member] Usually a zero or one-element array with the user's membership to the token creator's campaign, if they are a member. With the identity.memberships scope, this returns memberships to ALL campaigns the user is a member of.


    Webhooks are fired based on events happening on a particular campaign.

    Webhook Attributes

    Attribute Type Description
    last_attempted_at string (UTC ISO format) Last date that the webhook was attempted or used.
    num_consecutive_times_failed integer Number of times the webhook has failed consecutively, when in an error state.
    paused boolean true if the webhook is paused as a result of repeated failed attempts to post to uri. Set to false to attempt to re-enable a previously failing webhook.
    secret string Secret used to sign your webhook message body, so you can validate authenticity upon receipt.
    triggers collection List of events that will trigger this webhook.
    uri string Fully qualified uri where webhook will be sent (e.g.

    Webhook Relationships

    Relationship Type Description
    campaign Campaign The campaign whose events trigger the webhook.
    client OAuth Client The client which created the webhook


    Our JSON responses follow the JSON:API standard, with the following structure for our three main resources (users, campaigns, and pledges):


      "type": "user"
      "id": <string>
      "attributes": {
        "first_name": <string>
        "last_name": <string>
        "full_name": <string>
        "vanity": <string>
        "email": <string>
        "about": <string>
        "facebook_id": <string>
        "image_url": <string>
        "thumb_url": <string>
        "youtube": <string>
        "twitter": <string>
        "facebook": <string>
        "created": <date>
        "url": <string>
        // optional properties
        "like_count": <int>
        "comment_count": <int>
      "relationships": {
        "campaign": ...<campaign>...


      "type": "campaign"
      "id": <string>
      "attributes": {
        "summary": <string>
        "creation_name": <string>
        "pay_per_name": <string>
        "one_liner": <string>
        "main_video_embed": <string>
        "main_video_url": <string>
        "image_small_url": <string>
        "image_url": <string>
        "thanks_video_url": <string>
        "thanks_embed": <string>
        "thanks_msg": <string>
        "is_monthly": <bool>
        "is_nsfw": <bool>
        "created_at": <date>
        "published_at": <date>
        "pledge_url": <string>
        "pledge_sum": <int>
        "patron_count": <int>
        "creation_count": <int>
        "outstanding_payment_amount_cents": <int>
      "relationships": {
        "creator": ...<user>...
        "rewards": [ ...<reward>, <reward>, ... ]
        "goals": [ ...<goal>, <goal>, ... ]
        "pledges": [ ...<pledge>, <pledge>, ... ]


      "type": "pledge"
      "id": <string>
      "attributes": {
        "amount_cents": <int> // Amount cents in the currency used by the patron
        "created_at": <date>
        "currency": <string> // Currency code of the pledge event (USD, GBP, EUR etc.)
        "declined_since": <date>
        "patron_pays_fees": <bool>
        "pledge_cap_cents": <int>
        // optional properties
        "total_historical_amount_cents": <int>
        "is_paused": <bool>
        "status": <string> // The status of this pledge (valid, declined, pending, disabled)
        "has_shipping_address": <bool>
      "relationships": {
        "patron": ...<user>...
        "reward": ...<reward>... // Tier associated with this pledge
        "creator": ...<user>...
        "address": ...<address>...

    API Endpoints

    To use a given access_token, send it in the Authorization HTTPS Header as follows:

    Authorization: Bearer <access_token>

    The three endpoints below are accessed using an OAuth client access_token obtained from the OAuth section. Please go there first if you do not yet have one.

    When performing an API request, the information you are allowed is determined by which access_token you are using. Please be sure to select your access_token appropriately. For example, if someone has granted your OAuth client access to their profile information, and you try to fetch it using your own Creator's Access Token instead of the one created when they granted your client access, you will instead just get your own profile information.

    During the transition period from APIv1 to APIv2, it is possible to use v2 scopes on v1 endpoints. If you do this, note that you may have more scope than you had in v1, and so the set of data returned will be much greater.

