
A Google ads experiment for users to experiment changes on multiple campaigns, compare the performance, and apply the effective changes.

JSON representation
  "resourceName": string,
  "name": string,
  "description": string,
  "suffix": string,
  "type": enum (ExperimentType),
  "status": enum (ExperimentStatus),
  "goals": [
      object (MetricGoal)
  "promoteStatus": enum (AsyncActionStatus),
  "experimentId": string,
  "startDate": string,
  "endDate": string,
  "longRunningOperation": string,
  "syncEnabled": boolean


Immutable. The resource name of the experiment. Experiment resource names have the form:




Required. The name of the experiment. It must have a minimum length of 1 and maximum length of 1024. It must be unique under a customer.



The description of the experiment. It must have a minimum length of 1 and maximum length of 2048.



For system managed experiments, the advertiser must provide a suffix during construction, in the setup stage before moving to initiated. The suffix will be appended to the in-design and experiment campaign names so that the name is base campaign name suffix.


enum (ExperimentType)

Required. The product/feature that uses this experiment.


enum (ExperimentStatus)

The Advertiser-chosen status of this experiment.


object (MetricGoal)

The goals of this experiment.


enum (AsyncActionStatus)

Output only. The status of the experiment promotion process.


string (int64 format)

Output only. The ID of the experiment. Read only.



Date when the experiment starts. By default, the experiment starts now or on the campaign's start date, whichever is later. If this field is set, then the experiment starts at the beginning of the specified date in the customer's time zone.

Format: YYYY-MM-DD Example: 2019-03-14



Date when the experiment ends. By default, the experiment ends on the campaign's end date. If this field is set, then the experiment ends at the end of the specified date in the customer's time zone.

Format: YYYY-MM-DD Example: 2019-04-18



Output only. The resource name of the long-running operation that can be used to poll for completion of experiment schedule or promote. The most recent long running operation is returned.



Immutable. Set to true if changes to base campaigns should be synced to the trial campaigns. Any changes made directly to trial campaigns will be preserved. This field can only be set when the experiment is being created.


The type of the experiment.

UNSPECIFIED Not specified.
UNKNOWN The value is unknown in this version.
DISPLAY_AND_VIDEO_360 This is a DISPLAY_AND_VIDEO_360 experiment.
AD_VARIATION This is an ad variation experiment.
YOUTUBE_CUSTOM A custom experiment consisting of Video campaigns.
DISPLAY_CUSTOM A custom experiment consisting of display campaigns.
SEARCH_CUSTOM A custom experiment consisting of search campaigns.
DISPLAY_AUTOMATED_BIDDING_STRATEGY An experiment that compares bidding strategies for display campaigns.
SEARCH_AUTOMATED_BIDDING_STRATEGY An experiment that compares bidding strategies for search campaigns."
SHOPPING_AUTOMATED_BIDDING_STRATEGY An experiment that compares bidding strategies for shopping campaigns.
SMART_MATCHING DEPRECATED. A smart matching experiment with search campaigns.
HOTEL_CUSTOM A custom experiment consisting of hotel campaigns.


The status of the experiment.

UNSPECIFIED Not specified.
UNKNOWN The value is unknown in this version.
ENABLED The experiment is enabled.
REMOVED The experiment has been removed.
HALTED The experiment has been halted. This status can be set from ENABLED status through API.
PROMOTED The experiment will be promoted out of experimental status.
SETUP Initial status of the experiment.
INITIATED The experiment's campaigns are pending materialization. This status can be set from SETUP status through API.
GRADUATED The experiment has been graduated.


A metric goal for an experiment.

JSON representation
  "metric": enum (ExperimentMetric),
  "direction": enum (ExperimentMetricDirection)

enum (ExperimentMetric)

The metric of the goal. For example, clicks, impressions, cost, conversions, etc.


enum (ExperimentMetricDirection)

The metric direction of the goal. For example, increase, decrease, no change.


The type of experiment metric.

UNSPECIFIED Not specified.
UNKNOWN The value is unknown in this version.
CLICKS The goal of the experiment is clicks.
IMPRESSIONS The goal of the experiment is impressions.
COST The goal of the experiment is cost.
CONVERSIONS_PER_INTERACTION_RATE The goal of the experiment is conversion rate.
COST_PER_CONVERSION The goal of the experiment is cost per conversion.
CONVERSIONS_VALUE_PER_COST The goal of the experiment is conversion value per cost.
AVERAGE_CPC The goal of the experiment is avg cpc.
CTR The goal of the experiment is ctr.
INCREMENTAL_CONVERSIONS The goal of the experiment is incremental conversions.
COMPLETED_VIDEO_VIEWS The goal of the experiment is completed video views.
CUSTOM_ALGORITHMS The goal of the experiment is custom algorithms.
CONVERSIONS The goal of the experiment is conversions.
CONVERSION_VALUE The goal of the experiment is conversion value.


The type of experiment metric direction.

UNSPECIFIED Not specified.
UNKNOWN The value is unknown in this version.
NO_CHANGE The goal of the experiment is to not change the metric.
INCREASE The goal of the experiment is to increate the metric.
DECREASE The goal of the experiment is to decrease the metric.
NO_CHANGE_OR_INCREASE The goal of the experiment is to either not change or increase the metric.
NO_CHANGE_OR_DECREASE The goal of the experiment is to either not change or decrease the metric.


The async action status of the experiment.

UNSPECIFIED Not specified.
UNKNOWN The value is unknown in this version.
NOT_STARTED Action has not started.
IN_PROGRESS Action is in progress.
COMPLETED Action has completed successfully.
FAILED Action has failed.
COMPLETED_WITH_WARNING Action has completed successfully with warnings.