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  • Kakao Login>
  • Android

Kakao Login


This document describes how to integrate Kakao Login APIs into your service with the Kakao SDK for Android.

To learn about each API in detail, refer to Concepts.

For a Kakao Login button, you can download the resources provided by Kakao or customize buttons according to your service user interface by referring to the Design Guide.

Before you begin

Before using Kakao Login APIs with the Android SDK,

  1. Register the Android platform.
  2. Add modules.
  3. Set Redirect URI.

Add modules

To use the Kakao Login feature, you need to add the v2-user module for Kakao Login and user management in the module-level build.gradle.kts file by referring to Add modules.

Note: Changes on Kakao Login module

- Less than Android 2.4.0: You should call 'AuthApiClient' in the v2-auth module and 'UserApiClient' in the v2-user module to use the Kakao Login APIs. - Since Android 2.4.0 or higher: You can call 'UserApiClient' in the v2-user module only to use the Kakao Login APIs. However, to call the Checking token presence API related to user authentication, call 'AuthApiClient'. The code snippets have been updated along with this change.

Set Redirect URI

To implement 'Kakao Login' feature, your app must be able to receive the authorization code through redirection. To make this state, add AuthCodeHandlerActivity in AndroidManifest.xml and specify redirect_uri by adding host and scheme data in <intent-filter>.

<activity android:name="com.kakao.sdk.auth.AuthCodeHandlerActivity"
        <action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW" />
        <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />
        <category android:name="android.intent.category.BROWSABLE" />
        <!-- Redirect URI: "kakao${YOUR_NATIVE_APP_KEY}://oauth" -->
        <data android:scheme="kakao${YOUR_NATIVE_APP_KEY}" android:host="oauth" />

When the authorization server sends an authorization code to the specified redirect_uri in kakao${YOUR_NATIVE_APP_KEY}://oauth?code=${AUTHORIZATION_CODE} format, the SDK receives the authorization code and requests an access token with the passed authorization code. Refer to Concepts to see the login process.

If your app is targeting Android 12 or higher, you must declare android:exported and set it to true. Refer to Behavior changes: Apps targeting Android 12.

Set Custom URL scheme

To use Select shipping address API, set the Activity in the AndroidManifest.xml.

            <action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW" />

            <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />
            <category android:name="android.intent.category.BROWSABLE" />

            <!-- Setting for the shipping address picker -->
            <data android:scheme="kakao${YOUR_NATIVE_APP_KEY}" />
            <data android:host="address" />


This API enables users to log in through Kakao Talk or their Kakao Account information.

If Kakao Talk is not installed or a browser is not available on a user's device, the ClientErrorCause.NotSupported error occurs. To see more about the error cases that you may encounter during the login process, refer to Troubleshooting > Android. You can also refer to Kakao Login Sample.

Login with Kakao Talk

Basic information
Permission Prerequisite Kakao Login User consent Reference
- Register platforms
Activate Kakao Login
Manage consent items
Advanced: Activate OpenID Connect(Optional)
Set Simple Signup(for Kakao Sync)
Required Required:
Required consent item
Android SDK
ReactiveX Android SDK

For 'Login with Kakao Talk', call the loginWithKakaoTalk() method that runs Kakao Talk and prompts the Consent screen that asks consent.


Name Type Description Required
context Context Current activity context to invoke Kakao Talk login. O
nonce String Parameter to strengthen security.
To prevent replay attacks, generate random strings and pass them as an argument.

IMPORTANT: Allowed to set only when you integrate Kakao Login with OpenID Connect.


// Login with Kakao Talk
UserApiClient.instance.loginWithKakaoTalk(context) { token, error ->
    if (error != null) {
        Log.e(TAG, "Login failed.", error)
    else if (token != null) {
        Log.i(TAG, "Login succeeded.${token.accessToken}")
var disposables = CompositeDisposable()

// Login with Kakao Talk
    .subscribe({ token ->
        Log.i(TAG, "Login succeeded.${token.accessToken}")
    }, { error ->
        Log.e(TAG, "Login failed.", error)

When a user consents, Kakao identifies the user with the user's Kakao Account information linked to Kakao Talk, and then issues tokens. The Android SDK provides the issued tokens through the OAuthToken object.


The issued tokens are stored through the TokenManagerProvider class. The stored tokens are automatically added to the authorization header when calling the token-based APIs.

Name Type Description Required
accessToken String One of the tokens that authorizes you to call Kakao APIs and identifies users. O
accessTokenExpiresAt Date Validity period in seconds until the access token expires. O
refreshToken String One of the tokens that is used to gain new tokens. O
refreshTokenExpiresAt Date Validity period in seconds until the refresh token expires. O
scopes List<String> List of scopes of user information to be retrieved with the issued access token. X
idToken String JSON Web Token that contain user's authentication information, encoded using Base64 algorithm.
For more details, refer to ID Token.

IMPORTANT: Only returned when you integrate Kakao Login with OpenID Connect.
If you call the Requesting additional consent API, only returned when openid is added to scope in the request.

Login with Kakao Account

Basic information
Permission Prerequisite Kakao Login User consent Reference
- Register platforms
Activate Kakao Login
Manage consent items
Advanced: Activate OpenID Connect(Optional)
Set Simple Signup(for Kakao Sync)
Required Required:
Required consent item
Android SDK
ReactiveX Android SDK

For 'Login with Kakao Account', you must set Redirect URI in advance and call the loginWithKakaoAccount() method that opens a default web browser and prompts the Consent screen that asks consent.


Name Type Description Required
context Context Current activity context to open CustomTabs. O
prompts List<Prompt> Used to request reauthentication by selecting whether to present an interactive UI.
- .LOGIN: Used to request reauthentication by presenting the Kakao Account Login screen to a user even though the default web browser already retains cookies about the user's login information through Kakao Account.
- .CREATE: Used to prompt the Kakao Account sign-up page first. The Kakao Login consent screen will be present after signing up for Kakao Account.
- .SELECT_ACCOUNT: Used to prompt the Kakao Account easy login. If Kakao Account login sessions are on the browser, the login page processes login automatically or prompts the account selecting page. The account selecting page is prompted when there are more than two Kakao Account login sessions on the browser.
loginHint String Used to request with Login hint
A value to fill in ID field of the Kakao Account login page.

