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12 Parabolic Cylinder FunctionsProperties

§12.13 Sums

  1. §12.13(i) Addition Theorems
  2. §12.13(ii) Other Series

§12.13(i) Addition Theorems

12.13.1 U(a,x y)=e12xy 14y2m=0(y)mm!U(am,x),
12.13.2 U(a,x y)=e12xy14y2m=0(a12m)ymU(a m,x),
12.13.3 V(a,x y)=e12xy 14y2m=0(a12m)ymV(am,x),
12.13.4 V(a,x y)=e12xy14y2m=0ymm!V(a m,x).
12.13.5 U(a,xcost ysint)=e14(xsintycost)2m=0(a12m)(tant)mU(m a,x)U(m12,y),
12.13.6 n!U(n 12,z)=ine12z2erfc(z/2)U(n12,iz) m=112n 12U(2mn12,z),

For erfc see §7.2(i).

§12.13(ii) Other Series

For other series see Dhar (1940), Hansen (1975, pp. 421–422), Hillion (1997), Miller (1974), Prudnikov et al. (1986b, p. 651), Shanker (1940b, a, c), and Varma (1941).