Marcia Hultman

Cabinet Secretary

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South Dakota Abstracters' Board of Examiners

The Abstracters' Board of Examiners is the regulatory body charged with administering and enforcing the South Dakota Codified Laws and Administrative Rules of South Dakota pertaining to Abstracters of Title.

Its mission is to issue abstracter's licenses to qualified applicants; to examine and license new title plants and those changing ownership to maintain quality and compliance; to monitor and ensure the quality of service provided by licensees; and to promote continuing education for licensees.

South Dakota Codified Laws (SDCL) Enforced by this Board

Abstracters of Title - SDCL Chapter 36-13

Countersignature required - SDCL 58-25-16

Rate deviation - SDCL 58-25-13

Administrative Rules of South Dakota (ARSD) Regulated and Enforced by this Board

Abstracters - ARSD Article 20:36

Contact Us

Executive Director: Brooke Tellinghuisen Geddes

810 N. Main Street, Suite 298
Spearfish, SD 57783
Phone: 605.642.1600
Fax: 605.722.1006
Email: [email protected]