Note: Highly recommend to refer to Login process with login hint
Note: Users can login with their email, phone number, and ID of Kakao Mail on the Kakao Account login page.
serviceTerms String Used to request Get consent to desired service terms API.
Tags of desired service terms.
You can find tag values in [My Application] > [Kakao Login] > [Simple Signup].
Pass the tag values as a comma-separated string.
nonce String Parameter to strengthen security.
To prevent replay attacks, generate random strings and pass them as an argument.

IMPORTANT: Allowed to set only when you integrate Kakao Login with OpenID Connect.


//  Login with Kakao Account
UserApiClient.instance.loginWithKakaoAccount(context) { token, error ->
    if (error != null) {
        Log.e(TAG, "Login failed.", error)
    else if (token != null) {
        Log.i(TAG, "Login succeeded.${token.accessToken}")
var disposables = CompositeDisposable()

//  Login with Kakao Account
    .subscribe({ token ->
        Log.i(TAG, "Login succeeded.${token.accessToken}")
    }, { error ->
        Log.e(TAG, "Login failed.", error)

When a user consents, Kakao identifies the user through the user's Kakao Account cookie stored on the default web browser and then issues tokens through the OAuthToken class.

Advanced: Request reauthentication

You can request reauthentication regardless of a user's login status to enhance security. Set prompts to Prompt.LOGIN, and pass it along with context. Then, the login screen is prompted even though a user has already been logged in on the same web browser on the device.

UserApiClient.instance.loginWithKakaoAccount(context, prompts = listOf(Prompt.LOGIN)) { token, error ->
    if (error != null) {
        Log.e(TAG, "Login failed.", error)
    else if (token != null) {
        Log.i(TAG, "Login succeeded.${token.accessToken}")
var disposables = CompositeDisposable()

UserApiClient.rx.loginWithKakaoAccount(context, prompts = listOf(Prompt.LOGIN))
    .subscribe({ token ->
        Log.i(TAG, "Login succeeded.${token.accessToken}")
    }, { error ->
        Log.e(TAG, "Login failed.", error)
Advanced: Log in after signing up for Kakao Account

You can request to prompt the Kakao Account sign-up page before Kakao Login. Set prompts to Prompt.CREATE, and pass it along with context. The Kakao Login consent screen will be present after signing up for Kakao Account.

UserApiClient.instance.loginWithKakaoAccount(context, prompts = listOf(Prompt.CREATE)) { token, error ->
    if (error != null) {
        Log.e(TAG, "Login failed.", error)
    else if (token != null) {
        Log.i(TAG, "Login succeeded.${token.accessToken}")
var disposables = CompositeDisposable()

UserApiClient.rx.loginWithKakaoAccount(context, prompts = listOf(Prompt.CREATE))
    .subscribe({ token ->
        Log.i(TAG, "Login succeeded.${token.accessToken}")
    }, { error ->
        Log.e(TAG, "Login failed.", error)

Kakao Login Sample

You can implement Kakao Login by combining 'Kakao Login with Kakao Talk' and 'Kakao Login with Kakao Account' together, as exemplified below. You can also use the isKakaoTalkLoginAvailable() method to check if Kakao Talk has been installed on a user's device so that the user can log in with Kakao Talk. The code snippet below shows the logic of Kakao Login depending on whether Kakao Talk is installed and a user's action.

After a user initially installs Kakao Talk and does not complete app permission for Kakao Talk, the user can cancel to log in with Kakao Talk. In this case, ClientErrorCause.Cancelled error occurs. Thus, you need to implement the subsequent process after the user cancels the login, such as redirecting the user to the main page or going back to the previous page by referring to this code snippet.

// Login common callback 
val callback: (OAuthToken?, Throwable?) -> Unit = { token, error ->
    if (error != null) {
        Log.e(TAG, "Login failed.", error)
    } else if (token != null) {
        Log.i(TAG, "Login succeeded. ${token.accessToken}")

// If Kakao Talk is installed on user's device, proceed to log in with Kakao Talk. Otherwise, implement to log in with Kakao Account.
if (UserApiClient.instance.isKakaoTalkLoginAvailable(context)) {
    UserApiClient.instance.loginWithKakaoTalk(context) { token, error ->
        if (error != null) {
            Log.e(TAG, "Login failed.", error)

            // After installing Kakao Talk, if a user does not complete app permission and cancels Login with Kakao Talk, skip to log in with Kakao Account, considering that the user does not want to log in. 
            // You could implement other actions such as going back to the previous page.
            if (error is ClientError && error.reason == ClientErrorCause.Cancelled) {

            // If a user is not logged into Kakao Talk after installing Kakao Talk and allowing app permission, make the user log in with Kakao Account.
            UserApiClient.instance.loginWithKakaoAccount(context, callback = callback)
        } else if (token != null) {
            Log.i(TAG, "Login succeeded. ${token.accessToken}")
} else {
    UserApiClient.instance.loginWithKakaoAccount(context, callback = callback)
var disposables = CompositeDisposable()

// If Kakao Talk has been installed, log in with Kakao Talk. Otherwise, log in with Kakao Account.
if (UserApiClient.instance.isKakaoTalkLoginAvailable(context)) {
        .onErrorResumeNext { error ->
            // After installing Kakao Talk, if a user does not complete app permission and cancels Login with Kakao Talk, skip to log in with Kakao Account, considering that the user does not want to log in.
            // You could implement other actions such as going back to the previous page.
            if (error is ClientError && error.reason == ClientErrorCause.Cancelled) {
            } else {
                // If a user is not logged into Kakao Talk after installing Kakao Talk and allowing app permission, make the user log in with Kakao Account.
        .subscribe({ token ->
            Log.i(TAG, "Login succeeded. ${token.accessToken}")
        }, { error ->
            Log.e(TAG, "Login failed.", error)
} else {
        .subscribe({ token ->
            Log.i(TAG, "Login succeeded. ${token.accessToken}")
        }, { error ->
            Log.e(TAG, "Login failed.", error)

