There are many situations when you want to use the latest version of a particular module dependency, or the latest in a range of versions. This can be a requirement during development, or you may be developing a library that is designed to work with a range of dependency versions. You can easily depend on these constantly changing dependencies by using a dynamic version. A dynamic version can be either a version range (e.g. 2. ) or it can be a placeholder for the latest version available e.g. latest.integration.

Alternatively, the module you request can change over time even for the same version, a so-called changing version. An example of this type of changing module is a Maven SNAPSHOT module, which always points at the latest artifact published. In other words, a standard Maven snapshot is a module that is continually evolving, it is a "changing module".

Using dynamic versions and changing modules can lead to unreproducible builds. As new versions of a particular module are published, its API may become incompatible with your source code. Use this feature with caution!

Declaring a dynamic version

Projects might adopt a more aggressive approach for consuming dependencies to modules. For example you might want to always integrate the latest version of a dependency to consume cutting edge features at any given time. A dynamic version allows for resolving the latest version or the latest version of a version range for a given module.

Using dynamic versions in a build bears the risk of potentially breaking it. As soon as a new version of the dependency is released that contains an incompatible API change your source code might stop compiling.
plugins {

repositories {

dependencies {
    implementation("org.springframework:spring-web:5. ")
plugins {
    id 'java-library'

repositories {

dependencies {
    implementation 'org.springframework:spring-web:5. '

A build scan can effectively visualize dynamic dependency versions and their respective, selected versions.

dependency management dynamic dependency build scan
Figure 1. Dynamic dependencies in build scan

By default, Gradle caches dynamic versions of dependencies for 24 hours. Within this time frame, Gradle does not try to resolve newer versions from the declared repositories. The threshold can be configured as needed for example if you want to resolve new versions earlier.

Declaring a changing version

A team might decide to implement a series of features before releasing a new version of the application or library. A common strategy to allow consumers to integrate an unfinished version of their artifacts early and often is to release a module with a so-called changing version. A changing version indicates that the feature set is still under active development and hasn’t released a stable version for general availability yet.

In Maven repositories, changing versions are commonly referred to as snapshot versions. Snapshot versions contain the suffix -SNAPSHOT. The following example demonstrates how to declare a snapshot version on the Spring dependency.

plugins {

repositories {
    maven {
        url = uri("")

dependencies {
plugins {
    id 'java-library'

repositories {
    maven {
        url ''

dependencies {
    implementation 'org.springframework:spring-web:5.0.3.BUILD-SNAPSHOT'

By default, Gradle caches changing versions of dependencies for 24 hours. Within this time frame, Gradle does not try to resolve newer versions from the declared repositories. The threshold can be configured as needed for example if you want to resolve new snapshot versions earlier.

Gradle is flexible enough to treat any version as changing version e.g. if you wanted to model snapshot behavior for an Ivy module. All you need to do is to set the property ExternalModuleDependency.setChanging(boolean) to true.

Controlling dynamic version caching

By default, Gradle caches dynamic versions and changing modules for 24 hours. During that time frame Gradle does not contact any of the declared, remote repositories for new versions. If you want Gradle to check the remote repository more frequently or with every execution of your build, then you will need to change the time to live (TTL) threshold.

Using a short TTL threshold for dynamic or changing versions may result in longer build times due to the increased number of HTTP(s) calls.

You can override the default cache modes using command line options. You can also change the cache expiry times in your build programmatically using the resolution strategy.

Controlling dependency caching programmatically

You can fine-tune certain aspects of caching programmatically using the ResolutionStrategy for a configuration. The programmatic approach is useful if you would like to change the settings permanently.

By default, Gradle caches dynamic versions for 24 hours. To change how long Gradle will cache the resolved version for a dynamic version, use:

configurations.all {
    resolutionStrategy.cacheDynamicVersionsFor(10, "minutes")
configurations.all {
    resolutionStrategy.cacheDynamicVersionsFor 10, 'minutes'

By default, Gradle caches changing modules for 24 hours. To change how long Gradle will cache the meta-data and artifacts for a changing module, use:

configurations.all {
    resolutionStrategy.cacheChangingModulesFor(4, "hours")
configurations.all {
    resolutionStrategy.cacheChangingModulesFor 4, 'hours'

Controlling dependency caching from the command line

Avoiding network access with offline mode

The --offline command line switch tells Gradle to always use dependency modules from the cache, regardless if they are due to be checked again. When running with offline, Gradle will never attempt to access the network to perform dependency resolution. If required modules are not present in the dependency cache, build execution will fail.

Refreshing dependencies

You can control the behavior of dependency caching for a distinct build invocation from the command line. Command line options are helpful for making a selective, ad-hoc choice for a single execution of the build.

At times, the Gradle Dependency Cache can become out of sync with the actual state of the configured repositories. Perhaps a repository was initially misconfigured, or perhaps a "non-changing" module was published incorrectly. To refresh all dependencies in the dependency cache, use the --refresh-dependencies option on the command line.

The --refresh-dependencies option tells Gradle to ignore all cached entries for resolved modules and artifacts. A fresh resolve will be performed against all configured repositories, with dynamic versions recalculated, modules refreshed, and artifacts downloaded. However, where possible Gradle will check if the previously downloaded artifacts are valid before downloading again. This is done by comparing published SHA1 values in the repository with the SHA1 values for existing downloaded artifacts.

  • new versions of dynamic dependencies

  • new versions of changing modules (modules which use the same version string but can have different contents)

Refreshing dependencies will cause Gradle to invalidate its listing caches. However:

  • it will perform HTTP HEAD requests on metadata files but will not re-download them if they are identical

  • it will perform HTTP HEAD requests on artifact files but will not re-download them if they are identical

In other words, refreshing dependencies only has an impact if you actually use dynamic dependencies or that you have changing dependencies that you were not aware of (in which case it is your responsibility to declare them correctly to Gradle as changing dependencies).

It’s a common misconception to think that using --refresh-dependencies will force download of dependencies. This is not the case: Gradle will only perform what is strictly required to refresh the dynamic dependencies. This may involve downloading new listing or metadata files, or even artifacts, but if nothing changed, the impact is minimal.

Using component selection rules

Component selection rules may influence which component instance should be selected when multiple versions are available that match a version selector. Rules are applied against every available version and allow the version to be explicitly rejected by rule. This allows Gradle to ignore any component instance that does not satisfy conditions set by the rule. Examples include:

  • For a dynamic version like 1. certain versions may be explicitly rejected from selection.

  • For a static version like 1.4 an instance may be rejected based on extra component metadata such as the Ivy branch attribute, allowing an instance from a subsequent repository to be used.

Rules are configured via the ComponentSelectionRules object. Each rule configured will be called with a ComponentSelection object as an argument which contains information about the candidate version being considered. Calling ComponentSelection.reject(java.lang.String) causes the given candidate version to be explicitly rejected, in which case the candidate will not be considered for the selector.

The following example shows a rule that disallows a particular version of a module but allows the dynamic version to choose the next best candidate.

configurations {
    create("rejectConfig") {
        resolutionStrategy {
            componentSelection {
                // Accept the highest version matching the requested version that isn't '1.5'
                all {
                    if ( == "org.sample" && candidate.module == "api" && candidate.version == "1.5") {
                        reject("version 1.5 is broken for 'org.sample:api'")

dependencies {
    "rejectConfig"("org.sample:api:1. ")
configurations {
    rejectConfig {
        resolutionStrategy {
            componentSelection {
                // Accept the highest version matching the requested version that isn't '1.5'
                all { ComponentSelection selection ->
                    if ( == 'org.sample' && selection.candidate.module == 'api' && selection.candidate.version == '1.5') {
                        selection.reject("version 1.5 is broken for 'org.sample:api'")

dependencies {
    rejectConfig "org.sample:api:1. "

Note that version selection is applied starting with the highest version first. The version selected will be the first version found that all component selection rules accept. A version is considered accepted if no rule explicitly rejects it.

Similarly, rules can be targeted at specific modules. Modules must be specified in the form of group:module.

configurations {
    create("targetConfig") {
        resolutionStrategy {
            componentSelection {
                withModule("org.sample:api") {
                    if (candidate.version == "1.5") {
                        reject("version 1.5 is broken for 'org.sample:api'")
configurations {
    targetConfig {
        resolutionStrategy {
            componentSelection {
                withModule("org.sample:api") { ComponentSelection selection ->
                    if (selection.candidate.version == "1.5") {
                        selection.reject("version 1.5 is broken for 'org.sample:api'")

Component selection rules can also consider component metadata when selecting a version. Possible additional metadata that can be considered are ComponentMetadata and IvyModuleDescriptor. Note that this extra information may not always be available and thus should be checked for null values.

configurations {
    create("metadataRulesConfig") {
        resolutionStrategy {
            componentSelection {
                // Reject any versions with a status of 'experimental'
                all {
                    if ( == "org.sample" && metadata?.status == "experimental") {
                        reject("don't use experimental candidates from 'org.sample'")
                // Accept the highest version with either a "release" branch or a status of 'milestone'
                withModule("org.sample:api") {
                    if (getDescriptor(IvyModuleDescriptor::class)?.branch != "release" && metadata?.status != "milestone") {
                        reject("'org.sample:api' must have testing branch or milestone status")
configurations {
    metadataRulesConfig {
        resolutionStrategy {
            componentSelection {
                // Reject any versions with a status of 'experimental'
                all { ComponentSelection selection ->
                    if ( == 'org.sample' && selection.metadata?.status == 'experimental') {
                        selection.reject("don't use experimental candidates from 'org.sample'")
                // Accept the highest version with either a "release" branch or a status of 'milestone'
                withModule('org.sample:api') { ComponentSelection selection ->
                    if (selection.getDescriptor(IvyModuleDescriptor)?.branch != "release" && selection.metadata?.status != 'milestone') {
                        selection.reject("'org.sample:api' must be a release branch or have milestone status")

Note that a ComponentSelection argument is always required as parameter when declaring a component selection rule.