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Office of the Deputy Mayor for Education

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DC Education Adequacy Study 2013

The Office of the Deputy Mayor for Education (DME) released the District’s first comprehensive education adequacy study, Cost of Student Achievement: Report of the DC Education Adequacy Study, in December 2013. The adequacy study resulted from the DC Public Education Finance Reform Commission’s recommendation that the Mayor secure an in depth study of the city’s Uniform Per Student Funding Formula (UPSFF), the city’s method for allocating local operating dollars to District of Columbia Public Schools (DCPS) and public charter schools. In September 2012, the DME contracted with The Finance Project (a Washington-based policy research and technical assistance firm) and their sub-contractor, Augenblick, Palaich and Associates (a Denver-based education research firm) to complete the DC Education Adequacy Study.

The DC Education Adequacy Study provides a data-driven estimate of the costs of providing an adequate pre-K through 12th grade education to students in DC's traditional public schools and public charter schools based on current District academic performance standards as well as the new Common Core Standards. It recommends changes to the structure and level of foundation funding in the UPSFF as well as the weightings for students with identified learning needs that entail additional costs. It also recommends changes to the way in which maintenance, utilities and custodial services for school buildings and facilities are funded.

In the final report, the study team recommends additional resources to meet higher 21st century learning standards and to ensure that our highest need students are well-served. The study also recommends changes to ensure equitable local funding between the DCPS and public charter school sectors. Finally, the study team recommends transparency in regard to education budgeting, resource allocation, and financial reporting.

The DME will consult the study’s recommendations along with stakeholder feedback as the city works to develop the Fiscal Year 2015 and future education budgets.

Deputy Mayor's Letter to Public Education Stakeholders

DC Education Adequacy Study Report (full report)

Adequacy Study Report

DC Education Adequacy Study Report (by chapter)


Table of Contents

Executive Summary

Chapter 1: Introduction

Chapter 2: Overview of Methodology

Chapter 3: School-Level Findings

Chapter 4: System-Level Findings

Chapter 5: Cost of Education Adequacy in the District of Columbia

Chapter 6: Recommendations


FAQ: Proposed FY15 Uniform per Student Funding Formula