
Risskov, Aarhus 986 følgere

Om os

I•GIS er en virksomhed der lægger vægt på en personlig kontakt til vores kunder indenfor den offentlige og private sektor i Danmark. Vi lever af udvikling af software og services, databehandling og hosting af stor mængder data. Målet for os er, at vore kunder nyder godt af IT/GIS teknologierne, således at kvalitet og effektivitet i arbejdet maksimeres.

11-50 medarbejdere
Risskov, Aarhus
3D tools and visualization, GeoScene3D, Digitizing and rectification of historical aerial photographs, GIS data and Image processing, I-Archive, Aerial photo, Hosting of Aerial photos og 3D stereo


  • Primær

    Voldbjergvej 14A, 1st

    Risskov, Aarhus 8240, DK

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Medarbejdere hos I•GIS A/S


  • Se organisationssiden for I•GIS A/S, grafik

    986 følgere

    New Summer Updates for GeoCloud Our software development team has launched a long list of updates and new features for GeoCloud. While some of these are behind-the-scenes optimizations aimed at improving overall performance and first-time user experience, others will directly impact users. With this update, users will enjoy improved data visualization on both maps and profiles. Here is a short list of new features now available to users: • Optimized 3D visualization on the map • Display borehole names on profiles • Improved borehole legend • New export options for static profiles • Easier access to borehole reports with Jupiter Boreholes • Draw and export subareas from LARCOS Read more in the GeoCloud newsletter below, or check it out yourself at the GeoCloud Intro Portal. www.geocloud.live #bigdata #groundwater #geology #geophysics #SoftwareUpdate GeoScene3D

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    Se organisationssiden for ReDoCO2, grafik

    318 følgere

    🌿 New Pilot Site for the ReDoCO2 Project at Saksvad Bæk! 🌿   We are excited to announce the launch of a new pilot site for the ReDoCO2 project under Naturstyrelsen at Saksvad Bæk, near Rønde on Djursland. This 180-hectare site is key to our mission of assessing carbon storage in Danish peat soils and advancing sustainable practices.   Project Overview: We are integrating state-of-the-art hardware, software, modeling, and IT technologies to create a comprehensive peatland mapping methodology. Our key activities include:   🛰️ Drone-mounted geophysical sensors: Capturing high-resolution data on soil properties and carbon stocks. 💻 2D and 3D modeling software: Developing detailed maps and models of the peatlands for precise CO2 and carbon storage estimates, groundwater tables and insights into the surrounding geological setting for future rewetting projects.   Impact and Benefits: Our pilot site will generate data and insights, providing decision-makers with cost-effective tools to identify and prioritize peatland restoration areas. The aim is to revolutionize peatland mapping and management both nationally and globally.   This project is made possible by our partners and Innovatonsfonden. Together, we are paving the way for a greener and more sustainable future.   Stay tuned for updates on our progress here on LinkedIn! 📢   #Innovation #Sustainability #CO2Reduction #Environment #ReDoCO2 #Innovationsfonden #Naturstyrelsen #Skytem #IGIS #AalborgUniversitet #AarhusUniversitet #RegionMidtjylland

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  • Se organisationssiden for I•GIS A/S, grafik

    986 følgere

    We are proud to be a part of the INTEGRATE project with many great partners. Want to see how we aim to locate new aggregate resources using EM data through this project? See the video below ⬇

