Wiz Source

Cribl Stream supports collecting data from the Wiz cloud security platform. The Wiz Source will communicate with APIs that your organization’s Wiz portal exposes: Audit Logs, Configuration Findings (sometimes called Cloud Configuration), Issues, and Vulnerabilities.

Type: Pull | TLS Support: No | Event Breaker Support: No


Reference the Wiz integration documentation for gathering your Wiz account’s unique GraphQL API endpoint URL and authentication information. You’ll provide these in the Cribl Stream Wiz Source configuration.

Configuring a Wiz Source

In Cribl Stream, set up a Wiz Source.

  1. From the top nav, click Manage, then select a Worker Group to configure. Next, you have two options:

    • To configure via the graphical QuickConnect UI, click Routing then QuickConnect. Next, click Add Source and from the resulting drawer’s tiles, select Wiz. Next, click either Add Source or (if displayed) Select Existing.
    • To configure via the Routing UI, click Data then Sources. Select Wiz from the list of tiles or the Sources left nav. Next, click Add Source to open the Add Source modal.
  2. In the Source modal, configure the following under General Settings:

    • Input ID: Enter a unique name to identify this Wiz Source definition. If you clone this Source, Cribl Stream will add -CLONE to the original Input ID.
    • GraphQL endpoint: Enter the Wiz GraphQL API endpoint URL. The UI prefills with a URL that you need to update with the appropriate <region>, https://api.<region>.app.wiz.io/graphql. For example, https://api.us1.app.wiz.io/graphql.
    • Authentication URL: Select the authentication URL to generate an OAuth token.
    • Client ID: Enter the Wiz Client ID (53-character string).
    • Authentication method: Enter the Wiz Client secret (64-character string) password credentials manually or with a secret. When choosing Secret, you’ll select a stored text secret in the resulting Client Secret (text secret) drop-down, or click Create to configure a new secret.
    • Content types: Toggle Enable content to Yes for the API types you want to query. The available types are Audit Logs, Configuration Findings, Issues, and Vulnerabilities.
      • The schedule and query are automatically configured for you. See scheduling options for details on how these options work.
      • Toggle State tracking to Yes to track state by time, which prevents overlaps between collection jobs where subsequent jobs may return some of the same results as previous jobs. Similarly, it can help prevent gaps in data by allowing the next run to pick up from where the last run ended.
    • Tags: Optionally, add tags that you can use to filter and group Sources in Cribl Stream’s Manage Sources page. These tags aren’t added to processed events. Use a tab or hard return between (arbitrary) tag names.
  3. The remaining options, Processing Settings, Retries, and Advanced Settings, are already configured for Wiz data collection.

  4. Click Save, then Commit & Deploy.

  5. Verify that data is making it to Cribl Stream by viewing the Live Data feed from the Source.

Processing Settings

  • Fields: You can add Fields to each event, using Eval-like functionality. A field consists of a Name and Value pair. The Value is a JavaScript expression and can be a constant.
  • Pre-Processing: Select a Pipeline to process results before sending to Routes. Optional, and available only when Send to Routes is toggled to Yes.


Optionally adjust the default retry settings for failed collect jobs.

  • Retry type: The algorithm to use when performing HTTP retries. Options include Backoff (the default), Static, and Disabled.
  • Initial retry interval (ms): Time interval between failed request and first retry (kickoff). Maximum allowed value is 20,000 ms (1/3 minute). A value of 0 means retry immediately until reaching the retry limit in Max retries.
  • Max retries: Maximum number of times to retry a failed HTTP request. Defaults to 5. Maximum: 20. A value of 0 means don’t retry at all.
  • Backoff multiplier: Base for exponential backoff. A value of 2 (default) means that Cribl Stream will retry after 2 seconds, then 4 seconds, then 8 seconds, and so forth.
  • Retry HTTP codes: List of HTTP codes that trigger a retry. Leave empty to use the defaults (429 and 503). Cribl Stream does not retry codes in the 200 series.
  • Honor Retry-After header: When toggled to Yes (the default), retry-after headers up to a maximum of 20 seconds are processed. Delays longer than 20 seconds are ignored.

Advanced Settings

Advanced Settings enable you to customize post-processing and administrative options.

  • Request Timeout (seconds): The maximum time period for an HTTP request to complete before Cribl Stream treats it as timed out. Defaults to 0, which disables timeout metering.
  • Time to live: How long to keep the job’s artifacts on disk after job completion. This also affects how long a job is listed in Job Inspector. Defaults to 4h.
  • Environment: If you’re using GitOps, optionally use this field to specify a single Git branch on which to enable this configuration. If empty, the config will be enabled everywhere.

Connected Destinations

Connected Destinations mimics which method you used to open the Wiz configuration modal in step 1, either the QuickConnect UI or the Routes UI. Send to Routes enables conditional routing, filtering, and cloning of this Source’s data via the Routing table. QuickConnect allows you to send this Source’s data to one or more Destinations via independent, direct connections.


When you enable a Content type under General Settings the following scheduling options are available:

The Cron schedule configures when collection requests are made.

Job timeout: Maximum time this job will be allowed to run. Units are seconds, if not specified. Sample values: 30, 45s, or 15m. Minimum granularity is 10 seconds, so a 45s value would round up to a 50-second timeout. Defaults to 0, meaning unlimited time (no timeout).

Log Level: Level at which to set task logging. More verbose levels are useful for troubleshooting jobs and tasks, but use them sparingly.

