
class NaviClient(applicationInfo: ApplicationInfo, contextInfo: ContextInfo, hosts: ServerHosts)

카카오내비 API 클라이언트
Client for the Kakao Navi APIs


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fun NaviClient(applicationInfo: ApplicationInfo = KakaoSdk.applicationContextInfo, contextInfo: ContextInfo = KakaoSdk.applicationContextInfo, hosts: ServerHosts = KakaoSdk.hosts)


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object Companion


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fun isKakaoNaviInstalled(context: Context): Boolean

카카오내비 앱 설치 여부 확인
Check whether the Kakao Navi app is available

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fun navigateIntent(destination: Location, option: NaviOption? = null, viaList: List<Location>? = null): Intent

카카오내비 앱으로 길안내를 실행하는 Intent 반환
Returns the Intent to navigate with the Kakao Navi app

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fun shareDestinationIntent(destination: Location, option: NaviOption? = null, viaList: List<Location>? = null): Intent

카카오내비 앱으로 목적지 공유를 실행하는 Intent 반환
Returns the Intent to share the destination with the Kakao Navi app