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Installation and Setup#

The LlamaIndex ecosystem is structured using a collection of namespaced packages.

What this means for users is that LlamaIndex comes with a core starter bundle, and additional integrations can be installed as needed.

A complete list of packages and available integrations is available on LlamaHub.

Quickstart Installation from Pip#

To get started quickly, you can install with:

pip install llama-index

This is a starter bundle of packages, containing

  • llama-index-core
  • llama-index-legacy # temporarily included
  • llama-index-llms-openai
  • llama-index-embeddings-openai
  • llama-index-program-openai
  • llama-index-question-gen-openai
  • llama-index-agent-openai
  • llama-index-readers-file
  • llama-index-multi-modal-llms-openai

NOTE: LlamaIndex may download and store local files for various packages (NLTK, HuggingFace, ...). Use the environment variable "LLAMA_INDEX_CACHE_DIR" to control where these files are saved.

Important: OpenAI Environment Setup#

By default, we use the OpenAI gpt-3.5-turbo model for text generation and text-embedding-ada-002 for retrieval and embeddings. In order to use this, you must have an OPENAI_API_KEY set up as an environment variable. You can obtain an API key by logging into your OpenAI account and and creating a new API key.


You can also use one of many other available LLMs. You may need additional environment keys tokens setup depending on the LLM provider.

Check out our OpenAI Starter Example

Custom Installation from Pip#

If you aren't using OpenAI, or want a more selective installation, you can install individual packages as needed.

For example, for a local setup with Ollama and HuggingFace embeddings, the installation might look like:

pip install llama-index-core llama-index-readers-file llama-index-llms-ollama llama-index-embeddings-huggingface

Check out our Starter Example with Local Models

A full guide to using and configuring LLMs is available here.

A full guide to using and configuring embedding models is available here.

Installation from Source#

Git clone this repository: git clone Then do the following:

  • Install poetry - this will help you manage package dependencies
  • poetry shell - this command creates a virtual environment, which keeps installed packages contained to this project
  • poetry install - this will install the core starter package requirements
  • (Optional) poetry install --with dev, docs - this will install all dependencies needed for most local development

From there, you can install integrations as needed with pip, For example:

pip install -e llama-index-integrations/llms/llama-index-llms-ollama