
public class GenericDocument extends Object

Represents a document unit.

Documents contain structured data conforming to their AppSearchSchema type. Each document is uniquely identified by a namespace and a String ID within that namespace.

Documents are constructed by using the GenericDocument.Builder.

Nested Class Summary

class GenericDocument.Builder<BuilderType extends Builder> The builder class for GenericDocument

Protected Constructor Summary

GenericDocument(GenericDocument document)
Creates a new GenericDocument from an existing instance.

Public Method Summary

equals(Object other)
Returns the creation timestamp of the GenericDocument, in milliseconds.
Returns the unique identifier of the GenericDocument.
static int
The maximum number of indexed properties a document can have.
Returns the namespace of the GenericDocument.
getProperty(String path)
Retrieves the property value with the given path as Object.
getPropertyBoolean(String path)
Retrieves a boolean property by path.
getPropertyBooleanArray(String path)
Retrieves a repeated boolean property by path.
getPropertyBytes(String path)
Retrieves a byte[] property by path.
getPropertyBytesArray(String path)
Retrieves a byte[][] property by path.
getPropertyDocument(String path)
Retrieves a GenericDocument property by path.
getPropertyDocumentArray(String path)
Retrieves a repeated GenericDocument property by path.
getPropertyDouble(String path)
Retrieves a double property by path.
getPropertyDoubleArray(String path)
Retrieves a repeated double property by path.
getPropertyLong(String path)
Retrieves a long property by path.
getPropertyLongArray(String path)
Retrieves a repeated long[] property by path.
Returns the names of all properties defined in this document.
getPropertyString(String path)
Retrieves a String property by path.
getPropertyStringArray(String path)
Retrieves a repeated String property by path.
Returns the AppSearchSchema type of the GenericDocument.
Returns the score of the GenericDocument.
Returns the TTL (time-to-live) of the GenericDocument, in milliseconds.

Inherited Method Summary

Protected Constructors

protected GenericDocument (GenericDocument document)

Creates a new GenericDocument from an existing instance.

This method should be only used by constructor of a subclass.

Public Methods

public boolean equals (Object other)

public long getCreationTimestampMillis ()

Returns the creation timestamp of the GenericDocument, in milliseconds.

The value is in the System.currentTimeMillis() time base.

public String getId ()

Returns the unique identifier of the GenericDocument.

public static int getMaxIndexedProperties ()

The maximum number of indexed properties a document can have.

Indexed properties are properties which are strings where the AppSearchSchema.StringPropertyConfig.getIndexingType() value is anything other than AppSearchSchema.StringPropertyConfig.INDEXING_TYPE_NONE, as well as long properties where the AppSearchSchema.LongPropertyConfig.getIndexingType() value is AppSearchSchema.LongPropertyConfig.INDEXING_TYPE_RANGE.

public String getNamespace ()

Returns the namespace of the GenericDocument.

public Object getProperty (String path)

Retrieves the property value with the given path as Object.

A path can be a simple property name, such as those returned by getPropertyNames(). It may also be a dot-delimited path through the nested document hierarchy, with nested GenericDocument properties accessed via '.' and repeated properties optionally indexed into via [n].

For example, given the following GenericDocument:

     (Message) {
         from: "[email protected]"
         to: [{
             name: "Albert Einstein"
             email: "[email protected]"
           }, {
             name: "Marie Curie"
             email: "[email protected]"
         tags: ["important", "inbox"]
         subject: "Hello"

Here are some example paths and their results:

  • "from" returns "[email protected]" as a String array with one element
  • "to" returns the two nested documents containing contact information as a GenericDocument array with two elements
  • "to[1]" returns the second nested document containing Marie Curie's contact information as a GenericDocument array with one element
  • "to[1].email" returns "[email protected]"
  • "to[100].email" returns null as this particular document does not have that many elements in its "to" array.
  • "" aggregates emails across all nested documents that have them, returning ["[email protected]", "[email protected]"] as a String array with two elements.

If you know the expected type of the property you are retrieving, it is recommended to use one of the typed versions of this method instead, such as getPropertyString(String) or getPropertyStringArray(String).

If the property was assigned as an empty array using one of the Builder#setProperty functions, this method will return an empty array. If no such property exists at all, this method returns null.

Note: If the property is an empty GenericDocument[] or byte[][], this method will return a null value in versions of Android prior to Android T. Starting in Android T it will return an empty array if the property has been set as an empty array, matching the behavior of other property types.

path The path to look for.
  • The entry with the given path as an object or null if there is no such path. The returned object will be one of the following types: String[], long[], double[], boolean[], byte[][], GenericDocument[].

public boolean getPropertyBoolean (String path)

Retrieves a boolean property by path.

See getProperty(String) for a detailed description of the path syntax.

path The path to look for.
  • The first boolean associated with the given path or default value false if there is no such value or the value is of a different type.

public boolean[] getPropertyBooleanArray (String path)

Retrieves a repeated boolean property by path.

See getProperty(String) for a detailed description of the path syntax.