Check token presence

Basic information
Permission Prerequisite Kakao Login User consent Reference
- Register platforms
Activate Kakao Login
Required - Common

To check if a user has obtained an access token through Kakao Login, call the hasToken() method in AuthApiClient. This API returns the presence of an access token or refresh token as a boolean type. However, note that the return value true does not guarantee that the user is in a logged-in state.


if (AuthApiClient.instance.hasToken()) {
    UserApiClient.instance.accessTokenInfo { _, error ->
        if (error != null) {
            if (error is KakaoSdkError && error.isInvalidTokenError() == true) {
                //Login is required.
            else {
                //Handle other errors.
        else {
            //Succeeded in validating token (Token is refreshed if needed).
else {
    //Login is required.
var disposables = CompositeDisposable()

if (AuthApiClient.instance.hasToken()) {
            .subscribe({ tokenInfo ->
                //Succeeded in validating token (Token is refreshed if needed).

            }, { error ->
                if (error != null) {
                    if (error is KakaoSdkError && error.isInvalidTokenError() == true) {
                        //Login is required.
                    else {
                        //Handle other errors.
                else {
                    //Succeeded in validating token (Token is refreshed if needed).

else {
    //Login is required.

If the value false is returned, it means that tokens do not exist. In this case, implement a process for a user to log in to issue tokens. On the other hand, if the return value is true, you can validate the access token that the user has through the accessTokenInfo() method in UserApiClient, and then proceed as follows depending on the request result:

  • If the request is successful, the access token information is returned,
    • Access token is valid, which means the user does not need to log in.
    • You can call the Kakao APIs with the access token.
  • If an error occurs,
    • Access and refresh tokens are invalid, which means the user needs to log in.
    • You need to handle errors by referring to API Reference.


Basic information
Permission Prerequisite Kakao Login User consent Reference
- Register platforms
Activate Kakao Login
Required - Android SDK
ReactiveX Android SDK

The Logout API deletes the access and refresh token issued through the login process to have a user log out. Call the logout() method in the UserApiClient class.

Regardless of the result of the logout request, the Android SDK deletes the access and refresh tokens and has the login session end.


// Logout
UserApiClient.instance.logout { error ->
    if (error != null) {
        Log.e(TAG, "Logout fail. Tokens are deleted from SDK", error)
    else {
        Log.i(TAG, "Logout success. Tokens are deleted from SDK")
var disposables = CompositeDisposable()

// Logout
        Log.i(TAG, "Logout success. Tokens are deleted from SDK.")
    }, { error ->
        Log.e(TAG, "Logout fail. Tokens are deleted from SDK.", error)


Basic information
Permission Prerequisite Kakao Login User consent Reference
- Register platforms
Activate Kakao Login
Required - Android SDK
ReactiveX Android SDK

The Unlink API unlinks a user's Kakao Account from a service app. Call the unlink() method in the UserApiClient class.

If the request is successful, the Android SDK deletes the access and refresh tokens. As the issued tokens are deleted, the session between an app and a user is disconnected, and the user is logged out and unlinked from your app.


// Unlink
UserApiClient.instance.unlink { error ->
    if (error != null) {
        Log.e(TAG, "Unlink fail", error)
    else {
        Log.i(TAG, "Unlink success. Tokens are deleted from SDK.")
var disposables = CompositeDisposable()

// Unlink
        Log.i(TAG, "Unlink success. Tokens are deleted from SDK.")
    }, { error ->
        Log.e(TAG, "Unlink fail", error)

Retrieve token information

Basic information
Permission Prerequisite Kakao Login User consent Reference
- Register platforms
Activate Kakao Login
Required - Common
Android SDK
ReactiveX Android SDK

You can simply check the validity of the access token and refresh token, instead of requesting user information. Call the accessTokenInfo() method in the UserApiClient.


Name Type Description Required
tokenInfo (AccessTokenInfo?, Throwable?) -> Unit If the request is successful, the token information stored in the current cache is returned through the AccessTokenInfo object.
If failed, error is returned.


// Retrieving token information
UserApiClient.instance.accessTokenInfo { tokenInfo, error ->
    if (error != null) {
        Log.e(TAG, "Failed to retrieve token information.", error)
    else if (tokenInfo != null) {
        Log.i(TAG, "Retrieving token information success"  
                "\nService user ID: ${tokenInfo.id}"  
                "\nValidity period: ${tokenInfo.expiresIn} seconds")
var disposables = CompositeDisposable()

// Retrieving token information
    .subscribe({ tokenInfo ->
        Log.i(TAG, "Retrieving token information success"  
                "\nService user ID: ${tokenInfo.id}"  
                "\nValidity period: ${tokenInfo.expiresIn} seconds")
    }, { error ->
        Log.e(TAG, "Failed to retrieve token information.", error)
Name Type Description Required
id Long Service user ID. X
appId Int App ID that the access token has been issued for. O
expiresIn Long Validity period in seconds until the access token expires.

NOTE: expiresInMillis has been deprecated and replaced with expiresIn.

Retrieve user information

Basic information
Permission Prerequisite Kakao Login User consent Reference
- Register platforms
Activate Kakao Login
Manage consent items
Required Required:
All consent items to request user information
Android SDK
ReactiveX Android SDK


To retrieve user data, you must set consent items and obtain user's consent for the data that your service needs. If a user does not consent, you cannot get the user data. To check which scopes a user has already agreed, you can call the Retrieving consent details API and check the agreed scopes first.

To retrieve the information of the user who is currently logged in, call the me() method in the UserApiClient class.


Here is an example of retrieving user information — Service user ID, email, nickname and profile thumbnail image URI.

