

Produktion af vedvarende energi

Spøttrup, Midtjylland 13.293 følgere

Let's create a power shift! GreenLab is a green industrial park, a technology enabler, and a national research facility.

Om os

GreenLab Skive is a green and circular industrial park in Jutland, Denmark, which creates unique advantages for companies actively working with energy storage and resource efficiency. Our ambitious goal is to become the leading centre for integrated sustainable energy. Situated at the crossroads of the national Danish gas and electricity grids, we offer our partners a superb location. Companies that set up at GreenLab Skive will have the added advantage of a symbiotic industrial network that exchanges surplus energy and resource streams for mutual benefit. This “Symbiosenet” is continually developed and operated to remain at the forefront of technology and sustainability.

Produktion af vedvarende energi
11-50 medarbejdere
Spøttrup, Midtjylland
Wind energy, Hydrogen production, Biogas production, PV power, Business development, Surplus energy management, Green energy systems and green gas, Full-scale testing, Power to gas, Energy storage, Renewables, Smart Grid, Pyrolyze, Industrial symbiosis og circulary economi


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    Spøttrup, Midtjylland 7860, DK

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  • Se organisationssiden for GreenLab, grafik

    13.293 følgere

    Why are green industrial clusters so important to the green transition?      🤝 Collaboration and synergy: Green industrial clusters like GreenLab foster collaboration and bring together businesses, organizations, and stakeholders from diverse sectors. By co-locating within a geographical area, they encourage knowledge-sharing and innovation, and that accelerates the transition to a greener future. The power of co-creation is key!      ♻️ Resource efficiency: Green clusters promote resource optimization by embracing the circular economy principles. By strategically locating complementary businesses, waste from one company becomes a valuableresource for another. This approach reduces waste generation, fosters resource efficiency, and paves the way for sustainable practices.       🚀 Technological advancement: Green industrial clusters serve as vibrant innovation hubs, driving advancements in clean energy, sustainable manufacturing, and green technologies. With expertise and research institutions concentrated in one place, collaborative R&D efforts flourish, leading to breakthrough technologies.       💼 Economic growth and job creation: By attracting investments and nurturing entrepreneurship, green industrial clusters stimulate economic growth and create employment opportunities. The transition to a green economy opens doors to new markets, expands existing industries, and generates skilled jobs in energy efficiency and green manufacturing.       🌱 CO2 Reduction and environmental benefits: Green industrial clusters play a vital role in curbing greenhouse gas emissions and mitigating environmental impact. By co-locating green technologies and renewable energy generation, clusters empower industries to minimize their carbon footprint and environmental pollution. Sharing infrastructure and services further enhances sustainability efforts. #GreenLab #letscreateapowershift

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  • Se organisationssiden for GreenLab, grafik

    13.293 følgere

    GreenLab is a window to the energy system of the future, and if you want to stay up to date on all our exciting adventures, make sure to subscribe to our newsletter ✉️  In our newsletter, we share current stories about:  🏭Our site partners  🤓Our research projects  🎤The events we participate in  🚀The development of our industrial park  💬Our contributions to the debate about the green transition     …and much more. It is your shortcut to information about everything that goes on in and around GreenLab.      If you are passionate about industrial sustainability and green technologies, make sure to subscribe! We respect your inbox, and we only to send out 4-6 newsletters a year.       Click the link below and get started today.    GreenLab - Newsletter Signup    #letscreateapowershift #greenlabnewsletter

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  • Se organisationssiden for GreenLab, grafik

    13.293 følgere

    Our new Power-to-X facility dedicated to test, research and education is being delivered today!     This is a major milestone for our GreenLab Academy and our Research platform, and we can't wait to create a real-life and large-scale demonstration platform for companies, universities, and other educational institutions.    Our site partner Green Hydrogen Systems is helping us transport and move the 0,5 MW electrolyser module that will be located next to the current 6M Power-to-X test site in GreenLab.    And we are already in dialogue with many institutions who want to come and use our research and education facility in their programmes and courses.     We expect to have the facility fully installed and operational next year, but we are already open for visits at the end of 2024.     #letscreateapowershift #GreenLab #greencompetencies 

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  • Se organisationssiden for GreenLab, grafik

    13.293 følgere

    Breaking news! We are now ready to replace natural gas with green heat at an unprecedented scale 🔥 ♻️ We are thrilled to announce that we have just invested in a 100MWh heat battery🔋from Rondo Energy – the first of its kind in a fully commercial project. The heat battery will be directly connected to the renewable energy park just south of GreenLab, which means green power will charge the battery when green energy production is high, and the companies in our industrial park can use the stored energy when energy production is low 👏 👏  That is great news for the green transition of industry, where 74% of energy use is tied to heat. On a global level, serving industrial heat with renewables and heat batteries can cut annual CO2-emissions drastically, and we are very happy to pioneer the solution in our park The news was made official at the Breakthrough Energy Summit yesterday, and we are proud that Rondo Energy and Breakthrough Energy chose GreenLab as their European showcase 🏆   Learn more here 👉 #letscreateapowershift #greenindustry #greenlab #rondoenergy #breakthroughenergy

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  • Se organisationssiden for GreenLab, grafik

