Lind Foundation

Lind Foundation


Aarhus, Middle Jutland 2.759 følgere

We empower social change makers to make meaningful and measurable results.

Om os

Lind Foundation was founded to create actual and measurable change by improving the lives of those of us who are disadvantaged. In our view, we all have great potential – if we are given the conditions to realise it. That is why we are committed to improve living conditions and increase opportunity. We want to take action and generate positive social and societal impact — by empowering people to lead their own change. We’ll do it within fields such as education, employment, mental health and housing and to generate sustainable livelihoods. It will take new approaches, new demands towards measuring impact and a constant curiosity on how to truly engage with experts in various social fields. We are here to realise human potential, regardless of differences and starting points.

2-10 medarbejdere
Aarhus, Middle Jutland


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    Kannikegade 16C, 3. floor

    Aarhus, Middle Jutland 8000, DK

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Medarbejdere hos Lind Foundation


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    2.759 følgere

    Den Sociale Kapitalfond Effekt II x Lind Foundation ❤💰 Vi er glade for også at være investor i Den Sociale Kapitalfond Effekt II – hvor vi sammen med teamet og andre stærke investorer fortsætter skaleringen af sociale effektinvesteringer i Danmark, og bygger videre på det fundament, som er lagt med Effekt I-fonden de seneste tre år. I Lind Foundation ser vi stort potentiale i at udbrede systematiske tilgange for investeringer med fokus på effekter og resultater og skabe varige forandringer på socialområdet. Som alle andre ting vi involverer os i, er vi optagede af at evaluere både de finansielle besparelser, men også de forbedringer i trivsel og livskvalitet som borgerne i de forskellige indsatser oplever. I sociale effektinvesteringer er data og forandringsresultater nøglen, og det er for os helt centralt i, at vi som samfund har fokus på at investere i dét, som virker på den lange bane for mennesker i udsatte positioner. Investeringer i socialområdet er nødvendige de kommende år, og med sociale effektinvesteringer er der for kommunerne et godt redskab i værktøjskassen til at lave disse investeringer. Vi ser frem til at fortsætte samarbejdet med Jannik Tharben Buchholz, Alexander Bjerregaard-Nielsen og resten af teamet. #socialeeffektinvesteringer #lindfoundation #densocialekapitalfond #everyonehaspotential #partnership #positivesocialchange 

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    Børn og Unges Trivsel x Lind Foundation We are excited to announce a new partnership with Børn og Unges Trivsel - Indsats UNIK. In a new partnership between Børn og Unges Trivsel and Lind Foundation, more young people with complex life conditions gain access to counselling, group therapy, and a supportive community. Through ‘UNIK’ an initiative with no time constraints, young people and their families can access help for free, without the frustration of waiting lists. Børn og Unges Trivsel offers a wide range of activities, where professionals and core volunteers provide young people with extended support to handle daily challenges and achieve social resilience as they transition into adulthood. At Lind Foundation, we believe that positive relations and supportive communities are crucial for improved mental health, reduced loneliness and sense of belonging. In our view, everyone has potential — regardless of differences and starting points — and that the right initiatives can create lasting changes in the lives and conditions of at-risk youth. We're eager to explore and prove what works, thus we will evaluate the partnership using the Social Return on Investment (SROI) method, valuing both the economic and social impacts created for the youth and society. We look forward to following UNIK over the next three years — and measuring the opportunities the initiative provides young people to lead their own change. Read more about the partnership: #børnogungestrivsel #lindfoundation #partnership #unik #everyonehaspotential #positivesocialchange

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    Gallo Kriserådgivning & Værested delivered DKK 17.8m in total value creation during 2023. The latest Social Return on Investment (SROI) report is now available, highlighting Gallo’s positive impact. Gallo, a psychosocial nonprofit organisation in Aarhus, provides free and anonymous therapy, counselling, and a supportive community, helping people rediscover meaning in their lives. At Gallo, a meaningful everyday life is just as crucial as therapeutic and medical treatment – they go hand in hand. We’re proud to support Gallo in their mission to promote equality by making therapeutic counselling accessible to everyone, regardless of their circumstances. In 2023 alone, Gallo provided 1600 hours of free therapy, addressing issues such as loneliness, anxiety, stress, and depression. These efforts have made a tangible and significant difference for the people at Gallo. Check out the highlights of Gallo’s 2023 achievements below 👇 #Gallo #Lindfoundation #SROI #sroireport #socialimpact

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    Where Rainbows Meet - Training & Development Foundation delivered USD 4.4m (ZAR 78.3m) in total value creation during 2022/2023🌈 Where Rainbows Meet is dedicated to fostering community and business development in the township of Vrygrond in Cape Town, South Africa. By addressing multifaceted challenges such as extreme poverty, unemployment, crime, abuse, and limited educational opportunities, the organisation makes a vast impact on the community. Offering a diverse range of activities and programmes, Where Rainbows Meet fosters personal development, well-being, education, and social cohesion. From skill-building initiatives to counselling services, Where Rainbows Meet empowers the community, providing essential support and fostering resilience in a challenging environment. A new Social Return on Investment report is out now — zooming in on the positive changes Where Rainbows Meet has created for the people in Vrygrond. See the highlights of the value created in 2022/2023 below or find the full report in the comment section.   #WhereRainbowsMeet #Lindfoundation #SROI #sroireport #socialimpact

