


Copenhagen, Copenhagen 5.346 følgere

Impactful, low-cost renewable electricity for companies.

Om os

Reel is the next-generation electricity supplier for climate-conscious companies. Reel matches your company with renewable electricity to reduce your emissions and electricity costs. How we work: With Reel as your electricity supplier, your company will sign a Power Purchase Agreement (PPA). This agreement builds a new solar or wind park to match your company’s electricity consumption. In return, your company reduces its emissions and receives electricity at an attractive, fixed price. Who we are: Reel’s team of electricity specialists and sustainability experts is driven by a single purpose: to empower all companies to accelerate the renewable energy transition. Start your journey at

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Copenhagen, Copenhagen


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    Overgaden Neden Vandet 17

    Copenhagen, Copenhagen 1414, DK

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    ELECTRICITY AGREEMENTS THAT BUILD NEW RENEWABLE ENERGY Power Purchase Agreements (#PPAs) play a critical role in building new renewable energy parks - and in accelerating the energy transition. When signing a PPA, companies commit to buying electricity from an unbuilt solar or wind park at a fixed price, for a fixed period of time (usually 5 - 10 years). This commitment allows energy developers to move forward with the construction of the park. A common misconception is that only large corporations can sign PPAs. While this was true for years, it's no longer the case—today, businesses of all sizes can sign a PPA. Here’s how PPAs stand out from your typical electricity agreement: ⚡ Impact: A PPA ensures that your company’s energy purchase directly supports the development of a new renewable energy park. 🛡️ Price stability: A PPA locks in a fixed price for electricity, shielding your company from volatile electricity prices. 📣 Brand storytelling: A PPA allows your company to take an active role in the energy transition, creating unique brand stories. Learn why PPAs are the most effective green power solution for companies in the comments below👇

  • Se organisationssiden for Reel, grafik

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    I tirsdags annoncerede Reel sin seneste PPA, der sikrer opførelsen af en ny solcellepark på Djursland. Solcelleparken bliver til virkelighed takket være en rekordstor sammenslutning af 25 virksomheder, der alle ønsker at bidrage til den grønne omstilling. Solcelleparken udvikles af Energicenter Nord. Udover at sætte rekord for antal deltagende virksomheder, er PPA’en bemærkelsesværdig på flere måder. Lad os dykke ned i de vigtigste detaljer 👇 🏭 Store som små: Det er en mangfoldig gruppe af virksomheder, der er gået sammen i PPA'en, der både tæller nogle af Danmarks store og velkendte virksomheder, bureauer og konsulenthuse samt en række lokale virksomheder (inklusive den lokale kirke ⛪). For de fleste virksomheder har PPA’er været utilgængelige – indtil nu. Reel har gjort PPA’er lige så tilgængelige som at indgå en helt almindelig elaftale. ✨ Tech-optimeret: Hver eneste virksomheds aftale er blevet individuelt optimeret af Reels algoritme og tilpasset deres unikke forbrugs- og risikoprofil. Vi opdeler parkens energiproduktion helt ned til 0,1%, hvilket giver den enkelte kunde mulighed for at købe den præcist optimerede mængde solenergi. 🏡 Lokal værdiskabelse: Flere af de involverede virksomheder er naboer til parken, og har været involveret tidligt i processen. Mange af de initiativer, der skal udvikle og forbedre parkens biodiversitet er blevet til i samarbejde mellem udvikleren Energicenter Nord og lokalsamfundet. Det gør vi for at sikre, at PPA’en ikke kun leverer vedvarende energi, men også bidrager til bæredygtighed lokalt. Link til artiklen af Morten Madsen og pressemeddelelse i kommentarfeltet, hvor man kan læse mere om PPA’en og samarbejdet med de 25 virksomheder.

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  • Se organisationssiden for Reel, grafik

