
Locking Megaport Services

If you have Company Admin permission for the Megaport Portal, you can lock Ports, Megaport Cloud Routers (MCRs), Internet Exchanges (IXs) and other Megaport services to prevent modification or deletion. For information on user roles such as Company Admin, see Managing User Roles.

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You can only lock a Port or an MCR if its Provisioning Status is “Live”. If you create a Port or MCR without deploying any Virtual Cross Connects (VXCs), the padlock icon is grayed out until connectivity is established and the status is “Live”.

To verify the Port or MCR status

  1. In the Megaport Portal, go to the Services page.
  2. Click the gear icon next to the Port or MCR.
    Gear Icon
  3. On the Port or MCR Details page, click Details.
    Port Details
  4. Verify that the status of the Port or MCR is LIVE.
    Port Status

To lock a Port or MCR

  1. In the Megaport Portal, go to the Services page.
  2. Click the padlock icon next to the Port or MCR you want to lock.

    Example 1: A Port (DRNYC1) has a VXC attached (Singapore SG2). The padlock icons on the Port and VXC indicate that the Port’s provisioning status is Live, traffic is traversing across the VXC, and both services can be locked.
    Unlocked Port and VXC
    Example 2: The same Port and VXC are shown; however, even though the Port is unlocked, the VXC remains locked. When a single VXC is locked, it is not possible to delete the VXC, the Port, or any attached services (as indicated by the grayed out Delete Port icons). To delete the Port, a Company Admin user must unlock the VXC first.
    Locked VXC

To lock an Internet Exchange or Virtual Cross Connect service

  1. In the Megaport Portal, go to the Services page.
  2. Click the padlock icon next to the Megaport service you would like to lock. Padlock Icon

User role permissions

If an Admin user below Company Admin (such as a Technical Admin or Finance Admin user) has permission to make changes, they still won’t be able to delete or edit any locked Megaport service. Only a user with Company Admin permissions can unlock the service. When a user without permission attempts to make a change, a warning appears:
Company Admin Warning

Users at access levels below Company Admin can perform the following tasks:

  • Add VXCs/IX services to locked Megaport services - Additional services will not be set to Locked status. By default, they will be set to Unlocked.

  • View details of locked Megaport services - If a service is locked, its status can be viewed on the Details page.