Cloud November 2023#
These release notes are for the Codacy Cloud updates during November 2023.
📢 Visit the Codacy roadmap and let us know your feedback on both new and planned product updates!
Product enhancements#
- Added support for Semgrep’s open-source engine to perform static application security testing (SAST), with the option to upgrade to Semgrep Pro. (TAROT-2347)
You now get two additional coverage status reports from the new, faster Coverage engine on your Git provider, showing whether your diff coverage and coverage variation are up to standard or not as configured on the quality gate rules for your repository. (ALA-624)
This setting is active by default. If you're using GitHub, see how to update your setup to use the new Coverage status reports.
Bug fixes#
- The Codacy Coverage engine can now process coverage reports that contain an arbitrarily large number of hits for each covered line. (ALA-660)
Feature removal#
- We removed the option to create, configure, and delete repository-level Slack, Jira, and Webhook integrations. Your existing integrations will keep working, but you can no longer configure or delete them on the Codacy app. For more information, see the deprecation notice. (CY-7202, CY-7203, CY-7204)
Tool versions#
Codacy Cloud now includes the tool versions below. The tools that were recently updated are highlighted in bold:
- CoffeeLint 5.2.11
- Ameba 1.4.3
- Bandit 1.7.5
- Brakeman 4.3.1
- bundler-audit (deprecated) 0.9.1
- Checkov 3.0.25 (updated from 2.3.187)
- Checkstyle 10.12.5 (updated from 10.12.3)
- Clang-Tidy 10.0.1
- CodeNarc 3.3.0
- Cppcheck 2.12.0
- Credo 1.4.0
- CSSLint (deprecated) 1.0.5
- dartanalyzer 2.17.0
- detekt 1.22.0
- ESLint 8.54.0 (updated from 8.51.0)
- ESLint (deprecated) 7.32.0
- Faux-Pas 1.7.2
- Flawfinder 2.0.19
- Gosec 2.15.0
- Hadolint 1.18.2
- Jackson Linter 2.15.2
- JSHint (deprecated) 2.13.6
- markdownlint 0.31.1 (updated from 0.26.2)
- PHP Mess Detector 2.14.1 (updated from 2.13.0)
- PHP_CodeSniffer 3.7.2
- PMD 6.55.0
- Prospector 1.10.3 (updated from 1.10.2)
- PSScriptAnalyzer 1.21.0
- Pylint 3.0.2 (updated from 2.17.5)
- Pylint (deprecated) 1.9.5
- remark-lint 9.1.2
- Revive 1.3.4 (updated from 1.3.3)
- RuboCop 1.57.2 (updated from 1.56.1)
- Scalastyle 1.5.1
- Semgrep 1.50.0 (new)
- ShellCheck v0.9.0
- SonarC# 8.40
- SonarVB 8.15
- Spectral 1.18.0 (updated from 1.16.0)
- SpotBugs 4.8.0 (updated from 4.7.3)
- SQLint 0.2.1
- Staticcheck 2023.1.5
- Stylelint 15.10.3
- SwiftLint 0.50.3
- Tailor 0.12.0
- Trivy 0.47.0 (updated from 0.46.0)
- TSLint (deprecated) 6.1.3
- TSQLLint 1.11.1
- Unity Roslyn Analyzers 1.17.0
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