Create your FHL Player
This form will help you to create your FHL Player. You can follow this link (here: ) for an example on how to fill out the questions, or send a note to for personalized help
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Player Name *
Player Last Name(Optional)
Player Icon(Optional)
For use in Game Night/Game of the Week listings and for use on the Website Player Page. Preferred size 200x200
Preferred Contact Site *
Contact Account *
Who Referred you to the FHL, if anyone?
Species *
Gender *
Age *
Height *
Suggested between 4'6" and 7'2" (137 and 218cm)
Weight *
Suggested between 100 and 400lbs(45 and 181kgs)
Nationality *
Preferred Jersey Number *
Multiple Choices are Allowed
Base Species Category *
Choose the species category that best fits your character. This will determine your character's base statistics. Don't know where you would fit? Send a note to the FHL and we can help you determine it. Base Statistics for each species are available here:
Position *
We are not taking Goalies at this time due to current numbers.
Build Process Options *
Please Select a Build Process Option. Please note in all cases, plays will be reviewed by the commission just to make sure your skater is what you seek.
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