    Fetching a patron's profile info

    require 'patreon'
    class OAuthController < ApplicationController
      def redirect
        oauth_client =, client_secret)
        tokens = oauth_client.get_tokens(params[:code], redirect_uri)
        access_token = tokens['access_token']
        api_client =
        user_response = api_client.fetch_user()
        @user =
        @pledge = @user.pledges ? @user.pledges[0] : nil
    import patreon
    from flask import request
    client_id = None      # Replace with your data
    client_secret = None  # Replace with your data
    creator_id = None     # Replace with your data
    def oauth_redirect():
        oauth_client = patreon.OAuth(client_id, client_secret)
        tokens = oauth_client.get_tokens(request.args.get('code'), '/oauth/redirect')
        access_token = tokens['access_token']
        api_client = patreon.API(access_token)
        user_response = api_client.fetch_user()
        user =
        pledges = user.relationship('pledges')
        pledge = pledges[0] if pledges and len(pledges) > 0 else None
    curl --request GET \
      --url \
      --header 'authorization: Bearer <access_token>'
    use Patreon\API;
    use Patreon\OAuth;
    $client_id = null;      // Replace with your data
    $client_secret = null;  // Replace with your data
    $redirect_uri = null;   // Replace with your data
    $oauth_client = new Patreon\OAuth($client_id, $client_secret);
    $tokens = $oauth_client->get_tokens($_GET['code'], $redirect_uri);
    $access_token = $tokens['access_token'];
    $refresh_token = $tokens['refresh_token'];
    $api_client = new Patreon\API($access_token);
    $patron_response = $api_client->fetch_user();
    $patron = $patron_response->get('data');
    $pledge = null;
    if ($patron->has('relationships.pledges')) {
        $pledge = $patron->relationship('pledges')->get(0)->resolve($patron_response);
    import url from 'url'
    import patreonAPI, { oauth as patreonOAuth } from 'patreon'
    const CLIENT_ID = null     // Replace with your data
    const CLIENT_SECRET = null // Replace with your data
    const redirectURL = null   // Replace with your data
    const patreonOAuthClient = patreonOAuth(CLIENT_ID, CLIENT_SECRET)
    function handleOAuthRedirectRequest(request, response) {
        const oauthGrantCode = url.parse(request.url, true).query.code
            .getTokens(oauthGrantCode, redirectURL)
            .then(tokensResponse => {
                const patreonAPIClient = patreonAPI(tokensResponse.access_token)
                return patreonAPIClient('/current_user')
            .then(({ store }) => {
                response.end(store.findAll('user').map(user => user.serialize()))
            .catch(err => {
                console.error('error!', err)
    //Get the raw json from the response. See for the expected format of the data
    var patreon_response = patreon_client('/current_user').then(function(result) {
      user_store =
      const data = result.rawJson
      /* will contain the current_user, but there might be more users returned and loaded into the store.
       *  Get the id of the requested user, and find it in the store
      const myUserId =
      creator = user_store.find('user', myUserId)
    import com.patreon.OAuth;
    import com.patreon.API;
    import org.json.JSONObject;
    import org.json.JSONArray;
    String clientID = null;        // Replace with your data
    String clientSecret = null;    // Replace with your data
    String creatorID = null;       // Replace with your data
    String redirectURI = null;     // Replace with your data
    String code = null;            // get from inbound HTTP request
    OAuth oauthClient = new OAuth(clientID, clientSecret);
    JSONObject tokens = oauthClient.getTokens(code, redirectURI);
    String accessToken = tokens.getString("access_token");
    API apiClient = new API(accessToken);
    JSONObject userResponse = apiClient.fetchUser();
    JSONObject user = userResponse.getJSONObject("data");
    JSONArray included = userResponse.getJSONArray("included");
    JSONObject pledge = null;
    if (included != null) {
       for (int i = 0; i < included.length(); i  ) {
           JSONObject object = included.getJSONObject(i);
           if (object.getString("type").equals("pledge") && object.getJSONObject("relationships").getJSONObject("creator").getJSONObject("data").getString("id").equals(creatorID)) {
               pledge = object;
       // use the user, pledge, and campaign objects as you desire


      "data": {
        "attributes": {
          "about": null,
          "created": "2017-10-20T21:36:23 00:00",
          "discord_id": null,
          "email": "[email protected]",
          "facebook": null,
          "facebook_id": null,
          "first_name": "Corgi",
          "full_name": "Corgi The Dev",
          "gender": 0,
          "has_password": true,
          "image_url": "",
          "is_deleted": false,
          "is_email_verified": false,
          "is_nuked": false,
          "is_suspended": false,
          "last_name": "The Dev",
          "social_connections": {
            "deviantart": null,
            "discord": null,
            "facebook": null,
            "reddit": null,
            "spotify": null,
            "twitch": null,
            "twitter": null,
            "youtube": null
          "thumb_url": "",
          "twitch": null,
          "twitter": null,
          "url": "",
          "vanity": "corgithedev",
          "youtube": null
        "id": "0000000",
        "relationships": {
          "pledges": {
            "data": []
        "type": "user"
      "links": {
        "self": ""

    This endpoint returns a JSON representation of the user who granted your OAuth client an access_token. It is most typically used in the OAuth "Log in with Patreon flow" to create or update the patron's account info in your application.

