Finansielle tjenesteydelser

Capital for sustainable development.

Om os

IFU – the Investment Fund for Developing Countries is a Danish impact investor contributing to green, just and inclusive societies as well as supporting the Sustainable Development Goals. We provide risk capital to companies operating in developing countries across Africa, Asia, Latin America and parts of Europe. Investments are made on commercial terms in the form of equity, loans and guarantees. Prioritized sectors are Green energy & infrastructure, Financial services, Healthcare and Sustainable food systems. IFU has co-invested in over 1,300 companies in more than 100 developing countries and emerging markets. Contracted investments total EUR 31 billion, of which IFU has contributed EUR 3.6 billion. Annually IFU makes around 25 -30 investments and has on average an active portfolio of 200 investments. IFU’s head office is located in Copenhagen supplemented by regional representation in Asia, Africa, Latin America and Central and Eastern Europe. IFU operates as fund manager for public-private partnerships like the Danish SDG Investment Fund, which is to invest in commercially viable projects supporting the UN Sustainable Development Goals. The SDG Fund is established in cooperation with the Danish State and several of the largest Danish Pension Funds and private investors. Total capital under management is EUR 2.1 billion.

Finansielle tjenesteydelser
51-200 medarbejdere
Copenhagen K
Statslig myndighed
Risk capital, Business advisory services og impact investment


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    Fredericiagade 27

    Copenhagen K, 1310, DK

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    🍃 HIGH-LEVEL PANEL DISCUSSION ON BLENDED FINANCE AT THE NEW YORK SUTAINABILITY SUMMIT 🍃 The Danish Consulate in New York is hosting the Sustainability Summit and IFU is inviting to a panel discussion on "Blended finance – a Danish strategy for creating impact and return on a greater scale". In focus is the Danish SDG Investment Fund set up by IFU in cooperation with large Danish pension funds and private investors. The fund sets itself apart among impact investment funds focused on developing countries by being a private equity fund investing in high impact private sector companies with an innovative preferred return structure. In the panel, you will find: BII Managing Director, Climate , Diversity and Advisory Amal-Lee Amin, Head of Unit/ Senior Economist at European Commission Kay Parplies and IFU Deputy CEO Søren Peter Andreasen, The high-level panel discussion is held on 23 September 13.05 – 13.35 pm EST at 50 Hudson Yards, 32nd floor. If you are interested in joining, you can contact Communication Director Rune Nørgaard at [email protected] #impactinvesting #SDGs #dkpol

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    ♀ UKRAINIAN WOMEN ARE BECOMING THE DRIVING FORCE OF CHANGE In Ukraine, women are playing an increasing role in the labour market. This is also the case in the agribusiness sector where Halychyna Zahid - an investee of IFU - is hiring women to take over for the men, who are defending the country against the Russian aggressor. One of these women is Olya, an incredible woman who breaks stereotypes. As an assistant agronomist, she not only supports vital agricultural research and practice, but also sits behind the wheel of a combine harvester, deftly harvesting crops that will become nutritious feed for the company’s piglets. She is a role model showing that there are no limits to what can be achieved with determination and hard work.   During the summer, Halychyna Zahid ran a campaign to attract women to jobs that typically have been male dominated. The offer from the company is for applicants to obtain a tractor driver's license at the expense of the company, a well-paid job, and the opportunity to assist in securing a robust Ukrainian economy during difficult times.  #ukraine #impact #farming

