

Hospitaler og sundhedspleje

Copenhagen, Capital Region of Denmark 2.731 følgere

Empowering healthcare staff through AI.

Om os

Teton is a Danish AI company in the healthcare sector. We develop cutting-edge deep learning and computer vision products to empower caregivers to do more with less. At Teton, we're revolutionizing the nursing experience. Our mission is to reignite nurses' passion for the art of patient care without the stress of being overworked or understaffed, the uncertainty of unpreparedness, or the burden of tedious administrative work. Write to us at [email protected]!

Hospitaler og sundhedspleje
11-50 medarbejdere
Copenhagen, Capital Region of Denmark



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    Uplandsgade 56


    Copenhagen, Capital Region of Denmark 2300, DK

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Medarbejdere hos Teton


  • Se organisationssiden for Teton, grafik

    2.731 følgere

    Can AI monitoring prevent in-patient falls and improve the workflows for healthcare staff? Spoiler alert: Yes, it can! 🚀 In collaboration with Nordic Health Lab, we at Teton have been investigating this at Nordsjællands Hospital in the Capital Region of Denmark. The report is in, and here are the key insights: We introduced our intelligent monitoring solution that detects patient movements and activity, sends alarms and notifications, and provides insights into sleep cycles. Results: - 59% quicker response time when a patient has fallen - 47% reduction in patient room falls - 80% of healthcare staff reported that our technology has enabled them to effectively prevent potential falls Moreover, 94% of healthcare workers reported improvements in their workflows thanks to Teton. They've experienced enhanced patient overviews, leading to more effective distribution of care. This isn't just efficiency for efficiency’s sake— these improvements mean that real people receive better care, faster and safer. Our solution for fall identification and prevention has notably improved workflows, leading to a reduction in falls at Nordsjællands Hospital and allowing staff to spend more valuable time where it is needed. #teton #ai

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    Se profil for Gavin Steele, grafik

    Business Development @Teton.ai

    This week, I had the pleasure of speaking and contributing to roundtables at the Royal Danish Embassy, Nexus, and Kings Health partners/Guy's and St Thomas', under the DK-UK Digital Innovation collaborative. 🇬🇧 🇩🇰 As Teton launches at our first NHS hospital, engaging with NHS executives on aligning evidence generation with genuine clinical and policy priorities and making digital innovation easy for the NHS to adopt at scale was massively valuable.  “The NHS isn’t a healthcare system, it’s a religion in the UK”. As a Brit living in Denmark, I am eager to see Teton support improving patient outcomes and providing essential respite to our overextended healthcare system. A big shout-out to the organisers and hosts: Denmark in the UK Joakim Steen Barron-Mikkelsen Ilana Krasnik Cathrine Cold Pedersen Joseph Casey Stuart W. Flint

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  • Se organisationssiden for Teton, grafik

    2.731 følgere

    We are super excited to share that Prof. Serge Belongie is joining Teton as a Scientific Advisor! Serge is a titan in the AI field, pioneering with COCO and FPNs. His focus on fine-grained multimodal data and making our world understandable deeply aligns with our mission and we're honored to welcome him to the team! “Teton is an innovative standout in Denmark's vibrant startup landscape. I’m excited about the AI-powered, privacy-preserving technology Teton is developing that provides a win-win solution for care professionals and patients.” - Serge Belongie By the way we are looking for amazing AI researcher with expertise in VLM, NeRFs or GenAI to join us on the mission towards building an AI-nurse assistant. Checkout our open positions at: https://lnkd.in/e_hS8Cut

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  • Se organisationssiden for Teton, grafik

    2.731 følgere

    Exciting Updates from Teton! 🌱 Teton has expanded to Switzerland 🇨🇭 and the UK 🇬🇧! We're now able to service partners and customers in these two key European markets. So we thought this move was a perfect opportunity to do a little spring cleaning. Which is why we’re excited to unveil our fresh logo and website - on there you’ll find a much better representation of the impact we’ve had, and the service we are providing for all our customers. Check out the fresh, new look and experience our enhanced website today at www.teton.ai!

