Get help

If you can't find the information you need in the documentation or you have a specific problem that needs answers, this page will help you find the best place to get your questions answered.

For information on known issues, check the issue tracker.

Ask questions

The best place to ask questions about using and developing with Google Analytics APIs, libraries, and SDKs is on Stack Overflow. This site is not run by Google, but you can sign in with your Google Account. If you post a question on Stack Overflow, use the google-analytics-api tag.

Here are the active discussion groups you can use to find answers to your questions:


Measurement protocol:

Problems and errors

If you're encountering an error with the API, search the Analytics Developer Documentation, or post to the Google Analytics Stack Overflow. Try to isolate the problem as much as possible, and post only the revelant code and API calls.

Contact us

If your issue isn't covered by the Analytics Developer Documentation and isn't answered in our discussion groups, you can use the Analytics API Support Request Form to reach out to the Google Analytics API support specialists.

Developer feature requests

Do you have a feature request for Google Analytics developer features including Data API, Admin API, Measurement Protocol, or BigQuery Export? If so, we'd like to hear from you!

Your issue will be closed without further interaction if you submit any of the following:

  • A bug report.
  • A feature request for the GA UI.
  • Questions around the GA UI or developer features.
  • A feature request without all the requested information.

Before filing a new feature request, see if it already exists in the issue tracker. If an issue matching your request already exists, click the 1 button in the upper right corner of the issue to let us know you're interested. You can also add a comment with any additional information.

If your feature request isn't already covered, submit a new feature request. Make sure you provide all of the requested information.

While we intend to take developer feedback into consideration, don't expect direct engagement from us on this tracker. Not all feature requests are accepted.

Resources for non-developers

If you want to extend or customize Google Analytics, but you don't have sufficient technical expertise, visit Google Marketing Platform Partners to learn about partners that extend and integrate with the Google Marketing Platform.

For information on how to use Google Analytics, visit the Analytics Help Center.

To report a non-API problem with Google Analytics, use the "Send Feedback" option in the menu in Analytics.