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    👨⚕️ NEW USD 20 MILLION INVESTMENT WILL IMPROVE DIAGNOSTIC SERVCIES IN INDIA 👨⚕️ We are thrilled to announce that IFU is partnering with Redcliffe Labs, a leading provider of diagnostics services in India! IFU will invest 💰 USD 20 million / INR 168 Cr with the aim of accelerating Redcliffe’s mission to enhance access to affordable, high-quality diagnostic services across India. With IFU’s landmark investment, Redcliffe targets to reach 10 million patients annually within 5 years and doubling the number of NABL-accredited labs. The focus is on expanding presence in Tier 2 and, Tier 3 cities in India to ensure that more people from underserved communities can benefit from certified diagnostics services. Longer life expectancy, higher health awareness and a shifting disease burden towards non-communicable diseases are currently the main healthcare challenges in India. Timely and accurate diagnosis remains crucial for effective treatment and improved quality of life. Improved capacity of diagnostics will make a difference for millions in India and is at the core of IFU’s healthcare investment strategy. That’s why we are thrilled to partner with Aditya Kondoi and his management team and further support their growth growth journey alongside good partners LeapFrog Investments, Chiratae Ventures, Alkemi Growth Capital and HealthQuad. IFU’s deal team consisted of Emil Sierczynski, Nicoline Storm, Klaus Prebensen supported by Lisbeth Erlands, Rukmini Mukherjee, Jonathan Kingwill and Rita Roca. 👇 Read full story in comments #IFU #Impactinvesting #Healthcare #Diagnostics #HealthcareInnovation #India

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    👏 IFU IS AMONG THE BEST IMPACT INVESTORS IN THE WORLD👏 We are proud to announce that IFU is now among the world’s 15 best impact investors after BlueMark placed us on their global Practice Leaderboard. BlueMark is the leading supplier of impact intelligence and independent verification of capital managers and investors working with sustainable impact investments. “It is a huge pat on the back for our work and our organization. At the same time, it is proof that commercial investments can make a decisive difference in developing countries,” says Lars Bertram, CEO of IFU. He continues: “As a credible impact investor and manager of pension fund capital it is also important that throughout the investment process, we can document, measure and report that the investments actually lead to positive change. BlueMark’s recognition is therefore also an important endorsement that we do what we promise.” Read the full story in comments or in the interview with Lars Bo Bertram FinansWatch (DK) #impactinvestment #SDGs #dkpol

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    ✒ NEW REPORT: THE DANISH SDG INVESTMENT FUND HAS PROFOUND IMPACT ON GLOBAL GOALS ✒ “2023 marked a milestone for the Danish SDG Investment Fund. Our focused efforts on mobilising private capital towards the sustainable development goals have yielded tangible results that resonate with our mission. We are proud to contribute to the global agenda for a sustainable future,” said Lars Bertram , CEO of IFU. 💰 Fivefold mobilisation of private capital When the Danish SDG Investment Fund was set up in 2018 the purpose was to use public funds as a lever for mobilising private capital towards the Global Goals, which cannot be achieved through public development aid alone. To date the result is that for every one Danish kroner of public funds invested by IFU, close to five kroner of private capital has been mobilised. 👍The fund is now fully invested The has made 27 private sector investments in developing countries. The new annual impact report shows a profound impact, including servicing 1.2 million patients primarily in Africa, installing over 1,800 megawatts of renewable energy, and supporting 100,000 smallholder farmers. Notably, almost one-third of all investments have been made in Africa, underscoring the fund’s commitment to the continent’s sustainable development. Moreover, the investments have supported around 40,000 jobs and generated DKK 5.3 billion in domestic purchases, DKK 3 billion in wages for company employees and DKK 1 billion in corporate taxes, which has a direct positive impact on local living conditions and welfare. Also, on management the companies have improved on several of the governance requirements that are part of the investment contracts. This includes the implementation of a written sustainability policy and an environmental and social management system as well as a written stand against corruption, for example. Thanks to the private investors PKA, PFA, PensionDanmark, ATP, P , Pensionskassen for Akademikere, PenSam, Secure Spectrum, SEB, Chr. Augustinus Fabrikker Download the full report in comments #impactinvesting #SDGs #dkpol

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    💰 DKK 100 MILLION MORE FOR IFU INVESTMENTS IN AFRICA 💰 In a summer interview with GlobalNyt, IFU’s CEO Lars Bertram is welcoming the new Danish strategy for Africa, which was launched last week. Lars Bo Bertram highlights that the strategy promotes close cooperation based on mutual respect between Denmark and Africa whether it is between states, companies or civil society. And he says: “The Africa Strategy also compares to the way IFU works. We are minority shareholders when we invest in African companies. We try to sit on the boards and influence the companies, but we are by no means in the majority. That way, we always have to be at eye level. The new Africa strategy is in a way reminiscent of our business model, and we can only welcome the fact that it will be done in other areas as well.” 👇 You can read the full New Africa-strategy in the link in the comments The interview is in Danish 

