
A conversion action.

JSON representation
  "resourceName": string,
  "status": enum (ConversionActionStatus),
  "type": enum (ConversionActionType),
  "origin": enum (ConversionOrigin),
  "category": enum (ConversionActionCategory),
  "valueSettings": {
    object (ValueSettings)
  "countingType": enum (ConversionActionCountingType),
  "attributionModelSettings": {
    object (AttributionModelSettings)
  "tagSnippets": [
      object (TagSnippet)
  "mobileAppVendor": enum (MobileAppVendor),
  "firebaseSettings": {
    object (FirebaseSettings)
  "thirdPartyAppAnalyticsSettings": {
    object (ThirdPartyAppAnalyticsSettings)
  "googleAnalytics4Settings": {
    object (GoogleAnalytics4Settings)
  "id": string,
  "name": string,
  "primaryForGoal": boolean,
  "ownerCustomer": string,
  "includeInConversionsMetric": boolean,
  "clickThroughLookbackWindowDays": string,
  "viewThroughLookbackWindowDays": string,
  "phoneCallDurationSeconds": string,
  "appId": string


Immutable. The resource name of the conversion action. Conversion action resource names have the form:



enum (ConversionActionStatus)

The status of this conversion action for conversion event accrual.


enum (ConversionActionType)

Immutable. The type of this conversion action.


enum (ConversionOrigin)

Output only. The conversion origin of this conversion action.


enum (ConversionActionCategory)

The category of conversions reported for this conversion action.


object (ValueSettings)

Settings related to the value for conversion events associated with this conversion action.


enum (ConversionActionCountingType)

How to count conversion events for the conversion action.


object (AttributionModelSettings)

Settings related to this conversion action's attribution model.


object (TagSnippet)

Output only. The snippets used for tracking conversions.


enum (MobileAppVendor)

Output only. Mobile app vendor for an app conversion action.


object (FirebaseSettings)

Output only. Firebase settings for Firebase conversion types.


object (ThirdPartyAppAnalyticsSettings)

Output only. Third Party App Analytics settings for third party conversion types.


object (GoogleAnalytics4Settings)

Output only. Google Analytics 4 settings for Google Analytics 4 conversion types.


string (int64 format)

Output only. The ID of the conversion action.



The name of the conversion action.

This field is required and should not be empty when creating new conversion actions.



If a conversion action's primaryForGoal bit is false, the conversion action is non-biddable for all campaigns regardless of their customer conversion goal or campaign conversion goal. However, custom conversion goals do not respect primaryForGoal, so if a campaign has a custom conversion goal configured with a primaryForGoal = false conversion action, that conversion action is still biddable. By default, primaryForGoal will be true if not set. In V9, primaryForGoal can only be set to false after creation through an 'update' operation because it's not declared as optional.



Output only. The resource name of the conversion action owner customer, or null if this is a system-defined conversion action.



Whether this conversion action should be included in the "conversions" metric.


string (int64 format)

The maximum number of days that may elapse between an interaction (for example, a click) and a conversion event.


string (int64 format)

The maximum number of days which may elapse between an impression and a conversion without an interaction.


string (int64 format)

The phone call duration in seconds after which a conversion should be reported for this conversion action.

The value must be between 0 and 10000, inclusive.



App ID for an app conversion action.


Possible statuses of a conversion action.

UNSPECIFIED Not specified.
UNKNOWN Used for return value only. Represents value unknown in this version.
ENABLED Conversions will be recorded.
REMOVED Conversions will not be recorded.
HIDDEN Conversions will not be recorded and the conversion action will not appear in the UI.


Possible types of a conversion action.

