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  • Business Form linkage management

Kakao Moment

Business Form linkage management

This document describes how to use the Business Form linkage management APIs.

View list of linked Business Forms

Basic information
Method URL Authorization
GET https://apis.moment.kakao.com/openapi/v4/talkBizForms/linkages Access token
Permission Prerequisite Kakao Login User consent
Required Register platforms
Activate Kakao Login
Switch to a Biz app
Required -

This API enables you to retrieve the list of Business Forms with permission granted to the designated ad account. You can check the detailed information of the Business Form created with your Kakao Account in [비즈니스 도구(Business tools)] > [비즈니스폼(Business Form)] in Business Admin Center.

Send a GET request with the issued access token and an ad account ID (adAccountId) in the request header. If the request is successful, this API returns the list of the Business Forms in JSON format. If failed, refer to Error code to figure out its failure cause.


Name Description Required
Authorization Authorization: Bearer ${ACCESS_TOKEN}
Access token as a type of user authentication.
adAccountId adAccountId: ${AD_ACCOUNT_ID}
Ad account's ID.


Name Type Description
- BusinessForm[] List of Business Forms.


curl -X GET "https://apis.moment.kakao.com/openapi/v4/talkBizForms/linkages" \
    -H "Authorization: Bearer ${ACCESS_TOKEN}" \
    -H "adAccountId: ${AD_ACCOUNT_ID}"
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
        "id": 1,
        "adAccountId": 1234,
        "bizFormId": 1111,
        "dspAccountEmail": "[email protected]",
        "title": "first_talk_business_form",
        "flowType": "SURVEY",
        "linkedDate": "2020-01-01 00:00:00",
        "beginDate": "2020-02-01 00:00",
        "endDate": "2020-03-01 00:00"

View list of linkable Business Forms

Basic information
Method URL Authorization
GET https://apis.moment.kakao.com/openapi/v4/talkBizForms/linkables Access token
Permission Prerequisite Kakao Login User consent
Required Register platforms
Activate Kakao Login
Switch to a Biz app
Required -

This API enables you to retrieve the list of Business Forms that permission can be added to.

Send a GET request with the issued access token and an ad account ID (adAccountId) in the request header. If the request is successful, this API returns the list of the Business Forms in JSON format. If failed, refer to Error code to figure out its failure cause.


Name Description Required
Authorization Authorization: Bearer ${ACCESS_TOKEN}
Access token as a type of user authentication.
adAccountId adAccountId: ${AD_ACCOUNT_ID}
Ad account's ID.


Name Type Description
- LinkablesBusinessForm[] List of Business Forms.
Name Type Description
bizFormId Long Business Form's ID.
Pass bizFormId when requesting the Linking Business Form API.
title String Business Form's name.
flowType String Business Form type

One of:
APPLY (바로응모형)
SURVEY (설문조사형)
RESERV (신청예약형)
beginDate String Start time of delivery period in yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss format.
endDate String End time of delivery period in yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss format.


curl -X GET "https://apis.moment.kakao.com/openapi/v4/talkBizForms/linkables" \
    -H "Authorization: Bearer ${ACCESS_TOKEN}" \
    -H "adAccountId: ${AD_ACCOUNT_ID}"
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
        "bizFormId": 5678,
        "adAccountId": 1234,
        "title": "first_talk_business_form",
        "flowType": "APPLY",
        "beginDate": "2020-02-01 00:00",
        "endDate": "2020-03-01 00:00"

Link Business Form

Basic information
Method URL Authorization
POST https://apis.moment.kakao.com/openapi/v4/talkBizForms Access token
Permission Prerequisite Kakao Login User consent
Required Register platforms
Activate Kakao Login
Switch to a Biz app
Required -

This API enables you to link a specific Business Form to an ad account.

Send a POST request with the issued access token and an ad account ID (adAccountId) in the request header. If the request is successful, this API returns the information of the added Business Form. If failed, refer to Error code to figure out its failure cause.


Name Description Required
Authorization Authorization: Bearer ${ACCESS_TOKEN}
Access token as a type of user authentication.
adAccountId adAccountId: ${AD_ACCOUNT_ID}
Ad account's ID.
Name Type Description Required
bizFormId Long Business Form's ID. O


Name Type Description
id Long Business Form's linkage ID.
adAccount Long Ad account's ID.
bizFormId Long Business Form's ID.
dspAccountEmail String Account email linked to the Business Form.
title String Business Form's title.
flowType String Business Form type

One of:
APPLY (바로응모형)
SURVEY (설문조사형)
RESERV (신청예약형)
beginDate String Start time of delivery period in yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss format.
endDate String End time of delivery period in yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss format.
linkedDate String Linkage time in yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss format.


curl -X POST "https://apis.moment.kakao.com/openapi/v4/talkBizForms" \
    -H "Authorization: Bearer ${ACCESS_TOKEN}"
    -H "adAccountId: ${AD_ACCOUNT_ID}"
    -d '{
            "bizFormId": ${BIZ_FORM_ID}
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
    "id": 1,
    "adAccountId": 1234,
    "bizFormId": 1,
    "dspAccountEmail": "[email protected]",
    "title": "first_talk_business_form",
    "flowType": "APPLY",
    "linkedDate": "2020-01-01 15:00:00",
    "beginDate": "2020-02-01 00:00",
    "endDate": "2020-03-01 00:00"

See more