
Tier: 2

The wasm32-wasip1-threads target is a new and still (as of July 2023) an experimental target. This target is an extension to wasm32-wasip1 target, originally known as wasm32-wasi. It extends the original target with a standardized set of syscalls that are intended to empower WebAssembly binaries with native multi threading capabilities.

Note: Prior to March 2024 this target was known as wasm32-wasi-preview1-threads, and even longer before that it was known as wasm32-wasi-threads.

Target maintainers

  • Georgii Rylov, https://github.com/g0djan
  • Alex Crichton, https://github.com/alexcrichton
  • Andrew Brown, https://github.com/abrown
  • Marcin Kolny, https://github.com/loganek


This target is cross-compiled. The target supports std fully.

The Rust target definition here is interesting in a few ways. We want to serve two use cases here with this target:

  • First, we want Rust usage of the target to be as hassle-free as possible, ideally avoiding the need to configure and install a local wasm32-wasip1-threads toolchain.
  • Second, one of the primary use cases of LLVM's new wasm backend and the wasm support in LLD is that any compiled language can interoperate with any other. The wasm32-wasip1-threads target is the first with a viable C standard library and sysroot common definition, so we want Rust and C/C code to interoperate when compiled to wasm32-unknown-unknown.

You'll note, however, that the two goals above are somewhat at odds with one another. To attempt to solve both use cases in one go we define a target that (ab)uses the crt-static target feature to indicate which one you're in.

No interop with C required

By default the crt-static target feature is enabled, and when enabled this means that the bundled version of libc.a found in liblibc.rlib is used. This isn't intended really for interoperation with a C because it may be the case that Rust's bundled C library is incompatible with a foreign-compiled C library. In this use case, though, we use rust-lld and some copied crt startup object files to ensure that you can download the wasi target for Rust and you're off to the races, no further configuration necessary. All in all, by default, no external dependencies are required. You can compile wasm32-wasip1-threads binaries straight out of the box. You can't, however, reliably interoperate with C code in this mode (yet).

Interop with C required

For the second goal we repurpose the target-feature flag, meaning that you'll need to do a few things to have C/Rust code interoperate.

  1. All Rust code needs to be compiled with -C target-feature=-crt-static, indicating that the bundled C standard library in the Rust sysroot will not be used.
  2. If you're using rustc to build a linked artifact then you'll need to specify -C linker to a clang binary that supports wasm32-wasip1-threads and is configured with the wasm32-wasip1-threads sysroot. This will cause Rust code to be linked against the libc.a that the specified clang provides.
  3. If you're building a staticlib and integrating Rust code elsewhere, then compiling with -C target-feature=-crt-static is all you need to do.

All in all, by default, no external dependencies are required. You can compile wasm32-wasip1-threads binaries straight out of the box. You can't, however, reliably interoperate with C code in this mode (yet).

Also note that at this time the wasm32-wasip1-threads target assumes the presence of other merged wasm proposals such as (with their LLVM feature flags):

  • Bulk memory - bulk-memory
  • Mutable imported globals - mutable-globals
  • Atomics - atomics

LLVM 16 is required for this target. The reason is related to linker flags: prior to LLVM 16, --import-memory and --export-memory were not allowed together. The reason both are needed is an artifact of how WASI currently does things; see https://github.com/WebAssembly/WASI/issues/502 for more details.

The target intends to match the corresponding Clang target for its "C" ABI.

Note: due to the relatively early-days nature of this target when working with this target you may encounter LLVM bugs. If an assertion hit or a bug is found it's recommended to open an issue either with rust-lang/rust or ideally with LLVM itself.

Platform requirements

The runtime should support the same set of APIs as any other supported wasi target for interacting with the host environment through the WASI standard. The runtime also should have implementation of wasi-threads proposal.

This target is not a stable target. This means that there are a few engines which implement the wasi-threads feature and if they do they're likely behind a flag, for example:

  • Wasmtime - --wasm-features=threads --wasi-modules=experimental-wasi-threads
  • WAMR - needs to be built with WAMR_BUILD_LIB_WASI_THREADS=1

Building the target

Users need to install or built wasi-sdk since release 20.0 https://github.com/WebAssembly/wasi-sdk/releases/tag/wasi-sdk-20 and specify path to wasi-root config.toml

wasi-root = ".../wasi-libc/sysroot"

After that users can build this by adding it to the target list in config.toml, or with -Zbuild-std.

Building Rust programs

From Rust Nightly 1.71.1 (2023-08-03) on the artifacts are shipped pre-compiled:

rustup target add wasm32-wasip1-threads --toolchain nightly

Rust programs can be built for that target:

rustc --target wasm32-wasip1-threads your-code.rs


This target can be cross-compiled from any hosts.


Currently testing is not well supported for wasm32-wasip1-threads and the Rust project doesn't run any tests for this target. However the UI testsuite can be run manually following this instructions:

  1. Ensure wamr, wasmtime or another engine that supports wasi-threads is installed and can be found in the $PATH env variable.
  2. Clone master branch.
  3. Apply such a change with an engine from the step 1.
  4. Run ./x.py test --target wasm32-wasip1-threads tests/ui and save the list of failed tests.
  5. Checkout branch with your changes.
  6. Apply such a change with an engine from the step 1.
  7. Run ./x.py test --target wasm32-wasip1-threads tests/ui and save the list of failed tests.
  8. For both lists of failed tests run cat list | sort > sorted_list and compare it with diff sorted_list1 sorted_list2.

Conditionally compiling code

It's recommended to conditionally compile code for this target with:

#[cfg(all(target_os = "wasi", target_env = "p1", target_feature = "atomics"))]

Prior to Rust 1.80 the target_env = "p1" key was not set. Currently the target_feature = "atomics" is Nightly-only. Note that the precise #[cfg] necessary to detect this target may change as the target becomes more stable.

Enabled WebAssembly features

The default set of WebAssembly features enabled for compilation includes two more features in addition to that which wasm32-unknown-unknown enables:

  • bulk-memory
  • atomics

For more information about features see the documentation for wasm32-unknown-unknown, but note that the mvp CPU in LLVM does not support this target as it's required that bulk-memory, atomics, and mutable-globals are all enabled.