

It-ydelser og it-rådgivning

Aarhus, Aarhus 649 følgere

TLS/SSL and MitID/NemID certificate management and automation software

Om os

Vores ambition er at tilbyde services og produkter til virksomheder og organisationer der anvender digitale signaturer. Vi ved at I kræver at jeres digitale signaturer aldrig udløber eller på anden måde ikke fungerer korrekt overfor jeres kunder, og at en udløbet digital signatur kan betyde mistet omsætning for jer. Vi forstår også de udfordringer organisationer kan have med håndteringen af digitale signaturer og forstår at det er svært at bevare et opdateret overblik over alle aktive digitale signaturer i en organisation. Vores mission er at assistere med håndteringen af alle jeres digitale signaturer, lige fra valg af leverandør over korrekt anvendelse til fornyelse eller ophør.

It-ydelser og it-rådgivning
2-10 medarbejdere
Aarhus, Aarhus
Certificate management, Key management, Certificate lifecycle automation og SSL certificate discovery


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    Inge Lehmanns Gade 10, 6

    Aarhus, Aarhus DK-8000, DK

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Medarbejdere hos TrustSkills


  • Se organisationssiden for TrustSkills, grafik

    649 følgere

    TRUSTVIEW - fully automatic certificate management, across sectors, countries and industries Our customers cover many different sectors and segments. TrustView is used in the retail trade, critical infrastructure, government administration, Financial sector, public administration, Mining, TV Stations, Transport sector, Industrial production, the pharmaceutical industry and many, many more. Common to all of them is the desire for handling and automation in an increasingly complex IT infrastructure across platforms, data centers and physical locations. If you also need automation, face increasing demands for reporting, regulation or simply a better overview, don't hesitate - reach out, we are leaders and can certainly contribute with both inspiration and solutions.

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  • Se organisationssiden for TrustSkills, grafik

    649 følgere

    DNS and the crucial importance it has on Certificate Management DNS is the tool that translate domain names into IP addresses - which browsers use to load internet resources. The Domain Name System (DNS) also known as the “phonebook” of the Internet is obviously an important tool in mapping a total overview of your certificate portfolio. By Using DNS integration in TrustView you avoid manual tasks during domain validation - known as “vetting”. The DNS integration automatically adds the requested DNS records to your DNS. We integrate out the box with several DNS providers….just to mention af few: Akamai Edge DNS Cloudflare DNS DNSimple EuroDNS Google Cloud DNS Infoblox MS Azure DNS MS DNS (on-premise) PowerDNS UltraDNS and many many more.... For more information regarding TrustView and how to handle and automate your entire certificate portfolio - reach out, we are always open for dialogue and coffee.

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  • Se organisationssiden for TrustSkills, grafik

    649 følgere

    Automate automate automate !! Manage and automate your PKI & certificate management We have worked with PKI and certificate management automation for several years and our customers are both State, Public and large private national & international organizations. TrustView is a leading certificate life-cycle management platform that allows you to manage and automate all of your certificates in an intuitive and cost-effective way. TrustView includes: - Integrated certificate purchasing, issuance and automated deployment - Complete tracking of your certificate inventory including which certificates have been issued, where wildcard certificates are used etc. - Continously monitoring of your deployed certificates for expiration, configuration and vulnerabilities - Automatic discovery of new certificates in your IT infrastructure - Integration to your existing PKI -On premise or cloud based - your choice. Interested - reach out via phone or email, we are always ready for a cup of coffee. TrustSkills A/S 45 70 60 50 24 [email protected] [email protected]

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  • Se organisationssiden for TrustSkills, grafik

    649 følgere

    Endnu en ny kunde ! Nyt samarbejde og TrustView kunde. Det er med stor glæde, at vi nu kan annoncere nyt samarbejde og ny TrustView kunde. “Øresundsbro Konsortiet er en dansk-svensk virksomhed, som ejes i lige store andele af A/S Øresund og Svensk-Danske Broforbindelsen SVEDAB AB. A/S Øresund ejes 100 procent af Sund & Bælt Holding A/S, som ejes af den danske stat. SVEDAB AB ejes af den svenske stat. Ejerne hæfter solidarisk for Øresundsbro Konsortiets forpligtelser. Missionen er at bygge broer mellem mennesker, muligheder og oplevelser i hele Øresundsregionen. TrustView løsningen overvåger i dag Øresundsbro Konsortiet's komplekse Setup af diverse applikationer samt operativsystemer for både interne og eksterne udstedte certifikater samt sikrer en rettidig udskiftning via en fuld-automatiseret proces. Særlig tak til Christian Jørgensen for et godt og professionelt forløb og vi ser frem til samarbejdet og den videre rejse. Har du også brug for sikker, stabil automatisering af din certifikatportefølje, så tage endelig fat i os. Vi er altid åbne for dialog og en kop kaffe."

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  • TrustSkills genopslog dette

    Se organisationssiden for TrustSkills, grafik

    649 følgere

    TrustView - On Premise, Cloud or both ! Use TrustView to seamlessly integrate your existing certificate providers with Microsoft Azure Key Vault. TrustView is of course certificate agnostic, allowing you to automatically renew and deploy certificates from Entrust, Digicert, Let's Encrypt, your in-house Microsoft PKI and other certificate providers directly to e.g Azure Key Vault. No more hazzles or manual tasks. TrustView is our certificate life-cycle management platform that allows you to manage all of your certificates in an intuitive and cost-effective way.

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  • TrustSkills genopslog dette

    Se organisationssiden for TrustSkills, grafik

    649 følgere

    DNS….and certificate management. DNS is the tool that translate domain names into IP addresses - which browsers use to load internet resources. The Domain Name System (DNS) also known as the “phonebook” of the Internet is obviously an important tool in mapping a total overview of your certificate portfolio. By Using DNS integration in TrustView you avoid manual tasks during domain validation - known as “vetting”. The DNS integration automatically adds the requested DNS records to your DNS. We integrate out the box with several DNS providers….just to mention af few: Akamai Edge DNS Cloudflare DNS DNSimple EuroDNS Google Cloud DNS Infoblox MS Azure DNS MS DNS (on-premise) PowerDNS UltraDNS and many many more....

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  • Se organisationssiden for TrustSkills, grafik

    649 følgere

    How to automate your PKI & certificate management We have worked with PKI and certificate management automation for several years and our customers are both State, Public and large private international organizations. TrustView is our certificate life-cycle management platform that allows you to manage and automate all of your certificates in an intuitive and cost-effective way. including: - Integrated certificate purchasing, issuance and deployment - Complete tracking of your certificate inventory including which certificates have been issued, where wildcard certificates are used etc. - Continously monitoring of your deployed certificates for expiration, configuration and vulnerabilities - Automatic discovery of new certificates in your IT infrastructure - Integration to your existing PKI -Automated deployment, renewal etc. -On premise solution Interested - reach out via phone or email, we are always ready for a cup of coffee. TrustSkills A/S 45 70 60 50 24 [email protected] [email protected]

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