    RÅSTOFFER. TIDEN RINDER UD! ⏳ ... når det handler om at finde især grus og sten, der er lettilgængelige. Men vi er i fuld gang med at finde en metode til at finde råstofferne dybere i vores undergrund. 🪨 Og det er helt nødvendigt. Hvis alt går vel bliver den nye metode et vitalt værktøj for råstofplanlæggere i de Danske Regioner - Danish Regions. For metoden vil med stor præcision kunne sige, præcis hvor i den dybe undergrund, der er fx sten og grus. Fordele er mange: 🏗️🧱⬆️ Vi får adgang til flere råstoffer, som samfundet efterspørger. 🚚💨⬇️ Færre tunge transporter - fordi vi kan finde råstoffer tættere på der, hvor de skal bruges. 🌳🐝💚 Indgrebet i naturen bliver mindre - fordi vi ved nøjagtigt, hvor der skal graves. Projektet, der knokler for at udvikle metoden, hedder INTEGRATE. Det er støttet af Innovationsfonden, og ledes af I•GIS A/S. I Danmarks findes hovedparten af råstofferne i Midtjylland og Syddanmark, og de to regioner er med i projektet. Vores råstofteam er godt repræsenteret i projektet med fx Flemming Jørgensen og Pernille Buus Poulsen. Du kan se mere om projektet her: https://integrate.nu/ 🙋 Har du spørgsmål til projektet, så stil dem gerne i tråden 👇 Regional Udvikling, Region Syddanmark #dkgreen #dkbyg #råstoffer #geologi #integrate

  • Se organisationssiden for I•GIS A/S, grafik

    986 følgere

    Den 1. juni havde Soleyd 10 års jubilæum hos I•GIS. Sóleyð en af vores helt centrale medarbejdere, som både ansatte og kunder med fordel kan holde sig på god fod med: Hun udbetaler løn, sender regninger (og eventuelt rykkere), og er overordnet set dybt involveret i mange dele af den daglige drift hos I•GIS A/S.   Soleyd er bankuddannet og kommer fra Færøerne. Hun er med sin færøske lune og humor, altid god for en morsom bemærkning og skæv historie fra sin tid på færøerne, det være sig det færøske bankvæsen som lokalt lakseopræt, fårehold og andet. Dertil har hun en fantastisk evne til at se positivt på tingene og tålmodigt sige ”𝙥𝙮𝙩” frem for at lade sig gå på. Hun tager beredvilligt fra når tingene presser sig på, hvilket i mange situationer er med til at gøre dagligdagen på kontoret lidt lettere.   Vi er med andre ord rigtig glade for at have en kollega som dig, og nyder dit selskab på kontoret. Du skal have et stort tillykke med, og tak for, dine første 10 år hos I•GIS. Vi glæder os til mange flere. #Jubilæum #Kollega #Teamwork #Positivitet #Fejring

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  • Se organisationssiden for I•GIS A/S, grafik

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    Our June Newsletter has hit the streets and inboxes 📬 Read about our latest GeoScene3D release, our upcoming webinar, and learn how we are supporting our customers throughout the summer holidays ⛱ Curious about how Smart Interpretation in GeoScene3D can save you time? In our upcoming webinar, we will cover: • What Smart Interpretation is • The latest changes in GeoScene3D • A step-by-step workflow demonstration • A real-world case study Join us this Thursday for our webinar by following this link: https://lnkd.in/dKebkFC6 GeoScene3D #Webinar #Newsletter #Groundwater #Geophysics #Geology

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    Se organisationssiden for Patriotisk Selskab, grafik

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    🌱 𝐒𝐤𝐚𝐥 𝐯𝐢 𝐨𝐠𝐬𝐚̊ 𝐥𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐬𝐩𝐨𝐭𝐬𝐩𝐫ø𝐣𝐭𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬𝐤𝐨𝐫𝐭 𝐭𝐢𝐥 𝐝𝐢𝐠? 🌽 Det er sidste chance, hvis du vil have kortlagt og artsbestemt ukrudtet i din roe- eller majsmark med RoboWeedMaps. Vi kan overkøre din mark, indtil roeplanten er maks. 20 cm høj, og majsplanten er nået 8-bladstadiet. I de fleste marker vil det være muligt at opnå betydelige besparelser på mængden af planteværn. 🍂 Du kan også allerede nu reservere os, hvis du ved, du vil have os til at kortlægge ukrudtet i dine vinterafgrøder. Hvis du har spørgsmål eller vil booke en kortlægning, så kontakt RoboWeedMaps-teamet på [email protected] eller tlf. 8177 2497. #rwm #ukrudtskortlægning #artsbestemmelse #RoboWeedMaps #patriotiskselskab I-GIS A/S Datalogisk #præcisionsjordbrug #præcisionslandbrug #spotsprøjtning

