This topic contains the following sections:
Java and JavaFX applications can be run in multiple execution environments. How you want users to access your application determines how you deploy it. The following options are available:
Launch as a native application
Users can install a self-contained application and launch it from a menu or desktop shortcut.
Launch as a desktop application
Users can start the application from the command line using the Java launcher, or by double-clicking the JAR file for the application.
Launch from a browser
Users can download and start the application by clicking a link in the browser.
View in a web page
The application starts when the web page is loaded.
Although available and supported in JDK 9, the Applet API and the Java Plug-in are marked as deprecated in preparation for removal in a future release. Alternatives for applets and embedded JavaFX applications include Java Web Start and self-contained applications.Each environment has advantages and disadvantages.
By default, the Java packaging tools generate the following collection of files needed to run the application:
An application JAR file (or multiple JAR files for large applications)
Applications that are embedded in a web page or launched from a browser must be signed with a valid signing certificate. The packaging tools or the jar
command can be used to sign the JAR file.
A JNLP file with a deployment descriptor
A deployment descriptor is an XML file that describes application components, platform requirements, and launch rules.
An HTML file containing JavaScript code to embed or launch applications from the web page
Applications can also be packaged as platform-specific, self-contained applications. Self-contained applications include all application resources, the JRE, and a launcher. These applications provide the same install and launch experience as native applications for the operating system.
Self-contained applications can be distributed as zip files or as installable packages: EXE or MSI for Windows; DMG, PKG, or mac.appStore for macOS; or RPM or DEB for Linux.
Self-contained applications provide the following benefits:
They resemble native applications for the target platform.
Users install the application with an installer that is familiar to them, and launch it in the usual way.
They offer no-hassle compatibility.
The version of JRE that is used by the application is controlled by the application developer.
They are easily deployed on fresh systems with no requirement for the JRE to be installed.
Deployment occurs with no need for admin permissions when using ZIP or user-level installers.
Self-Contained Application Packaging describes how to generate a self-contained application package.
Three different tools are available for packaging your application:
If you use Netbeans IDE, then much of the work is done for you. Open Project Properties to specify preferred dimensions for your JavaFX application scene. Build the project with Clean and Build. The application package is generated in the dist
folder. To test your application, open this folder and double-click the HTML, JNLP, or JAR file, depending on your execution environment.
To package a self-contained application, customize the build.xml
script in the NetBeans IDE. See Basic Build.
If you are using another IDE, then you can add Java packaging as a post-build step, using Ant tasks that are included in the JDK. Example 1-1 shows an Ant package task for the JavaFX example Colorful Circles. Download the file for the complete Colorful Circles example.
When you add the nativeBundles="all"
attribute into the <fx:deploy>
Ant task, all possible packages are created: a standalone application package, one or more self-contained application packages for the platform on which you are running, and a web deployment package. Installable packages are created based on the third-party software that is available at packaging time. For example, if you have both Inno Setup and WiX on Windows, then you get three packages: a folder with the application, an .exe installer file, and an .msi installer file. A simple Ant task with the nativeBundles
attribute is shown in Example 1-1.
If your application will be embedded in a web page or launched from a browser, include the required JAR manifest attributes in the <fx:jar>
task and include an <fx:signjar>
task for the Java Packager tool is deprecated in JDK 9 in preparation for removal in a future release. It also does not work with multi-release JAR files. Use the standard Ant signjar
task instead.Example 1-1 Ant Task to Produce All Packages for the ColorfulCircles Application
<taskdef resource="com/sun/javafx/tools/ant/antlib.xml"
<fx:jar destfile="dist-web/ColorfulCircles.jar">
<fx:application mainClass="colorfulcircles.ColorfulCircles"/>
<fileset dir="build/classes/">
<include name="**"/>
<fx:deploy width="800" height="600" outdir="dist-web"
outfile="ColorfulCircles" nativeBundles="all">
<fx:info title="Colorful Circles"/>
<fx:application name="Colorful Circles example"
<fx:fileset dir="dist-web" includes="ColorfulCircles.jar"/>
If you cannot use Ant or prefer command-line tools, use the Java Packager tool that comes with the JDK. The Java Packager tool has several commands for packaging applications, see javapackager in the Java Platform, Standard Edition Tools Reference.
For a quick test build, you can use the javapackager -makeall
command. This command compiles source code and combines the javapackager -createjar
and javapackager -deploy
commands with simplified options, as shown in the following example.
javapackager -makeall -appclass colorfulcircles.ColorfulCircles -name "Colorful Circles" -width 800 -height 600
command for the Java Packager tool is deprecated in JDK 9 in preparation for removal in a future release.As a command intended only to help to build simple projects quickly, the -makeall
command supports a limited set of options to customize the command behavior. The -makeall
command makes the following assumptions about input and output files:
Source and other resource files must be in a directory named src
under the main project directory.
The resulting package is always generated to a directory named dist
, and file names all start with the dist prefix.
By default, the -makeall
command tries to build a self-contained application package. If this is not possible, the JAR, HTML, and JNLP files are generated so you can deploy to other execution modes.
For JavaFX applications that are embedded in a web page, stage width and height must always be specified.
When your application is ready to go live, use the -createjar
and -deploy
commands instead of the -makeall
command. The -createjar
and -deploy
commands have considerably more options. You can create a self-contained application package with the -deploy
command plus the -native
option, for example:
javapackager -deploy -native -outdir packages -outfile ColorfulCircles -srcdir dist -srcfiles ColorfulCircles.jar -appclass colorfulcircles.ColorfulCircles
Ant tasks provide more flexibility of options than the Java Packager tool.
If your application is embedded in a web page or launched from a browser, you need to set up the web page that provides users with access to your application. The Java Plug-in is used to run an application embedded in the web page. Java Web Start is used to run an application that is launched from the browser.
Although available and supported in JDK 9, the Applet API and the Java Plug-in are marked as deprecated in preparation for removal in a future release. Alternatives for applets and embedded JavaFX applications include Java Web Start and self-contained applications.
You can use an <applet>
or <object>
element or JavaScript code for applications that are embedded in a web page and use the Java Plug-In to run. Use JavaScript code to create the link or button that calls Java Web Start to launch an application from the browser. The Java packaging tools generate JavaScript code for both types of execution, which you can copy into your web page.
The HTML page generated by the packaging tools is a simple test page for your application. It includes sample JavaScript code to launch and embed your application, which you can copy to your own web page. To avoid manual copying, consider using HTML templates for application packaging to insert the JavaScript code into an existing web page.
When you have your application package and any web pages that you are using, copy them to the appropriate location to make your application available to users.
If your application is embedded in a web page or launched from a browser, copy your package and the web page to the web server from which they will be loaded.
If your application is a desktop application, copy the application to the location from which users will download it. Self-contained applications provide installable packages and the required JRE, which makes it easier for users to install and run your application.
This topic provides the minimum information needed to deploy a simple application, which makes use of the default processing that is provided by the packaging tools. More advanced applications could have additional requirements, for example:
Include a custom splash screen that is shown when your application is loaded.
Include a custom progress bar that is shown while your application is loading.
Use JavaScript code to communicate between your application and the web page in which it is embedded.
Deploy Swing and SWT Applications with Embedded JavaFX Content
Minimize the number of security dialogs and the warnings contained within the dialogs to help ensure users that it is safe to run your application.
The Deployment trail in the Java Tutorials also provides information to help you deploy applications embedded in a web page or launched from a browser.