    The Patreon JS library uses a data store pattern for storing inflated objects from the returned results of API calls. In some cases, especially if you have been granted the scopes for being a multi-campaign client or are opted-in to some API beta programs, the JS client calling /current_user will fetch the current user's campaign, as well as all the patron users connected to that campaign.

    This can result in the user store in the JS library having a larger list of users than expected for a call to /current_user, but the current user's user object will be in that list.

    HTTPS Request


    Fetch a creator profile and campaign info

    require 'patreon'
    access_token = nil  # Replace with your data
    api_client =
    campaign_response = api_client.fetch_campaign()
    campaign =[0]
    puts "campaign is", campaign
    user = campaign.creator
    puts "user is", user
    use Patreon\API;
    use Patreon\OAuth;
    $access_token = null;   // Replace with your data
    $api_client = new Patreon\API($access_token);
    $campaign_response = $api_client->fetch_campaign();
    $campaign = $campaign_response->get('data')->get('0');
    echo "campaign is\n";
    $user = $campaign->relationship('creator')->resolve($campaign_response);
    echo "user is\n";
    import patreon
    access_token = None   # Replace with your creator access token
    api_client = patreon.API(access_token)
    campaign_response = api_client.fetch_campaign()
    campaign =[0]
    print('campaign is', campaign)
    user = campaign.relationship('creator')
    print('user is', user)
    curl --request GET \
      --url \
      --header 'Authorization: Bearer <access_token>'
    import patreonAPI from 'patreon'
    const accessToken = null   // Replace with your creator access token
    const patreonAPIClient = patreonAPI(accessToken)
        .then(({ store }) => {
            const user = store.findAll('user').map(user => user.serialize())
            console.log('user is', user)
            const campaign = store.findAll('campaign').map(campaign => campaign.serialize())
            console.log('campaign is', campaign)
        .catch(err => {
            console.error('error!', err)
    import com.patreon.OAuth;
    import com.patreon.API;
    import org.json.JSONObject;
    import org.json.JSONArray;
    String accessToken = null; // Replace with your data
    API apiClient = new API(accessToken);
    JSONObject campaignResponse = apiClient.fetchCampaign();
    JSONObject campaign = campaignResponse.getJSONObject("data");
    JSONArray included = userResponse.getJSONArray("included");
    JSONObject user = null;
    // This will get simplified in future versions of the library.
    // For now, we must denormalize the JSON:API response by hand.
    String userID = campaign .getJSONObject("relationships").getJSONObject("creator").getJSONObject("data").getString("id");
    if (included != null) {
       for (int i = 0; i < included.length(); i  ) {
           JSONObject object = included.getJSONObject(i);
           if (object.getString("type").equals("user") && object.getJSONObject("relationships").getJSONObject("creator").getJSONObject("data").getString("id").equals(userID)) {
               user = object;


