Facebook SDK for Android Changelog

Changelog and release notes for the Facebook SDK for Android.

5.0.0 and later

For the changelogs for 5.0.0 and later, see facebook/facebook-android-sdk/CHANGELOG.md on GitHub.

4.41.0 - Mar 08, 2019

Facebook SDK



Deprecated classes: FacebookUninstallTracker


4.40.0 - January 22, 2019

Facebook SDK




  • Various bug fixes

4.39.0 - December 5, 2018

Facebook SDK



  • In-app purchase auto logging is turned on by default. Android auto-logged purchases can be verified with uploaded credentials. Lean More


  • Various bug fixes

4.38.1 - November 1, 2018

Facebook SDK




  • Fix codeless setup connection issues

4.38.0 - October 23, 2018

Facebook SDK




  • Various bug fixes

4.37.0 - September 27, 2018

Facebook SDK




  • Various bug fixes

4.36.1 - September 17, 2018

Facebook SDK




  • Various bug fixes

4.36.0 - August 29, 2018

Facebook SDK




  • Various bug fixes

4.35.0 - July 26, 2018

Facebook SDK


  • Upgrade to Facebook Graph API Version 3.1



  • Various bug fixes.

4.34.0 - June 18, 2018

Facebook SDK


  • Added Marketing module to enable codeless app events logging.
  • Added a JavascriptInterface and an augmentWebview method. This allow hybrid apps to send AppEvents from the pixel.
  • Added videoAsset property to FBShareVideo so partners can share a video from the Photo library using a PHAsset.


  • Improved compatibility with Graph API 3.0.


  • Various bug fixes.

4.33.0 - May 1, 2018

Facebook SDK


  • Upgrade to Facebook Graph API Version 3.0



  • Better handing of inactive logins
  • Various bug fixes

4.32.0 - April 11, 2018

Facebook SDK




  • Various bug fixes Fixed race condition in setUserId and updateUserPropertiesin (Android SDK)

4.31.0 - February 28, 2018

Facebook SDK




  • Various bug fixes

Account Kit




  • Various bug fixes

4.30.0 - January 24, 2018

Facebook SDK


  • Protection against Path Traversal Vulnerability: https://support.google.com/faqs/answer/7496913
  • Support for variant-aware dependency management in Gradle 4.1 and Android Studio 3.0



  • Minor fixes to messenger sharing
  • Various bug fixes

Account Kit


  • Upgrade to AccountKit Graph API version 1.3


  • Remove preferences API
  • Updated country code selector and phone number input


  • Fixed parsing of new JIO number

4.29.0 - December 5, 2017

Facebook SDK


  • Support for Android Autofill (a new feature released with Android Oreo)

  • New Messenger Sharing SDK features: Blog post


  • Emission of bitcodes for XCode 9 / iOS 11 SDK

4.28.0 - November 7, 2017

Facebook SDK


  • Released new Facebook Login code sample app


  • The App Invites feature has been deprecated.
  • The Native Like Button has been deprecated.

4.27.0 - September 26, 2017

Facebook SDK


  • Auto-logging of In App Purchases


  • Restructured the Facebook SDK and organized it into separate libraries/modules that can depend on one another.
  • Moves GraphRequest.createOpenGraphObject(ShareOpenGraphObject) to ShareGraphRequest.createOpenGraphObject(ShareOpenGraphObject)
  • Moves FacebookSDK.[set|get]WebDialogTheme(...) to WebDialog.[set|get]WebDialogTheme(...)
  • Removes unused dimens from styles.xml
  • Removes files only used by internal tests
  • updates proguard files


  • Fixed an issue with the wrong style of keyboard showing on code entry screen

Account Kit


  • Bug fixes and samples app updates

4.26.0 - August 24, 2017

Facebook SDK


  • QR Codes on device login and sharing


  • Adds a null check to the ExperimentationConfiguration when requesting a configuration.

