Lind Foundation

Lind Foundation


Aarhus, Middle Jutland 3.104 følgere

We empower social change makers to make meaningful and measurable results.

Om os

Lind Foundation was founded to create actual and measurable change by improving the lives of those of us who are disadvantaged. In our view, we all have great potential – if we are given the conditions to realise it. That is why we are committed to improve living conditions and increase opportunity. We want to take action and generate positive social and societal impact — by empowering people to lead their own change. We’ll do it within fields such as education, employment, mental health and housing and to generate sustainable livelihoods. It will take new approaches, new demands towards measuring impact and a constant curiosity on how to truly engage with experts in various social fields. We are here to realise human potential, regardless of differences and starting points.

2-10 medarbejdere
Aarhus, Middle Jutland


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    Kannikegade 16C, 3. floor

    Aarhus, Middle Jutland 8000, DK

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    3.104 følgere

    Exciting news! We’re joining forces with UNICEF to provide access to education and skills training for out-of-school girls in Mauritania! 🌍👩🎓 Girls are a tremendous engine for change, if equipped with the right opportunities. Yet gender-based discrimination and limiting stereotypes keep many girls from living their dreams. Particularly in skills development for successful transition to employability, adolescent girls lag behind. UNICEF and Lind Foundation enter a new partnership to train out-of-school girls in life skills, literacy and numeracy, vocational training, and entrepreneurship, leveraging newfound skills and confidence among the young women. Over 12 months, girls will develop a range of 21st century skills, including IT, problem-solving, creativity, and communication and technical training, empowering them to enter the labour market, build businesses and help uplift others. The programme in Mauritania will reach 2,800 girls aged 15 to 24 who are not in school, as part of UNICEF’s global Skills4Girls initiative. With a chance to develop their skills, we can't wait to see what these young women can achieve💪 Read more: #partnership #UNICEF #Skills4Girls #lindfoundation #ForEveryChild 

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  • Se organisationssiden for Lind Foundation, grafik

    3.104 følgere

    🚀 Ungebudgetter tager fart! Sidste uge markerede en vigtig milepæl for os og vores partnerkommuner. Her samlede vi nøglepersoner fra Esbjerg, Holbæk, Køge og Roskilde Kommune til en fælles opstart på arbejdet med Ungebudgetter — en metode, der udfordrer traditionel tænkning i Jobcenterindsatsen for ledige unge. Dagen bød på inspirerende oplæg, der satte Ungebudgetter i perspektiv, samt værdifuld erfaringsudveksling mellem kommunerne. Vi udforskede projektets rødder, dets placering i en bredere samfundsmæssig kontekst, og hvordan vi i fællesskab kan understøtte sagsbehandlernes rolle i at skabe forandringer for og med de unge. Stor tak til Mathias Bruhn Lohmann og Steffen Rasmussen for brand gode oplæg og skarpe indspark! Nu er vi klar til næste skridt: at invitere de unge ind i projektet og give dem bedre muligheder for at forme deres egen fremtid. Ønsket er sammen at skabe en meningsfuld vej til beskæftigelse, hvor de unge har magten til at forfølge deres drømme. #Ungebudgetter #socialinnovation #medbestemmelse #beskæftigelse

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  • Se organisationssiden for Lind Foundation, grafik