      "data": [{
        "attributes": {
          "created_at": "2017-10-20T21:39:01 00:00",
          "creation_count": 0,
          "creation_name": "Documentation",
          "discord_server_id": null,
          "display_patron_goals": false,
          "earnings_visibility": "public",
          "image_small_url": null,
          "image_url": null,
          "is_charged_immediately": false,
          "is_monthly": false,
          "is_nsfw": false,
          "is_plural": false,
          "main_video_embed": null,
          "main_video_url": null,
          "one_liner": null,
          "outstanding_payment_amount_cents": 0,
          "patron_count": 0,
          "pay_per_name": null,
          "pledge_sum": 0,
          "pledge_url": "/bePatron?c=0000000",
          "published_at": "2017-10-20T21:49:31 00:00",
          "summary": null,
          "thanks_embed": null,
          "thanks_msg": null,
          "thanks_video_url": null
        "id": "0000000",
        "relationships": {
          "creator": {
            "data": {
              "id": "1111111",
              "type": "user"
            "links": {
              "related": ""
          "goals": {
            "data": []
          "rewards": {
            "data": [{
                "id": "-1",
                "type": "reward"
                "id": "0",
                "type": "reward"
        "type": "campaign"
      "included": [{
          "attributes": {
            "about": null,
            "created": "2017-10-20T21:36:23 00:00",
            "discord_id": null,
            "email": "[email protected]",
            "facebook": null,
            "facebook_id": null,
            "first_name": "Corgi",
            "full_name": "Corgi The Dev",
            "gender": 0,
            "has_password": true,
            "image_url": "",
            "is_deleted": false,
            "is_email_verified": false,
            "is_nuked": false,
            "is_suspended": false,
            "last_name": "The Dev",
            "social_connections": {
              "deviantart": null,
              "discord": null,
              "facebook": null,
              "reddit": null,
              "spotify": null,
              "twitch": null,
              "twitter": null,
              "youtube": null
            "thumb_url": "",
            "twitch": null,
            "twitter": null,
            "url": "",
            "vanity": "drkthedev",
            "youtube": null
          "id": "1111111",
          "relationships": {
            "campaign": {
              "data": {
                "id": "0000000",
                "type": "campaign"
              "links": {
                "related": ""
          "type": "user"
          "attributes": {
            "amount": 0,
            "amount_cents": 0,
            "created_at": null,
            "description": "Everyone",
            "id": "-1",
            "remaining": 0,
            "requires_shipping": false,
            "type": "reward",
            "url": null,
            "user_limit": null
          "id": "-1",
          "relationships": {
            "creator": {
              "data": {
                "id": "1111111",
                "type": "user"
              "links": {
                "related": ""
          "type": "reward"
          "attributes": {
            "amount": 1,
            "amount_cents": 1,
            "created_at": null,
            "description": "Patrons Only",
            "id": "0",
            "remaining": 0,
            "requires_shipping": false,
            "type": "reward",
            "url": null,
            "user_limit": null
          "id": "0",
          "relationships": {
            "creator": {
              "data": {
                "id": "1111111",
                "type": "user"
              "links": {
                "related": ""
          "type": "reward"

    This endpoint returns a JSON representation of the user's campaign, including its rewards and goals, and the pledges to it. If there are more than twenty pledges to the campaign, the first twenty will be returned, along with a link to the next page of pledges.

    HTTPS Request


    Query Parameters

    Parameter Default Description
    includes rewards,creator,goals,pledges You can pass this rewards, creator, goals, or pledges

    Paging through a list of pledges

    require 'patreon'
    require 'uri'
    require 'cgi'
    access_token = nil # your Creator Access Token
    api_client =
    # Get the campaign ID
    campaign_response = api_client.fetch_campaign()
    campaign_id =[0].id
    # Fetch all pledges
    all_pledges = []
    cursor = nil
    while true do
        page_response = api_client.fetch_page_of_pledges(campaign_id, 25, cursor)
        all_pledges  =
        next_page_link = page_response.links[]['next']
        if next_page_link
            parsed_query = CGI::parse(next_page_link)
            cursor = parsed_query['page[cursor]'][0]
    # Mapping to all patrons. Feel free to customize as needed.
    # As with all standard Ruby objects, (pledge.methods - Object.methods) will list the available attributes and relationships
    puts{ |pledge| { full_name: pledge.patron.full_name, amount_cents: pledge.amount_cents } }
    import patreon
    access_token = nil # your Creator Access Token
    api_client = patreon.API(access_token)
    # Get the campaign ID
    campaign_response = api_client.fetch_campaign()
    campaign_id =[0].id()
    # Fetch all pledges
    all_pledges = []
    cursor = None
    while True:
        pledges_response = api_client.fetch_page_of_pledges(campaign_id, 25, cursor=cursor)
        pledges  =
        cursor = api_client.extract_cursor(pledges_response)
        if not cursor:
    // TODO: Needs a code example of pagination
    curl --request GET \
      --url<campaign_id>/pledges?include=patron.null \
      --header 'Authorization: Bearer <access_token>
    // TODO: get pagination example
    use Patreon\API;
    use Patreon\OAuth;
    $access_token = null; // Your Creator Access Token
    $api_client = new Patreon\API($access_token);
    // Get your campaign data
    $campaign_response = $api_client->fetch_campaign();
    $campaign_id = $campaign_response->get('');
    // get page after page of pledge data
    $all_pledges = [];
    $cursor = null;
    while (true) {
        $pledges_response = $api_client->fetch_page_of_pledges($campaign_id, 25, $cursor);
        // loop over the pledges to get e.g. their amount and user name
        foreach ($pledges_response->get('data')->getKeys() as $pledge_data_key) {
            $pledge_data = $pledges_response->get('data')->get($pledge_data_key);
            array_push($all_pledges, $pledge_data);
        // get the link to the next page of pledges
        if (!$pledges_response->has('')) {
            // if there's no next page, we're done!
        $next_link = $pledges_response->get('');
        // otherwise, parse out the cursor param
        $next_query_params = explode("?", $next_link)[1];
        parse_str($next_query_params, $parsed_next_query_params);
        $cursor = $parsed_next_query_params['page']['cursor'];