Account Kit


  • You can now select a default language on your manifest and not be required to include English translations anymore


  • Minor UI fixes

4.25.0 - July 26, 2017

Facebook SDK


  • Changed ShareDialog.canShow to properly return false when trying to share local images in ShareOpenGraphContent to the web dialog.

Audience Network


  • Use Exoplayer for video ads instead of Mediaplayer


  • Updated Google Play Service and support library dependency versions


  • Fixed crash when interacting with the screen after rewarded video finishes and before showing the endcard
  • Fixed no fill on the very first impression when advertising id hasn't been retrieved yet
  • Exoplayer doesn't restart video anymore after rotation on Interstitials
  • Fixed crash on old Android devices (below 4.2) for video interstitial ads

Account Kit


  • If Google Play Services is available developers no longer need the READ_PHONE_STATE permission to autofill the devices phone number.
  • If Google Play Services is available developers no longer need the GET_ACCOUNTS permission to autofill the device's email address.
  • Instant Verification for email

4.24.0 - June 26, 2017

Facebook SDK


  • Added parameter to set the duration of the Express Login toast
  • User profile will be available when Express Login success is called. This requires Facebook for Android v131 to be installed on the device.
  • Md5 checksum of the event name in AppEvent class

Audience Network


  • Disabled media controls bar on Exoplayer
  • Added new design for skippable close button and new skip button
  • Added new design for play/pause button in Rewarded Video


  • AdMetadata size/spacing improvements in Rewarded Video
  • Changed progress bar color to match the endcard cta button color in Rewarded Video


  • Views registered outside of the main ad view hierarchy can be clicked again.
  • Removed race condition on ad view checker when window state changes.

Account Kit


  • Fixed issue with failures to read sms after switching away from AccountKit and back.

4.23.0 - May 25, 2017

Facebook SDK


  • Added support for unregistering a login callback

Audience Network


  • Reattempt playback on error when restarting video after app comes from background on Nexus devices
  • Fix for back button behavior allowing to skip autoplay videos
  • Flush video time events when the logger dies.
  • Set nativeAdViewAttributes to null if nativeConfigObject is an empty Object
  • Fixed Interstitial Ad Shown callback called twice for instream video ads
  • Fixed video pausing/playing when trying to show video controls
  • Forcing color for progress counter on instream video
  • Fixed memory leak in AudienceNetworkActivity

Account Kit


  • Added country flags to country code selector of phone login


  • Fix crashes when attempting multiple logins
  • Fixes to some UI glitches

4.22.1 - May 11, 2017

Facebook SDK

No changes.

Audience Network

No changes.

Account Kit


  • Null pointer crash on resend code page.

4.22.0 - April 18, 2017

Facebook SDK


  • Added Places Graph.
  • Express Login for Facebook Login: Added retrieve login status to Login Manager.
  • Updated to use Graph API v2.9.


  • Updates to localization for Smart Login
  • The title, description, caption and image field of FBSDKShareLinkContent have been deprecated. Please take appropriate action to remove usage of them.

Account Kit


  • Backup verification for phone number using voice call.
  • Calling logout endpoint for logging out


  • Added additional logging
  • Updated UX for the resending SMS flow
  • Improve experience for small screens
  • Remove LoginType from being required as part of the SkinManager and AdvancedUiManager
  • Improve how the disclosure text is shown in the UX
  • No need for AppLoginTheme if using skins
  • Upgraded to using v1.2 Account Kit graph api version

4.21.1 - April 6, 2017

Facebook SDK

No changes.

Audience Network


  • Crash when initializing ad views with Application Context

Account Kit

No changes.

4.21.0 - April 4, 2017

Facebook SDK

No changes.

Audience Network


  • Added various performance and stability optimizations.
  • New design for interstitial video ads - will be rolled out gradually.


  • Crash in In-App Browser caused by unloaded URL
  • Memory leak in Media Player fixed for Android 7

Account Kit

No changes.