    3.104 følgere

    Field trip visit to Kenya🌱 Last week, we had the pleasure of visiting Hand in Hand Eastern Africa team in Nairobi and Eldoret, as well as meeting the inspiring women participating in their programme, creating enterprises, jobs, and sustainable livelihoods. Hand in Hand is an international network of NGOs dedicated to combating persistent poverty and inequality. They empower communities, especially women and youth, through entrepreneurship training, job creation, self-help groups, mentorships, and access to loans. These initiatives equip the women with the skills to build their own enterprises, generate sustainable income, and improve their living conditions. Beyond entrepreneurship, the programme also addresses critical needs such as infrastructure development, water scarcity, climate resilience, and environmental conservation. In Kenya, climate change exacerbates challenges with extreme droughts and floods, making it increasingly difficult for farmers to maintain sustainable livelihoods. Hand in Hand's programme goes beyond business skills, providing essential training in enterprise diversification and different climate change mitigation practices. Our field visit to the Rift Valley Region and Eldoret was truly inspiring. The women shared powerful stories of transformation, detailing how far they’ve come — from where they started to where they are today, full of self-belief and determination to support their families and uplift their communities. Eldoret is rightfully known as the ‘City of Champions,’ and these women are undoubtedly champions in their own right. Through new innovative partnerships, like the one Hand in Hand has established with the University of Eldoret’s Outreach Centre, we’re confident the impact will only grow. A huge thank you to Albert Wambugu, Darius Mutwiri, Jason Vogt, M.Sc, and the entire Hand in Hand team for an inspiring trip. We look forward to continuing to support and follow the progress of these incredible women in the months and years to come. Hand in Hand Eastern AfricaHand in Hand Sweden 

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  • Se organisationssiden for Lind Foundation, grafik

    3.104 følgere

    “Vi tror rigtig meget på, at de unges selvbestemmelse og motivation er et vigtigt element i at skabe forandring.” Vores CEO, Jens Bruun, har talt med Impact Insider om projektet Ungebudgetter, hvor der stilles 25.000 kroner til rådighed for unge ledige, så de vil nærme sig job og uddannelse. "Det giver dem mulighed for at indfri nogle af de ønsker og drømme, de har, i forhold til at komme ind på en god livsbane.” Hvis du er nysgerrig, kan du både læse eller lytte til artiklen her (bag betalingsvæg):

    Kan 25.000 kroner ændre unges livsbaner? Det skal fire kommuner nu undersøge

    Kan 25.000 kroner ændre unges livsbaner? Det skal fire kommuner nu undersøge

  • Se organisationssiden for Lind Foundation, grafik

    3.104 følgere

    Want to know more about our approach? 💡 We always engage in multi-year commitments to build deeper relations with long-term impact, focusing on either rethink projects or unrestricted funding for core interventions. And we do it within the fields of education, employment, mental health, housing, and sustainable livelihoods. While we keep our focus areas wide, we narrow down our partnership criteria — which are always guided by data. For us, social impact must be measured. We employ the Social Return on Investment method, gathering key insights for the people, projects, and organisations we partner with and more importantly, analysing and proving their effort and positive changes. Learn more about our focus areas and partnership criteria here: #sroi #socialimpact #unrestrictedfunding #multiyear #meaningfulandmeasurable

  • Se organisationssiden for Lind Foundation, grafik

    3.104 følgere

    Hvad sker der, når ledige unge får mere frihed og selvbestemmelse? Vi er glade for at kunne offentliggøre et nyt samarbejde mellem Lind Foundation og fire kommuner: Esbjerg Kommune, Holbæk Kommune, Køge Kommune og Roskilde Kommune. Over de næste tre år undersøger vi sammen, om vi ved at give ledige unge mere frihed og medbestemmelse kan ændre deres livsbaner. Med Ungebudgetter får tilfældigt udvalgte unge, som har været ledige i en længere periode, adgang til et borgerstyret budget på DKK 25.000. Kommunerne afprøver dermed om et nyt greb i Jobcenterindsatsen, som tager udgangspunkt i de unges egen motivation for forandring, kan bringe de unge nærmere job og uddannelse.   Vi glæder os til at følge, hvad der sker, når unge får mere indflydelse på, og ansvar for, eget forløb. Læs mere her: 📸: Monospace #ungebudgetter #selvbestemmelse #rethink

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  • Se organisationssiden for Lind Foundation, grafik

