The .NET Client Library

The .NET client library is hosted on GitHub and is distributed as a NuGet package. It offers several features to help you use the API, including easier management of credentials and creation of Google Ads API service clients.

The library supports the following .NET Frameworks:

  • .NET Framework 4.7.2 (net472)
  • .NET Standard 2.1 (netstandard2.1)
  • .NET 6.0 (net6.0)
  • .NET 8.0 (net8.0)

.NET Standard 2.1 is compatible with several other .NET versions and implementations, so the library might work fine on many other platforms. However, we haven't officially tested the compatibility and thus don't officially support these platforms. See to learn more about .NET standard compatibility.

To start using this library, check the prerequisites and consult the getting started guide.

For information on OAuth2 refresh tokens, check out OAuth desktop and web application flows. And to make API calls using OAuth2 service accounts, see OAuth service account flow.

Consult the following guides for the library's features and utilities: