

It-ydelser og it-rådgivning

Aarhus, Aarhus 624 følgere

TLS/SSL and MitID/NemID certificate management and automation software

Om os

Vores ambition er at tilbyde services og produkter til virksomheder og organisationer der anvender digitale signaturer. Vi ved at I kræver at jeres digitale signaturer aldrig udløber eller på anden måde ikke fungerer korrekt overfor jeres kunder, og at en udløbet digital signatur kan betyde mistet omsætning for jer. Vi forstår også de udfordringer organisationer kan have med håndteringen af digitale signaturer og forstår at det er svært at bevare et opdateret overblik over alle aktive digitale signaturer i en organisation. Vores mission er at assistere med håndteringen af alle jeres digitale signaturer, lige fra valg af leverandør over korrekt anvendelse til fornyelse eller ophør.

It-ydelser og it-rådgivning
2-10 medarbejdere
Aarhus, Aarhus
Certificate management, Key management, Certificate lifecycle automation og SSL certificate discovery


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    Inge Lehmanns Gade 10, 6

    Aarhus, Aarhus DK-8000, DK

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Medarbejdere hos TrustSkills


  • Se organisationssiden for TrustSkills, grafik

    624 følgere

    DNS….and certificate management. DNS is the tool that translate domain names into IP addresses - which browsers use to load internet resources. The Domain Name System (DNS) also known as the “phonebook” of the Internet is obviously an important tool in mapping a total overview of your certificate portfolio. By Using DNS integration in TrustView you avoid manual tasks during domain validation - known as “vetting”. The DNS integration automatically adds the requested DNS records to your DNS. We integrate out the box with several DNS providers….just to mention af few: Akamai Edge DNS Cloudflare DNS DNSimple EuroDNS Google Cloud DNS Infoblox MS Azure DNS MS DNS (on-premise) PowerDNS UltraDNS and many many more....

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  • Se organisationssiden for TrustSkills, grafik

    624 følgere

    Latest info !! Google Chrome distrust of Entrust/Affirmtrust Entrust announcement Please be aware of misinformation is still being circulated. There is no requirement to replace already issued certificates!   To be specific, the fact that Google Chrome 127 beta will be released soon does not imply that the distrust will start before November 1, 2024. Misinformation is still out there - unfortunately, some value the possibility of turnover more than professional insight As always, reach out if you have any questions or concerns. Contact [email protected] or Tel. 45 70 60 50 24 if you have any further questions.

    Se organisationssiden for TrustSkills, grafik

    624 følgere

    This is big news. Certificates issued after October 31 2024 by Entrust and Affirmtrust will not be trusted by the Chrome browser. Certificates issued before this date will not be affected. In technical terms Google uses SCTs to determine the exact cutoff timestamp, but the effect is the same. The bad news is that this is most likely not the last time a CA will be excluded from a truststore. The good news is that TrustView supports multiple CAs, so switching between them works seamlessly and without hazzles. Having a CA-agnostic Certificate Lifecycle Management (CLM) platform is essential to avoid being vulnerable is these situations. Our CLM platform TrustView is such CA-agnostic CLM tool. TrustView currently supports the following issuers of publicly trusted certificates out-of-the-box: Digicert, Geotrust, Let's Encrypt and Entrust/Affirm. We will add additional certificate issuers to the list to compensate for the announced exclusion of Entrust/Affirmtrust by Google. Reach out, if you have any questions.

    Sustaining Digital Certificate Security - Entrust Certificate Distrust

    Sustaining Digital Certificate Security - Entrust Certificate Distrust

  • Se organisationssiden for TrustSkills, grafik

    624 følgere

    This is big news. Certificates issued after October 31 2024 by Entrust and Affirmtrust will not be trusted by the Chrome browser. Certificates issued before this date will not be affected. In technical terms Google uses SCTs to determine the exact cutoff timestamp, but the effect is the same. The bad news is that this is most likely not the last time a CA will be excluded from a truststore. The good news is that TrustView supports multiple CAs, so switching between them works seamlessly and without hazzles. Having a CA-agnostic Certificate Lifecycle Management (CLM) platform is essential to avoid being vulnerable is these situations. Our CLM platform TrustView is such CA-agnostic CLM tool. TrustView currently supports the following issuers of publicly trusted certificates out-of-the-box: Digicert, Geotrust, Let's Encrypt and Entrust/Affirm. We will add additional certificate issuers to the list to compensate for the announced exclusion of Entrust/Affirmtrust by Google. Reach out, if you have any questions.

