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  • Terms>
  • Operating Policy>
  • Karlo Operating Policy

Operating Policy

Karlo Operating Policy

Companies or customers ("users") who utilize Karlo API provided by Kakao through Kakao Developers, must comply with the Karlo Operating Policy, in addition to consenting to the Terms of Service and Operating Policy of Kakao Developers.

User Obligations

  1. To comply with these operating policies, users must obtain the necessary consent from end users and promptly fulfill the obligations of notification in a lawful manner. Users must also comply with relevant laws regarding the protection of personal information in target countries where services are provided using Karlo API.
  2. Users must adhere to the Signature Text and Logo usage as specified in Brand Guidelines.
  3. The following actions are strictly prohibited when using Karlo API:
    1. Utilizing the API or generating content that violates Content guideline, Terms of Service, and Operating Policy of Kakao Developers
    2. Packaging or misrepresenting features provided by Karlo API as self-developed technologies for third parties
    3. Redistributing or providing Karlo API to third parties without modification
    4. Violating Brand Guideline while using Kakao's Signature Text or Logo, or misleading third parties about technical collaboration and partnerships with Kakao
    5. Removing, modifying, or rearranging watermarks included as default options in images generated by Karlo without explicit consent from Kakao
    6. Inputting personal information or private information of oneself or others into Karlo API
  4. Kakao does not guarantee the originality, copyright, and intellectual property rights of any final output generated through Karlo API in respect to the rights of third parties. Users may be fully aware of this and utilize Karlo API accordingly.

Rights Granted to Kakao

  1. Users grant Kakao a global license to utilize information related to the user's activities for Kakao promotion, marketing, improvement, and research purposes within the limits permitted by relevant laws, Kakao Developers' terms and conditions, and operational policies.
  2. Users grant Kakao the right to monitor the user’s activities related to API utilization and content creation that are prohibited in these operating policies and content guidelines. Kakao reserves the right to immediately suspend usage if users violate these operating policies and content guidelines. Users agree to indemnify Kakao from any and all damages and liabilities arising from such violations.