Rikke Knutzen

Rikke Knutzen

Aalborg, Region Nordjylland, Danmark
2 t følgere 500 forbindelser


Strategic impact is made with and for people.

I fundamentally believe in…



  • MapsPeople Grafik
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    Danish National Chapter

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    Aalborg, North Jutland, Denmark

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    Aalborg, Denmark

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    Randers Area, Denmark

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    Randers Area, Denmark

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    Århus Area, Denmark

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    Århus Area, Denmark


  • Act2Learn

    Aktiviteter og foreninger:Lean principles, Lean house, Change management, General management, Lean implementation.

    Made a project on how to use Lean principles and tools to enhance the order processing at BOLDSEN in Randers. The project was given the highest grade 12 at the course.
    A six weeks course (10 ECTS) on Lean management in practice.

  • Aktiviteter og foreninger:Feb. 2007 - Juli 2007 Board member of Study trip association, 6th semester, Industrial design, AAU

    Master thesis - Strategic service design with A/S Chr. Boldsen (grade:12). More information is found under "experience".

    4 MA - Internship at design-people
    3 MA - Central controller for hydronic heating with Danfoss
    2 MA - Activity service for elderly people
    1 MA - Sound device with medical music for ambulances with Maysound and the hospital of Aalborg

    The education focuses on using design methods and proces models for problem solving. An integrated designproces which…

    Master thesis - Strategic service design with A/S Chr. Boldsen (grade:12). More information is found under "experience".

    4 MA - Internship at design-people
    3 MA - Central controller for hydronic heating with Danfoss
    2 MA - Activity service for elderly people
    1 MA - Sound device with medical music for ambulances with Maysound and the hospital of Aalborg

    The education focuses on using design methods and proces models for problem solving. An integrated designproces which takes both the user perspective, technology perspective and business perspective into account is a central part of the education.

    Project based group work is the primarily way of learning and the groups plan and coordinate them selves.

  • Aktiviteter og foreninger:Sept. 2004 - Juli 2005 President of the Party Committee, 3rd & 4th semester, A&D AAU

Licenser og certificeringer

Erfaring med frivilligt arbejde

  • NORDJYSKE Medier Grafik

    Boardmember in StartUp Advisory Board

    NORDJYSKE Medier

    6 måneder

    Videnskab og teknologi


  • Stuck in a Price War? Use Service Design to Change the Game in B2B Relations.

    Touchpoint - "Business Impact of Service Design"

    The article deals with two major challenges that needs to be confronted when shifting the focus of competion from lowering material pricing to offering services in B2B relations:
    1. Changing the mindset within the company.
    2. Designing a service that is both profitable as well as being a good business choice for the client.

    The background for the article is a master thesis in service design conducted in the spring 2010 by Lotte Christiansen and Rikke Knutzen.

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  • BOLDSEN pakker til dig - strategisk servicedesign

    Master's thesis from Aalborg University

    This project deals with the development of an article management service for plumbing companies working on larger construction projects. The project is based on a strategic design approach with a close cooperation with A/S Chr. Boldsen, a plumbing article wholesaler. The strategic design approach entails working actively with designing a service that is desirable, viable and feasible. This has been done through a user centred approach, uncovering critical points in today’s article management.

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  • Development of new service solutions

    The development project focuses on designing a new service based on expressed needs from customers. The project will include direct customer and stakeholder involvement in both the research, analysis and design stages and the goal is to create a service portfolio that support our business objectives by both delivering a good service experience and a service concept that matches true needs of the market.

  • Female Sales Approach

    – nu

    The project is an organizational development project that aims to transform the way we relate to our customers in sales from “technical sales” to “commercial service”, both to provide a better customer experience and to increase our sales.

    I was in a project management team with a sales manager colleague, where my role was to manage and facilitate the project and her role was to ensure the sales profession point of view. The project involved 10 of our colleaques from all over the world…

    The project is an organizational development project that aims to transform the way we relate to our customers in sales from “technical sales” to “commercial service”, both to provide a better customer experience and to increase our sales.

    I was in a project management team with a sales manager colleague, where my role was to manage and facilitate the project and her role was to ensure the sales profession point of view. The project involved 10 of our colleaques from all over the world and through three workshops I facilitated we developed a set of recommendations for a new sales approach together with project ideas and an implementation plan.

    The initiative project statement was about defining the best sales person, but with the use of female characteristics and service characteristic the concept we propose is not just on a person level. It is a threefold proposal recommending that we need:
    1. The right profile (not gender): visualized as a persona
    2. With the right competencies within commercial service to customers (sales): made into ten sales techniques
    3. In the right organizational structure: visualized as a network

  • Innovation proces development

    – nu

    I work with developing an innovation proces to support the service business. The innovation proces has to ensure that we develop products and services that are according to market value and customer needs.

  • Strategy at MAN PrimeServ Four-stroke DK

    Development and communication of a strategy for the After Sales Business at MAN PrimeServ in Holeby and Frederikshavn. The project was structured through 5 workshops across the organization with both toplevel and departmental involvement.

    Besides being Project Manager and facilitating the process, I took part in designing the communication material including logo, gimmicks, posters and brochures.

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  • Return system redesign

    I acted both as project manager, researcher and designer on this project, that spanned the entire development proces from field studies through analysis to concept design and to a detailed implementation plan.

    The Returnsystem are now more competitive - both seen in relation to the market and the internal processes. This included redefining the service, designing userfriendly procedures for the front- and backoffice as well as creating and layouting documentation to enhance the…

    I acted both as project manager, researcher and designer on this project, that spanned the entire development proces from field studies through analysis to concept design and to a detailed implementation plan.

    The Returnsystem are now more competitive - both seen in relation to the market and the internal processes. This included redefining the service, designing userfriendly procedures for the front- and backoffice as well as creating and layouting documentation to enhance the experience and understanding of the service.

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  • Custom tailored solution to the saw center

    In this project I redesigned a service product to be more user centred. This including visiting customer to get intel about the current system and the experience, through analyzing the critical aspects over concept development to a final implementation of the solution.

    After the implementation of the solution the customer's experience was raised, which led to a more loyal and satisfied customer. The project led to ensuring a higher share of wallet from the customer and more efficient…

    In this project I redesigned a service product to be more user centred. This including visiting customer to get intel about the current system and the experience, through analyzing the critical aspects over concept development to a final implementation of the solution.

    After the implementation of the solution the customer's experience was raised, which led to a more loyal and satisfied customer. The project led to ensuring a higher share of wallet from the customer and more efficient processes internally.

    The concept later showed to be applicable to several other customers, thus adding more value to the business.


  • English

    Professionel praktisk færdighed

  • Danish

    Modersmåls- eller tosprogsfærdighed

  • German

    Elementær færdighed

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