This chapter provides the information you need to migrate your Gradle 8.x builds to the latest Gradle release. For migrating from Gradle 4.x, 5.x, 6.x, or 7.x, see the older migration guide first.

We recommend the following steps for all users:

  1. Try running gradle help --scan and view the deprecations view of the generated build scan.

    Deprecations View of a Gradle Build Scan

    This is so you can see any deprecation warnings that apply to your build.

    Alternatively, you can run gradle help --warning-mode=all to see the deprecations in the console, though it may not report as much detailed information.

  2. Update your plugins.

    Some plugins will break with this new version of Gradle, for example because they use internal APIs that have been removed or changed. The previous step will help you identify potential problems by issuing deprecation warnings when a plugin does try to use a deprecated part of the API.

  3. Run gradle wrapper --gradle-version 8.6 to update the project to 8.6.

  4. Try to run the project and debug any errors using the Troubleshooting Guide.

Upgrading from 8.5 and earlier

Potential breaking changes

Upgrade to JaCoCo 0.8.11

JaCoCo has been updated to 0.8.11.

DependencyAdder renamed to DependencyCollector

The incubating DependencyAdder interface has been renamed to DependencyCollector. A getDependencies method has been added to the interface that returns all declared dependencies.


Deprecated calling registerFeature using the main source set

Calling registerFeature on the java extension using the main source set is deprecated and will change behavior in Gradle 9.0.

Currently, features created while calling usingSourceSet with the main source set are initialized differently than features created while calling usingSourceSet with any other source set. Previously, when using the main source set, new implementation, compileOnly, runtimeOnly, api, and compileOnlyApi configurations were created, and the compile and runtime classpaths of the main source set were configured to extend these configurations.

Starting in Gradle 9.0, the main source set will be treated like any other source set. With the java-library plugin applied (or any other plugin that applies the java plugin), calling usingSourceSet with the main source set will throw an exception. This is because the java plugin already configures a main feature. Only if the java plugin is not applied will the main source set be permitted when calling usingSourceSet.

Code that currently registers features with the main source set, like so:

plugins {

java {
    registerFeature("feature") {
plugins {

java {
    registerFeature("feature") {

Should instead create a separate source set for the feature, and register the feature with that source set:

plugins {

sourceSets {

java {
    registerFeature("feature") {
plugins {

sourceSets {

java {
    registerFeature("feature") {

Deprecated publishing artifact dependencies with explicit name to Maven repositories

Publishing dependencies with an explicit artifact with a name different from the dependency’s artifactId to Maven repositories has been deprecated. This behavior is still permitted when publishing to Ivy repositories. It will result in an error in Gradle 9.0.

Currently, when publishing to Maven repositories, Gradle will interpret the dependency below as if it were declared with coordinates org:notfoo:1.0.

dependencies {
    implementation("org:foo:1.0") {
        artifact {
            name = "notfoo"
dependencies {
    implementation("org:foo:1.0") {
        artifact {
            name = "notfoo"

Instead, this dependency should be declared as:

dependencies {
dependencies {

Deprecated ArtifactIdentifier

The ArtifactIdentifier class has been deprecated for removal in Gradle 9.0.

Deprecate mutating DependencyCollector dependencies after observation

Starting in Gradle 9.0, mutating dependencies sourced from a DependencyCollector after those dependencies have been observed will result in an error. The DependencyCollector interface is used to declare dependencies within the test suites DSL.

Consider the following example where a test suite’s dependency is mutated after it is observed:

plugins {

testing.suites {
    named<JvmTestSuite>("test") {
        dependencies {
            // Dependency is declared on a `DependencyCollector`

configurations.testImplementation {
    // Calling `all` here realizes/observes all lazy sources, including the `DependencyCollector`
    // from the test suite block. Operations like resolving a configuration similarly realize lazy sources.
    dependencies.all {
        if (this is ExternalDependency && group == "com" && name == "foo" && version == null) {
            // Dependency is mutated after observation
            version {

In the above example, the build logic uses iteration and mutation to try to set a default version for a particular dependency if the version is not already set. Build logic like the above example creates challenges in resolving declared dependencies, as reporting tools will display this dependency as if the user declared the version as "2.0", even though they never did. Instead, the build logic can avoid iteration and mutation by declaring a preferred version constraint on the dependency’s coordinates. This allows the dependency management engine to use the version declared on the constraint if no other version is declared.

Consider the following example that replaces the above iteration with an indiscriminate preferred version constraint:

dependencies {
    constraints {
        testImplementation("com:foo") {
            version {

Upgrading from 8.4 and earlier

Potential breaking changes

Upgrade to Kotlin 1.9.20

The embedded Kotlin has been updated to Kotlin 1.9.20.

Changes to Groovy task conventions

The groovy-base plugin is now responsible for configuring source and target compatibility version conventions on all GroovyCompile tasks.

If you are using this task without applying grooy-base, you will have to manually set compatibility versions on these tasks. In general, the groovy-base plugin should be applied whenever working with Groovy language tasks.


The type of the argument passed to Provider.filter is changed from Predicate to Spec for a more consistent API. This change should not affect anyone using Provider.filter with a lambda expression. However, this might affect plugin authors if they don’t use SAM conversions to create a lambda.


Deprecated members of the org.gradle.util package now report their deprecation

These members will be removed in Gradle 9.0:

  • VersionNumber.parse(String)

  • VersionNumber.compareTo(VersionNumber)

Deprecated depending on resolved configuration

When resolving a Configuration, it is sometimes possible to select that same configuration as a variant. Configurations should be used for one purpose (resolution, consumption or dependency declarations), so this can only occur when a configuration is marked as both consumable and resolvable.

This can lead to confusing circular dependency graphs, as the configuration being resolved is used for two different purposes.

To avoid this problem, plugins should mark all resolvable configurations as canBeConsumed=false or use the resolvable(String) configuration factory method when creating configurations meant for resolution.

In Gradle 9.0, consuming configurations in this manner will no longer be allowed and will result in an error.

Including projects without an existing directory

Gradle will warn if a project is added to the build where the associated projectDir does not exist or is not writable. Starting with version 9.0, Gradle will not run builds if a project directory is missing or read-only. If you intend to dynamically synthesize projects make sure to create directories for them as well:

include 'project-without-directory'

Upgrading from 8.3 and earlier

Potential breaking changes

Upgrade to Kotlin 1.9.10

The embedded Kotlin has been updated to Kotlin 1.9.10.

XML parsing now requires recent parsers

Gradle 8.4 now configures XML parsers with security features enabled. If your build logic has dependencies on old XML parsers that don’t support secure parsing, your build may now fail. If you encounter a failure, check and update or remove any dependency on legacy XML parsers.

If you are unable to upgrade XML parsers coming from your build logic dependencies, you can force the use of the XML parsers built into the JVM. For example, in OpenJDK this can be done by adding the following to

See the CVE-2023-42445 advisory for more details and ways to enable secure XML processing on previous Gradle versions.

EAR plugin with customized JEE 1.3 descriptor

Gradle 8.4 forbids external XML entities when parsing XML documents. If you use the EAR plugin and configure the application.xml descriptor via the EAR plugin’s DSL and customize the descriptor using withXml {} and use asElement{} in the customization block, then the build will now fail for security reasons.

plugins {
ear {
    deploymentDescriptor {
        version = "1.3"
        withXml {
plugins {
ear {
    deploymentDescriptor {
        version = "1.3"
        withXml {

If you happen to use asNode() instead of asElement() then nothing changes given asNode() simply ignores external DTDs.

You can work around this by running your build with the javax.xml.accessExternalDTD system property set to http.

On the command line, add this to your Gradle invocation:


To make this workaround persistent, add the following line to your


Note that this will enable HTTP access to external DTDs for the whole build JVM. See the JAXP documentation for more details.


Deprecated GenerateMavenPom methods

The following methods on GenerateMavenPom are deprecated and will be removed in Gradle 9.0. They were never intended to be public API.

  • getVersionRangeMapper

  • withCompileScopeAttributes

  • withRuntimeScopeAttributes

Upgrading from 8.2 and earlier

Potential breaking changes

Deprecated Project.buildDir can cause script compilation failure

With the deprecation of Project.buildDir, buildscripts that are compiled with warnings as errors could fail if the deprecated field is used.

See the deprecation entry for details.

TestLauncher API no longer ignores build failures

The TestLauncher interface is part of the Tooling API, specialized for running tests. It is a logical extension of the BuildLauncher that can only launch tasks. A discrepancy has been reported in their behavior: if the same failing test is executed, BuildLauncher will report a build failure but TestLauncher won’t. Originally, this was a design decision in order to continue the execution and run the tests in all test tasks and not stop at the first failure. At the same time, this behavior can be confusing for users as they can experience a failing test in a successful build. To make the two APIs more uniform, we made TestLauncher also fail the build, which is a potential breaking change. To continue the test execution even if a test task failed, Tooling API clients should explicitly pass --continue to the build.

Fixed variant selection behavior with ArtifactView and ArtifactCollection

The dependency resolution APIs for selecting different artifacts or files (Configuration.getIncoming().artifactView { } and Configuration.getIncoming().getArtifacts()) captured immutable copies of the underlying `Configuration’s attributes to use for variant selection. If the `Configuration’s attributes were changed after these methods were called, the artifacts selected by these methods could be unexpected.

Consider the case where the set of attributes on a Configuration is changed after an ArtifactView is created.

tasks {
    myTask {
        inputFiles.from(configurations.classpath.incoming.artifactView {
            attributes {
                // Add attributes to select a different type of artifact

configurations {
    classpath {
        attributes {
            // Add more attributes to the configuration

The inputFiles property of myTask uses an artifact view to select a different type of artifact from the configuration classpath. Since the artifact view was created before the attributes were added to the configuration, Gradle was not able to select the correct artifact.

Some builds may have worked around this by also putting the additional attributes into the artifact view. This is no longer necessary.

Upgrade to Kotlin 1.9.0

The embedded Kotlin has been updated from 1.8.20 to Kotlin 1.9.0. The Kotlin language and API levels for the Kotlin DSL are still set to 1.8 for backwards compatibility. See the release notes for Kotlin 1.8.22 and Kotlin 1.8.21.

Kotlin 1.9 dropped support for Kotlin language and API level 1.3. If you build Gradle plugins written in Kotlin with this version of Gradle and need to support Gradle <7.0 you need to stick to using the Kotlin Gradle Plugin <1.9.0 and configure the Kotlin language and API levels to 1.3. See the Compatibility Matrix for details about other versions.

Eager evaluation of Configuration attributes

Gradle 8.3 updates the org.gradle.libraryelements and org.gradle.jvm.version attributes of JVM Configurations to be present at the time of creation, as opposed to previously, where they were only present after the Configuration had been resolved or consumed. In particular, the value for org.gradle.jvm.version relies on the project’s configured toolchain, meaning that querying the value for this attribute will finalize the value of the project’s Java toolchain.

Plugins or build logic that eagerly queries the attributes of JVM configurations may now cause the project’s Java toolchain to be finalized earlier than before. Attempting to modify the toolchain after it has been finalized will result in error messages similar to the following:

The value for property 'implementation' is final and cannot be changed any further.
The value for property 'languageVersion' is final and cannot be changed any further.
The value for property 'vendor' is final and cannot be changed any further.

This situation may arise when plugins or build logic eagerly queries an existing JVM Configuration’s attributes to create a new Configuration with the same attributes. Previously, this logic would have omitted the two above noted attributes entirely, while now the same logic will copy the attributes and finalize the project’s Java toolchain. To avoid early toolchain finalization, attribute-copying logic should be updated to query the source Configuration’s attributes lazily:

fun <T> copyAttribute(attribute: Attribute<T>, from: AttributeContainer, to: AttributeContainer) =
    to.attributeProvider<T>(attribute, provider { from.getAttribute(attribute)!! })

val source = configurations["runtimeClasspath"].attributes
configurations {
    create("customRuntimeClasspath") {
        source.keySet().forEach { key ->
            copyAttribute(key, source, attributes)
def source = configurations.runtimeClasspath.attributes
configurations {
    customRuntimeClasspath {
        source.keySet().each { key ->
            attributes.attributeProvider(key, provider { source.getAttribute(key) })


Deprecated Project.buildDir is to be replaced by Project.layout.buildDirectory

The Project.buildDir property is deprecated. It uses eager APIs and has ordering issues if the value is read in build logic and then later modified. It could result in outputs ending up in different locations.

It is replaced by a DirectoryProperty found at Project.layout.buildDirectory. See the ProjectLayout interface for details.

Note that, at this stage, Gradle will not print deprecation warnings if you still use Project.buildDir. We know this is a big change and want to give time for authors of major plugins to move away from its usage first.

The switch from a File to a DirectoryProperty requires adaptations in build logic. The main impact is that you cannot use the property inside a String to expand it. Instead, you should leverage the dir and file methods to compute the location you want.

Here is an example for creating a file, where the following:

// Returns a
// Returns a

should be replaced by:

// Compatible with a number of Gradle lazy APIs that accept also
val output: Provider<RegularFile> = layout.buildDirectory.file("myOutput.txt")

// If you really need the for a non lazy API

// Or a path for a lazy String based API { it.asFile.path }
// Compatible with a number of Gradle lazy APIs that accept also
Provider<RegularFile> output = layout.buildDirectory.file("myOutput.txt")

// If you really need the for a non lazy API

// Or a path for a lazy String based API { it.asFile.path }

Here is another example for creating a directory, where the following:

// Returns a
// Returns a

should be replaced by:

// Compatible with a number of Gradle APIs that accept a
val output: Provider<Directory> = layout.buildDirectory.dir("outputLocation")

// If you really need the for a non lazy API

// Or a path for a lazy String based API { it.asFile.path }
// Compatible with a number of Gradle APIs that accept a
Provider<Directory> output = layout.buildDirectory.dir("outputLocation")

// If you really need the for a non lazy API

// Or a path for a lazy String based API { it.asFile.path }

Deprecated ClientModule dependencies

ClientModule dependencies are deprecated and will be removed in Gradle 9.0.

Client module dependencies were originally intended to allow builds to override incorrect or missing component metadata of external dependencies by defining the metadata locally. This functionality has since been replaced by Component Metadata Rules.

Consider the following client module dependency example:

dependencies {
    implementation(module("org:foo:1.0") {
        module("org:baz:1.0") {
dependencies {
    implementation module("org:foo:1.0") {
        dependency "org:bar:1.0"
        module("org:baz:1.0") {
            dependency "com:example:1.0"

This can be replaced with the following component metadata rule:

abstract class AddDependenciesRule @Inject constructor(val dependencies: List<String>) : ComponentMetadataRule {
    override fun execute(context: ComponentMetadataContext) {
        listOf("compile", "runtime").forEach { base ->
            context.details.withVariant(base) {
                withDependencies {
                    dependencies.forEach {
dependencies {
    components {
        withModule<AddDependenciesRule>("org:foo") {
        withModule<AddDependenciesRule>("org:baz") {

abstract class AddDependenciesRule implements ComponentMetadataRule {

    List<String> dependencies

    AddDependenciesRule(List<String> dependencies) {
        this.dependencies = dependencies

    void execute(ComponentMetadataContext context) {
        ["compile", "runtime"].each { base ->
            context.details.withVariant(base) {
                withDependencies {
                    dependencies.each {
dependencies {
    components {
        withModule("org:foo", AddDependenciesRule) {
        withModule("org:baz", AddDependenciesRule) {

    implementation "org:foo:1.0"

Earliest supported Develocity plugin version is 3.13.1

Starting in Gradle 9.0, the earliest supported Develocity plugin version is 3.13.1. The plugin versions from 3.0 up to 3.13 will be ignored when applied.

Upgrade to version 3.13.1 or later of the Develocity plugin. You can find the latest available version on the Gradle Plugin Portal. More information on the compatibility can be found here.

Upgrading from 8.1 and earlier

Potential breaking changes

Upgrade to Kotlin 1.8.20

The embedded Kotlin has been updated to Kotlin 1.8.20. For more information, see What’s new in Kotlin 1.8.20.

Note that there is a known issue with Kotlin compilation avoidance that can cause OutOfMemory exceptions in compileKotlin tasks if the compilation classpath contains very large JAR files. This applies to builds applying the Kotlin plugin v1.8.20 or the kotlin-dsl plugin.

You can work around it by disabling Kotlin compilation avoidance in your file:


See KT-57757 for more information.

Upgrade to Groovy 3.0.17

Groovy has been updated to Groovy 3.0.17.

Since the previous version was 3.0.15, the 3.0.16 changes are also included.

Upgrade to Ant 1.10.13

Ant has been updated to Ant 1.10.13.

Since the previous version was 1.10.11, the 1.10.12 changes are also included.

Upgrade to CodeNarc 3.2.0

The default version of CodeNarc has been updated to CodeNarc 3.2.0.

Upgrade to PMD 6.55.0

PMD has been updated to PMD 6.55.0.

Since the previous version was 6.48.0, all changes since then are included.

Upgrade to JaCoCo 0.8.9

JaCoCo has been updated to 0.8.9.

Plugin compatibility changes

A plugin compiled with Gradle >= 8.2 that makes use of the Kotlin DSL functions Project.the<T>(), Project.the(KClass) or Project.configure<T> {} cannot run on Gradle ⇐ 6.1.

Deferred or avoided configuration of some tasks

When performing dependency resolution, Gradle creates an internal representation of the available Configurations. This requires inspecting all configurations and artifacts. Processing artifacts created by tasks causes those tasks to be realized and configured.

This internal representation is now created more lazily, which can change the order in which tasks are configured. Some tasks may never be configured.

This change may cause code paths that relied on a particular order to no longer function, such as conditionally adding attributes to a configuration based on the presence of certain attributes.

This impacted the bnd plugin and JUnit5 build.

We recommend not modifying domain objects (configurations, source sets, tasks, etc) from configuration blocks for other domain objects that may not be configured.

For example, avoid doing something like this:

    configurations {
        val myConfig = create("myConfig")

    tasks.register("myTask") {
            // This is not safe, as the execution of this block may not occur, or may not occur in the order expected
          configurations["myConfig"].attributes {
              attribute(Usage.USAGE_ATTRIBUTE, objects.named(, Usage.JAVA_RUNTIME))


CompileOptions method deprecations

The following methods on CompileOptions are deprecated:

  • getAnnotationProcessorGeneratedSourcesDirectory()

  • setAnnotationProcessorGeneratedSourcesDirectory(File)

  • setAnnotationProcessorGeneratedSourcesDirectory(Provider<File>)

Current usages of these methods should migrate to DirectoryProperty getGeneratedSourceOutputDirectory()

Using configurations incorrectly

Gradle will now warn at runtime when methods of Configuration are called inconsistently with the configuration’s intended usage.

This change is part of a larger ongoing effort to make the intended behavior of configurations more consistent and predictable, and to unlock further speed and memory improvements.

Currently, the following methods should only be called with these listed allowed usages:

  • resolve() - RESOLVABLE configurations only

  • files(Closure), files(Spec), files(Dependency…), fileCollection(Spec), fileCollection(Closure), fileCollection(Dependency…) - RESOLVABLE configurations only

  • getResolvedConfigurations() - RESOLVABLE configurations only

  • defaultDependencies(Action) - DECLARABLE configurations only

  • shouldResolveConsistentlyWith(Configuration) - RESOLVABLE configurations only

  • disableConsistentResolution() - RESOLVABLE configurations only

  • getDependencyConstraints() - DECLARABLE configurations only

  • copy(), copy(Spec), copy(Closure), copyRecursive(), copyRecursive(Spec), copyRecursive(Closure) - RESOLVABLE configurations only

Intended usage is noted in the Configuration interface’s Javadoc. This list is likely to grow in future releases.

Starting in Gradle 9.0, using a configuration inconsistently with its intended usage will be prohibited.

Also note that although it is not currently restricted, the getDependencies() method is really only intended for use with DECLARABLE configurations. The getAllDependencies() method, which retrieves all declared dependencies on a configuration and any superconfigurations, will not be restricted to any particular usage.

Deprecated access to plugin conventions

The concept of conventions is outdated and superseded by extensions to provide custom DSLs.

To reflect this in the Gradle API, the following elements are deprecated:

Gradle Core plugins still register their conventions in addition to their extensions for backwards compatibility.

It is deprecated to access any of these conventions and their properties. Doing so will now emit a deprecation warning. This will become an error in Gradle 9.0. You should prefer accessing the extensions and their properties instead.

For specific examples see the next sections.

Prominent community plugins already migrated to using extensions to provide custom DSLs. Some of them still registers conventions for backwards compatibility. Registering conventions does not emit a deprecation warning yet to provide a migration window. Future Gradle versions will do.

Also note that Plugins compiled with Gradle ⇐ 8.1 that make use of the Kotlin DSL functions Project.the<T>(), Project.the(KClass) or Project.configure<T> {} will emit a deprecation warning when run on Gradle >= 8.2. To fix this these plugins should be recompiled with Gradle >= 8.2 or changed to access extensions directly using extensions.getByType<T>() instead.

Deprecated base plugin conventions

The convention properties contributed by the base plugin have been deprecated and scheduled for removal in Gradle 9.0. For the wider context see the section about plugin convention deprecation.

The conventions are replaced by the base { } configuration block backed by BasePluginExtension. The old convention object defines the distsDirName, libsDirName and archivesBaseName properties with simple getter and setter methods. Those methods are available in the extension only to maintain backwards compatibility. Build scripts should solely use the properties of type Property:

plugins {

base {
plugins {
    id 'base'

base {
    archivesName = "gradle"
    distsDirectory = layout.buildDirectory.dir('custom-dist')
    libsDirectory = layout.buildDirectory.dir('custom-libs')

Deprecated application plugin conventions

The convention properties contributed by the application plugin have been deprecated and scheduled for removal in Gradle 9.0. For the wider context see the section about plugin convention deprecation.

The following code will now emit deprecation warnings:

plugins {

applicationDefaultJvmArgs = listOf("-Dgreeting.language=en") // Accessing a convention
plugins {
    id 'application'

applicationDefaultJvmArgs = ['-Dgreeting.language=en'] // Accessing a convention

This should be changed to use the application { } configuration block, backed by JavaApplication, instead:

plugins {

application {
    applicationDefaultJvmArgs = listOf("-Dgreeting.language=en")
plugins {
    id 'application'

application {
    applicationDefaultJvmArgs = ['-Dgreeting.language=en']

Deprecated java plugin conventions

The convention properties contributed by the java plugin have been deprecated and scheduled for removal in Gradle 9.0. For the wider context see the section about plugin convention deprecation.

The following code will now emit deprecation warnings:

plugins {

configure<JavaPluginConvention> { // Accessing a convention
    sourceCompatibility = JavaVersion.VERSION_18
plugins {
    id 'java'

sourceCompatibility = 18 // Accessing a convention

This should be changed to use the java { } configuration block, backed by JavaPluginExtension, instead:

plugins {

java {
    sourceCompatibility = JavaVersion.VERSION_18
plugins {
    id 'java'

java {
    sourceCompatibility = JavaVersion.VERSION_18

Deprecated war plugin conventions

The convention properties contributed by the war plugin have been deprecated and scheduled for removal in Gradle 9.0. For the wider context see the section about plugin convention deprecation.

The following code will now emit deprecation warnings:

plugins {

configure<WarPluginConvention> { // Accessing a convention
    webAppDirName = "src/main/webapp"
plugins {
    id 'war'

webAppDirName = 'src/main/webapp' // Accessing a convention

Clients should configure the war task directly. Also, tasks.withType(War.class).configureEach(…​) can be used to configure each task of type War.

plugins {

tasks.war {
plugins {
    id 'war'

war {
    webAppDirectory = file('src/main/webapp')

Deprecated ear plugin conventions

The convention properties contributed by the ear plugin have been deprecated and scheduled for removal in Gradle 9.0. For the wider context see the section about plugin convention deprecation.

The following code will now emit deprecation warnings:

plugins {

configure<EarPluginConvention> { // Accessing a convention
    appDirName = "src/main/app"
plugins {
    id 'ear'

appDirName = 'src/main/app' // Accessing a convention

Clients should configure the ear task directly. Also, tasks.withType(Ear.class).configureEach(…​) can be used to configure each task of type Ear.

plugins {

tasks.ear {
plugins {
    id 'ear'

ear {
    appDirectory = file('src/main/app')  // use application metadata found in this folder

Deprecated project-report plugin conventions

The convention properties contributed by the project-reports plugin have been deprecated and scheduled for removal in Gradle 9.0. For the wider context see the section about plugin convention deprecation.

The following code will now emit deprecation warnings:

plugins {

configure<ProjectReportsPluginConvention> {
    projectReportDirName = "custom" // Accessing a convention
plugins {
    id 'project-report'

projectReportDirName = "custom" // Accessing a convention

Configure your report task instead:

plugins {

tasks.withType<HtmlDependencyReportTask>() {
plugins {
    id 'project-report'

tasks.withType(HtmlDependencyReportTask) {
    projectReportDirectory = project.layout.buildDirectory.dir("reports/custom")

Redundant configuration usage activation

Calling setCanBeConsumed(boolean) or setCanBeResolved(boolean) on a configuration that already allows that usage is deprecated.

This deprecation is intended to help users identify unnecessary configuration usage modifications.

Configuration method deprecations

The following method on Configuration is deprecated for removal:

  • getAll()

Obtain the set of all configurations from the project’s configurations container instead.

Relying on automatic test framework implementation dependencies

In some cases, Gradle will load JVM test framework dependencies from the Gradle distribution in order to execute tests. This existing behavior can lead to test framework dependency version conflicts on the test classpath. To avoid these conflicts, this behavior is deprecated and will be removed in Gradle 9.0. Tests using TestNG are unaffected.

In order to prepare for this change in behavior, either declare the required dependencies explicitly, or migrate to Test Suites, where these dependencies are managed automatically.

Test Suites

Builds that use test suites will not be affected by this change. Test suites manage the test framework dependencies automatically and do not require dependencies to be explicitly declared. See the user manual for further information on migrating to test suites.

Manually declaring dependencies

In the absence of test suites, dependencies must be manually declared on the test runtime classpath:

  • If using JUnit 5, an explicit runtimeOnly dependency on junit-platform-launcher is required in addition to the existing implementation dependency on the test engine.

  • If using JUnit 4, only the existing implementation dependency on junit 4 is required.

  • If using JUnit 3, a test runtimeOnly dependency on junit 4 is required in addition to a compileOnly dependency on junit 3.

dependencies {
    // If using JUnit Jupiter

    // If using JUnit Vintage

    // If using JUnit 4

    // If using JUnit 3
dependencies {
    // If using JUnit Jupiter
    testImplementation 'org.junit.jupiter:junit-jupiter:5.9.2'
    testRuntimeOnly 'org.junit.platform:junit-platform-launcher'

    // If using JUnit Vintage
    testCompileOnly 'junit:junit:4.13.2'
    testRuntimeOnly 'org.junit.vintage:junit-vintage-engine:5.9.2'
    testRuntimeOnly 'org.junit.platform:junit-platform-launcher'

    // If using JUnit 4
    testImplementation 'junit:junit:4.13.2'

    // If using JUnit 3
    testCompileOnly 'junit:junit:3.8.2'
    testRuntimeOnly 'junit:junit:4.13.2'

BuildIdentifier and ProjectComponentSelector method deprecations

The following methods on BuildIdentifier are deprecated:

  • getName()

  • isCurrentBuild()

You could use these methods to distinguish between different project components with the same name but from different builds. However, for certain composite build setups, these methods do not provide enough information to guarantee uniqueness.

Current usages of these methods should migrate to BuildIdentifier.getBuildPath().

Similarly, the method ProjectComponentSelector.getBuildName() is deprecated. Use ProjectComponentSelector.getBuildPath() instead.

Upgrading from 8.0 and earlier

CACHEDIR.TAG files are created in global cache directories

Gradle now emits a CACHEDIR.TAG file in some global cache directories, as specified in directory_layout.html.

This may cause these directories to no longer be searched or backed up by some tools. To disable it, use the following code in an init script in the Gradle User Home:

beforeSettings {
    caches {
        // Disable cache marking for all caches
beforeSettings { settings ->
    settings.caches {
        // Disable cache marking for all caches
        markingStrategy = MarkingStrategy.NONE

Configuration cache options renamed

In this release, the configuration cache feature was promoted from incubating to stable, and as such, all properties originally mentioned in the feature documentation (which had an unsafe part in their names, e.g. org.gradle.unsafe.configuration-cache) were renamed, in some cases, by just removing the unsafe bit.

Incubating property Finalized property







Note that the original org.gradle.unsafe.configuration-cache…​ properties continue to be honored in this release, and no warnings will be produced if they are used, but they will be deprecated and removed in a future release.

Potential breaking changes

Kotlin DSL scripts emit compilation warnings

Compilation warnings from Kotlin DSL scripts are printed to the console output. For example, the use of deprecated APIs in Kotlin DSL will emit warnings each time the script is compiled.

This is a potentially breaking change if you are consuming the console output of Gradle builds.

Configuring Kotlin compiler options with the kotlin-dsl plugin applied

If you are configuring custom Kotlin compiler options on a project with the kotlin-dsl plugin applied you might encounter a breaking change.

In previous Gradle versions, the kotlin-dsl plugin was adding required compiler arguments on afterEvaluate {}. Now that the Kotlin Gradle Plugin provides lazy configuration properties, our kotlin-dsl plugin switched to adding required compiler arguments to the lazy properties directly. As a consequence, if you were setting freeCompilerArgs the kotlin-dsl plugin is now failing the build because its required compiler arguments are overridden by your configuration.

plugins {

tasks.withType(KotlinCompile::class).configureEach {
    kotlinOptions { // Deprecated non-lazy configuration options
        freeCompilerArgs = listOf("-Xcontext-receivers")

With the configuration above you would get the following build failure:

* What went wrong
Execution failed for task ':compileKotlin'.
> Kotlin compiler arguments of task ':compileKotlin' do not work for the `kotlin-dsl` plugin. The 'freeCompilerArgs' property has been reassigned. It must instead be appended to. Please use 'freeCompilerArgs.addAll(\"your\", \"args\")' to fix this.

You must change this to adding your custom compiler arguments to the lazy configuration properties of the Kotlin Gradle Plugin in order for them to be appended to the ones required by the kotlin-dsl plugin:

plugins {

tasks.withType(KotlinCompile::class).configureEach {
    compilerOptions { // New lazy configuration options

If you were already adding to freeCompilerArgs instead of setting its value, then you should not experience a build failure.

