Whitespace is any non-empty string containing only characters that have the
Unicode property, namely:
U 0009
(horizontal tab,'\t'
)U 000A
(line feed,'\n'
)U 000B
(vertical tab)U 000C
(form feed)U 000D
(carriage return,'\r'
)U 0020
(space,' '
)U 0085
(next line)U 200E
(left-to-right mark)U 200F
(right-to-left mark)U 2028
(line separator)U 2029
(paragraph separator)
Rust is a “free-form” language, meaning that all forms of whitespace serve only to separate tokens in the grammar, and have no semantic significance.
A Rust program has identical meaning if each whitespace element is replaced with any other legal whitespace element, such as a single space character.