UNSPECIFIED Not specified.
UNKNOWN Used for return value only. Represents value unknown in this version.
AD_CALL Conversions that occur when a user clicks on an ad's call extension.
CLICK_TO_CALL Conversions that occur when a user on a mobile device clicks a phone number.
GOOGLE_PLAY_DOWNLOAD Conversions that occur when a user downloads a mobile app from the Google Play Store.
GOOGLE_PLAY_IN_APP_PURCHASE Conversions that occur when a user makes a purchase in an app through Android billing.
UPLOAD_CALLS Call conversions that are tracked by the advertiser and uploaded.
UPLOAD_CLICKS Conversions that are tracked by the advertiser and uploaded with attributed clicks.
WEBPAGE Conversions that occur on a webpage.
WEBSITE_CALL Conversions that occur when a user calls a dynamically-generated phone number from an advertiser's website.
STORE_SALES_DIRECT_UPLOAD Store Sales conversion based on first-party or third-party merchant data uploads. Only customers on the allowlist can use store sales direct upload types.
STORE_SALES Store Sales conversion based on first-party or third-party merchant data uploads and/or from in-store purchases using cards from payment networks. Only customers on the allowlist can use store sales types. Read only.
FIREBASE_ANDROID_FIRST_OPEN Android app first open conversions tracked through Firebase.
FIREBASE_ANDROID_IN_APP_PURCHASE Android app in app purchase conversions tracked through Firebase.
FIREBASE_ANDROID_CUSTOM Android app custom conversions tracked through Firebase.
FIREBASE_IOS_FIRST_OPEN iOS app first open conversions tracked through Firebase.
FIREBASE_IOS_IN_APP_PURCHASE iOS app in app purchase conversions tracked through Firebase.
FIREBASE_IOS_CUSTOM iOS app custom conversions tracked through Firebase.
THIRD_PARTY_APP_ANALYTICS_ANDROID_FIRST_OPEN Android app first open conversions tracked through Third Party App Analytics.
THIRD_PARTY_APP_ANALYTICS_ANDROID_IN_APP_PURCHASE Android app in app purchase conversions tracked through Third Party App Analytics.
THIRD_PARTY_APP_ANALYTICS_ANDROID_CUSTOM Android app custom conversions tracked through Third Party App Analytics.
THIRD_PARTY_APP_ANALYTICS_IOS_FIRST_OPEN iOS app first open conversions tracked through Third Party App Analytics.
THIRD_PARTY_APP_ANALYTICS_IOS_IN_APP_PURCHASE iOS app in app purchase conversions tracked through Third Party App Analytics.
THIRD_PARTY_APP_ANALYTICS_IOS_CUSTOM iOS app custom conversions tracked through Third Party App Analytics.
ANDROID_APP_PRE_REGISTRATION Conversions that occur when a user pre-registers a mobile app from the Google Play Store. Read only.
ANDROID_INSTALLS_ALL_OTHER_APPS Conversions that track all Google Play downloads which aren't tracked by an app-specific type. Read only.
FLOODLIGHT_ACTION Floodlight activity that counts the number of times that users have visited a particular webpage after seeing or clicking on one of an advertiser's ads. Read only.
FLOODLIGHT_TRANSACTION Floodlight activity that tracks the number of sales made or the number of items purchased. Can also capture the total value of each sale. Read only.
GOOGLE_HOSTED Conversions that track local actions from Google's products and services after interacting with an ad. Read only.
LEAD_FORM_SUBMIT Conversions reported when a user submits a lead form. Read only.
SALESFORCE Conversions that come from Salesforce. Read only.
SEARCH_ADS_360 Conversions imported from Search Ads 360 Floodlight data. Read only.
SMART_CAMPAIGN_AD_CLICKS_TO_CALL Call conversions that occur on Smart campaign Ads without call tracking setup, using Smart campaign custom criteria. Read only.
SMART_CAMPAIGN_MAP_CLICKS_TO_CALL The user clicks on a call element within Google Maps. Smart campaign only. Read only.
SMART_CAMPAIGN_MAP_DIRECTIONS The user requests directions to a business location within Google Maps. Smart campaign only. Read only.
SMART_CAMPAIGN_TRACKED_CALLS Call conversions that occur on Smart campaign Ads with call tracking setup, using Smart campaign custom criteria. Read only.
STORE_VISITS Conversions that occur when a user visits an advertiser's retail store. Read only.
WEBPAGE_CODELESS Conversions created from website events (such as form submissions or page loads), that don't use individually coded event snippets. Read only.
UNIVERSAL_ANALYTICS_GOAL Conversions that come from linked Universal Analytics goals.
UNIVERSAL_ANALYTICS_TRANSACTION Conversions that come from linked Universal Analytics transactions.
GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_4_CUSTOM Conversions that come from linked Google Analytics 4 custom event conversions.
GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_4_PURCHASE Conversions that come from linked Google Analytics 4 purchase conversions.


