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It is too real that it is easier to become an immortal being than buying a house.

( 2)

can you add a pause button?

(2 edits) ( 8)

Y'all, home ownership under age 30 is possible. The hustle is real though:

  1. Rush early tech job, doomscroll/cry up to about 125 missed ops then snap buy candles to stay at low anx. Coffee yes, all other comfort items no for now.
  2. When first tech job hiring gets to 80% spam doomscroll on keyboard (any key works so I mash "asdf" with left hand) whilst spamming "cry" on mouse. You should be up to cry in the mid-400s. Insta-buy flowers after getting hired to pin anxiety at 0 for next phase.
  3. Should have about 5k missed ops. If you hit 21, buy cannabis and smoke it then read until you gen ~1 knowledge/turn. Most of your missed ops need to go into the next step so burn as few as possible on reading and work.
  4. Rush blog, ignore podcast. Blog gens plenty of influence until late game. Burn every bit of missed ops on blog posts and get all blog upgrades.
  5. Rush advanced tech job, do the same trick as with first tech job but buy all the other comfort objects to stay pinned at 0. If you're anything above 0, you effed up but you can buy clicker game and salvage the run if you want.
  6. Mash freelance until you run out of cash, switch to missed ops when you're at about 50 missed ops, then straight back to freelance. Do this until you hit $675/s from blogs alone.
  7. Turn off automation, keep writing blogs with missed ops until 419k, buy house 8 minutes later.

I had 405m at age 30, this was my first playthrough.

( 4)

sure buddy

what the ending 

( 1)

this game is so long I being playing it for 30 hours

(1 edit)

Strange glitch when you click above crying you somehow click on anxiety nothing BIG but it did cause a loss a few times

News update: it also gives 50 anxiety for whatever reason 

you clicked on doomscroll

Is that a purposeful thing  

if so super cheaty and awesome

(1 edit)

No, you are supposed to unlock it by buying the 'Tiktok registration' upgrade. You'll see.

( 6)

Why does buying a house cost more than becoming president

( 2)


( 1)

Does buying a house do anything besides upgrading max anxiety? because The Fourth Wall makes anxiety basically impossible to get 

buying a house is the endgoal

( 2)

55% done uploading my brain 

Is there any way to save?

( 1)

rushes to 1000 anxiety me no cry me no care

( 5)


( 4)

Got the house! Just after becoming immortal though, so my age is only an memory estimate of 100-110 years, but I have the house! And room for all the anxiety.

( 2)

how do i save :(

( 1)

you can click read and work before you get it

( 1)

anybody else grinding 'The Fourth Wall'?

( 1)

because uh i have 23 billion clicks

( 1)

I got 856 Billion Clicks.

I have 13 Trillion Clicks


720 trillion

( 4)

game got pretty easy after a while... NOT THE HOUSE, THOUGH.

( 3)

fun game! just letting you know I got a little stuck bc I didn't realize I needed to do the twitch/youtube streams to unlock the "Do Something" tab so my guy spent a while of their immortality just smoking and reading in the house I finally got, as it goes!

( 4)

is there a full screen option ? it won't let me use full screen if there is one

( 14)

I am 100 years old and still cant afford a ouse, just like real life!

(1 edit) ( 6)

bug, you can click in the doom scroll button without it being there

( 3)

Oof thanks for letting me know!

( 2)

Any chance we could get  a compiled downloadable version? I'd love to try this out that way. :)

( 3)

I hadn't considered building a desktop app for this game. Is it a preference or is it not working for you in the browser? 

(1 edit) ( 4)

it's just preference. I like to install some indie idles on my Steam Deck in desktop mode cuz then I can kinda just passively have an idle running.

Doing it this way would let me set up my own controls instead of having to modify the browser control set.

Edit: It also works in browser, but Fullscreen Chrome on the Deck is a little wonky at times. I think it's more Chrome on the deck than the game itself.  Figured I'd add this info in, just in case it's useful.

( 4)

Thank you for taking the time to provide that feedback. That's really helpful — and I've saved it in my notes!

(2 edits) ( 4)

I'm immortal and never got a house lol

( 2)

If only we could get Universal Income in real life for just $225k!

( 5)

"Get On Twitter"

Well, that aged like fine wine!

( 2)

Game suggestion: add "investment" as another form of passive income

( 2)

needs to be harder.  i didnt know autoclickers made anxiety go up faster at first, so i thought the game was pretty hard, then i realized that and the game just became boring and easy, but i think it could be pretty good with some updates

(1 edit) ( 9)

irl or otherwise i will never buy an nft <3

( 14)

They're just as useful in the game as they are in real life!

( 4)

thx I was looking for this to figure out if it was worth it (in-game)

(1 edit) ( 4)

Houses are more expensive than passing laws to make sure that people can live normally. Jeebus. 

Not a game complaint or anything

( 5)

reached immortality, no longer cared for my anxiety bar as it seemed to do nothing, and I still couldn't afford the house. maybe I shouldn't have spent all that money on equipment and laws.

( 3)

brainfuck is part of advanced coding lmao

( 1)

why isn't there a pause button? I need to walk away sometimes...

( 4)

"just like in real life..."

( 2)

we are jesse's games now XD 

( 6)

But what if I don't want to buy an NFT?

( 7)

I don't either, don't worry.

( 6)

Thank god.

(1 edit) ( 6)

So things that I noticed and not sure if ment to be.

Anxiety you gain per second increases how fast a day passes, yet isn't countered by the clicker game part of the system, meaning that if you generate any Anxiety after using up all of the options that reset or lower your Anxiety per second, the days will pass quickly regardless.

There really needs to be some more ways to generate "Missed Opportunities" as I see it, it caps at 1.43 no matter what I have bought which, feels low for the need of them over the course of the game, expecially with the above noted.

Also with the idea that the Canabis is the only way to generate Knowledge per second is kinda limiting on the scope of things in my book, it says that the only way to do something is to do drugs, even if its the stuff designed for anxiety, there should be other ways to generate the same result without going to that method.

Also, That House... Need too much money to get it. I mean, why the heck am I working as a Game Dev and only getting 19$ a second? I mean, come on...

(1 edit) ( 6)

When you become a world controlling collective consciousness but you're kinda sad because smoking weed doesn't feel as good as it did because you did it a few times 50 years ago and that was enough to build tolerance.

( 2)

I got the immortality  before turning 50, got the world presidency, and the only thing left to buy is the cann*bis... what else should be there?

( 1)

I belileve that my post and episodes don't add to my money/s and influence/s. Only the original gain is working.

( 1)

money/s should be 98$/s. 3 hire of freelancer cost 75$ , and still i'm losing money each second.

Same with the influence, I'm not taking full advantage of the freelancer :(

( 2)

This new update is AWESOME, way better than the last one (i just die in 1 minutes)

( 2)

Really need a save system...

( 1)

I stoped a breakdown at 934 anxiety

( 1)

What was your anxiety/s?

( 1)

I don't know, it required ALL the products though.

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