4.20.0 - March 1, 2017

Facebook SDK


  • Updates and localizes the SmartLogin dialog.
  • Push tokens are now sent immediately. See docs for more details.

Audience Network


  • Added various performance and stability optimizations.


  • AudienceNetworkActivity is no longer required in the Android Manifest.


  • Fixed onAdClickedListener not firing for Native Ad carousel children.
  • Fixed Native Ad carousel click crash on emulators.

Account Kit


  • Includes 4 new localized languages.
  • Introduces Classic, Contemporary, and Translucent Skins for easy UI Customization.


  • Adds deprecation tags to legacy code.


  • Fixes various bugs.

4.19.0 - January 25, 2017

Facebook SDK


  • Facebook SDK is now auto initialized when the application starts. In most cases a manual call to FacebookSDK.sdkInitialize() is no longer needed. See upgrade guide for more details.
  • Activate App is now called during SDK initialization. To disable this feature please follow the directions in the upgrade guide.
  • Update the look and feel of LoginButton. See upgrade guide for more details.


  • Possible memory leak in ActivityLifecycleTracker

Audience Network SDK


  • Foregrounding/backgrounding listeners added to MediaView.


  • Crash in NativeAdsManager fixed for Android API < 18.
  • onComplete method in MediaViewListener is now properly called when video playback finishes.
  • Crash when launching In-App Browser due to unsupported protocols.

Account Kit SDK


  • Account Kit SDK is now auto initialized when the application starts. In most cases a manual call to AccountKit.initialize() is no longer needed. See upgrade guide for more details.
  • Default Account Kit Instant Verification button as "Continue"


  • Fixes crash bug where Android 7 will throw exception if a file is marked WORLD_
  • Back arrow theming in entry screen
  • Setting focus on first entry field in confirmation code entry screen
  • VI translations
  • Checking permissions behavior on certain devices


  • Logging for country codes

4.18.0 - November 30, 2016

Facebook SDK


  • Adds null checking to AppEventsLogger.handleResponse().

Audience Network


  • Fixed adViewDidClick not firing properly in FBInstreamAdView
  • Fix FBAdChoicesView expandable animation for UIRectCornerTopRight and UIRectCornerBottomRight

Account Kit SDK


  • Adds null check when getting an AccountKitError's errorCode.

4.17.0 - October 26, 2016

Facebook SDK


  • Added setUserID and updateUserProperties to FBAppEventsLogger. See here for more details.
  • Added "Smart Login" for Android TV/FireTV apps. See the blog post for more information. No API changes are needed to take advantage of this new feature.


  • Updated Android support libraries


  • Fixed issue with people tagging in Open Graph shares.

Audience Network


  • Fixed SQLiteDatabaseLockedException

Account Kit


  • Instant Verification for Phone Number login


  • Improvements to error code reporting
  • Updated to use the 1.1 Account Kit graph endpoint
  • Updated session logging
  • Removed cancel callback

4.16.1 - October 7, 2016

Facebook SDK


Audience Network


  • Transient ConcurrentModificationException
  • StrictMode warnings related to database cursors

4.16.0 - September 27, 2016

Facebook SDK


  • Added FacebookSdk.setGraphApiVersion to allow global setting of different Graph API versions


  • PR-483 Fixed potential DeadObjectExceptions
  • PR-483 Fixed potential DeadObjectExceptions
  • Better handling of themes for webdialog spinners

Audience Network


  • In-app browser to open link ads in WebView
  • InstreamVideoAdView class to support instream ad placements


  • Video cache limit updated to 64mb for prefetching
  • setAutoplay and setAutoplayOnMobile deprecated in MediaView


  • Memory leak caused by LocalBroadcastReceiver holding onto MediaView reference
  • NullPointerException if WebView is updating on device while cookies are synced

