Finansielle tjenesteydelser

Capital for sustainable development.

Om os

IFU – the Investment Fund for Developing Countries is a Danish impact investor contributing to green, just and inclusive societies as well as supporting the Sustainable Development Goals. We provide risk capital to companies operating in developing countries across Africa, Asia, Latin America and parts of Europe. Investments are made on commercial terms in the form of equity, loans and guarantees. Prioritized sectors are Green energy & infrastructure, Financial services, Healthcare and Sustainable food systems. IFU has co-invested in over 1,300 companies in more than 100 developing countries and emerging markets. Contracted investments total EUR 31 billion, of which IFU has contributed EUR 3.6 billion. Annually IFU makes around 25 -30 investments and has on average an active portfolio of 200 investments. IFU’s head office is located in Copenhagen supplemented by regional representation in Asia, Africa, Latin America and Central and Eastern Europe. IFU operates as fund manager for public-private partnerships like the Danish SDG Investment Fund, which is to invest in commercially viable projects supporting the UN Sustainable Development Goals. The SDG Fund is established in cooperation with the Danish State and several of the largest Danish Pension Funds and private investors. Total capital under management is EUR 2.1 billion.

Finansielle tjenesteydelser
51-200 medarbejdere
Copenhagen K
Statslig myndighed
Risk capital, Business advisory services og impact investment


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    Fredericiagade 27

    Copenhagen K, 1310, DK

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    🚀 NY CEO LARS BO BERTRAM SÆTTER KURSEN FOR IFU 🚀 I det første større interview efter sin tiltrædelse understreger CEO Lars Bertram , at IFU går en spændende fremtid i møde. IFU får mere end fordoblet sin 💵 kapital fra ca. 15 til 35 mia. kr. mod 2030 Der skal rejses en ny Verdensmålsfond II på fem mia. kr. i samarbejde med danske pensionsselskaber og private investorer IFU skal som organisation udvikles til at kunne fordoble sine årlige investeringer I interviewet med FinansWatch understreger Lars Bo Bertram, at skiftet til IFU ikke er tilfældigt. ”Det er heller ikke helt tilfældigt. Jeg har altid syntes, at det var sjovere at bygge op end at vedligeholde. Og så har jeg jo en forholdsvis stor forkærlighed for udviklingsøkonomier,” siger Lars Bo Bertram, som også sidder som næstformand i bestyrelsen i SOS Børnebyerne. Dialogen med nye potentielle investorer i Verdensmålsfond II er sat i gang, og det forventes, at de første underskrifter kan blive sat i løbet af efteråret. ”Vi ser frem til dialogen og håber meget på, at danske pensionsselskaber, fonde, familiekontorer m.fl. igen vil stå på listen over investorer i den nye Verdensmålsfond II, når den er færdigtegnet i løbet af det næste års tid,” siger Lars Bo Bertram. Den første Verdensmålsfond er fuldt investeret i 27 selskaber i Afrika, Asien og Latinamerika. Indtil videre har investeringerne bl.a. bidraget med behandling af 1,2 millioner patienter i 2023, etableringen af samlet 1.800 megawatt vedvarende energi og understøttet knap 100.000 småbønder i at omlægge til økologisk produktion. Forventningen er, at fonden samlet giver investorerne et årligt afkast på 10 – 12 % netto i danske kroner.   Læs hele interviewet hos FinansWatch (kræver abonnement) #impactinvestment #SDG #dkpol