// Retrieving user information (Default) 
UserApiClient.instance.me { user, error ->
    if (error != null) {
        Log.e(TAG, "Retrieving user information fails", error)
    else if (user != null) {
        Log.i(TAG, "Retrieving user information succeeds"  
                "\nService user ID: ${user.id}"  
                "\nEmail: ${user.kakaoAccount?.email}"  
                "\nNickname: ${user.kakaoAccount?.profile?.nickname}"  
                "\nProfile Thumbnail Image URI: ${user.kakaoAccount?.profile?.thumbnailImageUrl}")
var disposables = CompositeDisposable()

// Retrieving user information (Default) 
    .subscribe({ user ->
        Log.i(TAG, "Retrieving user information succeeds"  
                "\nService user ID: ${user.id}"  
                "\nEmail: ${user.kakaoAccount?.email}"  
                "\nNickname: ${user.kakaoAccount?.profile?.nickname}"  
                "\nProfile Thumbnail Image URI: ${user.kakaoAccount?.profile?.thumbnailImageUrl}")
    }, { error ->
        Log.e(TAG, "Retrieving user information fails", error)

The user information in response to this request is passed through the User class defined in the com.kakao.sdk.user.model package. For example, you can access user.id to retrieve Service user ID, user.kakaoAccount.profile for Kakao Account's profile information, user.kakaoAccount.email for email.

Name Type Description Required
id Long Service user ID. O
hasSignedUp Bool Only returned when the Auto-link setting is disabled.
Whether the user is completely linked with (signed up) your app.
false: Preregistered
true: Registered
connectedAt Date The time when the user is linked with a service in UTC*. X
synchedAt Date The time when the user is logged in through Kakao Sync Simple Signup in UTC*.
This value is only passed for Kakao Sync service users. In this case, its value is the same as connected_at.
properties Map<String, String> Additional user information saved on the Kakao platform to use it later.
Refer to Prerequisites > Manage user properties.
kakaoAccount Account Kakao Account information.
To see what user data you can get, refer to User information included in Kakao Account.

Ensure that you need to handle exceptions for the following cases in which you cannot get the user information:

  • If you do not enable the consent item for some user information.
  • If a user has not agreed to provide the user information to the third-party service.
  • If a user has not provided the user information to Kakao.

Shipping address

Select shipping address

Basic information
Permission Prerequisite Kakao Login User consent Reference
Required Register platforms
Activate Kakao Login
Manage consent items
Required Required:
Shipping information
Android SDK
ReactiveX Android SDK

To use this feature, set Custom URL scheme.

Prompts the shipping address picker to allow users to select a shipping address and returns the selected shipping address ID.

Call selectShippingAddresses() in UserApiClient. This API returns an addressId for the selected shipping address. Request Retrieve shipping address with the addressId to get the detailed shipping address.

UserApiClient.instance.selectShippingAddresses(context) { addressId, error ->
    if (error != null) {
        Log.i(TAG, "Failed to select a shipping address $error")

    UserApiClient.instance.shippingAddresses(addressId!!) { userShippingAddresses, err ->
        if (err != null) {
            Log.i(TAG, "Failed to retrieve the shipping address $err")
        } else if (userShippingAddresses != null) {
                TAG, "Success"  
                        "\nService user ID: ${userShippingAddresses.userId}"  
                        "\nShipping address: \n${
val disposables = CompositeDisposable()

    .flatMap {
    .subscribe({ userShippingAddresses ->
        if (userShippingAddresses.shippingAddresses != null) {
                TAG, "Success"  
                        "\nService user ID: ${userShippingAddresses.userId}"  
                        "\nShipping address: \n${
    }, { error ->
        Log.e(TAG, "Failed to retrieve the shipping address", error)

Refer to Troubleshooting for the error cause.

Retrieve shipping address

Basic information
Permission Prerequisite Kakao Login User consent Reference
Required Register platforms
Activate Kakao Login
Manage consent items
Required Required:
Shipping information
Android SDK
ReactiveX Android SDK

This API enables you to retrieve shipping addresses saved in user's Kakao Account.

Call shippingAddresses() in UserApiClient. Use the parameters below if necessary.

Name Type Description Required
addressId Long Shipping address ID
Used to specify an address ID to get a specific shipping address.
Do not use together with fromUpdatedAt and pageSize.
fromUpdatedAt Date If multiple shipping addresses are returned through multiple pages, only the shipping addresses that are changed after updated_at time return.
The last shipping address on the previous page is used for an input value for the next page.
If set to 0, shipping addresses are retrieved from the beginning.
pageSize Int Number of (two or more) shipping addresses displayed on a page.
(Default: 10)

If not using Select shipping address API, the response may not include the shipping address when the user did not consent to the [Shipping information]. Refer to No shipping address in the response.

// Retrieve shipping address with requesting additional consent
UserApiClient.instance.shippingAddresses { userShippingAddresses, error ->
    if (error != null) {
        Log.e(TAG, "Failed to retrieve shipping address", error)
    else if (userShippingAddresses != null) {
        if (userShippingAddresses.shippingAddresses != null) {
            Log.i(TAG, "Succeeded in retrieving shipping addresses"  
                    "\nService user ID: ${userShippingAddresses.userId}"  
                    "\nShipping addresses: \n${userShippingAddresses.shippingAddresses?.joinToString("\n")}")
        else if (userShippingAddresses.needsAgreement == false) {
            Log.e(TAG, "User account does not have a shipping address. If required, select 'Provision after collecting information' option in [My Application] > [Kakao Login] > [Consent items].")
        else if (userShippingAddresses.needsAgreement == true) {
            Log.d(TAG, "You must obtain consent to providing shipping address from a user.")

            val scopes = listOf("shipping_address")

            // Request consent to providing shipping address 
            UserApiClient.instance.loginWithNewScopes(context, scopes) { token, error ->
                if (error != null) {
                    Log.e(TAG, "Failed to get consent to providing shipping address", error)
                else if (token != null) {
                    Log.d(TAG, "allowed scopes: ${token.scopes}")

                    // Retry the request retrieving shipping address
                    UserApiClient.instance.shippingAddresses { userShippingAddresses, error ->
                        if (error != null) {
                            Log.e(TAG, "Failed to retrieve shipping address", error)
                        else if (userShippingAddresses != null) {
                            Log.i(TAG, "Succeeded in retrieving shipping addresses"  
                                    "\nService user ID: ${userShippingAddresses.userId}"  
                                    "\nShipping addresses: \n${userShippingAddresses.shippingAddresses?.joinToString("\n")}")
var disposables = CompositeDisposable()

// Retrieve shipping address with requesting additional consent
    .flatMap { userShippingAddresses ->
        if (userShippingAddresses.needsAgreement == true) {
            Log.d(TAG, "You must obtain consent to providing shipping address from a user.")