Account Kit SDK


  • Add a timer for sending new SMS to same phone number


  • Content language localization updates
  • UX for small screens updates
  • Change confirm button from "Done" to "Next"


  • Using Developer supplied country code over one found in phone
  • Vector drawables in Lollipop and lower devices
  • Keyboard displayed behavior on Lollipop and lower devices

4.15.0 - August 23, 2016

Facebook SDK


  • PR-470 allows developers to specify query params in the path element of a graph request
  • Classes and methods associated app and game groups have been deprecated
  • Modified device login UI to use Roboto font


  • Better handling of Chrome Custom Tabs for Facebook Login
  • Better handling of app event persistence when there's disk corruption
  • PR-481 Fixed switch user sample app
  • Fixed rotation issue with web dialog in Android 6.0

Audience Network


  • Video stability improvements and fullscreen UI updates

Account Kit SDK


  • Converted PNG image into vector drawable to shrink SDK size
  • Added example of specifying translation locales in the samples' defaultConfig
  • Updated disclosure strings for initial entry screen


  • Fixed RuntimeException caused by checking device permissions on older devices

4.14.1 - August 4th, 2016

Audience Network


  • Gradle remote dependency exception due to invalid 4.14.0 POM file

4.14.0 - July 13th, 2016

Facebook SDK


  • Facebook Lite App v11 and above will be automatically used by the SDK for Login flow if the Facebook App for Android is not installed



  • Fix issue where invalid app events cause failure to log app events

Audience Network


  • Fixed impression logging issue when Activity was shown above keyguard

4.13.2 - July 1st, 2016

Facebook SDK


  • In flight app events can be lost after switching activities

Account Kit SDK


  • NPE During login

4.13.1 - June 17th, 2016

Facebook SDK


  • Fix AppEventsLogger Null Pointer Exception

4.13.0 - June 15th, 2016

Facebook SDK


  • Let Chrome Custom Tabs open on Chrome Beta and Dev
  • Make Chrome Custom Tab access token work with Web View dialogs
  • Explitly log install in activateApp with AppEventsLogger


  • Fix activity leak in app events logger
  • Fix possible deadlock in AppEventsLogger
  • Fix %@ in translations
  • Fix Class not found when unmarshalling: com.facebook.login.LoginClient$Request
  • PR 476 - Fail fast on failure to find correct signature.

Account Kit SDK


  • Draw most image assets as vectors instead of as PNGs which cuts the SDK size


  • Fixed casting of next button from https://developers.facebook.com/bugs/1091582134248501/
  • Fixed error that shows when the SDK is not initialized to correspond with correct method name
  • Korean translation fixed for Phone login page

4.12.1 - May 26th, 2016

Facebook SDK


  • Handle NoSuchAlgorithmException on older Android devices when reading the responseCode on a HttpURLConnection

Audience Network


  • Removed usages of X509TrustManager to address Google Play warning


  • AdQuality missing dependency error
  • Bug preventing MediaPlayer from resuming playback on certain devices

4.12.0 - May 20th, 2016

Facebook SDK


  • Flushing app events is only scheduled if there are app events to flush instead of every 15 seconds.
  • Initial logins will now pass the "rerequest" flag so that previously denied permissions are presented in the login dialog
  • Moved to gradle 2.10
  • Changed access token source from CUSTOM_TAB to CHROME_CUSTOM_TAB
  • Deprecated AppLinkData.ARGUMENTS_TAPTIME_KEY
  • FacebookActivity and ChromeCustomTabsActivity to the Facebook SDK library's AndroidManifest.