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    ♀ BANCOSOL ISSUES FIRST GENDER BOND IN BOLIVIA ♀   BancoSol, the largest microfinance bank in Bolivia, has issued the first gender bond in the country. The bond called “Bonos Sociales Avanza Mujer BancoSol 1 was sold in the Bolivian Stock Market ending at a total sales amount of 💵 USD 30 million.   The proceeds will go towards financing micro and small enterprises led by women (MSE Women) in Bolivia, with the goal of financing at least 4,500 MSE Women.   The project seeks to increase access to credit for MSEs in Bolivia, strengthening BancoSol's “Avanza Mujer” strategy, a programme that has a differentiated value proposition, which promotes the inclusion and growth of businesses led by women. Additionally, the project seeks to encourage the growth of BancoSol's portfolio with underserved clients in the Amazon region, promoting social and rural development.   The Danish SDG Investment Fund, managed by IFU and backed by large Danish pension funds and private investors, is an investor in Bancosol. “A big congratulations to Bancosol for a successful launch of the first gender bond in Bolivia. This is a perfect match with our impact strategy to provide financing for small businesses and empower women,” said Morten Elkjær, SVP, Head of Financial Services at IFU. Bancosol has provided microfinance in Bolivia for more than 30 years and has significantly impacted million of lives in the country. Two of those are Soledad Garcia and Felipa Mamani who are portraited in a book that pay tribute to the entrepreneurial spirit of the many Bolivian women who have made their own paths challenging barriers, breaking paradigms and building bridges towards a more inclusive and equitable future.   👇 Read the full story and more about Soledad Garcia and Felipa Mamani in the comments #bolivia #impactinvesting #2Xcahllenge

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    🚀 ABOVE AND BEYOND - A NEW 2X CHALLENGE TARGET OF USD 20 BILLION FOR WOMEN EMPOWERMENT 🚀 The 2X Global Challenge has set a new target of mobilising USD 20 billion between 2024 – 2027. This is by far the largest commitment made by development finance institutions and multilateral banks after the initial initiative was launched in 2018. For the first time the initiative is also joined by private investors. “We are very proud to be part of 2X Challenge putting a strong focus on our effort to empower women and improve their job and career opportunities. Last year, half of IFU’s investment had a gender lens equality focus and we intend to keep up the pace, going forward,” said Birgitte Bang Nielsen, Sustainability Director at IFU. About the 2X Challenge The 2X Challenge was founded by the G7 Development Finance Institutions as a call to action to shift more capital towards investments that empower women in developing countries to access entrepreneurship and leadership opportunities, quality jobs, and products and services that enhance their economic participation. Since then, the flagship initiative has raised gender lens investments totalling USD 33.6 billion.  👇 Read more about 2X Challenge in the link in comments

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  • Se organisationssiden for IFU, grafik

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    Det er ikke sikkert, du ved det. Men dine pensionspenge er med til at gøre en forskel i udviklingslande. Dit pensionsselskab er nemlig en del af Verdensmålsfonden på i alt fem mia. kr., der har investeret i private virksomheder i Afrika, Asien, Latinamerika og Ukraine. Udover sundhedsbehandling har fondens investeringer bl.a. også bidraget positivt til 100.000 småbønders liv og installeringen af 1.800 megawatt grøn energi. Og samtidig skaber investeringerne afkast, der gør din opsparing større. Mød os til debat om, hvordan vi kan gøre mere i Afrika. Det sker på Folkemødet i dag kl. 11.00 i FN-byen C41. Deltagere: Torsten Fels, Lotte Machon, Henrik Fredborg Larsen og Lars Bertram. Moderator er Kirsten Larsen Du kan også læse mere om Verdensmålsfondens mange resultater på www.ifu.dk

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    🚀 PÅ VEJ TIL FOLKEMØDE Igen i år deltager IFU i Folkemødet. Denne gang er det vores nye administrerende direktør Lars Bertram og vicedirektør Søren Peter Andreasen, der tager afsted for at bidrage, lytte, diskutere og blive klogere på, hvordan vi kan skabe en mere bæredygtig verden. Du kan bl.a. møde en af dem eller begge til følgende debatter: · På Klima- og energiscenen torsdag mellem klokken 13:00 og 13:30 omkring Danmarks fremtidige indsats i Afrika · På Europabevægelsens scene torsdag mellem 14.00 – 14.45, hvor det handler om genopbygningen af Ukraine · I FN-Byen (C41) fredag mellem kl. 11.00 – 11.45, hvor vi har vores eget arrangement i samarbejde med UNDP og UNEP, hvor vi diskuterer, om Danmark overhovedet kan gøre en forskel i Afrika · Hos Nordisk Ministerråd (B12), hvor det handler om miljøet og indsatsen i Ukraine Og så er der jo alle de mere uformelle arrangementer. Vi glæder os til at deltage. 