            // If InsufficientScope error occurs
        else {
        //  Retry the request the Retrieving shipping address API after requesting additional consent to resolve the InsufficientScope error.
    .subscribe({ userShippingAddresses ->
        if (userShippingAddresses.shippingAddresses != null) {
            Log.i(TAG, "Succeeded in retrieving shipping addresses"  
                    "\nService user ID: ${userShippingAddresses.userId}"  
                    "\nShipping addresses: \n${userShippingAddresses.shippingAddresses?.joinToString("\n")}")
        } else {
            Log.e(TAG, "User account does not have a shipping address. If required, select 'Provision after collecting information' option in [My Application] > [Kakao Login] > [Consent items].")
    }, { error ->
        Log.e(TAG, "Failed to retrieve shipping address", error)

shippingAddresses() returns the UserShippingAddresses object. Refer to Troubleshooting for the error cause.

Name Type Description Required
userId Long Service user ID of a user who requested shipping addresses. X
shippingAddresses List<ShippingAddress> List of shipping addresses that the user added.
The default shipping address is displayed on the uppermost, and the rest addresses are sorted by last updated date in decending order.
needsAgreement Boolean Whether consent to shipping addresses is required. X
Name Type Description Required
id Long Shipping address ID. O
name String Shipping address name. X
isDefault Boolean Whether the shipping address is a default address or not. O
updatedAt Date The time when a user updated the shipping address. X
type ShippingAddressType Shipping address type.
- OLD: Administrative address
- NEW : Road name address.
baseAddress String Base address that is automatically input when searching for a zipcode. X
detailAddress String Detailed address that a user adds to the base address. X
receiverName String Recipient name. X
receiverPhoneNumber1 String Recipient phone number. X
receiverPhoneNumber2 String Additional recipient phone number. X
zoneNumber String New type of 5-digit postal code for a road name address system.
Required for the road name address system.
zipCode String Old type of 6-digit postal code for an administrative address system.
Optional for the administrative address system because some old type of addresses may not have a zip code.

Store user information

Basic information
Permission Prerequisite Kakao Login User consent Reference
- Register platforms
Activate Kakao Login
Manage user properties
Required - Android SDK
ReactiveX Android SDK

You can store or update additional user information into the user property keys that you designated in [My Application] > [Kakao Login] > [User Properties].

Call the updateProfile() method in the UserApiClient class. You must pass the custom property keys and values that you want to upadate through properties in a key-value pair using mapOf. For example, if you want to update a user's clothing size, set properties to mapOf("clothing_size" to "small").


Name Type Description Required
properties Map<String, String> User information to be updated.
Check the property keys of user information that you want to update in [My Application] > [Kakao Login] > [User Properties] by referring to Manage user properties.
You can also add new property keys up to five.


// Storing user information

// Properties to be updated
val properties = mapOf("${CUSTOM_PROPERTY_KEY}" to "${CUSTOM_PROPERTY_VALUE}")

UserApiClient.instance.updateProfile(properties) { error ->
    if (error != null) {
        Log.e(TAG, "Storing user information fails", error)
    else {
        Log.i(TAG, "Storing user information succeeds")
var disposables = CompositeDisposable()

// Storing user information

// Properties to be updated
val properties = mapOf("${CUSTOM_PROPERTY_KEY}" to "${CUSTOM_PROPERTY_VALUE}")

        Log.i(TAG, "Storing user information succeeds")
    }, { error ->
        Log.e(TAG, "Storing user information fails", error)

Request additional consent

Basic information
Permission Prerequisite Kakao Login User consent Reference
- Register platforms
Activate Kakao Login
Manage consent items
Advanced: Activate OpenID Connect(Optional)
Set Simple Signup(for Kakao Sync)
Required Required:
Required consent item
Android SDK
ReactiveX Android SDK

You can request consent to access permission or specific personal information if the user has not agreed when the user logged in with Kakao. Before using this API, read Concepts > Request additional consent thoroughly for a better understanding.

Call the loginWithNewScopes() method in the UserApiClient class. Pass the scopes of user information you want to request additional consent as a list of strings.

loginWithNewScopes() presents the Consent screen asking for consent to the requested scope. When a user chooses to provide the scope and selects [Accept and Continue] on the Consent screen, new tokens are issued, and the scope information is updated in the OAuthToken class.


Name Type Description Required
context Context Current activity context to open CustomTabs. O
scopes List<String> Pass the scope IDs of the User information. You can figure out each scope's ID in [My Application] > [Kakao Login] > [Consent Items].

IMPORTANT: If you implement OpenID Connect (OIDC), you must add openid to scopes along with the scope values you want to obtain consent. If not, OAuth is applied even though OIDC is enabled.
nonce String Parameter to strengthen security.
To prevent replay attacks, generate random strings and pass them as an argument.

IMPORTANT: Allowed to set only when you integrate Kakao Login with OpenID Connect.


Here is an example of checking which scopes are required to get consent with the me() method and requesting additional consent by passing scopes when calling loginWithNewScopes.

// Retrieving user information (additional consent)

// You can request additional consent when the user attempts to use a service 
// that requires specific user information and then obtain the user information as follows. 

