Aplus Framework Docs


Aplus Framework Autoload Library

Aplus Framework Autoload Library.


The installation of this library can be done with Composer:

composer require aplus/autoload


Autoload makes it possible to load files with classes, interfaces, traits and enums automatically if they are not declared.

This library allows Autoload Classes and Autoload with Namespaces.

For this, the Autoloader class is instantiated as shown in the following example:

use Framework\Autoload\Autoloader;

$autoloader = new Autoloader();

It has two parameters. The first causes the class to be registered as an autoloader and the second the file extensions that can be loaded, which by default is .php.


If the registration is not performed through the constructor, you can register whenever you want through the register method:

$autoloader->register(); // bool

Once this is done, the classes registered in the Autoloader can be automatically loaded.

Autoload Classes

To register the name of a class that is in a given file, we can use the setClass method:

Set Class

$name = 'App';
$filepath = __DIR__ . '/App.php';
$autoloader->setClass($name, $filepath); // static

Set Classes

Or, register multiple classes at once with setClasses:

$classes = [
    'App' => __DIR__ . '/App.php',
    'Config' => __DIR__ . '/Config.php',
$autoloader->setClasses($classes); // static

Get Class

To get the file path of a registered class, you can use the getClass method:

$autoloader->getClass($name); // string or null

Get Classes

And, to get an array with the class names as keys and the file paths as values, use the getClasses method:

$autoloader->getClasses(); // array of strings

Remove Class

If you need to remove a class from the Autoloader, use the removeClass method:

$name = 'App';
$autoloader->removeClass($name); // static

Remove Classes

Or removeClasses to remove multiple classes at once:

$names = [
$autoloader->removeClasses($names); // static

Autoload with Namespaces

Registering classes individually is great if the files are in different directories or the file names are inconsistent.

However, a much more powerful way to load classes is to register namespaces for directories.

Inside this directories, files with the name of the requested class will be searched and, if found, will be loaded.

Add Namespace

Let's see how to add namespaces in Autoloader:

$namespace = 'App';
$directory = __DIR__ . '/app';
$autoloader->addNamespace($namespace, $directory); // static

This causes Autoloader to look for classes starting with the App namespace within the __DIR__ . '/app' directory.

Set Namespace

Instead of adding namespaces, it may be necessary to set namespaces, removing all others. For this, use the setNamespace method:

$autoloader->setNamespace($namespace, $directory); // static

Get Namespace

To know in which directory a namespace is looking for files we use the getNamespace method. Which will return an array with the directories of a namespace.

Let's see the example below, getting the directories from the App namespace:

$directories = $autoloader->getNamespace('App'); // array of strings

Set Namespaces

Also, it's possible to have multiple namespaces pointing to directories at once with the setNamespaces method.

Let's see how to set a directory for the App namespace and another for Config:

    'App' => __DIR__ . '/app',
    'Config' => __DIR__ . '/config',
]); // static

Get Namespaces

To get all the namespaces, use the getNamespaces method:

$namespaces = $autoloader->getNamespaces(); // array of array of strings

Remove Namespace

If necessary, a namespace can be removed as in the example below:

$autoloader->removeNamespace('App'); // static

Remove Namespaces

Or remove multiple at once:

]); // static

Find Class Path

With Autoloader it is possible to obtain the file path that a class has. Let's see:

$filepath = $autoloader->findClassPath('App\Models\Users'); // string or null


Locator makes it easy to find and list files in certain directories or namespaces.

To instantiate it you need an instance of Autoloader. Let's see:

use Framework\Autoload\Autoloader;
use Framework\Autoload\Locator;

$autoloader = new Autoloader();
$locator = new Locator($autoloader);

Once this is done, we can locate files and get information about them.

Get Class Name

With Locator we can get the class name of a file that contains a class, interface, trait or enum.

Let's say there is a app/Models/Users.php file:


namespace App\Models;

class Users

To find the Qualified Class Name in this file, we could use the getClassName method. For example:

$filename = __DIR__ . '/app/Models/Users.php';
$className = $locator->getClassName($filename); // string or null

Which would return App\Models\Users.