  • Fixed issue in ShareDialog where quotes were not shared if the Facebook App was not installed.
  • Proguard stripping out serialization information causing exception when serializing app events to disk in certain circumstances.
  • Corrupted app events cached file never getting cleaned up
  • Potential crash when application is started after completing a share or login and the application was killed during the login or share.
  • Fixed Security and NPE on some Meizu devices

Audience Network


  • RecyclerView crash due to invalid child count
  • Bug where MPA child adListeners not called

Account Kit


  • Specify redirect_uri on email login attempts so people see a button prompting them to open the app after confirming


  • Accept email addresses with spaces at the end
  • Fixed a possible race condition when polling for email confirmation after cancelling the request

4.11.0 - April 12, 2016

Facebook SDK


  • Added AppEventsLogger.setPushNotificationsRegistrationId and AppEventsLogger.logPush*. See Push Notifications for more details.
  • Added ShareHashtag to support sharing hash tags. See Sharing on Android for more details.
  • Added ShareMediaContent to support sharing mixed content (e.g., photos and videos). See Sharing on Android for more details.
  • Added ShareLinkContent.Builder.setQuote to support sharing quotes from a link. See Sharing on Android for more details.
  • Added AppInviteContent.setPromotionDetails and AppLinkData.getPromotionCode to make it easy to include a promotion code with the app invite. See App Invites for more details.
  • Added AppEventsLogger.activateApp(Application) to greatly simplify using Facebook Analytics. Call this method from your Application's onCreate instead of inside each Activity. See App Events for more details.
  • Added DeviceLoginButton for device flow authentication with the ability to set a redirect URI.
  • Added DeviceLoginManager for device flow authentication with the ability to set a redirect URI.


  • Updated to use Graph API v2.6.
  • Improved session tracking accuracy in AppEvents, including a configurable value for identifying session timeout thresholds (located in your app's Facebook Analytics settings).
  • Chrome Custom Tabs can be used automatically by the SDK for the Login flow if the Facebook App is not installed.


  • Fixed issue where tokens issued via the web view would not refresh automatically.
  • PR-459

Audience Network


  • Added video pre-caching support for native ads


  • Modified Multi-Product Ad background and loading tile colors


  • Fixed Multi-Product Ad image precaching

Account Kit

In-App Notifications

4.10.1 - March 18, 2016

Facebook SDK


  • Updated version of support libs.


  • Fixed issue where tokens issued via the web view would not refresh automatically.

Audience Network


  • Removing overlapping view check to recover impressions.

4.10.0 - February 10, 2016

Facebook SDK


  • No longer require multidex
  • Reverted change in 4.9.0 to pass locale on all graph requests by default. You can still get localized results by manually specifying the locale field.

Audience Network


  • Added Multi-Product Ad support to MediaView.
  • Added AAR packaging and removing JAR packaging.
  • Add consumerProugardFile rules to ignore adapter warnings.


  • Fixed crash in BlurBorderImage height calculation.
  • Spinner will now show while video is buffering.


  • JAR packaging.

4.9.0 - January 13, 2016

Facebook SDK



  • The device's locale is now sent with all graph requests. This can result in results from graph api being localized to users current locale.


  • Fixed issue where accidental clicks outside the progress dialog during login would cancel the login flow.
  • Fixed issue where callback was not called after sdk initialize. PR 452
  • Fixed possible NPEs for listFile access PR 454
  • Fixed the like buttons social sentence to respect locale.
  • Fixed potential race condition in SDK initialization
  • Fixed the FBSDKLikeControl's social sentence to respect locale.

Audience Network


  • Better handling of video loading states including cover image and loading spinner.


  • Fixed bug related to detached surface texture causing IllegalStateException.
  • Fixed bug causing crashes if ad title was null.


  • Removed VideoView support from MediaView, affecting only Honeycomb and before.

4.8.2 - November 23, 2015

Facebook SDK


  • Added callback for access token tracker refresh method.

Audience Network


  • Fix MediaView crash when autoplay is disabled.

4.8.1 - November 11, 2015

Facebook SDK


  • NPE when setting share content on a send/share button not attached to a fragment.