//  * CAUTION: Consider the case that users refuse to consent to 'Optional consent' item 
// to prevent a problem with the use of the service. 

// Example that checks available scopes and requests consent to all available scopes.
UserApiClient.instance.me { user, error ->
    if (error != null) {
        Log.e(TAG, "Failed to retrieve user information.", error)
    else if (user != null) {
        var scopes = mutableListOf<String>()

        if (user.kakaoAccount?.emailNeedsAgreement == true) { scopes.add("account_email") }
        if (user.kakaoAccount?.birthdayNeedsAgreement == true) { scopes.add("birthday") }
        if (user.kakaoAccount?.birthyearNeedsAgreement == true) { scopes.add("birthyear") }
        if (user.kakaoAccount?.genderNeedsAgreement == true) { scopes.add("gender") }
        if (user.kakaoAccount?.phoneNumberNeedsAgreement == true) { scopes.add("phone_number") }
        if (user.kakaoAccount?.profileNeedsAgreement == true) { scopes.add("profile") }
        if (user.kakaoAccount?.ageRangeNeedsAgreement == true) { scopes.add("age_range") }
        if (user.kakaoAccount?.ciNeedsAgreement == true) { scopes.add("account_ci") }

        if (scopes.count() > 0) {
            Log.d(TAG, "Need to obtain consent from user.")

            // If OpenID Connect (OIDC) is enabled,
            // - When "openid" is added to `scopes`, OIDC is applied.
            // - When "openid" is not added to `scopes`, OAuth 2.0 is applied. 
            // To use OIDC, add "openid" to `scopes`.
            // scopes.add("openid")

            UserApiClient.instance.loginWithNewScopes(context, scopes) { token, error ->
                if (error != null) {
                    Log.e(TAG, "Failed to obtain additional consent.", error)
                } else {
                    Log.d(TAG, "allowed scopes: ${token!!.scopes}")

                    // Re-request user information
                    UserApiClient.instance.me { user, error ->
                        if (error != null) {
                            Log.e(TAG, "Failed to retrieve user information.", error)
                        else if (user != null) {
                            Log.i(TAG, "Succeeded in retrieving user information.")
var disposables = CompositeDisposable()

// Retrieving user information (additional consent)

// You can request additional consent when the user attempts to use a service 
// that requires specific user information and then obtain the user information as follows. 

//  * CAUTION: Consider the case that users refuse to consent to 'Optional consent' item 
// to prevent a problem with the use of the service. 

// Example that checks available scopes and requests consent to all available scopes.
    .flatMap { user ->

        var scopes = mutableListOf<String>()

        if (user.kakaoAccount?.emailNeedsAgreement == true) { scopes.add("account_email") }
        if (user.kakaoAccount?.birthdayNeedsAgreement == true) { scopes.add("birthday") }
        if (user.kakaoAccount?.birthyearNeedsAgreement == true) { scopes.add("birthyear") }
        if (user.kakaoAccount?.genderNeedsAgreement == true) { scopes.add("gender") }
        if (user.kakaoAccount?.phoneNumberNeedsAgreement == true) { scopes.add("phone_number") }
        if (user.kakaoAccount?.profileNeedsAgreement == true) { scopes.add("profile") }
        if (user.kakaoAccount?.ageRangeNeedsAgreement == true) { scopes.add("age_range") }
        if (user.kakaoAccount?.ciNeedsAgreement == true) { scopes.add("account_ci") }

        if (scopes.count() > 0) {
            Log.d(TAG, "Need to obtain consent from user.")

            // If OpenID Connect (OIDC) is enabled,
            // - When "openid" is added to `scopes`, OIDC is applied.
            // - When "openid" is not added to `scopes`, OAuth 2.0 is applied. 
            // To use OIDC, add "openid" to `scopes`.
            // scopes.add("openid")

            // InsufficientScope  error occurs
        else {
        // Request additional consent for InsufficientScope.
    .subscribe({ user ->
        Log.i(TAG, "Succeeded in retrieving user information.")
    }, { error ->
        Log.e(TAG, "Failed to retrieve user information.", error)

If the request is successful, the newly issued tokens are returned through the OAuthToken object.

Retrieve consent details

Basic information
Permission Prerequisite Kakao Login User consent Reference
- Register platforms
Activate Kakao Login
Manage consent items
Required - Common
Android SDK
ReactiveX Android SDK

This API enables you to retrieve the detailed information of the scopes (consent items) that a user has agreed to. You can check all scopes set in [My Application] > [Kakao Login] > [Consent Items] and the details of the scopes. If a user has consented to the scope before, the scope is included in the response even though your app is currently not using the scope.

Call the scopes() method in the UserApiClient class.


Name Type Description Required
scopes List<String> Used when you retrieve specific scopes only.
List of scope IDs you want to retrieve by referring to the IDs set in [My Application] > [Kakao Login] > [Consent Items].


UserApiClient.instance.scopes { scopeInfo, error->
    if (error != null) {
        Log.e(TAG, "Failed to retrieve consent details.", error)
    }else if (scopeInfo != null) {
        Log.i(TAG, "Succeeded in retrieving consent details succeeds.\n Scopes being used or agreed: $scopeInfo")
var disposables = CompositeDisposable()

    .subscribe({ scopeInfo: ScopeInfo?->
        Log.i(TAG, "Succeeded in retrieving consent details succeeds.\n Scopes being used or agreed: $scopeInfo")
    }, { error: Throwable? ->
        Log.e(TAG, "Failed to retrieve consent details.", error)

You can also retrieve the information of specific scopes by passing scope IDs. In this case, the response includes only the detailed information of the specified scopes if the request is successful.

