Nopa Nordic Group

Nopa Nordic Group


9500, Hobro 2.885 følgere

Leading private-label partner of sustainable home- and personal care products from innovative concepts to market launch.

Om os

Nopa Nordic Group is the leading manufacturer of private label detergents, cleaning products and products for personal care in the Nordic countries. We were among the pioneers of eco-labelling, and today we are experts on environmentally friendly products and manufacturing. Nopa Nordic Group supplies all retailers in Scandinavia, major retailers in Europe as well as selected retailers in Russia and Asia. Our aim is to become the preferred European supplier of environmentally friendly private label products. We launched our first eco-labelled product in 1993 and since then, we have developed a comprehensive portfolio of eco-labelled products. Today Nopa Nordic Group has the most extensive expertise and know-how in the market on products for sensitive skin and products with eco-label. We cooperate closely with a number of recognized environmental organisations, among others the EU Ecolabel and the Nordic Swan Ecolabel. Nopa Nordic Group’s product development is founded on market insight and consumer trends. We constantly optimise our manufacturing processes and supply chain in order to make the end products even more sustainable and competitive. Our fully automated factories are all situated in Jutland, Denmark. Nopa Nordic Group is certified according to ISO9001 and ISO14001 and assures timely delivery, product quality, product safety, and sustainability.

201-500 medarbejdere
9500, Hobro
FMCG, Private Label, Private Brands, Environment, Sustainability, Laundry Detergent, Personal Care, eco-label og Nordic Swan


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    9500, Hobro, DK

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    👉🏽 Three Key Takeaways for Your Own Biodiversity Project: ☘1) Seek Expert Advice: Understand your expertise limits and consult professionals to avoid costly mistakes. ☘ 2) Involve Employees: Engage your team in the process, from idea generation to practical implementation. ☘ 3) Leadership Commitment: Ensure leadership drives the initiative to secure necessary resources and maintain momentum. Even the smallest actions can make a big difference. 🌷🦋 Planting native flowers, creating insect habitats, or simply letting a part of your lawn grow wild can contribute to biodiversity. Our story began with transforming a field into a vibrant biodiversity park, a 21,000 m² oasis. By collaborating with biologists, landscape gardeners, and other specialists, we've brought our vision to life.🌱🐞 Learn more about our efforts in the video, created with WWF Verdensnaturfonden and Dansk Industri (in Danish). 🌿🌼🐝 #Biodiversity #BioPark #Initiatives #WWF #DanskIndustri Danish Industry WWF

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    The Importance of Biodiversity: A Key to Our Future 🌳🌸🐝 Biodiversity is not just about the variety of life on Earth; it's about the intricate web of relationships that sustain our planet. Protecting and enhancing biodiversity is essential for the health of our ecosystems, the stability of our climate, and the well-being of future generations. 🌍🌱🐜🦔 Explore more about how you can integrate biodiversity into your operations by visiting (in danish). Here, along with other companies, we aim to inspire you to implement biodiversity-friendly practices. 🌿🌳🐝🦋🌼