If the property has not been set via GenericDocument.Builder.setPropertyBoolean(String, boolean...), this method returns null.

If it has been set via GenericDocument.Builder.setPropertyBoolean(String, boolean...) to an empty boolean[], this method returns an empty boolean[].

path The path to look for.
  • The boolean[] associated with the given path, or null if no value is set or the value is of a different type.

public byte[] getPropertyBytes (String path)

Retrieves a byte[] property by path.

See getProperty(String) for a detailed description of the path syntax.

path The path to look for.
  • The first byte[] associated with the given path or null if there is no such value or the value is of a different type.

public byte[][] getPropertyBytesArray (String path)

Retrieves a byte[][] property by path.

See getProperty(String) for a detailed description of the path syntax.

If the property has not been set via GenericDocument.Builder.setPropertyBytes(String, byte[]...), this method returns null.

If it has been set via GenericDocument.Builder.setPropertyBytes(String, byte[]...) to an empty byte[][], this method returns an empty byte[][] starting in Android T and null in earlier versions of Android.

path The path to look for.
  • The byte[][] associated with the given path, or null if no value is set or the value is of a different type.

public GenericDocument getPropertyDocument (String path)

Retrieves a GenericDocument property by path.

See getProperty(String) for a detailed description of the path syntax.

path The path to look for.
  • The first GenericDocument associated with the given path or null if there is no such value or the value is of a different type.

public GenericDocument[] getPropertyDocumentArray (String path)

Retrieves a repeated GenericDocument property by path.

See getProperty(String) for a detailed description of the path syntax.

If the property has not been set via GenericDocument.Builder.setPropertyDocument(String, GenericDocument...), this method returns null.

If it has been set via GenericDocument.Builder.setPropertyDocument(String, GenericDocument...) to an empty GenericDocument[], this method returns an empty GenericDocument[] starting in Android T and null in earlier versions of Android.

path The path to look for.
  • The GenericDocument[] associated with the given path, or null if no value is set or the value is of a different type.

public double getPropertyDouble (String path)

Retrieves a double property by path.

See getProperty(String) for a detailed description of the path syntax.

path The path to look for.
  • The first double associated with the given path or default value 0.0 if there is no such value or the value is of a different type.

public double[] getPropertyDoubleArray (String path)

Retrieves a repeated double property by path.

See getProperty(String) for a detailed description of the path syntax.

If the property has not been set via GenericDocument.Builder.setPropertyDouble(String, double...), this method returns null.

If it has been set via GenericDocument.Builder.setPropertyDouble(String, double...) to an empty double[], this method returns an empty double[].

path The path to look for.
  • The double[] associated with the given path, or null if no value is set or the value is of a different type.

public long getPropertyLong (String path)

Retrieves a long property by path.

See getProperty(String) for a detailed description of the path syntax.

path The path to look for.
  • The first long associated with the given path or default value 0 if there is no such value or the value is of a different type.

public long[] getPropertyLongArray (String path)

Retrieves a repeated long[] property by path.

See getProperty(String) for a detailed description of the path syntax.

If the property has not been set via GenericDocument.Builder.setPropertyLong(String, long...), this method returns null.

If it has been set via GenericDocument.Builder.setPropertyLong(String, long...) to an empty long[], this method returns an empty long[].

path The path to look for.
  • The long[] associated with the given path, or null if no value is set or the value is of a different type.

public Set<String> getPropertyNames ()

Returns the names of all properties defined in this document.

public String getPropertyString (String path)

Retrieves a String property by path.

See getProperty(String) for a detailed description of the path syntax.

path The path to look for.
  • The first String associated with the given path or null if there is no such value or the value is of a different type.

public String[] getPropertyStringArray (String path)

Retrieves a repeated String property by path.

See getProperty(String) for a detailed description of the path syntax.

If the property has not been set via GenericDocument.Builder.setPropertyString(String, String...), this method returns null.

If it has been set via GenericDocument.Builder.setPropertyString(String, String...) to an empty String[], this method returns an empty String[].

path The path to look for.
  • The String[] associated with the given path, or null if no value is set or the value is of a different type.

public String getSchemaType ()

Returns the AppSearchSchema type of the GenericDocument.

public int getScore ()

Returns the score of the GenericDocument.

The score is a query-independent measure of the document's quality, relative to other GenericDocument objects of the same AppSearchSchema type.

Results may be sorted by score using SearchSpec.Builder.setRankingStrategy(int). Documents with higher scores are considered better than documents with lower scores.

Any non-negative integer can be used a score.

public long getTtlMillis ()

Returns the TTL (time-to-live) of the GenericDocument, in milliseconds.

The TTL is measured against getCreationTimestampMillis(). At the timestamp of creationTimestampMillis ttlMillis, measured in the System.currentTimeMillis() time base, the document will be auto-deleted.

The default value is 0, which means the document is permanent and won't be auto-deleted until the app is uninstalled or AppSearchClient.remove(RemoveByDocumentIdRequest, String) is called.

public int hashCode ()

public String toString ()