    IFU-direktør: “Den nye Afrika-strategi minder om vores forretningsmodel”

    IFU-direktør: “Den nye Afrika-strategi minder om vores forretningsmodel”


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    🌍 IFU VIL INVESTERE MILLIARDER I AFRIKA 🌍   ”Jeg vil gerne rose regeringen for at fremlægge en ambitiøs strategi for Afrika. Det er i alles interesse at bidrage yderligere til udviklingen af et kontinent, der fremover vil spille en stigende rolle,” siger Lars Bertram , administrerende direktør i Investeringsfonden for Udviklingslande (IFU).   Den private sektor er en afgørende motor i udviklingen af de afrikanske lande. I dag skabes omkring 9 ud af 10 job i Afrika i den private sektor, og en større privat sektor kan samtidig bidrage med bl.a. øgede eksportindtægter og lokale skatter, der kan styrke landenes økonomi og velfærd.   ”Hvis vi skal lykkes med at sikre en bedre fremtid for den voksende afrikanske befolkning, er det vigtigt, at vi styrker den private sektor med flere investeringer, så der kan skabes job til de mange millioner unge, som kommer ud på arbejdsmarkedet i de kommende år. Samtidig giver en stærk privat sektor også øgede offentlige indtægter, der kan bidrage til bedre velfærd for den brede befolkning,” siger Lars Bo Bertram.   Investerer yderligere otte mia. kr. i Afrika IFU har aktuelt en samlet portefølje af investeringer (aktiekapital og lån) i Afrika på ca. 3,5 mia. kr. i mere end 60 virksomheder. Med reformen af IFU, der blev vedtaget sidste år, styrkes indsatsen yderligere, og forventningen er, at IFU frem mod 2030 vil investere yderligere 💰 otte mia. kr. i Afrika.     ”Vi har en lang erfaring med at investere i Afrika. Og for de kommende år har vi en ambitiøs strategi for at øge vores engagement, der kan bidrage yderligere til at understøtte den grønne omstilling og forbedre levevilkårene i Afrika,” siger Lars Bo Bertram.    Styrket samarbejde med dansk erhvervsliv IFU har gode erfaringer med at hjælpe danske virksomheder med at gøre forretning i Afrika.   Det er fx tilfældet i Ghana, hvor vi sammen med FLSmidth har investeret i en lokal virksomhed, der med teknologi og udstyr fra FLSmidth reducerer CO2-udledningen med omkring 20 % per produceret ton cement. Eller sammen med Coop i Kenya, hvor vi har investeret i et kafferisteri, der sourcer kaffebønner fra lokale farmere, rister dem lokalt og eksporterer kaffen til Coops danske supermarkeder.    ”Dansk erhvervsliv kan spille en vigtig rolle i udviklingen i Afrika, og i IFU er vi klar til at gøre en ekstraordinær indsats for at bidrage til, at det kan lykkes at få flere danske virksomheder engageret på de afrikanske markeder,” siger Lars Bo Bertram.   👇 Læs hele IFU’s pressemeddelelse i kommentar #impactinvesteringer #verdensmål #afrika