// List of the scope IDs that you want to retrieve
val scopes = mutableListOf("account_email", "friends")

UserApiClient.instance.scopes(scopes) { scopeInfo, error->
    if (error != null) {
        Log.e(TAG, "Failed to retrieve consent details.", error)
    }else if (scopeInfo != null) {
        Log.i(TAG, "Succeeded in retrieving consent details succeeds.\n Scopes being used or agreed: $scopeInfo")
var disposables = CompositeDisposable()

// List of the scope IDs that you want to retrieve
val scopes = mutableListOf("account_email", "friends")

    .subscribe({ scopeInfo: ScopeInfo?->
        Log.i(TAG, "Succeeded in retrieving consent details succeeds.\n Scopes being used or agreed: $scopeInfo")
    }, { error: Throwable? ->
        Log.e(TAG, "Failed to retrieve consent details.", error)

If the request is successful, scopes() returns the ScopeInfo object that includes the changed details of each scope and whether a user has agreed to the scope.

Name Type Description Required
id Long Service user ID. O
scopes List<Scope> List of scope information. X
Name Type Description Required
id String Scope ID. O
displayName String Name or description of the scope (consent item) displayed on the Consent screen. O
type ScopeType Enum class for Scope type.
- PRIVACY: scopes for Personal Information
- SERVICE: scopes for Permission
using Boolean Whether your app is using the scope.
true: Using the scope.
false: Not using the scope even though the user has agreed to.
agreed Boolean Whether the user has agreed to the scope.
true: The user has agreed.
false: The user has not agreed.
revocable Boolean Whether you can revoke this scope.
Only returned if the user has agreed to the scope.("agreed"=true)
true: Possible to revoke the scope.
false: Impossible to revoke the scope.

Revoke consent

Basic information
Permission Prerequisite Kakao Login User consent Reference
- Register platforms
Activate Kakao Login
Manage consent items
Required - Common
Android SDK
ReactiveX Android SDK

This API revokes the scope that a user has agreed to. Call the revokeScopes() method in the UserApiClient class.


Name Type Description Required
scopes List<String> List of scope IDs you want to revoke.
You can revoke only the scope with "revocable":true among the scopes retrieved through the Retrieving consent details API. If you request to revoke the scope that is not revocable, an error is returned.


// List of the scope IDs that you want to revoke
val scopes = mutableListOf("account_email", "legal_birth_date", "friends")

UserApiClient.instance.revokeScopes(scopes) { scopeInfo, error->
    if (error != null) {
        Log.e(TAG, "Failed to revoke consent.", error)
    }else if (scopeInfo != null) {
        Log.i(TAG, "Succeeded in revoking consent.\n Scopes being used or agreed: $scopeInfo")
var disposables = CompositeDisposable()

// List of the scope IDs that you want to revoke
val scopes = mutableListOf("account_email", "legal_birth_date", "friends")

    .subscribe({ scopeInfo: ScopeInfo?->
        Log.i(TAG, "Succeeded in revoking consent.\n Scopes being used or agreed: $scopeInfo")
    }, {error: Throwable? ->
        Log.e(TAG, "Failed to revoke consent.", error)

If the request is successful, revokeScopes() returns the ScopeInfo object that includes the changed details of each scope and whether a user has agreed to the scope.

Get consent to desired service terms

Basic information
Permission Prerequisite Kakao Login User consent Reference
Required Register platforms
Activate Kakao Login
Manage consent items
Advanced: Activate OpenID Connect(Optional)
Set Simple Signup
Required Required:
Required consent item
Android SDK
Reactive Android SDK


This API is only allowed for the service that adopted Kakao Sync. To see the advantages of Kakao Sync, refer to Concept > Kakao Sync. Before implementing this API, read Design service terms and policies.

This API enables you to request consent to specific service terms that a user has not consented to, regardless of whether the user has already signed up.

If your app is used for multiple services and each service requires consent to different service terms, or if a new required service term is added to your service, you can use this API. For more details, Design service terms and policies.

To request consent to specific scopes from a user, pass the list of service term tags through serviceTerms as an argument when you call loginWithKakaoTalk() or loginWithKakaoAccount().

If you do not add serviceTerms when requesting an authorization code, the general Kakao Login API proceeds. In this case, you cannot request consent to the desired service terms. Also, if a user has already consented to all required service terms, the user is logged in without the Consent screen prompted. For more details, refer to FAQ.


Name Type Description Required
serviceTerms List<String> Tags for the service terms that are required to consent. O


// Get consent to desired service terms

// Designate tags for the service terms that you want to get consent
// among the service terms registered in [My Application] > [Kakao Login] > [Simple Signup] in Kakao Developers. 
val serviceTerms = listOf("service")

// Request login with Kakao Talk using the serviceTerms parameter (same for Login with Kakao Account)
    context = context,
    serviceTerms = serviceTerms
) { token, error ->
    if (error != null) {
        Log.e(TAG, "Login fail", error)
    else if (token != null) {
        Log.i(TAG, "Login success ${token.accessToken}")
var disposables = CompositeDisposable()

// Get consent to desired service terms

// Designate tags for the service terms that you want to get consent
// among the service terms registered in [My Application] > [Kakao Login] > [Simple Signup] in Kakao Developers.
val serviceTerms = listOf("service")

// Request login with Kakao Talk using the serviceTerms parameter (same for Login with Kakao Account)
    context = context,
    serviceTerms = serviceTerms
    .subscribe({ token ->
        Log.i(TAG, "Login success ${token.accessToken}")
    }, { error ->
        Log.e(TAG, "Login fail", error)

The response is returned through the OAuthToken object in the same as the Kakao Login.

Retrieve consent details for service terms

Basic information
Permission Prerequisite Kakao Login User consent Reference
Required: Kakao Sync Register platforms
Activate Kakao Login
Manage consent items
Set Simple Signup
Required - Common
Android SDK
Reactive Android SDK

This API is only allowed for the service that adopted Kakao Sync.

This API enables you to check the service terms that a user has consented to. Call the serviceTerms() method defined in the UserApiClient class.