    Erkend, hvad I selv kan, og søg rådgivning til resten 🌱 Sådan lyder det gode råd fra VKH-medlemmet Nopa Nordic til, hvordan man styrker biodiversiteten på egne arealer. Nopa Nordic indgår nemlig i den dugfriske lancering af et inspirationskatalog, som er en del af biodiversitetsprojektet ”Biodiversitet – inspiration til dansk erhvervsliv”, et samarbejdsprojekt med industriens fond, WWF Verdensnaturfonden og Dansk Industri. Her præsenterer 14 forskellige virksomheder sine erfaringer med at styrke biodiversiteten. I projektet kan man læse to virksomhedscases om Nopa Nordic. I den ene case  fortæller Henrik Karup Jørgensen, adm. direktør for Nopa Nordic Group  om sine erfaringer med at skabe en biodiversitetspark på egne arealer,. Den anden case giver indblik i hvordan Nopa Nordics selvudviklede digitale værktøj og sourcing af alternative råvarer bidrager til at lave produktserier, der er bedre for biodiversiteten. 🌿Nopa Nordics biodiversitetspark har taget udgangspunkt i en erkendelse af hvad ledelsen kan bidrage til og hvad man bør søge rådgivning til for at få skabt en sund biodiversitetspark. Her understreger han vigtigheden af at søge rådgivning til projektet, da det ofte ikke er nok at fræse jorden op og smide nogle frø rundtomkring. Nopa Nordic har selv understøttet projektet med faglig ekspertise fra biologer, anlægsgartner og ingeniører med stor succes. 👩🔬I Nopa Nordics anden case, som omhandler produktudvikling kan du blive klogere på hvordan digitale værktøjer kan bidrage til udviklingen af produkter med biodiversitet i fokus. Det digitale værktøj giver input og idéer til nye sammensætninger af råvarer, som kan sænke påvirkningen af bl.a. biodiversitet. I produktudviklingen fortæller Nopa Nordic bl.a. om risikovillighed i jagten på alternative råvarer, hvor de i øjeblikket arbejder intensivt på at finde alternativer til palmekerneolie, som sources fra den anden side af jorden. 🔗Hvis du vil have inspiration til hvordan din virksomhed kan styrke biodiversiteten kan du læse virksomhedscases fra Nopa Nordic og flere andre ved at følge linket i kommentarfeltet.

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  • Se organisationssiden for Nopa Nordic Group, grafik

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    🤝 The Power of Partnerships: Moving Forward Together In today's interconnected world, partnerships are more essential than ever. By collaborating and combining our strengths, we can achieve far more than we ever could alone. 🌟✅ Successful partnerships drive innovation, foster growth, and solve complex challenges. They bring together diverse perspectives, skills, and resources, creating a synergy that propels us forward. Thanks to Easy Fair A/S's huge effort & MÅLBARs tecnical skills - our goal was achieved! ♻️⭐47% reduction from 2022 to 2024. ⭐♻️ The only question is now: How much more can we reduce? 🌿 We will see in 2025 ☺️

    Se organisationssiden for Easy Fair A/S, grafik

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    Last year's PLMA - Private Label Manufacturers Association provided us with valuable insights, and together with Nopa Nordic Group and MÅLBAR, we decreased the carbon footprint once again 🌍   From 2022 to 2023, we reduced our carbon footprint by 27,6%❗ This year we achieved another 19,4% reduction❗   𝐀 𝐭𝐨𝐭𝐚𝐥 𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐛𝐨𝐧 𝐫𝐞𝐝𝐮𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐨𝐟 47% 𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞 𝐲𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐬!   Last year's traceability allowed us this year to focus on other areas where we could cut our carbon footprint. Among our initiatives this year, staff and contractors traveled by EVs, and the exhibition booth was transported by biogas vehicles - which led to significant improvements ♻️   It gets harder and harder to reduce the carbon footprint, but we continuously work on improving other aspects of the booth 🛠 A project like this requires a great collaboration to succeed, and Nopa Nordic's strong commitment to sustainability motivates us to improve. Their dedication helps us discover new ways to develop and shows that sustainable choices can be seamlessly integrated🧑🤝🧑   It’s a pleasure being a part of this sustainable journey – let’s keep striving for better results in the future ♻️ #easyfairdk #analyzedesigncreate #PLMA #NopaNordic #målbar #sustainability

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  • Se organisationssiden for Nopa Nordic Group, grafik

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    Making gold out of waste🔆♻️ Using resources wisely is essential. By fully utilizing raw materials, including waste, we can signficantly improve resource efficiency and sustainbility. Imagine a world where nothing goes to waste and every part of our materials is repurposed. Upcycled ingredients that has an effect in the product is one if the ways to get a inch closer this goal 🌍🌿

  • Se organisationssiden for Nopa Nordic Group, grafik

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    🌾47% reduction of CO2e Emission since PLMA 2022 🌾 💚 Since 2022, we have achieved an reduction in our CO2e emissions by 47% with our exhibition. This is a significant step towards a more sustainable future, and we are proud of our efforts to protect the environment. 💪🏼🌱 We look forward to seeing you today and wednesday at the trade show and sharing more about our initiatives and future plans. Visit our booth and let’s discuss how we can work together to create a greener world. 🌍💚 See you there! #Sustainability #CO2Reduction #GreenFuture #Innovation #PLMA PLMA International Council - Amsterdam (Private Label Manufacturers Association) Easy Fair A/S MÅLBAR