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    MØD OS PÅ FOLKEMØDET Kan Danmark overhovedet gøre en forskel i Afrika? Eller er det bare bare musen, der siger ”hør hvor vi tramper”, når vi følges over broen med de store elefanter? Mød os på Folkemødet i FN Byens telt (C41) på fredag den 14. juni kl. 11-11.45, hvor vi vil diskutere dette sammen med vores panel af eksperter i form af Lotte Machon fra Udenrigsministeriet, Lars Bertram fra IFU, Torsten Fels fra PenSam og Henrik Fredborg Larsen fra UNDP. Debatten vil blive modereret af Kirsten Larsen fra Globalnyt. Vi stiller skarpt på, hvilken rolle Danmark kan spille i Afrika, hvordan vi skal prioritere vores indsats, og hvordan det private og offentlige Danmark bedst kan bidrage, direkte eller gennem internationalt samarbejde i EU og FN. Eventet er arrangeret i samarbejde mellem UNDP, IFU, UNEP Copenhagen Climate Centre og UN City Copenhagen. Vi glæder os til at se jer fredag d. 14. juni kl.11:00-11:45 i FN Byens telt (C41) på Folkemødet. Se link til det fulde program i kommentar #impactinvesting #Afrika #dkpol

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    ⚽ SHARING THE LOVE OF FOOTBALL With the UEFA EURO 2024 coming up, bringing millions together, a story from our world: IFU has an equity stake in the Radisson Emerald Addis hotel in the business district of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. There is a residential and business area surrounding the hotel, and also a shanty town. The hotel supports the local community to the extent possible, especially the street children, who don’t have much happiness in their lives. However, they are great football fans and play as much as they can. So, in May, IFU’s board member, investment director Klaus Prebensen travelled to Ethiopia with a suitcase full of footballs and football jerseys, donated by IFU colleagues. It made some children very happy! 😊

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    LARS BO BERTRAM ASSUMES POSITION AS NEW CEO OF IFU Today, Lars Bertram has assumed the position as new CEO of IFU. He will head the executive management team, which also includes Deputy CEO Søren Peter Andreasen and CIO Lars Krogsgaard. “I am very pleased to start working as CEO of IFU. The fund plays a unique role in the Danish financial sector with its focus on commercial investments that promote a more sustainable world. I look forward to applying my experience in an organisation that makes a big difference and is recognized for strong competencies within its field,” said Lars Bo Bertram. Based on IFU’s work and achievements over the past years, the Danish government has decided to more than double IFU’s capital under management from the current 💰DKK 15bn to around 💰DKK 35bn in 2030. Part of the new financing is based on the fundraising for a Danish SDG Investment Fund II, which has been initiated. “The Danish SDG Investment Fund has proved its true value and has contributed to 1.2 million people, primarily in Africa, gaining access to healthcare services in 2023, for example. The fund is also on track to providing a positive return to its investors and thereby the Danish pension savers. I look forward to continuing the work and the dialogue with Danish pension funds and private investors to raise Danish SDG Investment Fund II,” said Lars Bo Bertram. 👇 Read full story in comments #impactinvesting #SDGs #dkpol

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  • Se organisationssiden for IFU, grafik

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    🗺EUROPEAN DFIs STEP UP EFFORTS FOR A SUSTAINABLE WORLD This year’s Annual General Meeting of the European DFIs - EDFI was held in Oslo. In times of escalating global warming, increased geopolitical tensions and continuing challenges of poverty, the DFIs are playing and increasingly important role in providing risk capital and making sustainable investments in developing countries. The combined efforts of the 15 European DFIs in 2023 showed that: 🔹USD 9.3bn in new investments was made, setting records within Africa, climate and gender smart investments.  🔹mobilisation of green transition financing has improved.  🔹DFIs are doing pioneering work in promoting standards for sustainable finance that works for emerging markets and developing countries. The meetings also focused on the possibilities to do more to support the development of Ukraine’s private sector and made room for the important dialogue between DFI partners and owners. We are grateful for the close collaboration with our DFI partners. At the meeting, IFU was represented by acting CEO and Chairman of the EDFI Management Company, Søren Peter Andreasen, and General Counsel and Head of External Affairs, Nicolai Boserup. Thank you to Tellef Thorleifsson, Ylva Lindberg and the entire Norfund team for an excellent job of hosting the event.

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