Audience Network

No changes

4.8.0 - November 11, 2015

Facebook SDK


  • Added support for using login manager and ui elements with native fragments (android.app.Fragment)


  • Fixed a bug where connection could leak on exception


  • Set theme now applies to all web views. Not just login web view PR 448
  • Updated scrumptious app to work with native fragments instead of support fragments

Audience Network


  • Added EXTRA_APPLICATION_ID to browser intent to re-use tabs on ad click
  • Fixed IllegalStateException due to unreleased video player
  • Fix interstitial orientation issues by forcing it to display in intended orientation


  • Apache HTTP replaced with third-party AndroidHttpClient

4.7.0 - October 7, 2015

Facebook SDK


  • A NPE can occur when creating a GameRequestContent with a null ActionType PR 445


  • Moved to graph api v2.5
  • Target Android API is now 23
  • Deprecated 'to' member on GameRequestContent and replaced with 'recipients' member. PR 445
  • Download from developers.facebook.com now inlude an aar of the Facebook SDK for Android instead of the source. Source code and samples are available on github as always.

Audience Network


  • Fixed memory leak when creating NativeAdManagers
  • Fixed memory leak in native ad registration
  • Fixed memory leak in fullscreen video player
  • Fixed issue with pre-API 14 devices not playing video correctly
  • Fixed impression logging bug


  • Target Android API is now 23

4.6.0 - September 10, 2015

Facebook SDK


  • Added API for creating AppLinkData object from an intent.


  • Fixed obtaining identifiers via reflection. (PR-441)
  • Fixed strict mode violation during sdk initialization.
  • Fixed issue where graph requests and share api calls made on a background thread would fail.
  • Added missing CREATOR to share model classes. (PR-436)
  • Fixed issue where prefixing the application id with fb would not work. (PR-438)


  • Automatically disable send and share buttons if share content cannot be shared.
  • Minimum android sdk is now v15

Audience Network

NOTE: Facebook has identified a impression logging bug in the Audience Network jar version 4.6 for Android which can lead to lower impressions and revenue. It is fixed in version 4.7 and we highly recommend updating to that version.


  • Improved performance of MediaView content
  • Fixed memory leak in MediaView

4.5.1 - Aug 13, 2015

Audience Network


  • Fixed MediaView compatibility with large screen devices

4.5.0 - Aug 10, 2015

Facebook SDK


  • Added automatic AppEvent event logging for Like, Share, Send, and Login button clicks.
  • Added a new "Share It" sample app.
  • Added the ability to prefix app ID with "fb" in the AndroidManifest.xml (PR-435)


  • Fixed issue where like button would not always show as liked for page likes.
  • Fixed NPE when no app group privacy is provided to the CreateAppGroup dialog.
  • Fixed app crashing when neither Facebook app nor browser exists on user device.
  • Fixed integer overflow issue with app ID in AndroidManifest.xml (PR-435)

Audience Network


  • Added native video support to MediaView


  • AdChoicesView now defaults to clickable text only with option to use the existing expandable icon


  • WebViews now use ApplicationContext to avoid memory leaks.
  • Fixed NPE in View.getLocationOnScreen for old versions of Android

4.4.1 - July 13, 2015

Audience Network


  • Prevent auto refresh onError triggered on the client for interstitial and native formats
  • Prevent auto refresh for banner format when screen is off
  • Parsing of invalid request param errors
  • Rare race condition that led to 'Ad is not ready' exceptions

4.4.0 - July 8, 2015

Facebook SDK


  • Added a callback when FacebookSdk.sdkInitialize has fully completed
  • Added photo upload helper methods to the GraphRequest class.


  • Updated the default Graph API version to be 2.4. Developers will now need to explicitly ask for fields (like name, location, etc) in all Graph API endpoints.
  • Modified the naming of the LoginBehavior enum to better represent actual login behavior.


  • Failure to log in due to no network will now call onError instead of onCancel.

