
This document lists all of the configuration fields for Google Analytics.


To disable all advertising features, set allow_google_signals to false.

Field Name Type Default Value
allow_google_signals boolean true


Set globally

gtag('set', 'allow_google_signals', true);

Set for a single stream

gtag('config', 'STREAM_ID', {
  'allow_google_signals': true


Set to false to disable advertising personalization features.

Field Name Type Default Value
allow_ad_personalization_signals boolean true


Set globally

gtag('set', 'allow_ad_personalization_signals', true);

Set for a single stream

gtag('config', 'STREAM_ID', {
  'allow_ad_personalization_signals': true


Used for A/B testing and content-targeted ads. Use campaign_content to differentiate ads or links that point to the same URL.

Field Name Type Default Value
campaign_content string undefined


Set globally

gtag('set', 'campaign_content', 'logolink');

Set for a single stream

gtag('config', 'STREAM_ID', {
  'campaign_content': 'logolink'


Used to identify which campaign this referral references. Use campaign_id to identify a specific campaign.

Field Name Type Default Value
campaign_id string undefined


Set globally

gtag('set', 'campaign_id', 'abc.123');

Set for a single stream

gtag('config', 'STREAM_ID', {
  'campaign_id': 'abc.123'


Use campaign_medium to identify a medium such as email or cost-per-click.

Field Name Type Default Value
campaign_medium string undefined


Set globally

gtag('set', 'campaign_medium', 'cpc');

Set for a single stream

gtag('config', 'STREAM_ID', {
  'campaign_medium': 'cpc'


Used for keyword analysis. Use campaign_name to identify a specific product promotion or strategic campaign.

Field Name Type Default Value
campaign_name string undefined


Set globally

gtag('set', 'campaign_name', 'spring_sale');

Set for a single stream

gtag('config', 'STREAM_ID', {
  'campaign_name': 'spring_sale'


Use campaign_source to identify a search engine, newsletter name, or other source.

Field Name Type Default Value
campaign_source string undefined


Set globally

gtag('set', 'campaign_source', 'google');

Set for a single stream

gtag('config', 'STREAM_ID', {
  'campaign_source': 'google'


Used for paid search. Use campaign_term to note the keywords for this ad.

Field Name Type Default Value
campaign_term string undefined


Set globally

gtag('set', 'campaign_term', 'running shoes');

Set for a single stream

gtag('config', 'STREAM_ID', {
  'campaign_term': 'running shoes'


An object containing all campaign values that can be set.

The campaign object is provided to support legacy implementations, and is not recommended for most cases. Instead, you should use the campaign-prefixed version of each field:

Field Name Type Default Value
campaign object undefined


Set globally

gtag('set', 'campaign', {
  'id': 'abc.123',
  'source': 'google',
  'medium': 'cpc',
  'name': 'spring_sale',
  'term': 'running shoes',
  'content': 'logolink'

Set for a single stream

gtag('config', 'STREAM_ID', {
  'campaign': {
    'id': 'abc.123',
    'source': 'google',
    'medium': 'cpc',
    'name': 'spring_sale',
    'term': 'running shoes',
    'content': 'logolink'


Pseudonymously identifies a browser instance. By default, this value is stored as part of the first-party Analytics cookie with a two-year expiration.

Field Name Type Default Value
client_id string A randomly generated value for each user.


Set globally

gtag('set', 'client_id', 'aaa.bbb');

Set for a single stream

gtag('config', 'STREAM_ID', {
  'client_id': 'aaa.bbb'


Field Name Type Default Value
content_group string


Set globally

gtag('set', 'content_group', '/news/sports');

Set for a single stream

gtag('config', 'STREAM_ID', {
  'content_group': '/news/sports'

Specifies the domain used to store the analytics cookie.

Set to 'none' to set the cookie without specifying a domain.

Set to 'auto' (the default value) to set the cookie to the top level domain plus one subdomain (eTLD 1). For example if cookie_domain is set to 'auto' would use for the domain, and would also use for the domain.

Field Name Type Default Value
cookie_domain string 'auto'

Set globally

gtag('set', 'cookie_domain', '');

Set for a single stream

gtag('config', 'STREAM_ID', {
  'cookie_domain': ''

Every time a hit is sent to Google Analytics, the cookie expiration time is updated to be the current time plus the value of the cookie_expires field. This means that if you use the default value time of two years (63072000 seconds), and a user visits your site every month, their cookie will never expire.

If you set the cookie_expires time to 0 (zero) seconds, the cookie turns into a session based cookie and expires once the current browser session ends.

