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EU Digital Identity Wallet Toolbox Process

Member State Experts are working together to set up the EU Digital Identity Toolbox which will further secure your digital identity and establish trust in online transactions.

On 3 June 2021, the Commission adopted a Recommendation calling on Member States to work towards the development of a Toolbox including a technical Architecture and Reference Framework (ARF), a set of common standards and technical specifications and a set of common guidelines and best practice.

The Recommendation specifies that these outcomes will serve as a basis for the implementation of the European Digital Identity Framework Regulation once adopted, without the process of developing the Toolbox interfering or prejudging the legislative process. 

The Toolbox will complement the legislative proposal on a trusted and secure Digital Identity and is a crucial first step that will enable the creation of a robust framework for digital identification and authentication based on common standards across the EU.

It aims to ensure a high level of trust in digital transactions in Europe. Member States will keep working closely with the Commission to continuously update the Toolbox.

The Outline of the European Digital Identity Architecture and Reference Framework

On 22 February 2022, the eIDAS expert group adopted an outline of an Architecture and Reference Framework for a future EU Digital Identity Wallet (EUDI) and decided to publish it for stakeholder feedback. The document set out the eIDAS expert group’s understanding of the EU Digital Identity Wallet concept at that time including:

  • the objectives of the EU Digital Identity Wallet;
  • the roles of the actors of the ecosystem;
  • the functional and non-functional requirements for the wallet;
  • potential building blocks. 

EU Toolbox

The first version of a common EU Toolbox to implement the EU Digital Identity Wallet was published by the Commission on 10 February 2023.

This document, again developed by Member States in close collaboration with the Commission, can serve as the technical backbone of all future EU Digital Identity wallets, ensuring their safety, interoperability, and user friendliness.

Member States, in collaboration with the Commission, aim to reach an agreement on the complete toolbox necessary for implementing the European Digital Identity Framework by September 2023.

EU Digital Identity Wallet

The EU Digital Identity Wallet will provide a secure and convenient way for European citizens and business to share identity data needed for accessing digital services such as checking in at the airport, renting a car, opening a bank account, or when logging in to their accounts on large online platforms.

With a click of a button on their phone they will be able to securely share information stored in digital versions of their driving licence, professional or educational credentials, and medical prescriptions.

Neither the outline nor the requirements and specifications set out in the first version of the Toolbox are binding until the legislative proposal on the EU Digital Identity Wallet has been adopted by the co-legislators. Only the finally adopted European Digital Identity Framework Regulation, and the implementing and delegated acts adopted under that legal basis, will be mandatory.

The EU Digital Identity Wallet Pilot Prototype

The Toolbox is also the basis to engineer a prototype EU Digital Identity Wallet that can be tested in a number of large-scale pilots, under the Digital Programme, to address high-priority use-cases for the Wallet, including the Mobile Driving Licence, eHealth, payments, and education/professional qualifications.

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European Digital Identity (EUDI) Regulation

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