Preview the latest 1 button changes

Friday, July 29, 2011

Want to test the latest 1 features? Today we're introducing a new option for webmasters who want to be the first to know about changes to the 1 button. Enroll in the Google Platform Preview, available globally, to test updates before they launch to all users on your site. When you're logged into the account you've enrolled with and you visit a page with the 1 button, you'll see the latest preview release.

If you join now, you'll be able to test the first set of updates we've released to Platform Preview: hover and confirmation bubbles.

If you hover your mouse over a 1 button, you'll see a bubble letting you know what will happen when you click:

A  1 button with a 'bubble' containing the account information for the current user

After you click, you'll receive confirmation that the 1 has been applied:

A  1 button with a 'bubble' confirming an action made by the user of the current account

This will give your site's users an extra reminder of the account they're using to 1, as well as the fact that their 1 is public.

If you have any questions, please join us in the Webmaster forum. To receive updates about the 1 button, please subscribe to the Google Publisher Buttons Announce Group. And for advanced tips and tricks, check our Google Code site.