Settings related to the value for conversion events associated with this conversion action.

JSON representation
  "defaultValue": number,
  "defaultCurrencyCode": string,
  "alwaysUseDefaultValue": boolean


The value to use when conversion events for this conversion action are sent with an invalid, disallowed or missing value, or when this conversion action is configured to always use the default value.



The currency code to use when conversion events for this conversion action are sent with an invalid or missing currency code, or when this conversion action is configured to always use the default value.



Controls whether the default value and default currency code are used in place of the value and currency code specified in conversion events for this conversion action.


Indicates how conversions for this action will be counted. For more information, see

UNSPECIFIED Not specified.
UNKNOWN Used for return value only. Represents value unknown in this version.
ONE_PER_CLICK Count only one conversion per click.
MANY_PER_CLICK Count all conversions per click.


Settings related to this conversion action's attribution model.

JSON representation
  "attributionModel": enum (AttributionModel),
  "dataDrivenModelStatus": enum (DataDrivenModelStatus)

enum (AttributionModel)

The attribution model type of this conversion action.


enum (DataDrivenModelStatus)

Output only. The status of the data-driven attribution model for the conversion action.


The attribution model that describes how to distribute credit for a particular conversion across potentially many prior interactions.

UNSPECIFIED Not specified.
UNKNOWN Used for return value only. Represents value unknown in this version.
EXTERNAL Uses external attribution.
GOOGLE_ADS_LAST_CLICK Attributes all credit for a conversion to its last click.
GOOGLE_SEARCH_ATTRIBUTION_FIRST_CLICK Attributes all credit for a conversion to its first click using Google Search attribution.
GOOGLE_SEARCH_ATTRIBUTION_LINEAR Attributes credit for a conversion equally across all of its clicks using Google Search attribution.
GOOGLE_SEARCH_ATTRIBUTION_TIME_DECAY Attributes exponentially more credit for a conversion to its more recent clicks using Google Search attribution (half-life is 1 week).
GOOGLE_SEARCH_ATTRIBUTION_POSITION_BASED Attributes 40% of the credit for a conversion to its first and last clicks. Remaining 20% is evenly distributed across all other clicks. This uses Google Search attribution.
GOOGLE_SEARCH_ATTRIBUTION_DATA_DRIVEN Flexible model that uses machine learning to determine the appropriate distribution of credit among clicks using Google Search attribution.


Enumerates data driven model statuses.

UNSPECIFIED Not specified.
UNKNOWN Used for return value only. Represents value unknown in this version.
AVAILABLE The data driven model is available.
STALE The data driven model is stale. It hasn't been updated for at least 7 days. It is still being used, but will become expired if it does not get updated for 30 days.
EXPIRED The data driven model expired. It hasn't been updated for at least 30 days and cannot be used. Most commonly this is because there hasn't been the required number of events in a recent 30-day period.
NEVER_GENERATED The data driven model has never been generated. Most commonly this is because there has never been the required number of events in any 30-day period.


Settings related to a Firebase conversion action.

JSON representation
  "propertyId": string,
  "propertyName": string,
  "eventName": string,
  "projectId": string

string (int64 format)

Output only. The GA property ID of the conversion.



Output only. The GA property name of the conversion.



Output only. The event name of a Firebase conversion.



Output only. The Firebase project ID of the conversion.


Settings related to a third party app analytics conversion action.

JSON representation
  "providerName": string,
  "eventName": string


Output only. Name of the third-party app analytics provider.



Output only. The event name of a third-party app analytics conversion.


Settings related to a Google Analytics 4 conversion action.

JSON representation
  "eventName": string,
  "propertyName": string,
  "propertyId": string


Output only. The name of the GA 4 event.



Output only. The name of the GA 4 property.


string (int64 format)

Output only. The ID of the GA 4 property.