Field Name Type Default Value
cookie_expires number 63072000

Set globally

gtag('set', 'cookie_expires', 28 * 24 * 60 * 60 /* 28 days, in seconds */);

Set for a single stream

gtag('config', 'STREAM_ID', {
  'cookie_expires': 28 * 24 * 60 * 60 /* 28 days, in seconds */

Appends additional flags to the cookie when set. Flags must be separated by semicolons. See write a new cookie for some examples of flags to set.

Field Name Type Default Value
cookie_flags string

Set globally

gtag('set', 'cookie_flags', 'SameSite=None;Secure');

Set for a single stream

gtag('config', 'STREAM_ID', {
  'cookie_flags': 'SameSite=None;Secure'

Specifies the subpath used to store the analytics cookie.

Field Name Type Default Value
cookie_path string '/'

Set globally

gtag('set', 'cookie_path', '/example_path');

Set for a single stream

gtag('config', 'STREAM_ID', {
  'cookie_path': '/example_path'

Specifies a prefix to prepend to analytics cookie names.

Field Name Type Default Value
cookie_prefix string

Set globally

gtag('set', 'cookie_prefix', 'prefix');

Set for a single stream

gtag('config', 'STREAM_ID', {
  'cookie_prefix': 'prefix'

When cookie_update is set to true, gtag.js will update cookies on each page load. This will update the cookie expiration to be set relative to the most recent visit to the site. For example, if cookie expiration is set to one week, and a user visits using the same browser every five days, the cookie expiration will be updated on each visit and will effectively never expire.

When set to false, cookies are not updated on each page load. This has the effect of cookie expiration being relative to the first time a user visited the site.

Field Name Type Default Value
cookie_update boolean true

Set globally

gtag('set', 'cookie_update', true);

Set for a single stream

gtag('config', 'STREAM_ID', {
  'cookie_update': true


Set to true to indicate to Analytics that the referrer shouldn't be displayed as a traffic source. Learn when to use this field

Field Name Type Default Value
ignore_referrer boolean false


Set globally

gtag('set', 'ignore_referrer', true);

Set for a single stream

gtag('config', 'STREAM_ID', {
  'ignore_referrer': true


Specifies the language preference of the user. Defaults to the user's navigator.language value.

Field Name Type Default Value
language string The default value will be navigator.language


Set globally

gtag('set', 'language', 'en-us');

Set for a single stream

gtag('config', 'STREAM_ID', {
  'language': 'en-us'


Specifies the full URL of the page. Defaults to the user's document.location value.

Field Name Type Default Value Character Limit
page_location string The default value is document.location 1000


Set globally

gtag('set', 'page_location', '');

Set for a single stream

gtag('config', 'STREAM_ID', {
  'page_location': ''


Specifies which referral source brought traffic to a page. This value is also used to compute the traffic source. The format of this value is a URL. Defaults to the user's document.referrer value.

Field Name Type Default Value Character Limit
page_referrer string The default value will be document.referrer 420


Set globally

gtag('set', 'page_referrer', '');

Set for a single stream

gtag('config', 'STREAM_ID', {
  'page_referrer': ''


The title of the page or document. Defaults to the user's document.title value.

Field Name Type Default Value Character Limit
page_title string The default value will be document.title 300


Set globally

gtag('set', 'page_title', 'Settings');

Set for a single stream

gtag('config', 'STREAM_ID', {
  'page_title': 'Settings'


Set to false to prevent the default snippet from sending a page_view.

Field Name Type Default Value
send_page_view boolean true


Set globally

gtag('set', 'send_page_view', false);

Set for a single stream

gtag('config', 'STREAM_ID', {
  'send_page_view': false


Specifies the resolution of the screen. Should be two positive integers separated by an x. For example, for an 800px by 600px screen, the value would be 800x600. Calculated from the user's window.screen value.

Field Name Type Default Value
screen_resolution string The default value will be calculated from window.screen


Set globally

gtag('set', 'screen_resolution', '800x600');

Set for a single stream

gtag('config', 'STREAM_ID', {
  'screen_resolution': '800x600'


Specifies a known identifier for a user provided by the site owner/library user. It must not itself be PII (personally identifiable information). The value should never be persisted in Google Analytics cookies or other Analytics provided storage.

Field Name Type Default Value Character Limit
user_id string 256


Set globally

gtag('set', 'user_id', 'id');

Set for a single stream

gtag('config', 'STREAM_ID', {
  'user_id': 'id'


User properties are attributes that can be used to describe segments of your user base, such as language preference or geographic location. Up to 25 additional user properties can be set per project.

Field Name Type Default Value Character Limit
user_properties object property name=24
property value=36


Set globally

gtag('set', 'user_properties', {
  'favorite_color': 'blue'

Set for a single stream

gtag('config', 'STREAM_ID', {
  'user_properties': {
    'favorite_color': 'blue'