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  • Se organisationssiden for Teton, grafik

    2.731 følgere

    Markant færre fald på Ældremedicinsk Afdeling i Hjørring! 📉 Dansk Sygeplejeråd (DSR), "Sygeplejersken" har skrevet om vores samarbejde med Ældremedicinsk Afdeling i Hjørring (Regionshospital Nordjylland), som har vist fantastiske resultater. Fx kan man læse hvordan vores AI-drevne sensorer har reduceret antallet af fald på afdelingen betydeligt. Denne forbedring har lettet sygeplejerskernes bekymringer og frigjort tid til deres kerneopgaver. Det er godt for både patientplejen og arbejdsmiljøet! 🤩 Denne succes fremhæver, hvordan AI-monitorering virkelig kan forbedre hverdagen for sundhedspersonale, og vi er så begejstrede over at kunne være en del af det. Kæmpe tak til Dorte NielsenNiels Svaneborg og Irene Gjerløv for jeres store indsats med at få det ordentligt implementeret og for det løbende samarbejde! Læs mere om samarbejdet på DSR: https://lnkd.in/ejp9v9Jw English: Fewer Falls at the Geriatric Department in Hjørring! 📉 The Danish Nurses' Organization (DSR) has written about our collaboration with the Geriatric Department in Hjørring, which has shown fantastic results. You can read how our AI-driven sensors have significantly reduced the number of falls in the department. This improvement has eased the nurses' worries and freed up time for their core tasks. It's great for both patient care and the working environment! 🤩 This success highlights how AI monitoring can truly improve the daily life of healthcare professionals, and we are so excited to be a part of it. Huge thanks to Dorte Nielsen, Niels Svaneborg, and Irene Gjerløv for your great effort in implementing it properly and for the ongoing collaboration! Read more at DSR: https://lnkd.in/ejp9v9Jw

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  • Teton genopslog dette

    Se profil for Esben Thorius, grafik

    Chief Technology Officer & Co-Founder at Teton.ai

    We are expanding our engineering team at Teton with some exciting roles. Supply and production manager, ensuring the timely, efficient, and reliable delivery of our hardware product as we are scaling our fleet. https://lnkd.in/d8EBq4h7 Frontend Engineer, craft exceptional user experiences for our AI products, making our technology accessible and user-friendly, impacting healthcare workers and patients alike. https://lnkd.in/dNJE3CR7 Software Engineer, help scaling our infrastructure to support thousands of devices. https://lnkd.in/d3Vn6fjN Fullstack/Backend Engineer, enhance infrastructure reliability and develop new features, bridging the gap from device to frontend. https://lnkd.in/dp9RB8FV

    Supply and Production Manager - Teton

    Supply and Production Manager - Teton


  • Se organisationssiden for Teton, grafik

    2.731 følgere

    Hør Næstved Kommune fortælle om deres erfaringer med vores AI-monitorering, kendt som "En sygeplejerske på væggen"! 👂👂 Center for Offentlig-Privat Innovation (CO-PI) afholder "Del og genbrug – styrk din spredning af innovation" d. 31 august, hvor Næstved Kommunes velfærdsteknologi konsulent, Sander Lorell, og Tetons CEO, Mikkel Wad Thorsen, vil fortælle om samarbejdet med vores AI-monitorering, Teton One, og råd til hvordan det kan udbredes til andre kommuner. Derudover kan du læse om hvorfor Næstved Kommune valgte vores løsning i CO-PI's nye artikel, hvor Jonathan Storm Simonsen har snakket lidt med Sander Lorell. 🗣 Her fortæller Sander bl.a., hvorfor Teton One er interessant for dem: "Det er den fordi de tre parametre, træning, pleje og omsorg, bliver forbedret med den her løsning." Du kan læse mere om det i artiklen her, hvor Mikkel også svarer på, hvordan løsningen blev udviklet. 💡 https://lnkd.in/efK7mG6C English Listen to Næstved Municipality discuss their experiences with our AI monitoring, known as "A Nurse on the Wall"! 👂👂 The Center for Public-Private Innovation (CO-PI) is hosting "Share and Reuse – Boost Your Innovation Spread" on August 31st. At the event, Næstved Municipality's welfare technology consultant, Sander Lorell, and Tetons CEO, Mikkel Wad Thorsen, will discuss their collaboration with our AI monitoring system, Teton One, and provide advice on how it can be expanded to other municipalities. Furthermore, you can read about why Næstved Municipality chose our solution in CO-PI's new article, where Jonathan Storm Simonsen had a brief conversation with Sander Lorell. 🗣 In it, Sander shares why Teton One is significant for them: "It's because the three parameters of training, care, and welfare are enhanced with this solution." You can delve deeper into the topic in the linked article, where Mikkel also discusses how the solution was developed. 💡 https://lnkd.in/ehjZzcf3

    Vil du genbruge løsningen? Digitalt tilsyn – Sygeplejersken på væggen

    Vil du genbruge løsningen? Digitalt tilsyn – Sygeplejersken på væggen


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