Locate Files

In Locator, there are similar methods, but with slightly different features.

You can get a namespaced path, find files within namespaces, files within subdirectories within namespaces, and files everywhere.

Get Namespaced Filepath

Get the first filename found in namespaces with the getNamespacedFilepath method:

$file = 'Tests/Foo';
$filepath = $locator->getNamespacedFilepath($file, '.php'); // string or null

Find Files

To find all files with the same name within all namespaces we can use the findFiles method:

$file = 'Foo';
$files = $locator->findFiles($filename, '.php'); // array of strings

Get Files

To get a list of all files within a subdirectory within namespaces we can use the getFiles method:

$subDirectory = 'tests';
$files = $locator->getFiles($subDirectory, '.php'); // array of strings

List Files

To list absolutely all the files inside a directory, we can use the listFiles method:

$directory = 'tests';
$files = $locator->listFiles($directory); // array of strings or null


Preloading makes it possible to load classes into memory, as if they were part of the PHP core.
Once loaded, they will be available on all requests.

To load the Aplus Framework class files, just use the file with the Preloader class and call the load method.

To load the Aplus Framework class files, create a file like preload.php:


require __DIR__ . '/vendor/aplus/autoload/src/Preloader.php';

use Framework\Autoload\Preloader;

$preloader = new Preloader();
$preloader->load(); // array of strings

Then, edit the PHP-FPM php.ini file by setting the preload file path and, if necessary, the user:

opcache.preload = /path/to/preload.php
opcache.preload_user = www-data

Autoloader Instance

It is possible to pass an Autoloader instance into the Preloader constructor.

By doing this, all classes set directly or through namespaces will be included for loading.

That way you can add classes that don't belong to the Framework.

use Framework\Autoload\Autoloader;
use Framework\Autoload\Preloader;

$autoloader = new Autoloader();
$autoloader->addNamespace('Foo', __DIR__ . '/foo'); // static

$preloader = new Preloader($autoloader);
$preloader->load(); // array of strings


The packages directory is defined by default in the Preloader class's constructor.

The default directory is: __DIR__ . '/../../'. Which is compatible with the structure created by Composer.

Packages Directory

If necessary, you can set a different path to the parent directory of the framework packages:

$packagesDir = __DIR__ . '/aplus';
$preloader = new Preloader($autoloader, $packagesDir);

Get Packages Dir

To get the current packages directory use getPackagesDir:

$packagesDir = $preloader->getPackagesDir(); // string

Set Packages Dir

Preloader can be instantiated without a packages directory.

To do so, set packagesDir to null which will prevent Framework packages from being loaded.

$preloader = new Preloader(packagesDir: null);

The packages directory can be set after the construction of the object with the method setPackagesDir...

$directory = __DIR__ . '/aplus';
$preloader->setPackagesDir($directory); // static

With Packages

If the construction is carried out without the packages directory, it will be necessary to define that the packages must be loaded with the `withPackages`` method:


With Dev Packages

To load development packages, such as Coding Standard and Testing, use the withDevPackages method:


Preload Files

Preloader can list only framework files to load or list all files.

List Packages Files

To list only Aplus Framework package files, use the listPackagesFiles method:

$files = $preloader->listPackagesFiles(); // array of strings

List Files

To list all the files that will be loaded, use the listFiles method:

$files = $preloader->listFiles(); // array of strings


To load files into OPCache Preloading, just call the load method.

$files = $preloader->load(); // array of strings

It will load all files from List Files into memory.


Through Preloader it is possible to obtain which classes, interfaces and traits are declared.

Get All Declarations

To get all declarations, use getAllDeclaration:

$allDeclarations = $preloader::getAllDeclarations(); // array of strings

Get Declarations

To get only Aplus Framework declarations, use the method ``getDeclarations`:

$declarations = $preloader::getDeclarations(); // array of strings


Aplus Autoload Library is an easy-to-use tool for, beginners and experienced, PHP developers.
It is perfect for autoload, locate files and optimize performance with preload.
The more you use it, the more you will learn.

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