    13.293 følgere

    We are beyond excited today! 👇 The Villum Fonden has granted ⭐ 25 million DKK ⭐ to contintue our research platform and expand our collaboration with DTU - Technical University of Denmark and the other Danish universities. The grant aims to accelerate the green transition of industry both in Denmark and internationally 🏭 ♻️ This time it is with a special focus on Power-to-X and the interaction between energy, carbon, and water.   We think Thomas Bjørnholm, Research Director at The Villum Foundation, puts it beautifully when he says: “Think of GreenLab as an ‘energy island on land,’ organised as a cooperative and managed as a free port, where everything produced can be freely exchanged among the companies in the energy ecosystem. It has enormous potential for developing new knowledge to support the green transition, both in Denmark and internationally” 🏝️ ♻️ Learn more about the grant and the research collaboration here: #letscreateapowershift #missiondrivenreseach #greentransition Aarhus Universitet Aalborg Universitet Syddansk Universitet - University of Southern Denmark

  • Se organisationssiden for GreenLab, grafik

    13.293 følgere

    We measure success by the number of yellow coats, cables and construction machinery in our park👇👀  That is why it is fantastic to see the progress Elnetselskabet N1 and local entrepreneur KAJ OVE MADSEN A/S have made on the upcoming transformer station in GreenLab.      The first part of the transformer station will be ready by the end of the year, and it is an essential part of our green infrastructure – it will be directly connected to the 84MW solar and wind park south of GreenLab, which means we can connect energy production to energy consumption without negatively impacting the collective energy grid.   Stay tuned for more updates as we continue to drive the green energy transition forward!  Learn more about the project here: #letscreateapowershift #GreenLab #greentransitioninaction  

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  • Se organisationssiden for GreenLab, grafik

    13.293 følgere

    Hvorfor er industriklynger vigtige for den grønne omstilling og hvad har det med energiøer at gøre? I går deltog vores CEO, Christopher Sorensen i en paneldebat om "Energiøer på land" arrangeret af Biogas Danmark.   Tak for en spændende diskussion til Daniel Ulf Pedersen og Bertel Maigaard om hvordan fremtidens energiøer skal se ud, hvorfor de skal være på land og hvilke investeringer, det vil kræve.   I GreenLab er vores mål bl.a. at reducere behovet for investeringer i elnettet ved at placere produktionen af vedvarende energi tæt på de industrier, der har brug for energien. Virksomhederne i GreenLab kan dermed aftage strømmen direkte og anvende den i deres produktion. Samtidig kan strøm omdannes til varme (vand/damp), som kan bruges til i industriproduktion, ligesom overskudsvarme fra virksomhederne kan cirkuleres i et internt ”fjernvarmenet” inden for industriparken.   Tak til Biogas Danmark for invitationen og for at facilitere en spændende debat. #letscreateapowershift #GreenLab #Folemødet2024

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  • Se organisationssiden for GreenLab, grafik

    13.293 følgere

    Så er vi også på vej til Folkemødet. Ses vi derovre? ☀️ Vores lille delegation bestående af Annette Vestergaard Christensen , Sabina Galatius Krøigaard, Jonas Valhøj Kleffel Nielsen og vores CEO, Christopher Sorensen, lander snart på solskinsøen. Mød os allerede i eftermiddag, hvor Christopher Sorensen deltager i en paneldebat om "𝗘𝗻𝗲𝗿𝗴𝗶ø𝗲𝗿 𝗽𝗮̊ 𝗹𝗮𝗻𝗱" på Klima- og Energiscenen kl.17:00 ved Cirkuspladsen og få svar på hvad en energiø på land egentlig er, og hvad de største udfordringer og muligheder består af. Vi glæder os til et par inspirerende dage og til at møde en masse spændende mennesker!  👉 Ræk endelig ud til os for gode snakke om grønne industriklynger, Power-to-X, missionsdrevet forskning og udviklingen af fremtidens energisystem. Vi ses! ☀️👏 hashtag#Folkemødet2023 hashtag#letscreateapowershift hashtag#GreenLab

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  • Se organisationssiden for GreenLab, grafik

    13.293 følgere

    Energinets langsigtede udviklingsplan for Danmarks energinet er nu under behandling👀 Planen skitserer den forventede udvikling af transmissionssystemerne for el, gas og brint. De beslutninger, der træffes nu, bliver afgørende for Danmarks position som frontløber inden for grøn energi. Derfor indgav vi i sidste uge et høringssvar med nogle vigtige opmærksomhedspunkter. Vi vil nemlig gerne være med til at sikre, at vores samfund opnår den størst mulige effekt af vedvarende energiproduktion og investeringerne i netinfrastrukturen. I GreenLab er vi allerede godt i gang med at demonstrere en model for balancering af det kollektive elnet: Ved at samplacere vedvarende energiproduktion og industriparker (energiforbrug) reduceres behovet for udbygning af elnettet. Virksomhederne i GreenLab kan aftage strømmen og bruge den direkte i produktionen. Samtidig kan energien konverteres og lagres, hvilket optimerer ressourcerne i en industriel symbiose. Når forskellige aftagemuligheder spiller sammen, udnyttes strømmen optimalt. Den mulighed håber vi, at Energinet griber og tager højde for i det videre arbejde med udviklingsplanen. Hvis der primært fokuseres på direkte linjer til PtX-produktion med henblik på eksport, går man glip af mulighederne for, at flere virksomheder og interessenter kan bidrage til og få gavn af den grønne omstilling. Ved strategisk at sammenkoble planlægningen af den langsigtede net-infrastruktur med kommunernes (KL) og statens (By-, Land- og Kirkeministeriet) planlægning af erhvervsudvikling kan der opnås mange synergier og skabes grøn vækst lokalt. Læs mere om Energinets langsigtede udviklingsplan her: #LetsCreateAPowershift #DKgreen #RetfærdigGrønOmstilling

    Energinets Langsigtede Udviklingsplan 2024

    Energinets Langsigtede Udviklingsplan 2024

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