  • Se organisationssiden for I•GIS A/S, grafik

    986 følgere

    Come join us at our upcoming webinar and learn about Smart Interpretation in GeoScene3D. Discover the updated Smart Interpretation feature in GeoScene3D, designed to streamline geological modeling by automating repetitive interpretation tasks. Perfect for both new and existing users, this webinar will cover: • Introduction to Smart Interpretation • Overview of the latest changes in GeoScene3D • Step-by-step workflow demonstration • Real-world case study Secure your spot for free by emailing us at [email protected] #geophysics #geology #bigdata #webinars #groundwater

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  • Se organisationssiden for I•GIS A/S, grafik

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    𝗡𝗲𝘄 𝗥𝗲𝗹𝗲𝗮𝘀𝗲: 𝗚𝗲𝗼𝗦𝗰𝗲𝗻𝗲𝟯𝗗 𝗩𝗲𝗿𝘀𝗶𝗼𝗻 𝟭𝟮.𝟬.𝟬.𝟳𝟭𝟮 We are proud to announce the latest update to GeoScene3D. This release brings a host of new features and improvements designed to enhance your user experience and streamline your workflows. Here’s a glimpse into what’s new: Our Smart Interpretation feature has undergone a significant overhaul, making the calculation process more stable and faster. It also offers enhanced options for parameters, allowing you to choose 2D grids and opt for either depth or elevation of points. A guide for the new workflow can be found on our Wiki help page. A key improvement is the automatic refresh of interpretation points when opening an edit session. This ensures that the GeoScene3D project and the access database containing the interpretation points are synchronized. This provides a better user experience, especially when working with large geological models. This release also enables easier upload of geophysical data from GeoScene3D to GeoCloud. When exporting from GeoScene3D, an ini file (initialization file) alongside the 1D model file now includes the correct settings for a smoother data upload process to GeoCloud. Download the new version here: https://lnkd.in/d2AeUdz3 The release also contains a few minor bug fixes. All changes can be found in the release notes on our website. #geophysics #geology #sustainablefuture #software #SmartInterpretation 

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  • Se organisationssiden for I•GIS A/S, grafik

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    We are taking the next step in the Agro@I-GIS department.   The Aarhus Universitet is diving deeper into plant distribution in fields and has partnered with us for this initiative. Since last year, I•GIS A/S has deployed a camera system capable of recognizing both monocotyledon and dicotyledon plants, even at very small sizes. This system can be mounted on an ATV or an agricultural robot and is paired with a mobile phone, simplifying data transfer to our #RoboWeedMaps system - eliminating the need for a heavy laptop.   Over the past months, we have worked intensively on the construction of the AU-camera, which was built in-house. After several test runs on the grass just outside our office building, conducted manually without the aid of an ATV, we are now ready for the handover.   We eagerly anticipate the first images from the fields and believe they will greatly benefit the scientists at Aarhus University.   #Science #experiments #sustainablefarming #weeds # #datascience

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    Se organisationssiden for ReDoCO2, grafik

    318 følgere

    We from #ReDoCO2 would so much love to go out and see how our test areas are thriving and how the data compares to other years... BUT... you might have noticed that the weather has been slightly wet during the last, let's say half a year. And thus we see pictures as the ones depicted. At Store Vildmose one of the areas where the team of Department of Agroecology - Aarhus University (Triven Koganti and Amelie Beucher) often goes to test material and theories for peatland areas the water is partly standing waste high. And many soils in Denmark are currently highly saturated and can't be driven on. Thus, we will be a bit more patient and go on modeling with the data we already acquired in the last years. Office work it is 💻 Looking forward to a bit less rain in the future 😅 #rain #peatsoil #peatland #mapping

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