    3.104 følgere

    During 2023, Fundamentet has created DKK 28m of value in outcome, through DKK 4.6m in input — helping a total of 155 young people find their path to improved wellbeing. Fundamentet is an Aarhus-based nonprofit organisation that was founded in 2013 with the aim of rethinking social work.   In 2023, Fundamentet has been working with a new differentiated approach that more effectively differentiates the needs for the young people in three phases. This new approach been working very satisfactory so far.   Now, Fundamentet’s latest Social Return on Investment (SROI) report is out, which focuses on the multitude of positive changes brought about during 2023.   See highlights below 👇   #lindfoundation #fundamentet #partnership #sroi #sroireport #socialimpact

  • Se organisationssiden for Lind Foundation, grafik

    3.104 følgere

    🌾 Exciting news! 🌾 We're thrilled to announce a new partnership with One Acre Fund, helping more farmer families grow their way out of hunger. Over the next four years, we will support One Acre Fund’s programme in Burundi, training more than 50,000 farmer families! In sub-Saharan Africa, 50 million families rely on smallholder farming, producing 80% of the continent’s food. Yet, harvests lag behind global standards. One Acre Fund offers a holistic market bundle of on-demand products, agricultural training, and post-harvest support, helping farmers increase their yields and profits. In 2023, One Acre Fund enabled farmers on average to achieve $143 in new profits and assets, equivalent to a 35% increase in income, and to date, One Acre Fund serves 4.8 million farmers across 9 countries in sub-Saharan Africa, bringing them closer to their 2030 vision of reaching 10 million families. Burundi, with its agriculture-dependent economy, represents a high-need market. Here, 70% of smallholder farmers face food insecurity due to climate change, soil erosion, ineffective farming techniques, and limited access to quality seeds. One Acre Fund’s efforts in Burundi have expanded significantly, with a second year of 50% growth in 2023, now serving nearly 300,000 farmers. By teaching farmers to make contour lines, composting and planting trees, they build resilience against climate change. Lind Foundation donates EUR 1.3m (DKK 9.7m) to the programme in Burundi and we’re looking forward to continuing the good collaboration and following the farmers’ financial and social changes over the next four years. #partnership #oneacrefund #lindfoundation #agriculture #smallholderfarmers #farmersfirst

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  • Se organisationssiden for Lind Foundation, grafik

    3.104 følgere

    We are on the look for a new Data Analyst 📣 So… —   Are you a data-driven student? —   Do you want to help create tangible change that moves people forward? —   Do you have a natural enthusiasm for data, facts, and insights and turning data into value? —   And do you want to be part of Lind Foundation’s further development? … then we have an exciting job opening for you 👇 Apply here: #lindfoundation #jobopening #dataanalyst #studentposition #provingnewways #socialimpact

  • Se organisationssiden for Lind Foundation, grafik

    3.104 følgere

    Den Sociale Kapitalfond Effekt II x Lind Foundation ❤💰 Vi er glade for også at være investor i Den Sociale Kapitalfond Effekt II – hvor vi sammen med teamet og andre stærke investorer fortsætter skaleringen af sociale effektinvesteringer i Danmark, og bygger videre på det fundament, som er lagt med Effekt I-fonden de seneste tre år. I Lind Foundation ser vi stort potentiale i at udbrede systematiske tilgange for investeringer med fokus på effekter og resultater og skabe varige forandringer på socialområdet. Som alle andre ting vi involverer os i, er vi optagede af at evaluere både de finansielle besparelser, men også de forbedringer i trivsel og livskvalitet som borgerne i de forskellige indsatser oplever. I sociale effektinvesteringer er data og forandringsresultater nøglen, og det er for os helt centralt i, at vi som samfund har fokus på at investere i dét, som virker på den lange bane for mennesker i udsatte positioner. Investeringer i socialområdet er nødvendige de kommende år, og med sociale effektinvesteringer er der for kommunerne et godt redskab i værktøjskassen til at lave disse investeringer. Vi ser frem til at fortsætte samarbejdet med Jannik Tharben Buchholz, Alexander Bjerregaard-Nielsen og resten af teamet. #socialeeffektinvesteringer #lindfoundation #densocialekapitalfond #everyonehaspotential #partnership #positivesocialchange 

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