        "data": [
                "attributes": {
                    "amount_cents": 100,
                    "created_at": "2016-07-25T20:59:52 00:00",
                    "declined_since": null,
                    "patron_pays_fees": false,
                    "pledge_cap_cents": null
                "id": "2745627",
                "relationships": {
                    "patron": {
                        "data": {
                            "id": "111111",
                            "type": "user"
                        "links": {
                            "related": ""
                    "reward": {
                        "data": {
                            "id": "222222",
                            "type": "reward"
                        "links": {
                            "related": ""
                "type": "pledge"
        "included": [
                "attributes": {
                    "about": "sample about text",
                    "created": "2015-01-15T07:25:51 00:00",
                    "email": "[email protected]",
                    "facebook": null,
                    "first_name": "Foo",
                    "full_name": "Foo Bar",
                    "gender": 1,
                    "image_url": "",
                    "is_email_verified": true,
                    "last_name": "Bar",
                    "social_connections": {
                        "deviantart": null,
                        "discord": null,
                        "facebook": null,
                        "reddit": null,
                        "spotify": null,
                        "twitch": null,
                        "twitter": null,
                        "youtube": null
                    "thumb_url": "",
                    "twitch": null,
                    "twitter": "foo",
                    "url": "",
                    "vanity": "foo",
                    "youtube": null
                "id": "111111",
                "type": "user"
                "attributes": {
                    "amount_cents": 100,
                    "created_at": "2017-12-19T01:56:37.762679 00:00",
                    "description": "",
                    "discord_role_ids": None,
                    "edited_at": "2017-12-19T01:56:37.762679 00:00",
                    "image_url": None,
                    "patron_count": 1,
                    "post_count": None,
                    "published": True,
                    "published_at": "2017-12-19T01:56:37.762679 00:00",
                    "remaining": None,
                    "requires_shipping": False,
                    "title": "",
                    "unpublished_at": None,
                    "url": "/bePatron?c=12345&rid=222222",
                    "user_limit": None
                "id": "222222",
                "type": "reward"
        "links": {
            "first": "[count]=10&sort=created",
            "next": "[count]=10&sort=created&page[cursor]=2017-08-21T20:16:49.258893+00:00"
        "meta": {
            "count": 18

    This endpoint returns a JSON list of pledges to the provided campaign_id. They are sorted by the date the pledge was made, and provide relationship references to the user who made each respective pledge, as well as the reward tier pledged to.

    The API response will also contain a links field which may be used to fetch the next page of pledges, or go back to the first page.

    HTTPS Request



    You may only fetch your own list of pledges. If you attempt to fetch another creator's pledge list, the API call will return an HTTPS 403. If you would like to create an application which can manage many creator's campaigns, please contact us in the developers forum.

    More Data, Paging, and Sorting

    Requesting specific data<campaign_id>/pledges?include=reward&fields[pledge]=total_historical_amount_cents,is_paused

    Want to retrieve the patrons for your pledges, or the goals for a given campaign?

    To retrieve specific attributes or relationships other than the defaults, you can pass fields and include parameters respectively, each being comma-separated lists of attributes or resources. You can see which attributes or relationships are requestable on a given resource in the resources section.

    Requesting optional attributes

    To fetch an optional property (for example total_historical_amount_cents and is_paused on pledge), use the fields query params.


    Restricting included resources

    By default, fetching or including a resource will follow that resource's relationship tree as well.

    For a more explicit approach, you may instead set json-api-use-default-includes=false, which will limit relationships to only those specifically included.

    Pagination and sorting<campaign_id>/pledges?page[count]=5&sort=-created&page[cursor]=2012-01-19

    Our API endpoints support pagination and sorting on some attributes.

    Parameter Description
    page[count] Maximum number of results returned
    sort Comma-separated attributes to sort by, in order of precedence. Each attribute can be prepended with - to indicate descending order. Currently, we support created and updated for pledges.
    page[cursor] From the sorted results, start returning where the first attribute in sort equals this value.