Audience Network


  • Fixed OutOfMemoryError from DownloadImageTask

4.3.0 - June 25, 2015

Facebook SDK


  • Google advertiser will be retrieved via remote service.


  • Upgraded to roboelectric 3
  • Changed namespacing of sample to com.example from com.facebook
  • Deprecating params for SharePhoto and ShareVideo. Use GraphRequest to share videos and photos where parameters are needed.
  • Updated buck build. pr 426 and 423


  • Hello Facebook sample app request unnecessary permissions for sharing via a dialog.
  • NPE when context is null when creating a logger for login. pr 430

Audience Network


  • Insterstitial crash triggered by back button when device flag "Do not keep activities" is on
  • Mixed content WebView bug for apps explicitly targeting Android 5.0
  • WebView crash when activateAd() called after WebView already destroyed

4.2.0 - May 28, 2015

Facebook SDK


  • Added graph node to ShareApi and params to photos/videos
  • Added support for gradle 2.4
  • Added translations
  • Iconicus Applinks sample
  • Ability to specify the theme used by the WebDialog for login.
  • Access non-unique information about device to send with app events to improve Facebook Analytics reporting.


  • Removed custom request code from LoginButton
  • Updated gradle to version 2.4 PR 421
  • Updated andtroid tools to 1.2.3
  • Removed jcandksolutions android-unit-test
  • Moved the calling of onClickListeners in the Share, Send and Login buttons to the beginning of action handling rather than the end.


  • Memory leak where login manager held on to context after login completes.
  • PR 419, fixed multi level context wrapper unwrapping.
  • Views now work in android studio designer
  • Issue were setting the peopleIds or placeId on OpenGraphShareContent fail.
  • Video sharing failed to share via native dialog for some content uris.

Audience Network


  • Fixed issue where some apps throw an exception when showing interstitial ads

4.1.2 - May 14, 2015

Facebook SDK


  • Sharing Open Graph objects via the ShareApi could fail to properly stage nested objects.
  • OnCancel mistakenly called during login flow under some circumstances.

Audience Network

No Changes

4.1.1 - May 6, 2015

Facebook SDK


  • All Open Graph content shared through the ShareApi required the user_messages permission.
  • Videos with a file uri instead of content uri fail to share via the ShareApi.

Audience Network


  • Null pointer exception with null user agent.
  • Catching OutOfMemoryErrors when blurring images for native ad templates.
  • Catching all the errors when blurring images for native ad templates.
  • Using less memory while blurring images for native ad templates.

4.1.0 - April 30, 2015

Facebook SDK


  • Added a new method to refresh permissions for an access token.
  • Added request recipients to the Game Request result.
  • Support for captions on the SharePhoto object.
  • Support for uploading larger videos in a more reliable manner.
  • Support for retrying video uploads.
  • Validation for missing manifest entries.
  • The ability to provide a message when calling the ShareApi from custom dialogs.
  • Progress dialog while sharing via the share api in scrumptious.
  • Namespaced style attr tags.
  • Travis CI support.


  • Issue where people saw messages saying "Failed to find provider info for com.facebook.katana.provider.AttributionIdProvider".
  • Crash in createFromNativeLinkingIntent when an intent without an access token was passed.
  • Null pointer exception when login is quickly cancelled.
  • Bug where webview cookies were not cleared on logout.
  • Bug in location picker for Scrumptious app.
  • Strict permission check in ShareApi for publishing.
  • Issue where app install event is logged without the app version.
  • Scrumptious failed to share pictures taken with the camera instead of chosen from the gallery.
  • Fixed a crash that happens in the support library if web dialog creation failed.
  • Fix bug where you couldn't set different permissions if the access token is not null.
  • Fix bug where app id could not be parsed if placed in AndroidManifest.xml instead of resource file.
  • Fixed bug preventing usage of fb:explicitly_shared for Open Graph actions.
  • Pull Request 411: Error message that was referring to LoginActivity instead of FacebookActivity.
  • Pull Request 415: Memory leak in WebView.

