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Office of the Deputy Mayor for Education

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2023 Advisory Committee on Student Assignment Meetings

To view meeting presentations, handouts, and recordings from the 2023 DC Advisory Committee on Student Assignment, please visit the links below.

  • Meeting #2: May 3, 2023: At this second meeting, members discussed guiding principles, current context and challenges, and the May citywide townhalls.
  • Meeting #3: May 30, 2023: At this third meeting, members reviewed feedback provided during May citywide townhalls and through surveys, and continued guiding principles discussion.
  • Meeting #4: June 21, 2023: At this fourth meeting, committee members finalized the guiding principles and reviewed priority challenges.
  • Meeting #6: September 14, 2023: At this sixth meeting, committee members welcomed new Ward 5 member Ana Rodriguez, reviewed the roadmap to recommendations, and discussed key challenges and potential solutions.
  • Meeting #7: October 24, 2023: At this seventh meeting, members reviewed updates from the Master Facilities Plan process, shared working group updates, and reviewed an extended timeline.
  • Meeting #8: December 5, 2023: At this eighth meeting, members reviewed boundary and feeder scenarios to be shared at the citywide town halls on December 12-14 and discussed systems-level policy ideas.
  • Meeting #9: December 20, 2023: At this ninth meeting, members reviewed feedback from school meetings and the final round of citywide town halls on December 12-14, and identified which ideas to keep, revise, remove, or explore further.
  • Meeting #10: January 10, 2024: At this tenth meeting, members discussed systems-level ideas to date based on analysis and community feedback, and continued working towards final recommendations.
  • Meeting #11: February 6, 2024: At this eleventh meeting, members reviewed and discussed draft recommendations and continued working towards final recommendations.