    The example URL on the right is for 5 pledges with max created before 2012-01-19, in reverse chronological order.

    The links field of the response body contains URLs of first, prev, next, and last pages if they exist.


    Sample Webhook payload

      "data": {
        "attributes": {
          "amount_cents": 250,
          "created_at": "2015-05-18T23:50:42 00:00",
          "declined_since": null,
          "patron_pays_fees": false,
          "pledge_cap_cents": null
        "id": "1",
        "relationships": {
          "address": {
            "data": null
          "card": {
            "data": null
          "creator": {
            "data": {
              "id": "3024102",
              "type": "user"
            "links": {
              "related": ""
          "patron": {
            "data": {
              "id": "32187",
              "type": "user"
            "links": {
              "related": ""
          "reward": {
            "data": {
              "id": "599336",
              "type": "reward"
            "links": {
              "related": ""
        "type": "pledge"
      "included": [{ ** * Creator Object ** *
        { ** * Patron Object ** *
        { ** * Reward Object ** *

    Webhooks allow you to receive real-time updates from our servers. While there will eventually be many events about which you can be notified, we presently only support webhooks that trigger when you get a new patron, or an existing patron edits or deletes their pledge.

    By creating a webhook, you can specify a URL for us to send an HTTP POST to when one of these events occur. This POST request will contain the relevant data from the user action in JSON format. It will also have headers

    X-Patreon-Event: [trigger]
    X-Patreon-Signature: [message signature]

    where the message signature is the HEX digest of the message body HMAC signed (with MD5) using your webhook's secret viewable on the webhooks page. You can use this to verify us as the sender of the message.


    A trigger is an event type. The syntax of a trigger is [resource]:[action] (e.g. pledges:create). You can add or remove triggers for a webhook to listen to on the webhooks page.

    Trigger Description
    pledge:create Fires when a user pledges to a creator. This trigger fires even if the charge is declined or fraudulent. The pledge object is still created, even if the user is not a valid patron due to charge status.
    pledge:update Fires when a user edits their pledge. Notably, the pledge ID will change, because the underlying pledge object is different. The user id should be the primary key to reference.
    pledge:delete Fires when a user stops pledging or the pledge is cancelled altogether. Does not fire for pledge pausing, as the pledge still exists.

    Robust Retries

    To ensure that you can rely exclusively on webhooks data, we've put measures in place to make sure your server does not miss a single event.

    In case of failed delivery, perhaps due to network problems or server outages on your end, we will store the events and make sure none were lost until your server is back up. Over time, we’ll try to send them to you and re-try your server. The next successful call to your server will include all the past webhooks that accumulated.

    Our retry schedule is approximately as follows:

    You can also use our webhooks page to manually send yourself the queued messages.

    Programmatically Adding Webhooks

    In addition to manually adding webhooks, you can also create, read, update, delete and list webhooks with our API. If you would like to know more please contact us in the developers forum.

    External Services

    We have an ever expanding set of external services that enable creators to manage and reward patrons in a flexible way.


    Zapier is an automation tool that connects your favorite apps, such as Gmail, Slack, MailChimp, and over 750 more. You can use the Patreon Zapier plugin to automate repetitive tasks without coding or relying on developers to build the integration.

    It's perfect for many of the use cases that would ordinarily require webhooks and has an ever expanding set of use cases.

    Use cases

    Our Zapier plugin currently supports pledge activity (adds, updates and deletes). We plan to add more triggers in the future. If you would like to request a trigger, please contact us in the developers forum.


    We have a wordpress plugin that allows creators to gate content on their wordpress page to patrons only. For more information check it out.



    Testing of the API can be done by creating dummy accounts through the website. To test pledging, it can be useful to:

    1. Create a Patreon account with creator page and set it to "per post".
    2. Create another Patreon account and use it to pledge to the first account's page. A "per post" pledge will not incur any payments as long as it is cancelled before the end of the month.
    3. Use the API as needed.


    Patreon is committed to providing accessible websites to all of our users, and to becoming WCAG 2.1 AA-compliant. See our accessibility page for more information.

    Patreon encourages developers to follow best practices in designing and building apps that are accessible, and which adhere to the Guidelines established by the Web Accessibility Initiative of the World Wide Web Consortium.

    We sometimes link to other sites and provide features built by our users or by third party developers. These parties are not vendors to Patreon, and are not paid by us for their content. We have no control over the accessibility of the content, features, or apps third parties may build using our API, and we are not responsible for their providing inaccessible tools.