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    Strong positive changes created by the members of Hand in Hand’s programme in Eldoret, Kenya 💰👨🌾 We are pleased to share the first Social Return on Investment (SROI) report from our partnership with Hand in Hand Eastern Africa and Hand in Hand Sweden. Hand in Hand is an international network of NGOs fighting poverty via entrepreneurship training and job creation in India, Asia, and Southern and Eastern Africa. Hand in Hand mobilises and trains self-help groups of entrepreneurs focusing on resilient livelihoods and sustainable businesses to alleviate poverty and improve living conditions for the members and their families.    Hand in Hand and Lind Foundation have joined forces on a community upliftment project in the Rift Valley Region, Kenya, where the programme is executed by Hand in Hand Eastern Africa to improve the social and economic conditions of more than 2,500 people, mainly women, but also indirectly their families and communities. More specifically, the community upliftment project has four main objectives;   1) income increase💰   2) improved agricultural productivity🌱   3) strengthening micro-enterprises 📈  4) enhancement of women economic empowerment🙋♀️    We look forward to continuing our partnership with Hand in Hand Sweden and Hand in Hand Eastern Africa. Together, over the next year, we aim to create sustainable and more climate-resilient livelihoods. Here, in addition to the core programme, some members from this project will have the opportunity to grow and expand their businesses even further, reaching larger markets and creating more jobs within their communities. See highlights of the value created during the three-year project below 👇 #lindfoundation #handinhandsweden #handinhandeasternafrica #sroi #sroireport #socialimpact 

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    18 months after launching ‘Fundabolig’ a collaboration between AL2bolig, Fundamentet and Lind Foundation, we’re thrilled to share the positive results. Fundabolig comprises 14 newly built affordable housing units that are reserved to young people at risk of becoming homeless. — 15 out of 16 of the young people have lived in their units for more than six months before moving out. Two people have moved out so far. — 13 out of 14 are currently engaged in education or employment as of March 2024. These results show how an affordable home, care and focused support can help young people towards a stable, safe, and good youth life. We want to thank everyone contributing to the project, especially our two skilled social workers Rasmus & Vickie, who help the young people with various social and practical matters daily! #HousingFirst #provingnewways #socialchangemakers

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    Randers FC x Randers Kommune x Lind Foundation   We are very happy to announce our partnership with Randers FC and Randers Kommune around ‘Talents United’ to test a new employment initiative.   Talents United is a new initiative in Randers Kommune, powered by Randers FC. We’re building on the experience and successes from the spare time job initiative ‘Talents of Tomorrow’ to offer a structured programme for both the young people and their parents in case they are out of employment.   We see great potential in building upon the strong partnership between Randers FC and Randers Kommune to engage young people in part-time jobs, and launch a new programme for the parents outside employment. It resonates well with us to use the good experiences and results achieved for youth in Randers as a lever to try out an innovative effort and use data and the Social Return on Investment method to assess the positive changes and new life paths for the youth and their families.   The project matches well with our commitment to boost job market readiness and help bridge the gap between long-term unemployed people with employers. We can’t wait to track the progress of the young people and their parents on this journey.   #RandersFC #TalentsUnited #lindfoundation #everyonehaspotential #partnership #positivesocialchange 

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    Field trip visit to Malawi 🌽 Last week, we had the pleasure of visiting our partner One Acre Fund in Malawi — meeting the One Acre Fund team and the farmers who are part of the programme, experiencing the activities and the farmers’ challenges firsthand.   Malawi represents one of One Acre Fund’s highest-need markets, where 70% of the population lives below the ‘extreme poor’ poverty line. With a population primarily dependent on small-scale agriculture for their food and livelihood.   The country’s agricultural sector has been hard hit by external challenges in recent years, from the pandemic and its accompanying supply chain disruptions and high inflation to extreme weather — such as Cyclone Freddy in 2023, which displaced millions of people and caused widespread crop losses.   Witnessing One Acre Fund's impact in Malawi, was truly inspiring. They empower farm families to grow their way out of hunger through loans, delivery of on-demand farming products, training in agricultural practices and post-harvest support.   Our conversations with the team and the farmers made a great impression, underscoring the importance of the support and providing the farm families with the knowledge and means to achieve bigger harvests and healthier families.   Big thanks to Tim, Yashodhan, Maria and the rest of the One Acre Fund team for a strong partnership, your efforts to put farmers first and for an inspiring field trip and discussions in Malawi.

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  • Se organisationssiden for Lind Foundation, grafik

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    Today, we celebrate International Women’s Day — and the achievements of women everywhere. Every day, women around the world are breaking down the barriers that limit their opportunities and ambitions. We are so proud of the incredible achievements of our partners in empowering girls and women through education, entrepreneurship training, mentorships, self-help groups, upskilling, and re-skilling — especially to keep up with rapid technological transformations affecting jobs — integral for women’s well-being and lifelong, positive outcomes for themselves, their families, and local communities. We’ve come a long way! But gender discrimination still exists, starting even before birth and continuing into adulthood. Catalysing change and a gender just world demand action 365 days a year — from all of us. Today, we celebrate🥳 Tomorrow, the work continues💪 #IWD2024 #EmpowerWomen #BreakingBarriers  

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    WAWCAS International delivered DKK 19.5m in total value creation during 2022/2023. WAWCAS, an acronym for ‘Women At Work — Children At School’, is a non-profit organisation who work tirelessly to empower Nepalese women who have next to nothing to become financially independent and ensuring their children’s education, giving them the chance of a better future. During 2022/2023, WAWCAS trained 559 women in their entrepreneurship programme and the change these women experience is unmistaken. After 16 months training, the women’s sense of self-worth and recognition of their values, resources, and fundamental human rights become a solid platform to secure sustainability of the changes induced in the women’s and their families’ life. The women develop a business plan and establish a small profitable business according to their plan. A new Social Return on Investment report is out now — zooming in on the positive changes WAWCAS has created for the women and children part of the programme. See highlights of the value created in 2022/2023 below or find the full report in the comment section. #Lindfoundation #WAWCAS #sroi #sroireport #socialimpact

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