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    🚗🔆The first electric vehicle is on its way to Amsterdam, and we are excited to meet you all!   If you are looking for a responsible supplier to your Private Brand in: ✅ Laundry, ✅ Dish Wash, ✅ Dishwasher tablets, ✅ Cleaning, and ✅ Personal Care products, step by our 100m² stand showcasing a wide range of our assortment. ♻️🌿 📍 Find us in Hall 12, Booth 12.H41 & 12.H33   We look forward to seeing you Tuesday & Wednesday ☺️   #PLMA2024 #PrivateLabel #Innovation #LaundryCare #DishWash #CleaningProducts #PersonalCare #Exhibition #Sustainability PLMA International Council - Amsterdam (Private Label Manufacturers Association) Allison A/S - Private Label & Personal Care

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  • Se organisationssiden for Nopa Nordic Group, grafik

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    🌟 We’re Here and Ready! 🌟 The Interclean Fair is about to start, and we're already here, excited to meet you all! Join us as we dive into the latest responsible innovations in our industry and discuss how we can help elevate your business. 📅 Opening Today at 10:00 AM! 📍 Booth 05.319 in hall 5 Stop by our booth right from the start to explore our solutions and share insights on the newest trends and technologies. Our team is eager to connect with you, answer your questions, and discuss your needs in person. See you soon! #Interclean #Innovation #ReadyToMeet #CustomerSuccess Interclean

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  • Se organisationssiden for Nopa Nordic Group, grafik

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    🏆 Exciting News! 🏆 We are thrilled to announce that Nopa Nordic, in collaboration with Robinson Packaging, Aage Vestergaard Larsen, and Teknologisk Institut, has been nominated for the prestigious Plastprisen 2024 award! Our collaboration’s dedication to innovation and responsibility has led us to develop groundbreaking solutions for utilizing recycled HDPE plastic in cosmetic packaging within the Danish market. Partially funded by MUDP, our project not only creates a new source of high-quality recycled plastic but also contributes to building a more circular plastic economy in Denmark. These solutions pave the way for extensive use of PCR plastic in plastic production, marking a significant step towards a more responsible future. We are honored to be recognized alongside other outstanding nominees and grateful for the opportunity to contribute to the advancement of sustainable practices within the plastic industry. Now, it's up to the members of Plastindustrien to vote for the winner. 🙏🏼 #Plastprisen2024 #Sustainability #Innovation #CircularEconomy #NopaNordic #RobinsonPackaging #AageVestergaardLarsen #TeknologiskInstitut #TogetherTowardsSustainability 🌱🌍 🌿Robinson Packaging Aage Vestergaard Larsen A/S Danish Technological Institute

    Hvem skal vinde Plastprisen 2024? Her er de nominerede

    Hvem skal vinde Plastprisen 2024? Her er de nominerede

  • Se organisationssiden for Nopa Nordic Group, grafik

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    🎉🏆 Congratulations to Colruyt for clinching the top spot in the Non-Food (Household) category at the prestigious European Private Label Awards! 🏆🎉 We're thrilled to see Colruyt's Boni ECO Allesreiniger – All-Purpose Cleaner with 2 x Refill Solution take home the gold. This accomplishment demonstrates the strides made in innovation and development within the private label sector. A big round of applause also goes to the two other finalists, ICA and Dagrofa, for their outstanding contributions to the competition. 🎉 At Nopa Nordic, we understand the importance of recognizing excellence in the industry. We applaud Colruyt, ICA, and Dagrofa for their remarkable achievements and contributions to the private label landscape. Here's to continued success and innovation in the non-food sector! 🥂 We extend our gratitude to ESM for once again shining a spotlight on innovation in private label. #epla2024 #privatelabel #retail #Innovation #Excellence #Congratulations Colruyt Group ESM - European Supermarket Magazine Read more here:

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