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  • Introduction>
  • Quick start


Quick start

This document guides information for first-time users of the Kakao API platform.

Kakao API

Kakao API is an Open API and platform service provided by Kakao. Kakao Developers is the website for developers using Kakao APIs.

Kakao APIs provide various features and data of Kakao services. Refer to Product for the provided APIs.

Register an application

To use Kakao APIs, an application("app") is needed. The app is the service information registered on the Kakao API platform. Each app has an ID and app keys for Kakao API usage authorization.

Register the service information as an app on Kakao Developers. To add an app, click [Add an application] on [My Application]. The app name, icon, and company name (business, corporation, or organization name) are required as the app's basic information.

Dialog box for adding an application

🅐 App icon: Upload a service logo or an app icon. The recommended image size is 128 x 128 pixels or less. The image file size must not exceed 250 KB. 🅑 App name: Enter the service name. 🅒 Company name: Enter the same business, corporation, or organization name as the business information. 🅓 Category: Select service category.

The app should be only one for each service. If an app has been registered to use Kakao Login or Kakao Talk Sharing, do not register a new app but use the existing app. In case of losing the app's owner, contact DevTalk and request changing owner.


The users have to sign up again for the new app if the service uses a new app for Kakao Login. It may cause problems because more than one service member is registered for the same user.

Check the 🅐 App ID and 🅑 App keys on [My Application] > [App Keys].

The app information

🅐 App ID: Required to make an inquiry on DevTalk. 🅑 App keys: Required to call Kakao APIs.

Register business information

To use more useful features of Kakao APIs, register buisiness information below.

  1. Switch the app to a Biz app.
  2. Set Kakao Talk Channel.


A test tool, demo, and sample apps are provided for prior experience with Kakao APIs.


To test Kakao APIs using a service's app, refer to Test tool and choose the desired app.

JavaScript SDK Demo

To test Kakao APIs using a service's app, change the app key in [Check and edit code] to the desired app's app key.

<script src="https://t1.kakaocdn.net/kakao_js_sdk/2.4.0/kakao.min.js"
  integrity="sha384-mXVrIX2T/Kszp6Z0aEWaA8Nm7J6/ZeWXbL8UpGRjKwWe56Srd/iyNmWMBhcItAjH" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
  Kakao.init('${APP_KEY}'); // Enter your app's JavaScript key


Kakao APIs are provided with REST APIs and Kakao SDKs. Refer documents below for each development environment and implementation method.

If a seperate app is required for the test environment, use a Test app. Before release, the test app can be used to ensure the functions of Kakao APIs.