    Sustaining Digital Certificate Security - Entrust Certificate Distrust

    Sustaining Digital Certificate Security - Entrust Certificate Distrust

  • Se organisationssiden for TrustSkills, grafik

    624 følgere

    We are very proud to welcome our latest government customer in Sweden ! In Sweden, the Migration Agency is the authority that considers applications from people who want to take up permanent residence in Sweden, visit, seek protection from persecution or get Swedish citizenship. The Migration Agency's mission includes providing housing and money for food to asylum seekers, while they wait for a decision in their asylum case. The Migration Agency also assign unaccompanied children to a municipality, which then becomes the child's home for the duration of the asylum process. When a refugee is granted a residence permit in Sweden, the Migrations Agnency arrange compensation from the state to the municipalities and county councils. Together with the customer, we went through a process that ensured that the automation of the desired applications worked, that an overview was established and that the solution met the requirements and wishes that had been set by the customer. The Migration Agency is one of Sweden’s largest public organizations and we are naturally both proud and humbled to be chosen as a supplier - if you also lack an overview and automated workflows in connection with your certificate management (PKI, SSL/TLS,x509 etc.) then do not hesitate and reach out directly to us either via email, website or phone.

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  • Se organisationssiden for TrustSkills, grafik

    624 følgere

    TrustView - On Premise, Cloud or both ! Use TrustView to seamlessly integrate your existing certificate providers with Microsoft Azure Key Vault. TrustView is of course certificate agnostic, allowing you to automatically renew and deploy certificates from Entrust, Digicert, Let's Encrypt, your in-house Microsoft PKI and other certificate providers directly to e.g Azure Key Vault. No more hazzles or manual tasks. TrustView is our certificate life-cycle management platform that allows you to manage all of your certificates in an intuitive and cost-effective way.

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  • Se organisationssiden for TrustSkills, grafik

    624 følgere

    TrustView is our certificate life-cycle management platform that allows you to manage and automate all of your certificates in an intuitive and cost-effective way. Did you know... If your application requires a certificate in a specific format, you can simply export it in any required format directly from TrustView. PFX, PKCS#12, JKS, DER, PEM and PKCS#7 are all supported. Contact us at [email protected] for more information about how we can help you manage all of your certificates.

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  • Se organisationssiden for TrustSkills, grafik

    624 følgere

    The math is simple ! Automate or be prepared to quadruple the certificate management workload within the near future. Google announcement in march regarding reduction of the maximum possible validity for public TLS certificates from 398 days to 90 days is getting closer.... Reducing certificate lifetime encourages automation and the adoption of practices that will drive the ecosystem away from baroque, time-consuming, and error-prone issuance processes. TrustView is our certificate life-cycle management platform that allows you to manage all of your certificates in an intuitive and cost-effective way, including - Integrated certificate purchasing, issuance and deployment - Complete tracking of your certificate inventory - Continously monitoring of your deployed certificates for expiration, configuration and vulnerabilities - Automatic discovery of new certificates in your IT infrastructure - Integration to your Microsoft PKI (ADCS) Contact us at [email protected] for more information about how we can help you manage all of your certificates.

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  • Se organisationssiden for TrustSkills, grafik

    624 følgere

    hmmmmm, hvem får du egentlig mails fra ... Branding, e-mail og kommunikation generelt er tit forbundet med risiko såsom phishing, spoofing eller simpel efterligning. VMC certifikater (verificerede mærkecertifikater) afhjælper problematikken via afsenders identitet. Herudover skiller de sig også ud i modtagers indbakke. TrustView understøtter naturligvis også VMC certifikater både i relation til validering, udstedelse og overvågning - se meget mere på vores hjemmeside eller følg det direkte link vedrørende certifikater til BIMI lige her:

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  • Se organisationssiden for TrustSkills, grafik

    624 følgere

    TrustView - and the benefits of CLM We have many technical terms we can quickly introduce, but overall there are a few general conditions that should be relevant for both IT and the business. Centralized and “in house” visibility. TrustView acts as a hub for all certificate activity, regardless of who you use as a certificate supplier internal or external. We ensure that silo systems do not arise, but rather that all relevant information and activities can be carried out in one and the same solution. One dashboard enables our customers to monitor, manage and automatically deploy certificates - TrustView presents insights regarding identity risks and not least compliance. Automated workflows IT should focus on defining desired policies, deployment and keep a close eye on deviations in order to prevent instead of reactive “fire drills” TrustView supports the above mentioned and what we experience again and again via our customers are standardized policies, reducing the reliance on internal resources and not least reducing workload - enabling IT to focus on higher value initiatives. Dialogue or more information ? ... reach out to one of the below mentioned. We are always ready for a cup of coffee.

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  • Se organisationssiden for TrustSkills, grafik

    624 følgere

    Use TrustView to seamlessly integrate your existing certificate providers with Microsoft Azure Key Vault. TrustView allows you to automatically renew and deploy certificates from Entrust, Digicert, Let's Encrypt, your in-house Microsoft PKI and other certificate providers directly to Azure Key Vault. No more hazzles or manual tasks. TrustView is our certificate life-cycle management platform that allows you to manage all of your certificates in an intuitive and cost-effective way. #clm #tls #ssl #azure #keyvault

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