The Earliest time and Latest time defines the time range of events to collect, based on the _time field. These fields accept the following syntax:

[ |-]<time_integer><time_unit>@<snap-to_time_unit>

To break down this syntax:

Syntax ElementValues Supported
OffsetSpecify: - for times in the past, for times in the future, or omit with now.
<time_integer>Specify any integer, or omit with now.
<time_unit>Specify the now constant, or one of the following abbreviations: s[econds], m[inutes], h[ours], d[ays], w[eeks], mon[ths], q[uarters], y[ears].
@<snap-to_time_unit>Optionally, you can append the @ modifier, followed by any of the above <time_unit>s, to round down to the nearest instance of that unit. (See the next section for details.)

Cribl Stream validates relative time values using these rules:

  • Earliest must not be later than Latest.
  • Values without units get interpreted as seconds. For example, -1 = -1s.

Snap-to-Time Syntax

The @ snap modifier always rounds down (backwards) from any specified time. This is true even in relative time expressions with (future) offsets. For example:

  • @d snaps back to the beginning of today, 12:00 AM (midnight).

  • 128m@h looks forward 128 minutes, then snaps back to the nearest round hour. (If you specified this in the Latest field, and ran the Source at 4:20 PM, collection would end at 6:00 PM. The expression would look forward to 6:28 PM, but snap back to 6:00 PM.)

Other options:

  • @w or @w7 to snap back to the beginning of the week – defined here as the preceding Sunday.
  • To snap back to other days of a week, use w1 (Monday) through w6 (Saturday).
  • @mon to snap back to the 1st of a month.
  • @q to snap back to the beginning of the most recent quarter – Jan. 1, Apr. 1, Jul. 1, or Oct. 1.
  • @y to snap back to Jan. 1.

Working with State Tracking

You can configure the Source to track state, either by time or another arbitrary value. This can help prevent overlaps between jobs, where subsequent runs may return some of the same results as previous runs. Similarly, it can help prevent gaps in data by allowing a run to pick up from where the last run ended.

State update expression: JavaScript expression that defines how to update the state from an event. Use the event’s data and the current state to compute the new state.

State merge expression: JavaScript expression that defines which state to keep when merging a task’s newly reported state with the previously saved state. Evaluates prevState and newState variables, resolving to the state to keep.

The default values for these fields are configured to track state by the latest _time field found in events gathered in a collection run.

Understanding State Expression Fields

The State update and State merge expressions control how state is derived from a collection run and how it is merged with existing state, respectively. They’re preconfigured to work with the common use case of tracking state by latest _time, but you may need to update them for other use cases. To understand what these fields do, let’s break down the default values.

State update expression

This expression has a default value of:

__timestampExtracted !== false && {latestTime: (state.latestTime || 0) > _time ? state.latestTime : _time}

__timestampExtracted !== false - the __timestampExtracted field is set to false if the Event Breaker was unable to parse time for the event. If this is the case, we don’t want to update state (the event’s _time value defaults to Date.now() if the Event Breaker was unable to parse out the correct time). If _timestampExtracted is false, we take advantage of short-circuit evaluation to not update state.

State values must resolve to an object, such as:

{ "latestTime": 17122806161 }

If the expression does not resolve to an object, Cribl Stream will ignore the result.

{latestTime: (state.latestTime || 0) > _time ? state.latestTime : _time} - compare state.latestTime to the event’s _time value, keeping whichever value is greater.

State merge expression

This expression has a default value of:

prevState.latestTime > newState.latestTime ? prevState : newState

It compares prevState (the state that was previously saved) to newState (the state reported from the most recent collection task), keeping the state with the greatest latestTime value.

Managing State

Click Manage State to view, modify, or delete a state. For more information, see Manage State.

Wiz API Results Limits

The table below shows the results limits for each Wiz API.

APILimit (results)
Audit Logs10,000
Cloud Configuration10,000
Issuesno limit
Vulnerabilityno limit

Once your query hits the limit of results for a given Wiz API, the API will send no further results.

Proxying Requests

If you need to proxy HTTP/S requests, see System Proxy Configuration.

Internal Fields

Cribl Stream uses a set of internal fields to assist in data handling. These “meta” fields are not part of an event, but they are accessible, and you can use them in Functions to make processing decisions.

Relevant fields for this Source:

  • __collectible – This object’s nested fields contain metadata about each collection job.
  • __collectStats – This object’s nested fields are method, url, and elapsedMS.


Navigate to and open the Wiz Source, then use the Source’s Job Inspector tab to see the results of recent collection runs.

The Source’s configuration modal has helpful tabs for troubleshooting:

Live Data: Try capturing live data to see real-time events as they are ingested. On the Live Data tab, click Start Capture to begin viewing real-time data.

Logs: Review and search the logs that provide detailed information about the ingestion process, including any errors or warnings that may have occurred.

You can also view the Monitoring page that provides a comprehensive overview of data volume and rate, helping you identify ingestion issues. Analyze the graphs showing events and bytes in/out over time.

Response Errors

The Source treats all non-200 responses from configured URL endpoints as errors. This includes 1xx, 3xx, 4xx, and 5xx responses.

A few exceptions are treated as non-fatal errors:

  • Where a collect job launches multiple tasks, and only a subset of those tasks fail, Cribl Stream places the job in failed status, but treats the error as non-fatal. (Note that Cribl Stream does not retry the failed tasks.)

  • Where a collect job receives a 3xx redirection error code, it follows the error’s treatment by the underlying library, and does not necessarily treat the error as fatal.