Name Type Description Required
result String List of service terms to retrieve, use one of the followings.
agreed_service_terms: List of service terms users have agreed to (default)
app_service_terms: List of service terms enabled for the app
tags List<String> Tags of service terms to retrieve, limited in the list specified by result. X


// Retrieve consent details for service terms
UserApiClient.instance.serviceTerms { userServiceTerms, error ->
    if (error != null) {
        Log.e(TAG, "Failed to retrieve consent details for service terms", error)
    } else if (userServiceTerms != null) {
            TAG, "Success in retrieving consent details for service terms"  
                    "\nService user ID: ${userServiceTerms.id}"  
                    "\nService terms: \n${userServiceTerms.serviceTerms?.joinToString("\n")}"
// Retrieve consent details for service terms
    .subscribe({ userServiceTerms ->
            TAG, "Success in retrieving consent details for service terms"  
                    "\nService user ID: ${userServiceTerms.id}"  
                    "\nService terms: \n${userServiceTerms.serviceTerms?.joinToString("\n")}"
    }, { error ->
        Log.e(TAG, "Failed to retrieve consent details for service terms", error)

serviceTerms() returns the UserServiceTerms object.

Name Type Description Required
id Long Service user ID. O
serviceTerms List<ServiceTerms> List of service terms. X
Name Type Description Required
tag String Tags set in the service terms. O
required Boolean Whether consent is required in the service terms. O
agreed Boolean The consent status of the service terms.
true: Agreed
false: Disagreed
revocable Boolean Whether consent is revocable in the service terms.
true: Can be revoked
false: Cannot be revoked, is in a disagreed state or is a required service term

Note: Only service terms with revocable consent are available for Revoke consent for service terms API requests.
agreedAt Datetime The last time user agreed to the service terms.
(RFC3339 internet date/time format)

Revoke consent for service terms

Basic information
Permission Prerequisite Kakao Login User consent Reference
Required: Kakao Sync Register platforms
Activate Kakao Login
Manage consent items
Set Simple Signup
Required - Common
Android SDK
Reactive Android SDK

This API is only allowed for the service that adopted Kakao Sync.

Revoke a service terms that a specific user has agreed to. Only service terms with a revocable value of true in the Retrieve consent details for service terms response can be revoked.

Call the revokeServiceTerms() method defined in the UserApiClient class. Specify the tags of the service terms you want to revoke consent for in tags.


Name Type Description Required
tags List<String> Service terms tags to revoke.

Note: Only service terms with a revocable value of true in the Retrieve consent details for service terms response can be revoked.


// Revoke consent for service terms
UserApiClient.instance.revokeServiceTerms(tags = listOf("test_tag1", "test_tag2")) { userRevokedServiceTerms, error ->
    if (error != null) {
        Log.e(TAG, "Failed to revoke consent for service terms", error)
    } else if (userRevokedServiceTerms != null) {
            TAG, "Success in Revoke consent for service terms"  
                    "\Service user ID: ${userRevokedServiceTerms.id}"  
                    "\nRevoked service terms: \n${userRevokedServiceTerms.revokedServiceTerms?.joinToString("\n")}"
// Revoke consent for service terms
UserApiClient.rx.revokeServiceTerms(listOf("test_tag1", "test_tag2"))
    .subscribe({ revokedServiceTerms ->
            TAG, "Success in Revoke consent for service terms"  
                    "\nService user ID: ${revokedServiceTerms.id}"  
                    "\nRevoked service terms: \n${revokedServiceTerms.revokedServiceTerms?.joinToString("\n")}"
    }, { error ->
        Log.e(TAG, "Failed to revoke consent for service terms", error)

revokeServiceTerms() returns the UserRevokedServiceTerms object.

Name Type Description Required
id Long Service user ID. O
revokedServiceTerms List<RevokedServiceTerms> List of revoked service terms

Note: User non-consent or required service terms that cannot be revoked are not included.
Name Type Description Required
tag String Tag of revoked service terms O
agreed Boolean The consent status of the service terms after revocation.
true: Agreed
false: Disagreed

Advanced: Manual signup

Basic information
Permission Prerequisite Kakao Login User consent Reference
Required Register platforms
Activate Kakao Login
Required - Android SDK
ReactiveX Android SDK


The Manual signup API is only for the app with the Auto-link option disabled. Before using this API, check out when to use this API and the cautions in REST API.

The Manual signup API manually links a user with your app to complete signup when the Auto-link is disabled.

To figure out if the currently logged-in user needs to be linked with your app, check the value of hasSignedUp in the response of the Retrieving user information API and handle each case:

  • true: The user is already linked with your app. You do not need to call the Manual signup API.
  • false: The user is not linked with your app. You must call signup() to link the user with your app manually.
  • null: Your app is using the Auto-link feature. You do not need to call the Manual signup API.
UserApiClient.instance.me { user, error ->
    if (error != null) {
        Log.e(TAG, "Retrieving user information fails", error)
    } else {
        Log.i(TAG, "Retrieving user information succeeds"  
                "\nService user ID: ${user.id}"  
                "\nLinked status: ${user.hasSignedUp}")
var disposables = CompositeDisposable()

    .subscribe({ user ->
        Log.i(TAG, "Retrieving user information succeeds"  
                "\nService user ID: ${user.id}"  
                "\nLinked status: ${user.hasSignedUp}")
    }, { error ->
        Log.e(TAG, "Retrieving user information fails", error)

If the return value of hasSignedUp is false and the user is ready to sign up, call the signup() method to complete the signup.


Name Type Description Required
properties Map<String, String> A list of user information.
Used when you want to store user information needed for your service when linking a user.
Refer to Manage user properties.


UserApiClient.instance.signup { error ->
    if (error != null) {
        Log.e(TAG, "signup fails", error)
    } else {
        Log.i(TAG, "signup succeeds")
var disposables = CompositeDisposable()

        .subscribe(Action { showSnackbar("signup() succeeds") }, onError).addTo(disposables)

If the request is successful, the user's service ID is returned.

To check the request result, request the Retrieving user information API again and check the value of hasSignedUp because the user's linked status is not provided even when the request is successful.

See more