There are breaking changes in this release. See the upgrade guide for details. Upgrading the Android SDK from 4.0.1 to 4.1.0.

Audience Network


  • NativeAdsManager to assist in the retrieval of batches of ads.
  • NativeAdView which provides configurable native ad view templates, configured via a NativeAdViewAttributes object
  • NativeAdScrollView which provides a horizontal scrolling experience hosting either NativeAdViews or custom views.
  • Helper views to assist in implementations of native ads:
    • AdChoicesView for adding an expandable ad choices icon to custom native views
    • MediaView handles downloading and displaying NativeAd images while maintaining aspect ratios


  • Improved sample app to showcase NativeAdView templates


  • Misc bug fixes

4.0.1 - April 2, 2015

Facebook SDK


  • Added an explicit landscape layout for Scrumptious.
  • The tooltip_mode attribute on LoginButton can be set in layout.


  • The app settings are updated to be fetched by the executor on FacebookSdk.
  • LoginButton NUX settings are updated to be fetched by the executor on FacebookSdk.
  • Login button is updated to properly measure its size.
  • Fixed video uploads via ShareApi.
  • LikeViews associated to page ids will always be disabled on GingerBread devices.

4.0 - March 25, 2015

The Facebook SDK for Android v4.0 is a major version upgrade which features:

  • Improved login programming model.
  • Improved sharing programming model, and more ways to share without needing an access token.
  • Improved error handling and error recovery mechanism.
  • The SDK now allows developers to run ProGuard across the entire project, reducing the footprint in the final APK.

This describes the major differences between v3.x and v4.0 of the SDK. For details on upgrading, see Upgrading the Android SDK from 3.x to 4.x.

Facebook SDK



  • LoginManager and AccessToken - These new classes perform Facebook Login. For more information, see Facebook Login for Android.

  • AccessTokenTracker - This new class receives notifications of access token changes. This includes when a token gets updated, or when a different user logs in. See Facebook Login for Android, Track Access Tokens.

  • Profile and ProfileTracker Are new classes to get notifications of profile changes, such as when a different person logs in to your app. See Facebook Login for Android, Track Current Profile.

  • Login and Graph API Errors - LoginManager can now resolve GraphRequest errors which are login related. See LoginManager.resolveError()


  • ShareApi class to help sharing through the Graph API.


  • Strongly typed dialog classes - Are added for App Invites, App Group creation, App Group joins, Game Requests, Messages and Share. Each *Dialog class has an associated *Content class with a Builder so you can easily set parameters.


  • Deprecated - Any classes or methods marked as @deprecated in 3.x have been removed. Some feature specific classes have been moved into their own packages such as com.facebook.login and com.facebook.share.

  • Graph API - GraphObject, OpenGraphObject and OpenGraphAction classes have been removed in favor of using JSON objects directly. Apps that use OG objects/actions for sharing can still use the helper methods in the ShareOpenGraphObject and ShareOpenGraphAction classes to build an OG object/action. This allows developers to use ProGuard on their entire project.

  • UiLifecycleHelper removed - This is removed and the various onActivityResult or handleOnActivityResult calls for passing results for login or the dialogs are now in the CallbackManager class.

  • LoginFragment - Has been removed.

  • Picker fragments - Have been removed.


  • Sharing Classes - Many types for Sharing have been modified. See the Sharing on Android.

  • Dialog Changes - All *Dialog classes are converted to use FacebookCallback and CallbackManager.

  • Automatic Web Fallback - ShareDialog and AppInviteDialog automatically fall back to using a web dialog if the Facebook app is not present on device. See Sharing on Android , Built-In Share Fallbacks.


  • AccessToken now has userId.

  • Replacement Classes - Session and UserSettingsFragment have been removed and replaced by the LoginManager and AccessToken classes. LoginActivity is replaced by FacebookActivity.
