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Introducing Remove Background (Privacy-First)

We’re starting off September with a bang and several exciting new projects underway. One of those projects is Remove Background (Privacy-First) - the only Figma plugin that removes the background from any image 100% privately.

What is Remove Background (Privacy-First)?

While solutions already exist to remove the background from images in Figma, we realized they all require users to upload their image assets somewhere. We were missing a tool that removes backgrounds 100% privately.

Remove Background eliminates the background from any image in Figma, without uploading or sharing that image anywhere. Your assets are analyzed locally on your computer and therefore remain 100% private.

How does it work? Simply select the image you want to remove the background from and click “Remove background”. In a few seconds you’ll have the same image but only with the elements in the foreground, and with a completely transparent background that you can edit as you wish.

Why did we make it?

‹div›RIOTS aims to improve designers’ and developers’ workflows and make them more efficient. Remove Background offers greater flexibility when designing, as well as perks like:

Use a specific element from an image

Only want a specific part of an image to use freely in your designs? Remove Background gets rid of an image’s background so you can use only the part that interests you.

Adjust images to fit your brand and style

Maybe you need a different background, a specific style or brand color? Remove Background can help achieve this! When removing the background, the plugin makes it 100% transparent instead, which means you can then edit it as you wish: add texture, a new color, another image… You name it!

100% privacy, no matter the use case

The best part about our new Figma plugin? Every single image asset you remove the background from remains 100% local and private. You no longer need to worry about who or where you’re sharing the image with.

And we’re live!

Remove Background is free to use, and now available on Figma community. Try it out and tell us what you think! 👉 Run Remove Background

Check out our full range of plugins

Did you know? We have a range of awesome plugins to help designers and developers alike with different design needs in Figma. Aside from Remove Background, we’re also the team behind html.to.design, story.to.design, code.to.design and more! Discover them all on our Figma Community page.