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    Reel indgår banebrydende aftale: Rekordhøjt antal danske virksomheder sætter strøm til opførelsen af ny solcellepark på Djursland. 🇬🇧 Reel has entered a record breaking power purchase agreement (PPA) with 25 Danish companies to ensure construction of a new solar park in Eastern Jutland. Find the full story in English in the comments. Aftalen er en sejr for klimaet og markerer en historisk milepæl i virksomheders adgang til vedvarende energi. Med aftalen sikres de deltagende virksomheder faste priser på strøm fra solcelleanlægget, samtidig med at de minimerer deres CO2-aftryk. Aftalen er en Power Purchase Agreement (PPA), der er en aftale om køb af vedvarende energi, som mange af verdens største virksomheder har benyttet igennem mange år. Den nye aftale sætter rekord for højeste antal virksomheder, der går sammen i en PPA 🏅. Historisk set har de fleste virksomheder haft begrænsede muligheder for at købe vedvarende energi, og har derfor ofte været afhængige af grønne certifikater, som ikke direkte øger produktionen af vedvarende energi. Reel giver alle virksomheder mulighed for at købe elektricitet på samme attraktive vilkår som Danmarks største virksomheder, samtidig med at de aktivt bidrager til energiomstillingen. Den nye solcellepark opføres af Energicenter Nord og kommer til at producere ca 14 millioner kWh årligt, svarende til forbruget i 3100 danske husstande ☀️. 👏 Tillykke til de 25 ambitiøse virksomheder og organisationer, der er med til at accellerere omstillingen til vedvarende energi: Aquaporin A/S, Arkitema, Baettr, BI-plast, Bobach Stålentreprise A/S, Brdr. Kjeldahl I/S, Combitherm A/S, Connected Wind Services Danmark, COWI, Danica Ejendomme, ExamVision, Gardit A/S, Genan, GPV, Hornslet Menighedsråd, IDA, JP/Politikens Hus, Knebel Drilling A/S, Kvadrat, Lead Agency, Samsø Redningskorps, SIF Gruppen A/S, SwipBox, Viggo, White Labs Inc. Link til mere information i kommentarsporet👇 #ESG #PPA #sustainability

  • Se organisationssiden for Reel, grafik

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    At the heart of sustainable action lies a critical question: Does this action truly make a difference? When your company invests in carbon removal, you expect your purchase to reduce carbon in the atmosphere. Similarly, when you buy renewable energy, you likely assume you’re helping finance new renewable capacity. If you’re not expecting that impact - well, wouldn’t it be great if it did? The assurance that your sustainable action is having a real-world impact is known as ‘additionality’. When purchasing renewable energy, additionality ensures that your purchase actually increases renewable energy capacity, accelerating the energy transition. Of the two options companies typically have when buying renewable energy, renewable energy certificates are not additional, while Power Purchase Agreements are. The latter ensures that new solar and wind parks are built as a result of your electricity purchase 👏. Additionality is the key to ensuring that your company’s renewable energy purchases truly accelerate the shift to a more renewable future. Want to learn more about the importance of additionality? Read our blog post linked in the comments below 👇 #additionality #PPAs #renewableenergy

  • Se organisationssiden for Reel, grafik

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    EN HISTORIE DER GIVER GOD ENERGI. Omstillingen til vedvarende energi kan godt være krævende. Det ved Vibe Gro fra Villerup Hovedgård, der har arbejdet med vedvarende energi i snart 30 år. Med udfacningen af subsidier til vedvarende energi, er det blevet nødvendigt at finde nye måder at sikre budgetsikkerhed, for at kunne udvikle nye projekter. Power Purchase Agreements (PPA’er), er fastprisaftaler som er en win-win for både energiudviklere og virksomheder, da de aktivt er med til at drive den grønne omstilling og skabe budgetsikkerhed for begge parter. Hos Reel håndterer vi hele #PPA-processen for både virksomheder og energiudviklere, og gør det simpelt at indgå i PPA’er, som sikrer opførelsen af nye solcelle- og vindmølleparker. Kontakt vores team for at høre mere om PPA’er og fordelene for din virksomhed:

  • Se organisationssiden for Reel, grafik

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    FUELED BY IMPACT AND TEAM-ENERGY Meet Caroline Illum, our Associate Account Executive at Reel 🌟 As part of the commercial team, Caroline is often the first face our customers see. Diving into Caroline’s background, she holds an MSc in E-business and brings extensive business development experience in fintech and compliance. At Reel, when she's not travelling across Denmark to meet with clients, she advises companies on Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs) and the importance of impactful electricity procurement. We asked Caroline three questions about her work at Reel, and here’s what she had to say: 👀 Why Reel? "I love that my work at Reel isn’t just a job - it’s part of a bigger mission. It's incredibly rewarding to help companies purchase renewable energy that leads to the creation of new solar and wind parks, and it’s inspiring to see the collective impact we make." ⚡️ What gives you energy at work? ”The culture. From day one, it was clear that Reel values both professional and personal growth. There is space for ambition and hard work, along with laid-back moments with my colleagues that connect us as people and friends. A recent example was the DHL run which was all about coming together to support each other, followed by some pizza and beer - it was so much fun." 🏙️ Describe your perfect weekend “On weekends, I love catching up with friends over coffee or drinks, exploring the many flea markets, and trying new restaurants around Copenhagen. My most recent find is this amazing restaurant called Etcetera.” We're grateful to have you Caroline! Here’s to driving positive change for companies. 🚀

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  • Se organisationssiden for Reel, grafik