New API introduced may clash with existing Gradle DSL code

When a new property or method is added to an existing type in the Gradle DSL, it may clash with names already in use in user code.

When a name clash occurs, one solution is to rename the element in user code.

This is a non-exhaustive list of API additions in 8.1 that may cause name collisions with existing user code.

Using unsupported API to start external processes at configuration time is no longer allowed with the configuration cache enabled

Since Gradle 7.5, using Project.exec, Project.javaexec, and standard Java and Groovy APIs to run external processes at configuration time has been considered an error only if the feature preview STABLE_CONFIGURATION_CACHE was enabled. With the configuration cache promotion to a stable feature in Gradle 8.1, this error is detected regardless of the feature preview status. The configuration cache chapter has more details to help with the migration to the new provider-based APIs to execute external processes at configuration time.

Builds that do not use the configuration cache, or only start external processes at execution time are not affected by this change.


Mutating core plugin configuration usage

The allowed usage of a configuration should be immutable after creation. Mutating the allowed usage on a configuration created by a Gradle core plugin is deprecated. This includes calling any of the following Configuration methods:

  • setCanBeConsumed(boolean)

  • setCanBeResolved(boolean)

These methods now emit deprecation warnings on these configurations, except for certain special cases which make allowances for the existing behavior of popular plugins. This rule does not yet apply to detached configurations or configurations created in buildscripts and third-party plugins. Calling setCanBeConsumed(false) on apiElements or runtimeElements is not yet deprecated in order to avoid warnings that would be otherwise emitted when using select popular third-party plugins.

This change is part of a larger ongoing effort to make the intended behavior of configurations more consistent and predictable, and to unlock further speed and memory improvements in this area of Gradle.

The ability to change the allowed usage of a configuration after creation will be removed in Gradle 9.0.

Reserved configuration names

Configuration names "detachedConfiguration" and "detachedConfigurationX" (where X is any integer) are reserved for internal use when creating detached configurations.

The ability to create non-detached configurations with these names will be removed in Gradle 9.0.

Calling select methods on the JavaPluginExtension without the java component present

Starting in Gradle 8.1, calling any of the following methods on JavaPluginExtension without the presence of the default java component is deprecated:

  • withJavadocJar()

  • withSourcesJar()

  • consistentResolution(Action)

This java component is added by the JavaPlugin, which is applied by any of the Gradle JVM plugins including:

  • java-library

  • application

  • groovy

  • scala

Starting in Gradle 9.0, calling any of the above listed methods without the presence of the default java component will become an error.


Starting in Gradle 8.1, calling WarPlugin#configureConfiguration(ConfigurationContainer) is deprecated. This method was intended for internal use and was never intended to be used as part of the public interface.

Starting in Gradle 9.0, this method will be removed without replacement.

Relying on conventions for custom Test tasks

By default, when applying the java plugin, the testClassesDirs`and `classpath of all Test tasks have the same convention. Unless otherwise changed, the default behavior is to execute the tests from the default test TestSuite by configuring the task with the classpath and testClassesDirs from the test suite. This behavior will be removed in Gradle 9.0.

While this existing default behavior is correct for the use case of executing the default unit test suite under a different environment, it does not support the use case of executing an entirely separate set of tests.

If you wish to continue including these tests, use the following code to avoid the deprecation warning in 8.1 and prepare for the behavior change in 9.0. Alternatively, consider migrating to test suites.

val test by testing.suites.existing(JvmTestSuite::class)
tasks.named<Test>("myTestTask") {
    testClassesDirs = files( { it.sources.output.classesDirs })
    classpath = files( { it.sources.runtimeClasspath })
tasks.myTestTask {
    testClassesDirs = testing.suites.test.sources.output.classesDirs
    classpath = testing.suites.test.sources.runtimeClasspath

Modifying Gradle Module Metadata after a publication has been populated

Altering the GMM (e.g., changing a component configuration variants) after a Maven or Ivy publication has been populated from their components is now deprecated. This feature will be removed in Gradle 9.0.

Eager population of the publication can happen if the following methods are called:

Previously, the following code did not generate warnings, but it created inconsistencies between published artifacts:

publishing {
    publications {
        create<MavenPublication>("maven") {
        create<IvyPublication>("ivy") {

// These calls eagerly populate the Maven and Ivy publications

(publishing.publications["maven"] as MavenPublication).artifacts
(publishing.publications["ivy"] as IvyPublication).artifacts

val javaComponent = components["java"] as AdhocComponentWithVariants
javaComponent.withVariantsFromConfiguration(configurations["apiElements"]) { skip() }
javaComponent.withVariantsFromConfiguration(configurations["runtimeElements"]) { skip() }
publishing {
    publications {
        maven(MavenPublication) {
        ivy(IvyPublication) {

// These calls eagerly populate the Maven and Ivy publications

publishing.publications.ivy.artifacts { skip() } { skip() }

In this example, the Maven and Ivy publications will contain the main JAR artifacts for the project, whereas the GMM module file will omit them.

