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This document provides the latest version information and the version history for Kakao SDK for JavaScript("JavaScript SDK").


* Users shall not impersonate Kakao Co., Ltd. while using the Kakao SDK. * All responsibility arising from the use of Kakao SDK falls to Users, and Kakao Co., Ltd. is not responsible for any users or third-party services. * Users shall not sell the Kakao SDK for commercial use.

Latest version

To use the latest JavaScript SDK, add the copied script tag to the HTML page. To download a JavaScript file, click [Version].

SDK Version Release Date Reference
Full SDK 2.7.2 Copy Script Tag Copy Integrity Value 2024.5.22 Reference
Full SDK (Uncompressed) 2.7.2 Copy Script Tag Copy Integrity Value 2024.5.22

* Note: Supported web browsers

Note: Maps SDK

Refer to Kakao Maps JavaScript guide, provided in Korean only.

Version history

Version Release Date Change log
2.7.2 Copy Script Tag Copy Integrity Value 2024.5.22 * Fixed a bug related to the popup (Select shipping address, Follow Kakao Talk Channel) on iOS 17.4 and higher versions.
2.7.1 Copy Script Tag Copy Integrity Value 2024.3.22 * Updated the internal source code.
2.7.0 Copy Script Tag Copy Integrity Value 2024.3.4 * Added Select shipping address API.
* Changed ContentObject.title and ContentObject.imageUrl to optional.
* Fixed a bug related to the error handling for the Simple login.
* Removed the callback parameter of the Kakao Talk Sharing.
2.6.0 Copy Script Tag Copy Integrity Value 2023.12.18 * Supports Follow Kakao Talk Channel(Kakao.Channel.followChannel()).
2.5.0 Copy Script Tag Copy Integrity Value 2023.11.15 * Deprecated the Kakao Story module (Kakao.Story).
2.4.0 Copy Script Tag Copy Integrity Value 2023.9.7 * Updated the usage flow for the Add Kakao Talk Channel and Start Kakao Talk Channel chat APIs.
- The user moves directly to the Kakao Talk without any bridge page. (Kakao Talk v10.0.5 or higher required)
* Supports the latest version of the Check Kakao Talk Channel relationship API.
* Updated the internal source code.
2.3.0 Copy Script Tag Copy Integrity Value 2023.7.13 * Updated paramters of Kakao.Auth.authorize().
- Change: promptsprompt
- Add: loginHint
* Supports Kakao Account easy login.
* Added Retrieve consent details for service terms and Revoke consent for service terms API.
2.2.0 Copy Script Tag Copy Integrity Value 2023.5.31 * Deprecated callback parameter for Kakao Talk Sharing.
* Updated the internal source code.
2.1.0 Copy Script Tag Copy Integrity Value 2022.12.14 * Added Calendar template for Message APIs.
2.0.1 Copy Script Tag Copy Integrity Value 2022.11.9 * Improved error handling for Kakao Talk Sharing.
2.0.0 Copy Script Tag Copy Integrity Value 2022.9.20 * Released official version of JavaScript SDK v2.
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