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    The carbon emissions of electricity production - uncovered 👀 Every second, electricity is produced from a variety of energy sources and delivered to our electricity grids. As a consumer, you consume this mix of energy sources. Chances are, you analyse your energy consumption at an annual level 🗓 . For example, in 2023, you might report that 79% of your electricity consumption was renewable (see slide 3). However, when you break down electricity production by the hour, a more dynamic picture emerges 🕰 . In the morning hours of the last week of September 2023, your electricity consumption was 92% renewable. Jump ahead to the afternoon hours of the last week of November 2023, and that number drops to 48% (see slide 5). This variance highlights the value of analysing electricity in greater detail 🔍. By pinpointing the times of day when electricity production is more carbon intensive, you can produce more accurate sustainability reports and shift your usage to times when renewable energy is more abundant, reducing your emissions ⚡. You can take it a step further, and match your consumption on an hourly level with new renewable energy production, made possible with a Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) from Reel. Discover more about the benefits of detailed electricity data in our latest blog post, written in collaboration with Electricity Maps. Link in comments 👇

  • Se organisationssiden for Reel, grafik

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    FRA EN STOR UDFORDRING TIL EN STORARTET LØSNING "Vi stod med et behov for vedvarende energi, men vi kunne ikke klare det selv." — Jørgen Høll, Adm. Direktør, Skallerup Seaside Resort For mange virksomheder udgør energi ikke kun en stor udgift – det udgør også en vigtig mulighed for at gøre en klimamæssig forskel. Da Skallerup Seaside Resort A/S ønskede at nedbringe CO2-udledninger fra deres energiforbrug, stod de over for en udfordring: De ville gerne bidrage til den grønne omstilling, men kunne ikke løse det alene. Derfor har Skallerup Seaside Resort valgt Reel som deres elleverandør, med fokus på en skræddersyet løsning, der både er kommerciel attraktiv, og tilmed sikrer opførelsen af ny vedvarende energi. For Jørgen var det afgørende, at Skallerup Seaside Resorts elaftale ikke kun gav økonomisk mening, men også bidrog til opførelsen af et nyt, lokalt vedvarende energiprojekt via en såkaldt PPA-aftale. Hvis du vil høre, hvordan din virksomhed kan indgå en #PPA til en fast lav pris, kan du kontakte os for et uforpligtende tilbud:

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    DRIVEN BY CLIMATE IMPACT Meet Justine Beaulé, our Marketing and Sustainability Strategist at Reel. When Justine joined Reel, her goal was clear: to align her career with her passion for climate impact. Originally from Ottawa, Canada, Justine moved to Copenhagen 5 years ago 🇨🇦. Since joining Reel last year, Justine has ensured that Reel is seen and heard where it matters most - whether in the news, on LinkedIn, or beyond. She’s also spearheading key sustainability projects at Reel, including our sustainability reporting and biodiversity strategy for energy developers, so every project we enable benefits nature too. We interviewed Justine and here’s what she had to say: 👀 Why Reel? “Like most, I am concerned about our future on this planet - and excited about the opportunity the climate crisis presents to build a better future. Reel and its talented team exemplify this better future by driving the development of new renewable energy alongside Denmark’s most ambitious companies - joining this journey was a no brainer” 🌟 What has been a highlight of your time at Reel so far? “Engaging with our customers on sustainability has been one of the most rewarding aspects of my role so far. It’s been inspiring to connect with passionate individuals across diverse industries and witness their commitment to sustainability in action. Together, we are making progress on the energy transition every day!” 💭 What is one thing that you always wanted to do, but haven’t yet? ”One day I want to rent a camper van, pack up my dog, and go for a month long hiking trip across Norway! Ideally with a sprinkle of whale watching and northern lights.” We're grateful to have you Justine! We look forward to all the exciting, impact-driven work we have planned together 🚀 .

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  • Se organisationssiden for Reel, grafik

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    Incorporating additionality into your company’s electricity strategy is the best way to avoid greenwashing. Why? Additionality is all about ensuring that your actions make a real difference in the world and that this difference would not have occurred without that action. As a company, you typically have two choices when purchasing renewable energy ⚡: 1. Buy certificates: These certificates represent energy from an existing solar or wind park. This option is less additional because the solar/wind energy will be produced whether you buy the certificates or not. 2. Sign a Power Purchase Agreement (PPA): This involves buying energy directly from a renewable energy developer. The developer will build a new solar or wind park only if you commit to buying its energy. This option is highly additional because your purchase enables the new park to be built, leading to more renewable energy being produced. Companies that rely on the first choice, for example, like Amazon does, often face accusations of greenwashing. That’s because without additionality, it is far more difficult to prove that your decisions as a company - and associated claims - make a real difference in the world. Give our additionality blogpost a 5 minute read to understand how to drive real environmental impact and avoid greenwashing:

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