Running tests on JVM versions 6 and 7

Running JVM tests on JVM versions older than 8 is deprecated. Testing on these versions will become an error in Gradle 9.0

Applying Kotlin DSL precompiled scripts published with Gradle < 6.0

Applying Kotlin DSL precompiled scripts published with Gradle < 6.0 is deprecated. Please use a version of the plugin published with Gradle >= 6.0.

Applying the kotlin-dsl together with Kotlin Gradle Plugin < 1.8.0

Applying the kotlin-dsl together with Kotlin Gradle Plugin < 1.8.0 is deprecated. Please let Gradle control the version of kotlin-dsl by removing any explicit kotlin-dsl version constraints from your build logic. This will let the kotlin-dsl plugin decide which version of the Kotlin Gradle Plugin to use. If you explicitly declare which version of the Kotlin Gradle Plugin to use for your build logic, update it to >= 1.8.0.

Accessing libraries or bundles from dependency version catalogs in the plugins {} block of a Kotlin script

Accessing libraries or bundles from dependency version catalogs in the plugins {} block of a Kotlin script is deprecated. Please only use versions or plugins from dependency version catalogs in the plugins {} block.

Using ValidatePlugins task without a Java Toolchain

Using a task of type ValidatePlugins without applying the Java Toolchains plugin is deprecated, and will become an error in Gradle 9.0.

To avoid this warning, please apply the plugin to your project:

plugins {
plugins {
    id 'jdk-toolchains'

The Java Toolchains plugin is applied automatically by the Java plugin, so you can also apply it to your project and it will fix the warning.

Deprecated members of the org.gradle.util package now report their deprecation

These members will be removed in Gradle 9.0.

  • WrapUtil.toDomainObjectSet(…​)

  • GUtil.toCamelCase(…​)

  • GUtil.toLowerCase(…​)

  • ConfigureUtil

Deprecated JVM vendor IBM Semeru

The enum constant JvmVendorSpec.IBM_SEMERU is now deprecated and will be removed in Gradle 9.0.

Please replace it by its equivalent JvmVendorSpec.IBM to avoid warnings and potential errors in the next major version release.

Setting custom build layout on StartParameter and GradleBuild

Following the related previous deprecation of the behaviour in Gradle 7.1, it is now also deprecated to use related StartParameter and GradleBuild properties. These properties will be removed in Gradle 9.0.

Setting custom build file using buildFile property in GradleBuild task has been deprecated.

Please use the dir property instead to specify the root of the nested build. Alternatively, consider using one of the recommended alternatives for GradleBuild task as suggested in Avoid using the GradleBuild task type section.

Setting custom build layout using StartParameter methods setBuildFile(File) and setSettingsFile(File) as well as the counterpart getters getBuildFile() and getSettingsFile() have been deprecated.

Please use standard locations for settings and build files:

  • settings file in the root of the build

  • build file in the root of each subproject

Deprecated org.gradle.cache.cleanup property

The org.gradle.cache.cleanup property in under Gradle User Home has been deprecated. Please use the cache cleanup DSL instead to disable or modify the cleanup configuration.

Since the org.gradle.cache.cleanup property may still be needed for older versions of Gradle, this property may still be present and no deprecation warnings will be printed as long as it is also configured via the DSL. The DSL value will always take preference over the org.gradle.cache.cleanup property. If the desired configuration is to disable cleanup for older versions of Gradle (using org.gradle.cache.cleanup), but to enable cleanup with the default values for Gradle versions at or above Gradle 8, then cleanup should be configured to use Cleanup.DEFAULT:

if (GradleVersion.current() >= GradleVersion.version('8.0')) {
    apply from: "gradle8/cache-settings.gradle"
if (GradleVersion.current() >= GradleVersion.version("8.0")) {
    apply(from = "gradle8/cache-settings.gradle")
beforeSettings { settings ->
    settings.caches {
        cleanup = Cleanup.DEFAULT
beforeSettings {
    caches {

Deprecated using relative paths to specify Java executables

Using relative file paths to point to Java executables is now deprecated and will become an error in Gradle 9. This is done to reduce confusion about what such relative paths should resolve against.

Calling Task.getConvention(), Task.getExtensions() from a task action

Calling Task.getConvention(), Task.getExtensions() from a task action at execution time is now deprecated and will be made an error in Gradle 9.0.

See the configuration cache chapter for details on how to migrate these usages to APIs that are supported by the configuration cache.

Deprecated running test task successfully when no test executed

Running the Test task successfully when no test was executed is now deprecated and will become an error in Gradle 9. Note that it is not an error when no test sources are present, in this case the test task is simply skipped. It is only an error when test sources are present, but no test was selected for execution. This is changed to avoid accidental successful test runs due to erroneous configuration.

Changes in the IDE integration

Workaround for false positive errors shown in Kotlin DSL plugins {} block using version catalog is not needed anymore

Version catalog accessors for plugin aliases in the plugins {} block aren’t shown as errors in IntelliJ IDEA and Android Studio Kotlin script editor anymore.

If you were using the @Suppress("DSL_SCOPE_VIOLATION") annotation as a workaround, you can now remove it.

If you were using the Gradle Libs Error Suppressor IntelliJ IDEA plugin, you can now uninstall it.

After upgrading Gradle to 8.1 you will need to clear the IDE caches and restart.