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    ✏ NEW MEMBERS APPOINTED TO THE BOARD OF IFU ✏ The Danish Minister for Development Cooperation and Global Climate Policy, Dan Jørgensen, has appointed new members to the board of directors of IFU, who will be acceding on 1 September 2024. It happens when the 3-year term of the current board ends on 31 August. Michael Rasmussen, CEO of Nykredit, will continue as chairman, and Anette Eberhard as deputy chairman. Four new board members have been appointed, extending the board from eight to ten members. “I am very satisfied with the results achieved by the retiring board of directors. I particularly commend them for their work on the reform of IFU. It resulted in the Danish government adopting an ambitious funding plan last year, providing access to DKK 20 billion (EUR ~2.7bn) towards 2030, which will contribute to investments in climate and Africa, for example. It is now up to the new board to set the course for this achievement,” said Dan Jørgensen. “I look forward to cooperating with the new board, IFU’s executive management and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. We are delivering on a very ambitious agenda. One objective is to increase IFU’s contribution to mobilising climate financing from DKK 2 billion (EUR ~270m) annually to DKK 6 billion (EUR ~800m) annually towards 2030. We also hope to play a significant role in delivering on the upcoming Africa strategy. Towards 2030, we expect to invest more than DKK 8 billion (EUR ~1.1bn) in Africa,” said Michael Rasmussen. The new board will have the following members: Chairman: Michael Rasmussen, CEO of Nykredit Deputy Chairman: Anette Eberhard, former managing partner in Institutional Investment Partners and CEO of EKF Birgitte Qvist-Sørensen, former secretary general of Danish Church Aid Emilie Damm Klarskov, Head of Analysis, The Economic Council of the Labour Movement Fleming Voetmann, Vice President for External Relations and Sustainability, Velux Hanna Line Jakobsen, Associate Director, Novo Nordisk Jakob Ellemann-Jensen, former chairman of the Liberal Party of Denmark (Venstre) and former deputy prime minister and minister for economic affairs Jarl Krausing, International Director, Concito Thomas Bustrup, Deputy CEO in Danish Industry Tommy Ahlers, chairman of Concito, entrepreneur and former minister for higher education and science 👇 Read full story in comments

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    🌱 HOW WE CONTRIBUTE TO SUSTAINABLE REFORESTATION IN THE AMAZONIA REGION 🌱 Large areas in the Amazon region of Colombia have been transformed from native grasslands and/or gallery forest into low-productivity pasturelands for cattle or agricultural activities, leading to land degradation and soil erosion. A new afforestation and reforestation project, Amazonia Nativa, is set to revert the development and plant an area of up to 7,500 hectares with native species in the form of hard wood and acai palms. Together with the Dutch Development Finance Institution, FMO, IFU is co-financing the first phase of the project of 550 hectares that aims to prove the project design concept and be ready for the scale-up. “The Amazonia Nativa project is very interesting and fits well with IFU’s aspiration to support climate action and greening the economy. We hope to see it evolve and become at project that can be commercialised and attract other investors as well,” said Jesper Kaspersen, Senior Investment Manager in IFU. Watch the video and learn more about the project #Impactinvestment #reforestation #dkpol

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    🎓 AFRICA’S LARGEST SINGLE PHASED STUDENT HOUSING IS OPEN 🎓 About 90% of South African students need accommodation near their educational institutions. But the lack of capacity and high rental prices force many into long commutes, unsafe living conditions, or even dropping out of school. Especially students from low-income families suffer from the deficit, which is estimated to be of more than 500,000 beds. Now SASAII, a platform investing in and owning student accommodation in South Africa, has constructed and opened Africa’s largest single phased purpose-built student accommodation facility in Cape Town, providing housing for up to 3,000 students, primarily from low-income families. “Rise Student Living Cape Town offers an exceptional living experience with a wide range of facilities. As a resident on the 11th floor, I appreciate the study labs and collab lounges available on all floors, providing excellent spaces for individual and group study,” said Olwethu Khanyile. SASAII has also opened student housing facilities in Johannesburg and Pretoria and has additional projects in the pipeline. All co-financed by the Danish SDG Investment Fund managed by IFU. “By providing students with quality housing in a safe and secure environment close to their place of study, we are contributing to making access to education more equal in one of the world’s most unequal countries. SASAII focuses on students from disadvantaged backgrounds, aligning perfectly with IFU’s investment and impact strategy to foster more just and inclusive societies in developing countries,” said Emil Sierczynski, Investment Director at IFU. 👇 Read the full story in comments Eris Property Group (Pty) Ltd, Johan Janse van Vuuren #Southafrica #impactinvesting #SDGs #dkpol

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